Tuesday, April 19, 2022

LACE: Carolyn Webber (Tuesday blog)


One of the greatest lines in TV history had to be Phoebe Cates uttering "Which one of you bitches is my mother?". 

LACE was a total camp mini-series. Panned by critics and loved by gays, it was truly a sight to behold. And now I can almost hear Elizabeth uttering the famous line but without the accent. 

We have had Carolyn Webber's name mentioned several times lately. We have never seen her onscreen. It is time.

As we have speculated with Jeff Webber's inevitable return, Karen and I are going to throw a few names out as a potential mother for Liz. As always, it is speculation. Nothing more. No spoilers, no inside knowledge, just our guesses. Feel free to play along and let us know who you think might be a good fit for the role. 

Jeff is listed as 72-ish. I am pegging Carolyn as mid to late 60s. Because of lack of background, I have no idea if she would be motherly/grandmotherly or a total bitch. I'm hoping someone a little reserved and cold so that she can warm up to Liz and  the children and grow into the role. 

Here goes nothing.


Who better than the actual mother from the LACE miniseries? Bess has been acting since the 70s. She is no stranger to both television and the movies. And she can do both comedy and drama and both very well. She is my number one choice. I like her work and feel she would bring a huge amount of chutzpah to this role. I can just see Bess playing a very no-nonsense hospital administrator.


She has been on TV forever. Many shows behind her and a recognizable character actress. She started on Ryan's Hope and then  Another World and then became a sitcom queen. Plus, in my opinion, I think she looks like Liz. Or, rather, Liz looks like her. This would be a really good pick. 


She started in the 80s with cheesy teen comedies and then went adult with Knots Landing. Sporadic acting credits in the past 10 years, and was on the Masked Singer with husband Clint last year. If the character background is a flighty, free-spirit one, I bet they can get her for a few months. Imagine a Nurse's Ball where we have an excuse to see her sing on the show. Maybe Clint can play a janitor and she can pull him onstage for an impromptu duet. 

OH MY GOSH... David did SUCH a great job I'm afraid to name anyone LOL... here goes nothing!! 


Daphne Zuniga --Daphne has been on many Hallmark movies and the show Signed, Sealed, Delivered.  I think she'd kick ass as Ms. Webber. 

Susan Day-- So, she's totally retired from acting but sometimes when I look at Rebecca, I see Susan back in the 70's!!  She's the right age and maybe can be enticed ?? 

Gabrielle Cateris-- Again, the right age. Icon of the 80's and hey, I could see her in the PC landscape. She's still acting and busy. GET her on the phone!! 

Karen will be out until Friday, so you are stuck with me and my nonsense for 3 days. Yes, 3 whole days. Try not to be too traumatized. Sonya, please do your thing and the rest of you, do the comment thing. Thanks to everyone. Today is the Tuesday blog. 


  1. Thanks Dave. I guess we can say bitch on here. Liz's mother would have to be a snobby bitch IMO to have left her when she was so young. So it would have to be someone in that category. The choices are awesome.

  2. I hope so. I mean NO DISRESPECT. It wasnt meant in a derrogatory way. I mean, personally, if someone came up to me and called me a bitch, my first response would be "THANK YOU!!!!!"

  3. These are good choices. Is Cassie DePaiva still on a soap? She'd be a good one.
    Although probably older than this role I'd love to see Robin Strasser on GH again.

  4. Alexis is going to get accused of Brendan's murder

    1. But there is no proof! And there are finger prints on his throat! It won't be Alexis's!

    2. I thought that at first but I think she figures out Harmony did it and gets in trouble.......

  5. I never heard of the miniseries Lace.

    "Karen will be out until Friday, so you are stuck with me and my nonsense for 3 days. Yes, 3 whole days. Try not to be too traumatized."

    ROFL! Oh stop you do not have nonsense! :)

    "Sonya, please do your thing"

    OKAY!!!! :)

    The gym:

    Drew and Michael: They are sparring! Well that is very good continuity. Yesterday Willow told her mother that Michael is at the gym. :)

    TJ and Mr. Hat guy: Mr. Hat guy asked TJ if he has picked his specialty yet. He hasn't. TJ just saw Aunt Stella. TJ wins the line of the day.

    TJ: She fussed all over me. Said it looked like I'm not eating enough.

    BAHAHAHAHA! TJ if you were in an Italian family, they would say the same thing. :)

    Drew, Michael, Mr Hat guy and a touch of TJ: Mr Hat guy wants that job that Drew offered him. That job is filled Drew says! Oh oh! Mr. Hat guy knows that the job offer was a fake! He is upset and tells Drew off! Drew goes to call Curtis to tell him!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Vanna: They were catching up on Hiney. She told him she felt a lot of guilt! Wow they are both wearing blue. :) He tells her that he would have done the same thing to Hiney as she did to him. Not helping him get help. He also told her that he put Charlie at a boarding school. Geez I'm thinking no kiss hello and no kiss goodbye?! That stinks! :( He leaves and I'm left with BLAH!!!! I can't believe it.. Oh there is a knock on the door. She opens the door, and he grabs her and kisses her! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THAT'S MORE LIKE IT! YEAH BABY YEAH! :) YOWZA YOWZA YOWZA! :)


    Cujo Jr, Trina, Cam and Spencer: Wow! Cujo Jr is really up in arms over Spencer. She wants him gone! She is sticking up for Trina and arguing right in the middle of Kelly's! Britch shows up and watches.. The couple at their table is like deaf or something. They don't hear anything!

    Cujo Jr, Trina, and Cam: Oh come on Cujo Jr! Cam can't fire Spencer!!! You are being ridiculous! Trina doesn't want Spencer fired. Cam won't fire him. Cujo Jr won't listen to Cam! Someone get the Tribbles to calm her the hell down!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Willow and Harmony.com: Talking about Nina.

    Willow: How can anyone so underhanded live with herself?

    Oh I don't Willow! You could live with yourself when you cheated on Chase with Michael!! SHUT UP!

    Harmony.com: It doesn't mean I'm not going to make more mistakes.


    The bartender and Harmony.com: Harmony.com is drunk and can't find the bathroom. The bartender has to tell her where it is! ROFL! She left her folder on a chair. Oh oh is Willow going to see it and open the folder?!

    Alexis and Harmony.com: Harmony.com wants Alexis to have the drink she is having! :)

    Britch and Spencer: Talking about the Tommy and Pam sex tape.

    Britch with her phone: Oh she is going to contact one of her matches!

    The pier:

    Cop Rory and Alexis: Wow Rory is so sweet and has manners! :) He asks her if she needs a blanket in case she is cold. Awwww. :) Rory is going to be so great with Trina. :)

    Cop Rory, Alexis, and Jordan: Yes Jordan is doing her job, but Alexis no more talking! Go get a lawyer!!!! WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP TALKING?! GAH! First Trina and now Alexis! Who next?

    Jordan and Cop Rory: They are showing the body. Jordan is teaching Cop Rory.

    The hospital:

    Portia and Jordan: Oh boy! Portia is all upset and in mama bear mode!

    Purtis and Jordan: Portia knows that Jordan still has feelings for Curtis!

    Curtis and Jordan: Jordan knows that Portia is in mama bear mode and protecting her daughter. Jordan is very understanding.

    Purtis: Portia came back and wants to apologize to Jordan. But Portia knows she is right about Jordan still having feelings for Curtis.

    1. sonya said: "She opens the door, and he grabs her and kisses her! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THAT'S MORE LIKE IT! YEAH BABY YEAH! :) YOWZA YOWZA YOWZA! :)"

      *** LMAO . Did you hear me all the way up here yelling, "Are you happy now , Sonya" When he came through that door? I think they added it just for you.

      And what's with Marshall telling Drew he grew up"entitled"? Have the writers even read his origin story?

      Poor Harmony is going to have a breakdown. ( But I want the truth about Willow to come out soon."

      And cutie cop was so sweet with Alexis. 😍

    2. sonya's line of the day: Someone get the Tribbles to calm her the hell down! LOL
      Don't care how tipsy Harmony is. She would not leave that bag behind. Nice bag, btw.
      Anna's constant regrets over Hiney's death are misplaced. Nephew or not he 'was' a psychotic monster.

    3. "Di says, LMAO . Did you hear me all the way up here yelling, "Are you happy now , Sonya" When he came through that door?"

      Hahahaha. No I didn't hear that. I was too busy cheering!!! :)

      "I think they added it just for you."


      "And what's with Marshall telling Drew he grew up"entitled"? Have the writers even read his origin story?"

      I have no idea what that was about!! I guess he was just upset and lashed out.

      "Poor Harmony is going to have a breakdown."

      Yeah it looks like it!!!

      "But I want the truth about Willow to come out soon."

      ME TOO!!!

      "And cutie cop was so sweet with Alexis. 😍"

      He was!!! :) His mama brought him up right! :)

      "Zazu says, sonya's line of the day: Someone get the Tribbles to calm her the hell down! LOL"

      ROFL! She wouldn't stop bellyaching! :)

      "Don't care how tipsy Harmony is. She would not leave that bag behind. Nice bag, btw."

      TRUTH! And yeah very nice bag.

      "Anna's constant regrets over Hiney's death are misplaced."

      It sure is!!!

      "Nephew or not he 'was' a psychotic monster."

      HE WAS!!! V.C. just needs to help her forget the guilt!! ;) ;)

    4. SONYA. just watch the clip i posted. thats pretty much all you need to know about the miniseries!!!

    5. Hat Man doesn't know anything about Drew except that he's a Quartermaine so I understood his lashing out. It was totally wrong but predictable. Personally, I'm sick to death of him and the merry-go-round conversations he has. Move along already.

      I was team Cam and Portia yesterday. Joss and Jordan can stuff it.

      I was yelling at Alexis to shut the heck up, and was very relieved when she finally brought up Diane. As Sonya says....GAH!!!!!

      And oh my goodness....Anna and Val's smooch? WOW! More please!

  6. So it is time to guess what May sweeps will be:
    Harmony dies/Willow and Nina find out the truth
    Curtis finds out about Marshall
    but I don't the sex tape story ends just yet....or Victor.....or Liz....

  7. I always thought that Susan Lucci would be perfect for Liz's mother. But, I always thought her character's name was Marla, not Carolyn. I don't remember why.

    1. Oh, I also think that Sharon Gabet would be a good choice.

  8. teen scene is too boring. put a bullet in joss's head for excitement!

  9. just wait guys.... you got 2 more days of this!!!

    does anyone have a prediction or endgame for Liz right now?

    1. The best "endgame" for Liz would be for Lucky (Jonathan Jackson) to come back and reunite/re-construct a beautiful family.

    2. I like Jonathan Jackson's Lucky but he'll never come back ):

    3. oh, i am going to burst both your bubbles tomorrow. :(

  10. Dave, I loved all your picks for Liz's mom, and Karen's too. I can't choose! I would die if Laurie Partridge came back on my screen. I loved her on LA Law. We really need Liz's parents on screen.

    I laughed out loud at the Lace reference. Read the book, watched the miniseries...and I loved them both. Talk about a blast from the past! Thanks for that! :)


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