Friday, April 15, 2022



Michael and Willow talk to reporter Smalz and give him dirt on Nina. They hope public opinion goes their way. Smatlz has to ask Nina her side. He hopes there are no skeletons in their closets. 

 Harmony is going to meet Brenden but has a giant needle in her purse. Willow sees her and asks why she's at the Metro. She makes something up and Willow tells her that the press is going to dig up all their pasts because of a story. Harmony hugs Willow. 

Alexis is talking to Nina about Harmony in her office. She wonders why Harmony thinks she "owes" Nina something. It's a 'hunch' she has? Weird. Smaltz bursts in with the 'exclusive" -- and sees Nina. Tells her that Michael and Willow were talking about what a mess she was. Does she care to comment? ALexis is not happy. Nina storms out. Smaltz says that Alexis should at least read what he wrote about the custody thing. Then he explains how Nina basically "kidnapped" Sonny and the justice system failed to punish Nina. And isn't that the kind of story she's looking for? 

Carly goes to Charlie's to check on everyone after the robbery. She wonders if she has to worry because Sonny's enemies are smelling "blood in the water"..She talks about NINA and WILEY AND WILEY AND WILEY. THANK GOD Phyllis walked in. 

Chase gets a phone call in and has to come out of the shower shirtless.. LOL he says he'll be right there. 

Liz and Finn talk about her spending the night alone at the house. She said Cam was there. He has another plan. Oh, he wants Chase to live there!! Chase says he can help catch whoever it is doing this. Liz says no way should he live there. They talk about suspects. He says not Heather because no one has even visited her since 2018. Liz says its' someone really close to her because they know too much about their marriage. "it's like the call is coming from inside the house". Chase at least has a damn camera to finally install to see who's doing all this. 

Aiden is looking up Ouiji boards on his phone LOL ... Gram Laura walks up (outside Kelly's) and asks what he's doing.  She says those boards are fake and she played with them as a kid. He's not so sure. Lucy comes up and they celebrate and talk about Deception. Lucy brings up when Laura was also with the company in the 2000's. Laura says: I know you're dating my brother, it's ok. Lucy mentions talking to the universe to give their relationship a blessing. Aiden perks up. Laura goes in to get coffee and Aiden asks Lucy if she believes in spirits. She says she doesn't talk to them anymore and that she's more into positive universe vibes. 

Harmony is in a park and has a GIANT needle. LOL. "Ready Harmony to make this all go away" says Brenden. She decides against it and puts the needle back in her purse. Gives him $1000. He says that's not enough. She says she'll pay him off monthly. He says no. He pushes her, she  falls and the needle falls out. Brenden picks it up and says, you do heroine too?? Did you hook my brother on it? WAIT A MINUTE!! YOU MURDERED HIM DIDN'T YOU? 

Harmony pushes Brenden over the cliff

Carly finds out that Phyllis knew Harmony/Lorraine back in NYC 


  1. Chase's home: Geez! People just like to call him when he is in the shower!!! :) What if he has a woman in there?!

    Alexis's office:

    Nina and Alexis: Nina and her bread walk in. Another outfit that shows her bread. :)

    Poptart Smalls, Nina, and Alexis: Hahahaha. Nina and her bread don't like you Poptart. :)

    Poptart Smalls and Alexis: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I'm glad Alexis is going to let him write the story. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Poptart Smalls and Mildew: The only good thing about this scene is with Poptart Smalls. :)

    Nina and Mildew: Nina and your bread tear them apart!!!! :) and Mildew: I'm surprised that Willow isn't being all judgy with her mother because of her past. I mean everyone has to be perfect in Mildew's eyes. Including the Tribbles. Tribbles know their place. I don't think the Tribbles would ever visit them or Wiley.

    Liz's home:


    Finchy: I was nowhere near your neighborhood and thought I would stop by and say hi.

    ROFL! Finchy would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Fiz and Chase: I wouldn't mind if Chase babysat me.. :) We could do all sorts of fun. *Evil smile* Oh a camera! FINALLY! But uh you should really let Jam know. :)


    Aidan and Laura: A OUIJA BOARD?!?! NO NO NO! STAY AWAY FROM THAT AIDAN! Laura don't tell him it's not real. What is the matter with you?! That thing is evil.

    Lucy and Laura: Of course Lucy and Marty are dating off camera! *Face palm* Oh he is coming back soon? YAY! :) Marty talks a lot about Lucy awwwwwwww. :)

    Aidan and Lucy: Yes Lucy believes in spirits.. And also Vampires. :) She is a vampire slayer you know. :) Does Lucy know about Vampira? :) Yes Lucy you tell him! Stay away from evil spirits!!

    Aidan and Laura: Aidan wins the line of the day.

    Aidan: What does ta mean?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I guess you don't know Lucy very well huh? :) NO DON'T BUY THAT OUIJA BOARD!!! Look how expensive that is.. 24.99 plus tax is 26.43! Are you using your mom's card? UGH!

    Lenny's pub:

    Carly and Sonny: Same ol conversation. Yes Carly! Nina got him to stop drinking!! She has the power where you didn't.

    Carly and Phyllis: It's really shocking Carly isn't it? That and Phyllis know each other. :) I love Phyllis's hair!

    The park: and Brendan: Too bad she couldn't sleep with him first then kill him. WOW WHAT A HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE NEEDLE! What's in it? Drugs? Semen? Poison? Tribbles's juice? Well okay then. You don't need to give him the needle, just throw him over the cliff! ROFL! That will do it. The huge eyes had was creepy! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 4th 2006* When the Q's find out about Sonny and Emily. Gross!

    1. The cameras! finally. But they'll only work if the perp hasn't got his/her camera in the house already. Or if it's not Liz as even when sleeping her self conscious will know they're there. If it's her father( perhaps in the middle of a dementia attack or something, he may not have thought of the camera. If Esme is behind it, God only knows who's coming in. ( or maybe Ryan is sneaking out at night. lol he hated Franco.)

  2. This storyline with Liz began January 7th - just saying.....I still think the writers didn't know which direction to take----I thought is was Liz with DID or sleepwalking, which is what Chase will see on the camera...BUT the image of the man saying don't forget me makes me think it is related to her parents/rape/Zander?
    SO when Carly figures out about Willow/Nina, does she keep it a secret? There should NOT have been twins and then Nina wouldn't be the grandmother.......
    I think the Nina whining wanting Wiley began at the turn of the century---enough already....
    PLEASE don't have Alexis arrested for killing Brenden - hopefully SHE figures it out and figures out Harmony is a murderer....when WAS the last time Harmony was at work?

    1. "Mufasa says, BUT the image of the man saying don't forget me makes me think it is related to her parents/rape/Zander?"

      Wait what has all this have to do with Zander?

      "I think the Nina whining wanting Wiley began at the turn of the century"


      "PLEASE don't have Alexis arrested for killing Brenden"

      Why would anybody think Alexis did it? She was no where near him.

    2. honestly Zander just popped in my mind!!! thinking of men in her past.....don't forget me sounds like a man who hurt Liz....
      I was afraid Alexis would find the body-----and caught holding the needle....

    3. "mufasa says, honestly Zander just popped in my mind!!! thinking of men in her past....."

      Ohhhhh okay! :)

      "don't forget me sounds like a man who hurt Liz...."

      You mean Finchy? I hope he doesn't hut her!

      "I was afraid Alexis would find the body-----and caught holding the needle...."

      I hope not!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So Carly will prob figure out that Nina is Willow's mother, but won't divulge it out of spite. #Payback

    1. I bet Carly would tell the Tribbles, and then bribe the Tribbles to keep their mouth shut! ROFL!

    2. Oh I think Carly would love to see Nina suffer and knowing how she's treated Willow, this would be perfect.

    3. well, she and Michael certainly didn't hold a grudge towards Elizabeth, who hid Jason's identity for months.........kept him from his mother and rest of the family.
      I don't get why that's never brought up. Not to mention that Carly hid Nell's identity. Nell really reminded me of a young Carly......and her daughter is alive because of Nell.

  5. Someone needs to mention that awful, non-flattering dress Carly was wearing. Lucy and Nina were beautifully dressed. Glad Lucy had some screen time! That needle has been used so many times.

    1. the snarly dress looked like a moomoo

    2. totally agree.....wardrobe has big misses...

    3. That is what I immediately thought too. Moomoo. She's way too young for that type of dress.

  6. Putting Chase in scenes with Liz and Finn only proves how terrible a Finn/Liz pairing would be. And don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the chem with Brook and Chase. Finn looks like the old man, while Chase looks like someone fun and flirty for Liz which is exactly what she needs! TPTB would probably never go there because they hate the character of Liz and only appease Liz fans with dribs and drabs. We'll see....

  7. Just read they are going to send Charlotte to boarding school and SORA her again. Hmmmm. Wonder if it's true.

    1. What?! Why?!!? To what age? 25?

    2. I read the actress is leaving so it's boarding school for her. The speculation is that they'll sora her when they get a new actress, probably so she'll fit better with the teens. Maybe she'll be closer in age to to Jake who's 15. Can't see them making her any older.

    3. agree---to SORA her - WHY WHY do they have babies when they NEVER show them?
      Scout, Charlotte, Danny, Donna, Avery now and then, and for some reason Jake and Aiden are now on there......

    4. Probably because people keep posting that they want them to have baybays. Don't they realize how expensive it is to have babies or child actors on the show. they need minders, teachers, and heavens knows who else with them, and they usually have to hire twins.

  8. Cameron Mathoson IRL wife will be on GH at some point. Sounds line she'll be his Life couch or something.

  9. Overall, I enjoyed Friday's show. Things are accelerating to get ready for May sweeps, I guess.

    1. I enjoyed it too. It good to finally see some movement on some of these sls.

    2. Good show yesterday but unfortunately the Carly Drew potential paring is not something I want to watch. Still not feeling Liz and Finn - he seems too old for her. New Trina doing a great job.

  10. Literally a Friday cliffhanger. lol
    Harmony wins for the most facial contortions on a soap. And the biggest needle.
    Started to think Aiden was trying to contact Franco but the ring and tattered dress don't fit that scenario.

  11. Anyone else notice Nancy wearing what is probably her engagement ring since Alexis isn’t engaged to anyone?

  12. Do we get a Nurse's Ball this year? Probably not huh?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...