Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Cop Blocked


It's always interesting when I take a few days off and try to catch up on Hulu. It's not the same as watching live (Better--no commercials) and I always feel a bit jumbled. 

Today's SS will be more humor than recap and more observation than anything else. I hope you enjoy. I will try to put everything into a summary at the end in the Wubshell section for those of you that missed the week. 

photo credit: @Here4Sprina 

TERROR FROM THE WARDROBE DEPARTMENT OF THE WEEK:  Yes, it's a soap. Wardrobe can be 'out there' but... but.. WHAT??? This summer Florida retirement home lounge dress in Port Charles in the middle of April (we still have snow) ... and..??? You'd think poor Laura Wright would have been all: Um..please --no!! LOL  Photo credit: @GinaTagnonifan1 

FREAK OUT(S) OF THE WEEK:  Oh boy.. and I thought she was a seasoned professional cult-bot! Yeah, ya killed a dude but why the Xanax Worthy break down?? Lord woman!! You get hammered after getting the files you were looking for and proceed to lose your ish in front of half the town. I mean, Carly's dress was enough to send anyone to the booze but GET IT TOGETHER!! 

GOATS OF THE WEEK: Yep.. we got them together in a scene!!  The Ice Princess story feels like it's buried under the radar so I was happy they at least talked together. Robert knew Jennifer Smith was too dumb to set this all up herself LOL 

WASTE OF THE WEEK: Damn it, eat that pastry. This story is all about a dating app and Brad's job. PS. He's working for his Aunt like we all knew he would! 

FIGHT OF THE WEEK:  Cam decked Spencer, Spencer hit the Rory our Rookie on "accident" and.. well. they all ended up in jail for about 20 minutes. 

WHAT THE FK OF THE WEEK: Ok, you spend DAYS on Marshall nonsense...and crap about Willow and Michael sitting around whining and Leo's adoption scenes last MAYBE 15 min in a choppy edit on Friday? WOW. Just WOW. It happened so fast that people were all dressed and at the Qs before I even realized WTF was happening. Abrupt and just done badly. I'm 100% sure this was editing choices. 100%. Shame on you. This should have been way longer and way more. 

MORE WTF OF THE WEEK: This Liz story-- this mess that was Friday just sent me over the edge. You had it going--Chase looking around for the noise and then we see him down on the floor when Cam comes in. Then?? He's GETTING READY TO LEAVE GH--in a whole other outfit? There was no continuity at all. This could be a great major story. STOP CHOPPING UP SCENES!! I know way more is written. You are destroying the suspense and story-telling.  I know there are 50 stories going on right now but this should be way more important than it is and just--ugh. Piss me off. 

GROSS OUT OF THE WEEK: Um.. I'm all for Esme "seducing" Nikolas but lean into it.. this is just an After School Special.  AND it's the same move she did with "DADDY" Ryan! ewww!

MAYOR GAMMA OF THE WEEK:  Um.. she's pissed but got her boys out damn quick.  photo: @JeterGirl410

WU OF THE WEEK: Oh, yep..we have gambling in Da Savoy and she got the goods on Marshall. All is right with the world. Even IF Sonny had to stick his dimples into the mix. 


Cameron continued to make his rounds as Mr. Rogers to visit the neighbors in PC

Suggestion by Cam: Merge Aurora and ELQ

Leo is adopted by Ned

Chase tries to protect Liz but gets knocked out AND the security cameras fail 

Brad is working in the gambling room; Wu gets Curtis the goods on Marshall 

Portia and Jordan have a spat about Trina/Curtis...yada yada

Alexis finds a body in the water; Neil's brother 

Harmony loses her ish but gets the file about Willow's real parentage tries to burn it but Carly catches her in the act

Dante and Sam make up

Valentin is home

Fab 4 talk about Luke's murder, they figure out that Jennifer probably didn't do it

Britt is stood up by her date; Spinelli freaks out (we think because he made the app)

Sonny still has on his butterfly bandage 

Esme tries her best to get 'closer to Nikolas' ewww

Cam and Spencer fight, Spencer hits Rory who's a cop

Cam and Spencer get out of jail in record time

Aiden can't contact Franco using the Ouija Board 

WUBS BITCHES OF THE WEEK; Get whoever is messing with the show in the editing room a break. My goodness. I know you missed a day and have to catch up but damn. Friday's show was a mess and really left me in a bad mood. Chase couldn't even be wearing the same shirt from scene to scene!  Leo's adoption reminded me so much of the Deception Party. It started 3/4 of the way through and was just a nothing burger. I liked his freak out about theater therapy but there should have been SO much more. And MONICA NOT THERE? Didn't you JUST get a temp recast for her if Leslie couldn't make it?? WTF? GET HER BACK!!  

Epiphany should be a main character. Period. I wish she ran the Brownstone and the nursing staff AND was getting her medical degree. She totally could do it all. Dating thing? Ok, we get it but it's moving way too slow and it's just.. not that interesting. 

Is Austin even on the show? I know Roger takes vacations but good lord. He was on for a scene at the gym then...?? Um?? What. Why wasn't HE at Leo's adoption? I don't even know anymore. Either develop the character or let it go. 

The LIZ STORY could be so much more. SO MUCH's not even mysterious at this point because it's chopped up and the reactions of the characters are so uneven. Please turn down the lighting during 'spooky/tense' scenes. GH is always on kilowatt 4000. 

ESME? RYAN? 'membah them?? Cray killer RYAN? And her plotting/scheming is NOT worthy of a Chamberlain. Nope. 

WUBS HAPPY OF THE WEEK:  Anything Wu related... Brad in a suit. How sparkly Britt is in every scene. Alexis and Finn's talks. Leo being Leo and Olivia's reaction to his not wanting to do the play; thinking it's her fault (totally true to life).  Marshall and Trina are good together for sure. (what was that FOG? LOL) 

OK, I'll shut up now. I was just so disappointed this week in so many ways. The stories are there but the 15 second scenes are destroying any momentum you have. Things that need to be 'bigger' aren't. Things that should be 'smaller'...well, you know. 

So that's that!! Hope YOU had a good week. We did have snow here--:eyeroll: but not as much as south of us!! They had a foot!! Today is supposed to be high 70's. That's life in WNY!! 

for reading and keeping up with my blog tales. THANK YOU TO DAVE especially for filling in. Sonya can always be counted on for recaps. 


  1. When we see a character fade to black like we are seeing with Austin, do you suspect Roger might be leaving GH?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I certainly hope Roger isn't leaving, because he is a talented actor and always fun to watch, even when the material is sub-par.

      I wish they would rework Austin's character and have him team up with Ava. (Better yet, ditch Austin and bring him back as Todd Manning.)

    2. lol We're confused enough now,Kevin. That would put me over the edge.

      Maybe he 's on vacation and it's just poor continuity. I do like the fade to black scenario though, JSL.

  2. Did Spinelli make the app, or was HE Britt's date?

    1. Watching that scene, I got the impression Spin was Britt's date but he chickened out. It was so poorly written.

    2. Never thought of him developing the ap, Lindie. Maybe he was product testing. lol Although I also thought maybe he was Britt's date. he woukd have had to use a false picture though.

  3. Thanks Karen as always. Yup, the show just hasn't been in top shape.

    My highlights. As you call them THE FAB FOUR

    Anna and Valentin; although I think the writers are breaking them up before they even get started as Valentin is pulling the same secretive crap he did with Nina. Maybe that is because JPS still won't be on the show as much??????

    Too choppy. Lacking mystery. I don't really care about 99% of the stories. Makes me sad.

  4. why is carly lead character? she is one note. when I see her in every story all I can think of is the book my son had when he was little WHERE IS WALDO. and the moomoo was too much.

  5. Maybe the wardrobe dept. is sick of Carly, too. Loved the SS and the show was choppy and nonsensical.
    Drew has more chemistry with Britt than Carly. His real wife’s hair is not attractive. Loved seeing Maxie and Spinelli. That Vanna kiss was the best moment of the week but unfortunately no continuity.

  6. It's official -- "General Hospital" is in desperate need of new writers. I was willing to cut them some slack for awhile, but it's getting ridiculous. ABC/Disney should clean house and hire an all-new writing team, because some of those folks have been around for 15 or 20 years. We need fresh blood.

    There are good elements sprinkled here and there on "GH" right now (Esme's machinations, Victor's master plan, Britt sparring with Ms. Wu, the mystery with Liz) but they are few and far between, AND they are squandered with weird pacing and too short scenes.

    1. Oh, and I think some of the current pairings are wrong. The following couples would click better and be more interesting -- Drew and Britt, Finn and Alexis, Liz and Chase.

    2. I'm thinking they need to get rid of Frank. He is the puppet master and he's been that way for too many years at this point with the terrible toilet ratings this show has had over the last MANY years.

    3. I personally like the writers and think they are using vets SO much more now. The editing is horrible and after hearing about Ron's woes, yes..FRANK

  7. Thanks for the SS kd. Spot on in most cases for me.

    And "more humor than recap" is always good for me. Anything but the daily buckets of bile that have me leaving some sites. Your recaps and Sonya's follow-ups leave me with a smile on my face even when the show has disappointed. Keep up the great work.

    1. Hear hear Di!! I agree about Karen's recaps and Sonya's follow ups. Thank you Karen and Sonya!!!!!!!!!

  8. I think I remember that Leo was adopted by Ned years ago . . . Anyone else remember that?

  9. Another great SS! I always look forward to your week's critique. Thanks.
    Carly is everywhere. Once hated everyone, now is besties with everyone.
    Do the writers, editors and/or PTB ever watch what they put out there? Little things like Harmony's bag left on the bar stool when she went to the bathroom. They focused on that and then...poof, next scene she was clutching that bag.
    CM's wife IRL...really, a momentary executive coach. Who needs this.

  10. I think they should do some more chem testing with Drew and Britt. Give them some playful fun scenes and we "the audience" should see if they are good together. Drew and Carly; no way.

    1. Totally agree about Drew and Carly. Drew is Carly's Jason replacement. I don't want them to be a couple because within 6 months Carly will be back with Sonny and she will cut Drew loose, so don't even go there.

    2. Drew to TOO NICE For BRITT!! LOL...


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...