Thursday, January 13, 2022

Two For One

 Austin and Brook... it's weird because I don't even think of Austin as a Quartermaine. 

Alexis and Sam are spending a LOTTA time together. WHAT Is with Sam's SWEATER AHAHAHAHAA? 

Loved Jane Elliot ...Tracy was awesome yesterday. Leona Helmsley reference... awesome. 

OMG Sonny saying Carly won't let it go because of JASON .. WHOOT!! 

Olivia and Robert. I like them flirty friends. I like Ned and Olivia so... 

Tracy is FREE!! Alexis saves the day 


Shaky cam at the Qs... Brook tells Chase that Tracy knows the truth.  Tracy also suggested to Brook that Louise be taken across the ocean to be 'kept safe'. OFF CAMERA. Geeze. Brook says she wants her to move to Amsterdam--and Chase says he'll move into the Q house. Oh no, wait he wants her to move in with HIM. Oh they are going to rent their own place and have Tracy pay for it. WEIRD.

Drew sees Victor at The Metro. They bark at each other. Sam tries to stop them. Sam then tells Drew she gave Valentin his ELQ shares that were in trust with him. 

Maxie and  Anna talk. Maxie is like: Louise? Yawn. Anna is worrked. Maxie is just bored. Anna goes over the 'evidence again'.  Stupid. 

Felicia gets in to see Peter. Pretty lame, imo. He does call her Princess. 

Brad and Britt eat brunch in her office. He's upset because he has no husband..and  Wiley's fam hates him... and no one will hire him for lab work. He also tells Britt his Aunt has a hold over him and he did something horrible for him. Oh he tells her he poisoned Peter. 

Austin plots with Val against Brook Lyn. On the phone so far. Comes to his office. They don't say much. Then Victor comes in. Maybe he'll figure out the baby stuff. 


  1. Today's show was a festival of boredom. Hiney/WR is ruining every episode he is in. They will never kill him.
    Go Brad. You deserve a medal.

    1. The "Princess" reference was like nails on a chalkboard to me. Peter had no business saying that at all. So dumb.

    2. I agree. Felicia has earned her title fighting crime. What has PLP done? Murdered people.

    3. I only liked that he called her that as a nod to those of us who knew what he actually meant. Would have been awesome if she had Anna'd him in the nuts!

  2. The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster on the phone with V.C.: Valentin! My man!

    HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Too bad we didn't get to see V.C. today.

    Pawtucket Holtster and Victor: Victor is going to figure out that Bailey is Louise isn't he? :)

    Felicia and Hiney: Don't believe a word he says Felicia!!! He doesn't have a soul! He is pure evil! Bringing up her past and about Georgie? WOW! At first I'm like how does he know all that? Oh wait Maxie told him I'm sure. This was actually a great scene. :) Kristina Wagner just pulled me in. :) That's what vets do! They pull you in no matter who is in it.

    Brad and Britch: Awww Brad your auntie made you do something awful? Like what? You mean poison Hiney? Awww that's not awful. :)

    Brad: I poisoned Peter August.

    Like I said Brad. That's not awful.. :) Don't beat yourself up. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Maxie and Anna: Sounds like Finola Hughes has a cold. Maxie is not going to be very helpful Anna. And uh looking for Louise is a waste of time. :)

    Victor, Maxie, and Anna: Oh Maxie is NOT afraid of Victor. :)

    Victor and Anna: Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: We've all moved on from the 50's.


    Drew and Victor: Yeahhhhh Drew isn't happy seeing you Victor.. :) Looks like Victor has a crush on Drew though. :)

    Sam and Drew: Okay what do we have here? Little eye sex and little moments here and there? Drew must like her shoulder. He did touch it. And when Drew brought up Dante, Sam was lookin strange. Does she have a wittle crush on Drewkins? :)

    Q breakfast nook: Whoa camera movement.. No reason for this!!!! ACK!

    Blazer Lynn and Chase: Off camera stuff from Blazer Lynn and Tracy? UGH! Oh a nice hug from Brase!! :) Too bad they didn't kiss. Well they are gonna live together, so that's a start.. :) Oh the little banter they had was cute. :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October of 96* Lucy and Luke! See? They were friends and business partners! Lucy should really be told about Luke's death and not OFF SCREEN!!!! Lucy and Luke were really funny here, and Luke was suspicious of Alexis. :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Flea should have smothered PLP with a pillow. dare he?!
      Drew should have punched Victor.
      Chase should have smooched BLQ.
      And we should have seen Tracy and BLQ's conversation.
      I did enjoy yesterday's show though, lol! (I'm Team Nina, too!)

    3. "Julie H says, Flea should have smothered PLP with a pillow. dare he?!"

      A lot of people should be, but they are not. They all like to talk to him.

      "Drew should have punched Victor.
      Chase should have smooched BLQ.
      And we should have seen Tracy and BLQ's conversation."

      A lot of things the characters should be doing!

      "I did enjoy yesterday's show though, lol!"

      Hahahaha. Me too! :)

      "(I'm Team Nina, too!)"


  3. Brook Lynn and Chase banter was so cute.
    Oh yes. Victor is so close at figuring out that Bailey is Louise. Felicia is always excellent. Why oh why are we not getting Vanna scenes? Yes Finola sounds nasally. Hope its only a cold

    1. Just sad Brad didn't give Peter enough poison. WISH WR and LW would go on a long vacation. At least no Carly today

  4. I'm waiting for Britt to say that he did a lousy job because Peter is still alive. YOU HAD ONE JOB, Brad. lol

    Storms and freezing weather all up the eastern seaboard and Sam is walking around minus one side of her top. lol She looked ridiculous.

    1. "Di says, YOU HAD ONE JOB, Brad. lol"

      Oooooo! I want Britch to say that to Brad!!!!! :)

    2. That was what I meant. I want those words to be the first ones out of her mouth tomorrow. lol

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. LOL Di. Sounds like something Britt will tell Brad.

    5. One Job Brad!!! HAHAHAHA! Excellent. Fingers crossed Britt says it today. I'll die! Sam's clothes lately are absurd. I'm really starting to have a problem with the wardrobe department.

    6. "Di says, That was what I meant. I want those words to be the first ones out of her mouth tomorrow. lol"

      YES YES YES!!! :)

  5. Sonny should be furious Selena Wu didn't kill Peter.

    1. Exactly. And where is Selena anyhow? The pacing on this show needs so much improvement.

    2. The pacing is so horrible. I love VAnna. One of the only reasons I watch, but they don't show them together for weeks or months to prop the favorites. I hate it.

  6. exactly - when is Sonny going to confront Selina??????
    Peter isn't dead......................
    I am thinking maybe Tracy knows Luke is alive - cause I still feel Luke and Holly will be found (even if off-camera)...
    and to repeat myself daily, NINA wake up - Sonny is a mob boss - he ain't Mike...
    this is the slowest GH has been in months...

    1. Sonny needs to do something that scares Nina. Like pull a gun or something

    2. Oooo. Good. He pulled a gun on Elijah and she freaked out!

  7. What is going on with the terrible EDITING?? Everything is all over the place. Scenes being completely deleted aka "offscreen". Doing this really upsets the flow of the show. Extremely distracting. Love Chase and Brook!! I enjoy Brad and Britt because they are fun. Austin is just another failed character that I do not care about one bit. Same with Parking Lot Peter. Major fail. Poor Anna and Maxie left propping that absolutely ridiculous Peter storyline that never ends and nobody cares about. Shameful. I don't even care about Maxie getting her baby back at this point. It's dragged on far too long and the storyline had no solid structure. Just kept changing it to prop Peter/Wes and his absurd Julliard overacting scenes to the point of embarrassment.

    1. I agree with you 100%! Austin always seems to be floating above the atmosphere-hard to know and hard to like. I wished Felicia had at least spit in PLP’s face. Chase and Brook moving in together is a good idea but it prolongs that never ending story. But at least no CarSon today.

    2. I agree with both of you, about everything. And off camera GH is so on my nerves.
      Victor is going to figure out the whole Bailey/Louise thing and I'm going to be mightily PO'd.

  8. Maybe they don't have a choice with some of them. Things happen and people become unavailable in the middle of a storyline.

    1. That headline is funny. "Kelly Thiebaud Under Quarantine After Testing Positive for COVID — For Real This Time." For real this time?! ROFL!

    2. Remember she had a false positive before and was self isolating till the second test came back. Read the article. lol

    3. "Di says, Remember she had a false positive before and was self isolating till the second test came back. Read the article. lol"

      Oh I know Di, it's just the way they worded the headline was just funny. :)


  10. Eww. Not another Scorpio/Olivia cry on shoulder scene. Been there. Should be kaput.

  11. The only *small* thing I kinda liked is Peter using Felicia's past to try to anger her. There was that long period while Maxie was growing up that Felicia wasn't around (a stupid move on the writers' part back then).

    Now that Felicia is back (yay!), I do want to see her guilt explored a little.

    1. I would be ok with Maxie saying something, NOT Peter because he just uses stuff like that for his own agenda.

  12. I imagine Peter will use self defense in his case against the killing of Franco. This is just killing the whow. Marty representing Peter. Valentin letting that go......... This is all just so so stupid recently on this show. Anna and Maxie propping up WR. IDK man, this is terrible.

    The shaky camera was weird. Never saw that on national tv before I don't think. Not by accident anyway.

  13. Lydia Look. aka Selena Wu is in Singapore for two months visiting family. Looks like she'll be back.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...