Monday, January 24, 2022

Not Today


Well I was up last night heartbroken about The Bills - had an early morning and just need to rest. So use the blog for comments!! 

That's Tillie trying to get outside in the snow!!


  1. Tillie is adorable. Hope she has some snow fun!
    Carly: I need space. NINA, NINA, NINA. I need space. NINA, NINA, NINA.
    Maxie/BLQ: Bailey. Louise. Bailey. Louise.
    Sonny: I'm angry at everyone.
    So there you have Monday's show.

  2. Wait, there's more.
    Very nice exchange between Olivia and Leo.
    Dr. Austin-Holt let his hair down and put on some hiking shorts. January in upstate NY.
    I'm done.

    1. Yes and not one person puts their coat on before leaving! They carry it. Which would never happen

  3. Zazu pretty much summed it up, other than Jennifer Smith who many are suggesting is speaking with Luke on the phone... I did enjoy the Ned/Olivia/Leo scenes.

    Victor will prob figure out Louise is bailey (not her mother but Victor, ugh)

  4. Tille is beautiful. Hope she enjoys the snow.

  5. Thanks everyone. Not worth my time watching tonight. I'll skip

  6. Does Tillie like the snow. My dog loves snow

  7. I can't take the fact that Sonny's family and friends keep asking if he's all right but no one asks if he's taking his meds. This isn't a new storyline. His whole family knows he's on meds and what happens when he isn't. Even Avery knows he takes pills every day and suggested he take them when she and Donna took their vitamins. Are all the adults suffering some kind of recent brain damage?

    1. Hoping Kristina says something since they are supposed to have scenes. Let's hope he spares her the details of the Nina and Nixon falls mess.

    2. For real Di! Laura came the closest today. And Carly asked him last week if he had refilled his meds. But no follow thru from anybody! Argggghhhh!

  8. So at least we know Marshall isn’t the bad guy. Jennifer a smith for some reason is being brought back to run west coast. So I guess Marshall is still undercover.
    So today Britt asks Austin about autism. Yet he’s not acted that way in weeks,,
    Maxie is in my last nerve. What day is it now. Sonny said to Carly it’s been one night and I miss you. That was at Luke’s service. So January what???
    Cause Peter is still in the hospital.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Haunted star:

    Carson: I followed Carly's train of thought, and I agree with her.

    Jennifer Smith, Laura and Chad: Jennifer Smith wins the line of the day!

    Jennifer Smith: Let's choose to remember the good times.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! What good times? :) The look on Laura's face! :) I still want to know where Lucy is.

    Jennifer Smith, Laura, Chad, and Sonny: Oh boy Sonny! He is off the rails. And I love how Laura protected Chad by telling him to leave. Jennifer Smith is leaving?! What the hell was the point of her showing up?

    Laura and Chad: Awwwwwwwwww love. :)

    Jennifer's limo: Uh who is Jennifer talking to on the phone? Hmmmm. Okay this is interesting.. Is it Luke? Hahaha.


    Portus: Awww date night. :)

    Curtis and Mr. Hat guy: Oops date night over.. Now it's father and son night. :) Can Mr. Hat guy play jazz? :)

    Carly's hotel room:

    Carly and Joss: This was actually a great scene! Love how Joss is on her mama's side. :) They should go and pick up the Tribbles at Sam's place and Carly, Joss, and the Tribbles should go out to a movie. :) Maybe the movie little shop of horrors are playing in the theater. ROFL! :)

    Brase's house:

    Bailey's room:

    Bailey and Maxie with a sprinkle of Blazer Lynn: Well this is just sad!!!!! :(

    Chase, Maxie, and Blazer Lynn: Can we PLEASE just get this storyline!!! Bailey should go back to Maxie!!!

    Brase: Oh oh. Blazer Lynn had to talk about being a burden to Chase.. If you are going to bring that up, then tell him the truth of what you heard him say!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nedlia and young uncle Leo: Awwwwwwww great scene!!! :) I really really thought though that Ned already officially adopted him. Hmmm well okay then.

    Olivia and young uncle Leo: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and Britch: Britch why did you just tell him that Maxie's plan for someone to adopt Louise?!?!?!

    Britch: Is there a reason why Leo's case is so personal to you?

    Yeah very good question.. I'm all ears! :)

    Pawtucket Holtster, Britch, and Ned: Ned if you really want to help him, give him what he came to Port Chuckles for!!!

    Charlie's bar and restaurant:

    Victor and V.C.: I was wondering why they showed the sonograms side by side.. One with Maxie's and one that V.C. has..

    Victor and Maxie: And now I know why!!! Victor sees Maxie's sonogram! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! :)

    Sidenote: "Karen says, Well I was up last night heartbroken about The Bills"

    Yeah. I'm still hurting. :(

    "That's Tillie trying to get outside in the snow!!"

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Tillie is so sweet! :) Did you hear about pooch perfect is cancelled? Awww now Tillie can't go on it. :(

    1. Forgot one other thing.. Sonny wants the Savoy? You mean for 1 night? Or to buy it? Hmmmm.

    2. I enjoyed Jennifer Smith. She made me laugh and Laura's expressions were great!
      Officially sick of Bailey/Louise, though I did feel sorry for Maxie when BLQ was the one to calm the baby down. And when this all eventually comes out (hope I'm alive to see it) BLQ is going to miss that baby something fierce.

      SO SICK OF SNARLY/SMIKE!! Sorry for the yelling. But I just ff thru it now. Give me strength!

      I want to watch Helena's ENTIRE video. What the heck?!

    3. "Julie H says, I enjoyed Jennifer Smith. She made me laugh and Laura's expressions were great!"

      I enjoyed her too although I do want to know why she is here. How did she find out about Luke's "death"? Laura's face when Jennifer talked about let's think of the good times hahahaha. I want to hear about the good times. :)

      "Officially sick of Bailey/Louise, though I did feel sorry for Maxie when BLQ was the one to calm the baby down."

      Yeah that's awful. I want this storyline to end NOW! :(

      "And when this all eventually comes out (hope I'm alive to see it)"

      ROFL! I hope I'm alive to see it too. :)

      "BLQ is going to miss that baby something fierce."

      She will. :(

      "SO SICK OF SNARLY/SMIKE!! Sorry for the yelling. But I just ff thru it now. Give me strength!"

      ROFL! It's okay.. YELL! :)

      "I want to watch Helena's ENTIRE video. What the heck?!"

      Me too dammit!!! Come on!!!

    4. Since they turned Helena's video off just as she said ..."but"...I'm sure we'd all like to hear it.

    5. "Di says, Since they turned Helena's video off just as she said ..."but"...I'm sure we'd all like to hear it."

      Yes!!! We would!!!!


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...