Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Tuesday Show


Had to go to my brother's today on short notice so I won't be in. Yes, this guy has bit the dust. Should be good dramaz. 


  1. Let's hope it's a "faked" death. Otherwise, makes no sense.

  2. Im torn.

    I do hope he is dead dead. Its clear Tony doesnt want to come back. And he is probably the first person to suggest this storyline. People die, even our legends. If this will turn into a great storyline with growth for the characters around him, then let it happen.

    Unfortunately, with NO children on canvas and not potentially coming home, it is extremely lazy story writing and doesnt make sense. I can see the concept of Victor faking this to get back at Laura. And I can see this be yet another fake death on GH for the billionth time. But the look on Tracy's face, her voice and Laura's honest reaction - in a doorway - seemed very real.

    I guess we will have to wait awhile before we get some more evidence. But it seems on Twitter last night where Luke Spence was tredning, it was almost 50/50 as to dead or faked. so what do all of you say?

    PS. I think laura and luke would be tied for fake deaths at 2 each. If, we were keeping score. But we arent, are we?

  3. We just lost Sean Donnelly (and yes in real life). This smells cheap or stupid or damn maybe cheap and stupid. They better not have a body!

  4. I feel better with the explanation. No way he is dead. No body means no death. It HAS to be related to Victor or
    Helena who
    Is back for one show. Hope Tracy stays around though.

  5. Not on the topic of today's episode, but Kin Shriner tweeted about a new project he is working on. Truth + Consequences will be a 5-episode story on YouTube with starring not only Kin but lots of other current and former actors from our favorite soaps. The promo looks so funny, I can't wait to see the first episode.


  6. Portia or Curtis's home:

    Portis: They told each other they are in wuv! :) Curtis talks about how he wishes they can go back and fix their mistakes, and she doesn't wish that. She wouldn't change a thing.. Oh sure that's because Trina is Curtis's daughter. :) Now she just has to admit it to him.

    The hospital:

    Bobbie and V.C.: V.C. wants to go see Hiney because Victor went to see him and he wants to know why! Bobbie won't let him! Like Hiney is really going to tell you V.C.! Oh hello Alexis. :) Bobbie gets a text from Laura. :( We all know why. :( Bobbie is going to be devastated!!!

    Alexis and V.C.: Hey she admitted to him that she almost drank on new years eve! Glad they are having scenes together.. :) She don't want him to go see Hiney!

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar and Tracy: Tracy still keeps saying that Luke is gone! It's like what does that mean?! Dead gone? Or he left her gone? Oh wait he IS dead! A cable car accident. He was going to Austria. Luke was going to a do a scam. The authorities found his body. Tracy blames herself, because the last time they talked she was screaming at him and they had a fight, because he promised her to not go back to his old ways. Laura called Lucky (off screen of course) and he heard of the cable car crash, but didn't know it was Luke. The cable car crash was on the news. Bobbie is coming over, but Tracy don't want to see her because if she does, she will just dissolve, so she leaves.. Tracy does win the line of the day though. It was when she was drinking coffee.

    Tracy: Wow this is terrible.


    Kevlar: Laura is in tears. He doesn't want her to hide her feelings about Luke's death. She brought up her past with Luke. I was crying. I was affected more by Laura than by Tracy! I do love Kevlar a lot, but I will always love Luke and Laura and will always want them back together. I just hope by the end when GH is cancelled, that Luke and Laura get back together. He needs to be alive though.

    Laura and Bobbie: Bobbie heard of the cable car crash on the news and heard there were some casualties. She don't want to hear it's Luke! She calls Luke and leaves him a message. Poor Bobbie! She is so heartbroken! :( She thinks someone did this. Someone killed Luke! Yeah Bobbie I agree with you. After what Victor said, I think he did it!

    Q mansion:

    Nedlia: Ned is going to officially adopt little uncle Leo?! I thought he already did. Well, anyway mom and dad are officially back together and are going to renew their vows! YAY! :)

    Drew and Monica: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Love their hugs! Drew has to talk to Hiney about, *Sigh* You know what this is about. The stupid mind mapping.. Ick!

    Nedlia, Uncle Leo, Blazer Lynn, and baby Bailey: Uncle Leo talked about how baby Bailey drink so much milk that she is going to be burping a lot! Hahahaha. Great scene! :)

    Tracy and the family: Tracy had to tell them that Luke is dead. :(

    Tracy and Blazer Lynn: Tracy wonders why she is still pretending this baby is hers!!!! The look on Blazer Lynn's face, I wonder if she peed on herself. :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Nava, Victor, Doc, and Shaun: The invader newspaper that Victor is looking at. About Cassadine Indestries. Nik not happy about that. Love Ava's hair! :) Shaun talking to Nik about how he bought the invader. Doc shows up to tell them that Luke is dead.

    Victor: A senseless accident.

    Hmmm. After he said that, I'm thinking did he do something to the cable car?

    Victor on the phone: Oh look he got a blocked phone call.

    Victor: Is our mayor Collins going to be dropped now that Luke has been neutralized? Now I think it's time to procede to phase 2.

    AH HA! I KNEW IT! VICTOR KILLED LUKE! Or Victor thinks he killed Luke, and now there is going to be a mystery? Then everyone will find out Luke is still alive? Hmmmmmmm.. I don't know, but this is interesting.. I am not really sure what Victor said. Did he say Mayor Collins going to be dropped?! Couldn't hear him well.

    1. I couldn't hear him well either. I think Victor just thinks he killed Luke??

    2. He said that the hit on Laura could be dropped because Luke had been neutralized.

      So I guess it wasn't an "accident" and they put the hit on laura too.

    3. Weird. So, is Victor the one in charge, or maybe it's Helena after all this time???

    4. "Di says, He said that the hit on Laura could be dropped because Luke had been neutralized."

      Oh thank you! WOW WOW WOW!

    5. I'm not sure. I think he was talking to a lackey.

    6. Or maybe we can get another "Mr Big" out of this story line. Now that was good story telling and a big shock.

    7. Ya, why does Victor want to neutralize Luke and Laura? Hmmmmmm.

    8. lindie, I saw on Soap Central that CT taped an episode that is supposed to be shown this month. I was pleasantly surprised because I adore Helena. I will except any plot insanity that would bring her back to life if CT isn't retired. Also, I love your idea of another Mr Big storyline. I remember watching that and everyone being shocked when his identity was revealed. Classic GH.

    9. Thanks for clarifying what Victor said about Laura, I couldn't hear it either!
      Totally thrilled the Helena will be back even if it's just for 1 episode. I love her.
      Jane (Tracy) was excellent yesterday. She played frail, grieving and feisty all at the same time.

      I have to say, Ava's facial expressions were something else, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, lol!

    10. You're welcome. I rewound it and double checked because it sounded like a big clue to me and i thought some people might miss it.

    11. Love me some Jane!!! She is one of the best in my eyes

  7. Immediately Robert Scorpio, Anna, and Felicia need to be brought into the Luke storyline. All were friends and/or lovers with the guy at one point or another. GET ME LAURA< BOBBI, SCORPIO, ANNA, and FELCIA on screen STAT AND BRING BACK JONATHAN JACKSON AND JULIE BERMAN NOW AS WELL

    1. You might get Robert, Anna, Felicia, Laura and Bobbie together at once; MAYBE. You will never get Jonathon Jackson or Julie Marie Berman. I love JJ and JMB too; they are great.

    2. Don't forget that Sonny and Luke were best friends at one point too. Talk about "triple whammie" of grief for Sonny this holiday season. GH should be called Death Hospital instead of General Hospital lately. What is with all the death TPTB

  8. going back to Leo hearing about Bailey but they don't realize it----
    WHO will Leo tell?????? Thoughts? Austin? Valentin? Ned????

    1. Is this really going to happen or speculation? If so, then I think it would probably be Ned is my guess.

  9. I have a problem with the way they dress Laura. Everyone else at the Savoy for New Years Eve was all sparkly and fancy. She had on a black suit with a little sparkle on the collar. Kevin looked better than her. She is a natural beauty, why didn't she have on a dress like Felicia or Anna?

    1. I know. She often wears black. She looked nice but some color would have been great. Genie aways looks nice in blue. I wonder if it is the wardrobe people or the actress who prefers. It's kind of like Brooklyn always in blazers. Hope the show doesn't discriminate about women who are not pencil thin.

  10. I call bull on Luke being DEAD DEAD. It's a Victor thing for sure. But whatever, not that I care anyway. I was over Luke years ago simply bc I find AG a pompous disrespectful ass to not only fans but to his co-workers. Just keep him GONE.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Don't believe it...another case where there's no body!

    1. Yeah I don't believe it either.. Something fishy is going on. I wonder if Luke knows that someone is trying to kill Laura.. I wonder if Luke knows about her brothers Marty and Cyrus.

    2. Someone needs to walk by the writing room door and give it a good bang because everyone in there is obviously stuck on a loop!

  12. I don't care about Luke, but I do like AG, but wouldn't it be cool if somehow Luke could eventually return after death and kill Hiney. Someone really should kill him.

  13. Maybe this is what the riddle left to Laura by Helena on the day of her will is about. "The one you loved and lost". There might be more to the story.

  14. Yup, something big is going down and I hope they play out this story well. So far, so good. Luke is not dead. Will he ever return to canvas, eh, probably not, but maybe he doesn't have to????? It's definitely Victor (and maybe someone else). But, WHY would Victor and whoever else (maybe Helena; long shot) want look and Laura out of the picture. Why the 2 of them?

    1. I meant why want Luke and Laura out of the picture. Why them? I can see maybe that since Laura is the mayor she is in the way of Victor's dastardly deeds, but why Luke?

    2. For me the only thing that makes this ok is for Tony Geary to come back (even just one eppy) for closure that it was a hoax.

  15. Still think in all of this we will see Helena-----cause she filmed one episode - I first thought it would be a flashback of Victor and Helena/Valentin.....but I dunno now

    1. Does this mean that Helena is actually alive? Or, will she be a "ghost" again? Hmmmmmm. Can't wait to see CT/Helena


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