Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dating Game


Felicia and Maxie at Charlie's talking about Luke, drinking whiskey. Say that Holly, Sean and Luke are gone and Robert must feel awful. Felicia still wants to talk about Louise. Maxie doesn't. Maxie tells Felicia that she wants Austin on her "phone chain". 

Laura is mad Victor is in the house... Spencer and Ez are in the kitchen. Laura calls him Smarmy. LOL He says he's not leaving PC. He wants to atone for his family sins. Spencer and Esme made tea. Laura tells him to stay. Victor drops that Luke died.  They have tea. Spencer and Esme watch Laura and Vic go toe-to-toe on the banter LOL 

Willow goes to see Nina. She apologizes to Nina for telling her secret. Weird scene. Willow says she'll be in trouble if Michael finds out she was there to see Nina. She wants Nina to give up her legal claim on Wiley and then she'll work on Michael to help her see him. Nina is like no way. Willow keeps arguing. Tries acting tough. Fails. 

Carly gets home, Sonny's baking.. she looks all pissy. Sonny's made lasagna -- she tastes it. Needs more sugar. He got bread and wine. Sounds a bit manic to me. They eat..she picks her food. OH! He mentions LUKE!! WELP...she didn't know yet. She wants to go to Bobbie's but LUCAS told Sonny she went to bed early and he gave her something to help her. So.. don't go over. Carly is tired of pretending that everything is ok with she and Sonny. Sonny says "Nothing compares 2 U" like the Prince song LOL She's mad something almost happened in Nixon Falls. OMG HE HAD NO MEMORY!! Good LORD!! She tells him to go see Nina 'I know you want to". She's such a bitch. 

Marshall and Curtis back in Marshall's hotel room. OF course Marshall starts to back out telling him. Good God, this is just so boring. He says he did something and before it became bad for the family, he left. It was criminal and he was under a bigger boss and was in trouble and left. I bet the boss was Cyrus. Marshall won't say more. Curtis says he knows Mob people...and he can help him. 

Austin and Britt out at the Savoy. Trying to pick up people. Cute but obvious. Britt strikes out-- Austin doesn't even try. He tells her that he likes Maxie. 


Carly says if Sonny isn't gone in the morning, she will be

Nina tells Willow to buzz off

Laura shuts the door in Victor's face


  1. what day is it? January 3rd????? We haven't seen tracy in days, but I can't figure out how many days have passed since New Year's Eve......there isn't one storyline that is moving along, is there???

  2. Mufasa it is seriously still Jan 1st! I may be wrong but I think it is still the first.

  3. The Savoy:

    Britch and Pawtucket Holtster: Heyyyyy! He likes Maxie. :) Don't be shy man! Ask her out! :)

    Britch and the men: BIG HUGE FAIL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do you come here often? ROFL!

    Britch: One time at band camp, I was playing the tuba,

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Was watching the movie American pie last night did we Britch? ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Nina's office: Oh come on Nina!!! Don't be so melodramatic with your face! Cujo didn't punch you! It's just a slap. ROFL!

    Nina and Willow: Willow you have some nerve!!!! Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: What fantasy world do you live in?


    Carson kitchen:

    Cujo and Sonny: Making food! YUM! I'll be over in 5 minutes. :) Wait 15 minutes. I have to go to Sam's place and get the Tribbles, and take them with me. :) Bread in the oven?! :)

    Sonny: Guess where it's from?

    Me: Nixon falls?

    Oh Cujo hush up. I WANT A BLOOD BATH BRAWL FIGHT WITH NINA AND CARLY DAMMIT!!! Maybe when Sonny sleeps with Nina, I'll get that.. Maybe if Nina gets the preggers from sleeping with Sonny, I'll get that. :) Wait Lucas is in Port Chuckles?!?!!? I thought he left town for a new job! I'm so confused. Well glad Carly found out about Luke.. Now someone has to tell Lucy!

    KevLar home:

    Laura, Victor, Vampira, and Chad: I love how strong Laura is! :) Love that she kicked Victor out! :)

    Mr. Hat guy's hotel room:

    Mr. Hat guy and Curtis: Blah blah zzzzzzzzzzz. Trouble. Yes yes you are in trouble. We all know that. Get on with it! OH! Some movement. Who is the big boss eh? Cyrus? Faison? OH OH OH IS IT HELENA?! :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: WHERE IS PHYLLIS?!?!!

    Felicia and Maxie: Oh Maxie did you have to bring up how Felicia and Luke used to be close? *Puke in a bucket* OH! A Maxie tree. I love it. Great idea! :) Yes yes yes put Pawtucket Holtster in the Maxie tree! Maxie give your mother his phone number! Make sure to text him to let him know!

    1. Maybe Lucas came home on compassionate leave to be there for Bobbie.

    2. "Di says, Maybe Lucas came home on compassionate leave to be there for Bobbie.:

      Compassionate leave! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Is he in the army?! :) You win the joke of the day. :) Take a bow. :)

    3. That's what we call leave fom work when it's for a death in the family. You don't use your sick days.

    4. "Di says, That's what we call leave fom work when it's for a death in the family. You don't use your sick days."

      Oh.. Okay. I'm glad you don't have to use your sick days. Well, you still win. :)

    5. Britch: One time at band camp, I was playing the tuba.

      Hey, what is wrong with the tuba. I played a marching trombone in high school band. Lower brass was the bomb. Only girl in a group of guys. Of course, they treated me as one of the guys, so I learned A LOT about how teenage boys think. 😁

    6. Oh, I forgot. I so want Nina to get pregnant by Sonny. First, it will tick Cujo off and second, I like Nina and want her to have a child of her own.

    7. We may be the only 2 hoping for this

    8. "Gary says, Britch: One time at band camp, I was playing the tuba.

      Hey, what is wrong with the tuba."

      Hahahaha. I guess that guy she was talking to, didn't like the tuba! ROFL!

      "I played a marching trombone in high school band. Lower brass was the bomb. Only girl in a group of guys. Of course, they treated me as one of the guys, so I learned A LOT about how teenage boys think. 😁"

      Hey! Good for you!!!! :) Hmm so the teenage boys didn't hit on teenage you? :)

      "Gary says, Oh, I forgot. I so want Nina to get pregnant by Sonny. First, it will tick Cujo off and second, I like Nina and want her to have a child of her own."

      YES YES! And it's soapy goodness. :)

      "Linda says, We may be the only 2 hoping for this"

      No! 3 people! I want it to happen too! :)

    9. Nooooooo! Nina can't be preggers! You 3 take that back, lol!!

      Wub's line "Willow keeps arguing. Tries acting tough. Fails." I laughed out loud, thanks for that. Willow is delusional!

      Esme and Spence watching Laura and Victor was a hoot. It was like they were watching a tennis match, lol! Esme was sure making the eyeballs.

      I seriously wanted to go to Sonny's for dinner, but only after Snarly stormed out of the kitchen. Goodness, I'm sick to death of her. I hope she is the one to leave. Maybe she'll go to the island and we can have a reprieve from her bitching/snarling, you done me wrong song. A girl can dream!

  4. I think it's past January 1st but can't even tell. The Willow thing with Nina is very weird. Don't like Nina or Carly. Carly is a witch though. Yup I think Marshall must work for Cyrus and probably thinks he's clear because Cyrus is in prison. Curtis won't stop until he finds out everything.

    1. I like Curtis but like most of us here enough already! We don't care about Marshall at least not now. The story has been repetitive filler in between scenes we really want to see. Kind of the way the baby story has gone. Close the Trina may be Curtis's daughter story first before introducing Marshall.

  5. I like how Victor and Laura play off each other. Victor so has an evil agenda going on. You'd think Laura would be suspicious about him killing Luke.

  6. We haven't seen Brad in weeks. GH does that often. Brings back characters we love for a minute or two.
    Time is irrelevant. Sometimes it's daytime and then it's nighttime, within the same 37 minutes. Gotta love it.
    Carly is excelling in bitchdom. It's his house and she freaking owns the Metro Court. Bye.

    1. When Sonny said "where will you go?" Duh she owns a hotel. We can't see Brad because Carly and Sonny get ALL the airtime.

    2. lindie ain't that the truth. Both Sonny and Carly are on all the time. At least with Jason gone it frees up some time for other characters - just as long as their scenes are not about St. Jason.

  7. So, instead of showing Carly comforting her Mother, we the audience is subjected to Carly at her absolute worst with the Nina and Sonny.Ugh🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. Exactly. That's probably all we will see of Bobbie for another 6 months

    2. She makes me so frustrated.. going to walk out on the kids... the kids who are so confused by now. First your marrying Jason cause Sonny is dead. Then Dead Sonny comes back and Jason ends up passing. Now you're going to leave without thinking of the kids when you sadly have been their only constant? Why isn't Ava pushing to get Avery again?

    3. Maybe Ava will go after Avery again if they split up. Valid reason to.

  8. wish the writers would focus on other women on the show. like britt, liz, brooklynn and maxie. tired of carly, nina and alexis.

  9. I love Maxie but must she always fall for the guy who delivers her babies.

  10. carly should leave. for good. then there would be no reason to keep peter around.

    1. So sick of Carly, Sonny and Nina, although Nina has a slight edge for me over Carly. Loved Britt at the Savoy. Austin is still a mystery to me-can't figure him out.

    2. Me too. Sick of Carly, Sonny and Nina. Give others airtime PLEASE

  11. Sometimes I think we forget that they may be having trouble having actors come in during these times.Those that come are called on even more, to work in groups of 2 or three and throw the show a lifeline. Plots that were supposed to last weeks have been dragged out for months and the longer sl's have been dragged out even longer. Actors like LW and CW are probably getting tired of the go around too but they go in every day and do their best to make it fresh for us and keep our show on the air.

    We watch and we complain and hate their characters to death but they are keeping our beloved GH alive when other shows have been forced to shut down. And I, for one, need this little respite every day, even if it is to snarl or whine myself. Just remember that the characters are just that, an imaginary puching bag for our frustrations. Hate them as you will, but love the actors for their resolve.

    1. "Hear, hear." So true it is.

    2. That should be punching bag. lol

    3. Di, I think you have a point however we have been inundated with Carly and Sonny for years so this is nothing new. I am glad we still have our show!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...