Friday, January 7, 2022

Friday!! I am here!

NOTE: yet again NO LUKE movement! WTF. This is ridiculous. EVERYONE should know. Liz isn't even saying anything. I'm going to have stuff to say in the blog this Sunday!! 

Esme is concerned they can't use the cabin if Carly and Sonny are broken up. SPENCER really wants to go she says. Joss gives in and says yes. Esme talks about growing up in a broken home and that's why Spencer is her family now. 

Spencer is with Trina and Ava at the Metro, he has to do Community Service and I think maybe he's doing it with Ava's gallery?? Not sure. Anyway they all eat and Ava is taking it out of Spencer's trust fund AHAHAHAHAA. Oh, Spencer has to work at the Gallery for restitution for the stalking. OH he has to work for TRINA at the Gallery! Ava also tells them that she and Nik are renewing their vows. 

Sonny arrives back home, wants to talk, Carly is pissy. He says his Jason pain and Brando's baby was the reason he didn't tell Carly sooner. Carly yells at him "Do you still have feelings for Nina" .. Sonny says "yeah"..  Carly loses it. He talks about her and Jason. She loses it again. Says Sonny's Nina's accomplice. Carly wants to know exactly what happened. He won't tell her. She leaves. 

Liz and Finn going out on a date. She even bought a new dress for the occasion. 

Phyllis and Nina. Phyllis saw about the trial on the news and Kristina told her off camera. Phyllis tells Nina not to be around Sonny because of feelings. 

Chase and Brook and baby. Chase is upset that he can't be a policeman yet because he punched Valentin. Olivia comes in and says she wants to go confront Nina about the whole Sonny/Mike thing. Chase leaves and takes Bailey to show her to Finn at GH. UGH that is where Peter is! NO!

Ahmaud Arbery sentencing interrupted the show 

GREAT NEWS! Eden (Josslyn) signed a new 3 year contract with GH!! I'm so happy. I like her a lot. 


  1. I watched Bailey through the whole of the Finn/ Chase scene and I was giggling away. Anyone else notice the baby's expression?

    1. She was adorable! I wanted to blow raspberries on her!

    2. What a beautiful baby! Almost made up for having to endure Snarly’s yelling. Maybe someone should suggest Sonny get some psychological counseling to deal with his situation. And yeah, no mention of Luke. Are they on an alternate planet?

    3. She was staring at Michael Easton the entire time.

    4. She was staring at him like she had a bad taste in her mouth. lol And when he kept taking her hand she kept trying to take it away. The camera panned off at one point when she looked like she was going to cry. Then it wa back to that gorgeous little face again. lol When he finally let go of her hand at the end of the chat she grabbed Chase's hand. lol

    5. "Di says, She was staring at him like she had a bad taste in her mouth. lol And when he kept taking her hand she kept trying to take it away. The camera panned off at one point when she looked like she was going to cry. Then it wa back to that gorgeous little face again. lol When he finally let go of her hand at the end of the chat she grabbed Chase's hand. lol"

      Oh now cut that out Di!!! ROFL!

    6. Just go watch that whole scene again. lol And keep your eye on baily. it's hiularious.

  2. If you can barely watch Snarly in a good/positive scene, today may be a day to Fast forward through her scenes with Sonny. She pretty much yells the whole time. It is like nails on a chalk board. Sonny took the high road and never mentioned her loving St Jasus.

    Although I am team Nina I didn't like that Nina thought she still had a chance with Sonny. Phyllis put her in her place nicely. Hope to see Phyllis more than just scolding Nina, she is worth much more than that.

    Liz & Finn were darling as was Chase with that beautiful baby. For all we know the very end showed Peter seeing the baby, we will have to check hulu tonight.

    Glad to hear Eden signed a contract, she is a great actress.

    1. "Linda says, For all we know the very end showed Peter seeing the baby,"

      Nope! They didn't! Whew. :)

  3. Did I MISS the conversation that began months ago with Carly is in charge of the family-----then Carly and Jason have to get to married for a united front - then the bomb - then SONNY says he is in charge of the family - no, wait, Carly misses it, too....oh good united front - and now what happens to the 'business' if Carly and Sonny divorce? It is beyond ridiculous that whiny self-righteous Nina doesn't THINK about the mob business - I wish Olivia would throw that in her boring...........

  4. love brooklynn she has chemistry with everyone. the problem with josslyn, the character is too much like snarly. one is enough. need to write her different from her mother.

    1. I love Brookie too.

      Eden is amazing... but you're right she has been written like Carly the past few months in certain scenes.

    2. I like Brooklyn and mostly like Joss. I don't like Carly or Nina. Was glad Phyllis scolded Nina. Carly is a huge hypocrite. The best part was baby Bailey being carried by hunky Chase and staring at Finn. Adorable.

    3. I don't find that she's like her mother at all, at least not personality wise.

    4. I was referring to St Jasus when Joss
      Was defending him as if he was well, a saint.

    5. A drop of water in the ocean of her life. Let it go. Look forward. She's an amazing character. She and her friends give this show its only rays of light at times.

  5. Carson kitchen:

    Cujo and Sonny: Cujo is really snarling!!!! Sonny is all calm. I'm glad finally Sonny admits to her he loves Nina! :)


    Jam: It's like Cam is a therapist to Joss. :) Great scene. Love her sweater!

    Jam and Vampira: Oh look it's Vampira and her smokey eyes. Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: So does that mean we can't use the cabin?

    ROFL! Hmmm Cam and Vampira with her smokey eyes are having some eye contact there.

    Jam part 2: Is Vampira being sincere? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Chad, Trina, and Ava: Trina and Chad have feelings for each other. :) #Sprina!

    Trina and Ava: Yes Ava you are right. Trina is cut from the nice cloth. :)

    The hospital:

    Nurse and Vampira: HUH?! Vampira got something in that little bag that is very strong? What do you have Vampira and who are you going to drug?

    Finchy, baby Bailey, and Chase: This was a great scene!!! Love that thing that Chase had Baby Bailey in! She could see everything!:) She kept staring at Finchy and it was adorable! It's like she has a crush on him hahahaha. :)

    Hospital lockers:

    Liz and Finchy: Oh can't wait for their first date!!! Ohhhh love the kiss! :)

    Liz alone at the lockers: Huh?! Did she know her ring was in her locker? Does she have multiple personality disorder? Hey Liz's other personality and Sasha's other personality could meet and be besties. :)

    Nina's office:

    Phyllis and Nina: Phyllis is right Nina! Listen to her!!!!!

    Cujo and Nina: Are they going to fight?!!?! COME ON! BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Deception offices:

    Chase, baby Bailey, Blazer Lynn, and Olivia: Man! I can tell Chase and Blazer Lynn are interested in each other. :)

    Blazer Lynn and Olivia: Olivia can see it too!!!! You would have to be blind to not see Blazer Lynn and Chase are interested in each other.

    Flashback Friday: In honor of Luke's "death" I will show a scene with him. *Jumps into my time machine to watch Robert and Luke* This was when everyone thought Luke was dead and then he pretended he was dead.

    Sidenote: Oh soapcentral website someone asked the question, What couples would you like as endgame? You know, when GH is cancelled.

    My list.

    L&L (Luke and Laura)
    L&L2 (Lucky and Liz)
    Monica and Alan (Monica could die and be with Alan.)
    RnA (Robert and Anna)

    1. I thought Liz had left her ring in a drawer at home. She looked shocked to see it. Is it stalking her, Soya? dum de dum dum

    2. "Di says, I thought Liz had left her ring in a drawer at home."

      Yeah she did leave her ring in a drawer at home!!! :) How did it get in the locker?!?!!

      "She looked shocked to see it."

      Yeah she sure did! :)

      "Is it stalking her, Soya? dum de dum dum"

      Hahahaha! COULD BE!!!! It doesn't like being ignored and hidden away!

      "lindie says, All 4 of those."

      :) *High five*

  6. "Karen says, GREAT NEWS!"

    Oh I thought the great news you were gong to say was going to be about Ahmaud Arbery and the sentencing with the 3 men. That they were sentenced to life in prison.

    "Eden (Josslyn) signed a new 3 year contract with GH!! I'm so happy. I like her a lot."

    I'm so happy too! :) I like her too! :)

  7. William Lipton is getting his tonsils out..


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...