Tuesday, April 12, 2022

GH Postponed


Due to ongoing breaking news coverage, today’s scheduled episode of General Hospital will air tomorrow. #GH


  1. Strange. Repeat on Gh just ended and ellen is now on. No news interruptions.

    1. Yeah I thought we would get a news interruption.

    2. NBC kept regular programming

    3. All the channels had regular programming, even CNN. There's was breaking news earlier scrolled along the bottom at CNN telling what Biden WH Press conference was about, but it wasn't broadcast live. I thought maybe GH was short an ep this month since it's never cancelled like that before with larger cancel messages. lol

  2. Wow this episode was a year ago! Well a year and a month. Oh what the heck! I'll copy and paste my comments of what I said on that episode. We can reminisce! :)

    "The wedding: Fanna wedding, over.. Paxie wedding over... Alex's truth spilling, Hiney's ugly cry, and Anna and V.C. having eye! All good. :) Oh wait no! Maxie wants to still marry Hiney! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! UGH! Come on Dr. O! Spill Hiney's evil deeds!!!! Oh the pen!!! Yes yes make Dante kill Hiney! GREAT! :) Oh wait V.C. is stopping them? Hmmmmmm..

    Sam's cha cha's: Awww poor Hiney. I want to give him a hug. ;)

    Finchy's hotel room: Where is Roxie?!!?!?!?!

    Q home:

    Michael and Carly: Oh Carly! You can't stop Nina from seeing her grandchild!!! Grandparents have rights!!!! Oh look Lila's picture!!! :) Let's focus on that. :)

    Michael, Carly, Willow: The look on Carly's face when Willow told them what happened at the wedding! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Central Perk:

    Nina and Ava: Awww besties. :) I'm glad Nina feels comfortable enough to talk to Ava about what is going on and how she feels. :) And I am glad Michael called Nina to see Wiley! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :)

    "Karen says, The salad fork comment is what I need to gouge my eyes out with."


    Today's comments: Ahhh yes. The ol she isn't really your bio mommy! Your aunt is!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN! OH! Vanna!!! Well, not yet, but still. :) Sam and that bread dress. :) Jordan and her constipated look. :) Nina a year ago whining about Wiley, and she still is! ROFL! Well, at least Hiney is dead now.. Oh Dr. O and her pen to get a brainwashed Dante to kill Hiney!!! Click click click! ROFL! Love seeing Lucy!!!

    1. Imagine my dismay when I turned it on for the last 10 minutes and saw "he who shall not be named" and Maxie. I thought somebody was having a flashback. Then I realized what was going on. The horror!

    2. "Julie H says, Imagine my dismay when I turned it on for the last 10 minutes and saw "he who shall not be named" and Maxie. I thought somebody was having a flashback. Then I realized what was going on. The horror!"

      Hahahaha the horror!!! :) Well, the only good thing in those scenes, were Vanna having eye sex. :) Oh and the other scene that showed Lila's picture. :)

  3. In Manitoba we got the suffragists episode today where it's Joss' birthday and Trina and Joss go to vote for the first time and when they come out of the voting booth they're back in the early 1900s, Watched it for the 3rd time now 'cause we enjoyed it before and it really is a well researched and written episode about women gaining the right to vote.

    1. Wish that was the episode they showed here. I saw what Sonya saw. I really enjoyed the suffragists episode!

  4. Any fellow canadians? It's on citytv on demand. Just started watching. Phyllis gushing over brasha and the tips they leave her staff. Sante at mc, dante wants to celebrate something unknown. A sure to be fun family dinner- liesl, Scott, nina, britt. Ava wants scott. Chaos talking abt clearing Trina. Sprina, he didnt expect her at gallery, she tells him to go. I'll stop now, wont spoil.

    1. I didn't even check because they aired a repeat today too. I'll check it in the morning. Thanks.

    2. Nothing there . The 11th is the last one.

  5. Ok, I need to spoil so read at your own peril....

    At least one Casadine is smarter than he's been acting. Also, when was the last time we heard abt or saw Lila's Kids summer camp? Decent epi, good storyline movement.

    1. If it's Victor I'm going to hurt someone, lol! Hoping it's Nik. Please be Nik!

    2. "Flutterby says, Ok, I need to spoil so read at your own peril...."

      ROFL! Excited are we? :)

    3. Well it briefly looked like 2 casadines found their brains, I'm unsure as to who had that daydream so it is possible. But considering how dumb they've been acting, seeing it was an act was a relief!

  6. "Flutterby says, Well it briefly looked like 2 casadines found their brains,"


    "But considering how dumb they've been acting, seeing it was an act was a relief!"

    I bet it's Spencer!!!! :) Can't wait to see it today!!! :)


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