Monday, January 10, 2022



Laura tells Sonny about Luke. They hug. Laura says he was her partner long ago. She was a different person. She likes herself now. They talk about Cyrus...then Laura asks what is wrong with Sonny. He tells her about Nixon Falls and Mike and such. He tears up. Wonders if Carly will ever forgive him. VERY GOOD SCENES. 

Carly charges into Nina's office to bitch at her. Nina spills that she and Sonny were 'together' on NYE. "something else he didn't tell you"..Carly yells...screeetches yada yada. Nina basically says Carly is an idiot for leaving Sonny because if it was her, she'd be there for him. She says that SHE stopped them sleeping together. Sonny would probably still come back to her and Carly slaps her. 

Trina sees Curtis and her mother making out in the elevator. She's ok with Curtis being in Portia's life. Curtis leaves so Trina and Mom can have some alone time. They talk about Ava and Trina was upset with how she treated Spencer. They talk about the cabin trip. 

Marshall goes to GH to see TJ. TJ says unless Curtis says it's ok, he's not going to have much to do with him. Marshall says he can't tell Curtis the whole truth. Curtis comes in. Asks if Marshall is a stalker. TJ is called away. 

Esme has some drugs (I think for the cabin) and as Spencer comes in she asks him how the dinner with TRINA went. :eyeroll: Anyway, they end up making out. Victor comes in! He wants to have the Cassadines united. He tells Spencer that everyone in the fam tries to kill each other at one time or the other. Basically, get over it LOL.

Liz shows Finn her ring she found in her locker. He thinks one of the boys must have found it, put it in her pocket and it fell out. They try to figure out what happened. She has to go home and ask them about it...without Finn. 


Sonny's prescription needs a refill 

Marshall seems like he's going to tell Curtis the truth. 

Victor is waiting for Laura 


  1. OMG! I loved Nina telling Carly off. Snarly got the last word/smack, and Nina had it coming but to me it was worth it. Does Sonny have to tell everyone the story?

    I loved victor telling off Spencer too. Really good dialogue and told him to grow up. Geez Esme was really going at Spencers face in that scene. Hard to watch.

    Funny they always point out what Ava has done that is horrible but never that Sonny and Carly are in the Mob. Makes me crazy that Portia worries about Trina with Spencer and even Ava (in the past) yet not a word about Sonny & Snarly's house.

    1. Agree about Ava. I didn't think she was out of line at all when she was with Spencer and Trina. For her, she was unusually restrained!

  2. The highlight of the show for me was when Esme tried to butt in with her opinion when Victor was talking to Spencer, and he passed her his scarf as if she was the valet. ROFL And then he added a "women come and go" to his talk about the importance of family. haha I thought Esme's face was going to explode.

    1. Yup. I don't think Victor likes Esme. Lol

    2. "Di says, he passed her his scarf as if she was the valet."

      Oh is that what it was!? I thought it was something of hers! Hahahahaha. I thought Victor wanted her to leave. :)

    3. No it was his and it sent a loud message. lol

    4. I loved those scenes too. Victor has no use for Esme, and I was cheering when he basically told Spence to grow the hell up, lol!

    5. I loved that line too, Julie. And the "that would have been fine when you were TEN" line. I inwardly cheered both of those. That's another reason why I'm glad Victor is there. Spence's friends could never say that to him, or any other adult in his sphere.

  3. loved nina telling off snarly. snarly had to slap her, cause she couldn't beat her verbally.

    1. I loved the condescending tone... she gave her what she usually dishes out.

  4. Nina's office:

    Nina and Cujo: Great scene, but I want a fight!!!! COME ON! LET'S GO!!!! Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: You're an idiot.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Get her Nina get her! :) Geez all we get from Cujo is a slap? Don't walk away Cujo! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I want a damn brawl!!!! Like a big bar fight brawl!

    Carson kitchen:

    Sonny and Laura: Oh NOW Laura tells Sonny about Luke? She tells him a few days after? Unacceptable!!! Oh boy Sonny and his excuses on why he didn't tell Carly he is in wuv with Nina. Enough of the excuses Sonny!

    Laura: I don't know why it hurts me so much.

    :( Awwwwwwww! :( Well Luke was the love of your life. You grew up with him. You probably deep down still love him. :(

    Sonny alone with his phone: Oh oh! Erasing the message about him having to refill his meds!!! No Sonny don't do that.. Oh I can just see what happens next. He doesn't take his meds, he goes off the rails, and then sleeps with Nina? :) Cujo's head would explode. :)

    Kevlar's home:

    Vampira with the meds: Oh yes dear. 1 is fine, but 2 can be GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT! :) Okay yes I sound like Tony the tiger! ROFL!

    Chad and Vampira: Damn she is eating his face off, and he does it back. Too bad Trina wasn't the one to interrupt them hahahaha.

    Chad, Vampira, and Victor: This was a funny scene. The looks Vampira gave to Victor hahahahahaha.

    Laura and Victor: Oh oh!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Purtis: Acting like teenagers hahahaha. Well Portia, you two are in wuv now! :) You are gonna act all lovey dovey and frisky. ;)

    Portia and Trina: I wonder when this cabin adventure is going to happen. It gets talked about way too much.

    The hospital:

    TJ and Mr. Hat guy: COME ON! Just let the audience know what happened to you all these years! This is getting tiresome.

    Curtis and Mr. Hat guy: OY! Zzzzzzzzz.

    Fiz: One of the boys could have put the ring in your locker? Meh. I rather have Liz have a multiple personality disorder. That's more interesting and fun than one of the boys could have put the ring in the locker. No don't postpone the date!! :( CRAP!

    1. I so don't want Sonny going off his meds again but i can see it coming. that way the " uncreative" can simply go back a few years and rehash a bunch of old scenes involving yelling and barware and push out a few more weeks of nothing.

    2. Yup. Sonny is not going to take his meds. He'll go manic and sleep with Nina

    3. I hope this is right... and honestly with all the stress and everything going on its believable. He's not putting his mental health first right now.

    4. "Di says, I so don't want Sonny going off his meds again but i can see it coming."

      Yeah so can I!!!!

      "that way the "uncreative" can simply go back a few years and rehash a bunch of old scenes involving yelling and barware"

      Hey the barware need to work too!!! :) They need to earn their paycheck! :)

      "lindie says, Yup. Sonny is not going to take his meds. He'll go manic and sleep with Nina"

      Yeah and maybe his magical swimmers will get Nina preggers! :) She always wanted a miracle baby! ROFL!

      "Linda says and honestly with all the stress and everything going on its believable. He's not putting his mental health first right now."

      Yeah it's very believable..

    5. "You're an idiot!" Hahahaha! Yes, that was line of the day. The slap was good but some hair pulling would have been icing on the cake, lol! And bite your tongue about Nina getting preggers. Ack!!

      So sick of Hat Guy and Curtis. They've had the same conversation eleventy-billion times. Get on with it, already!

  5. Sonny has had 3 deaths in like 3 weeks. He should be a huge crying mess.

  6. Sorry but I still hate Nina. She lied for months. She has this whiny whispering voice like she was a victim. Mike gone. Sonny is mob boss. I was glad Carly slapped her.
    I am so befuddled about Liz’s ring!

    1. You're entitled. I probably would be right there with you except 3 things: Snarly is worse for me and Cynthia has done an amazing job. We all know anything between Nina & Sonny won't last. Lastly I love Maurice showing this soft side of the character.

    2. I agree with you mufasa! You’re not alone! I honestly can’t stand Nina. She took advantage of a man with amnesia. Sheesh.

    3. I totally get people who are on Carly's side but she's such a B that I'm glad Nina's just standing up to her. Makes the story SO MUCH more interesting!!! LOVE that Sonny is really multi-dimensional now. His talk with Laura was amazing. LIZ' RING? I still think she did it herself and will be "Betty" soon ...heh. But it was probably not. BUT who found it and HOW DO THEY KNOW HER LOCKER COMBO?

    4. I was also wondering about the combo but if someone had slipped it in her pocket she would have put it in her locker herself and it could have fallen out when she grabbed the coat.

  7. The ring thing is weird. Is it Liz with split personality? Is it Hayden? Is it Franco is alive? Is it Victor? Helena? IDK.

    1. The explanation about one of her kids doing it made the most sense. How would Hayden get in her house? Franco can't be alive because he's already been reincarnated. (lol)
      “When you hear hoofs, think horse, not zebra." lol

    2. I was just thinking crazy thoughts Di. After all this is GH we are talking about :)

    3. lol True. But the last little while the writers haven't had that much zippity do in their plots, just the dah. lol

  8. I will say it again and again. Genie is such a fabulous actor. The best!

  9. I give zeroFKs about the damn Fiz ring...unless it means Liz will FINALLY have a POV storyline of her OWN....but I'm sure that's not going to be the case given what's transpired over the years. Go #TeamNina, kick that smug self-righteous witch Carly where it hurts, in her cold black heart. And I'm not even a fan of Nina at all, but absolutely loved Nina and "Mike". Something very real with the two of them, which was so nice to see to be honest. Oh, I see the Luke death was finally picked back up on. I don't care at all. Not one damn bit. Esme has me intrigued. A soap needs a good bad girl especially to go up against all these goody two shoe COLLEGE kids.

    1. **Meant to say Friz ring but sentiment still the same. I never cared about Friz and do not care about Fiz. Liz needs someone fun...eventually... AFTER she has HER OWN STORY that doesn't involve propping a Frank pet.**

    2. I love to hate Esme too but want her to stay on so we can enjoy her! She's everything a soap needs. I don't think Matchboxginny is anti college, she is just saying for college kids they can be a bit lame. Perhaps Eden will get something good to work with since she just signed a contract.

      And yes Team NINA!!!

  10. I loved Nina telling off Carly. Carly had to slap Nina because she could not defeat her verbally. Carly has had something like this coming for *SO* long. What an annoying character. I hope Sonny and Nina sleep together during February sweeps.

    I also liked Victor's talk with Spencer. Handing Esme the scarf while telling Spencer that "women come and go" was priceless. More, please.

    Linda hit on one of my major pet peeves above. It's well-known in PC that Sonny is a mobster and many people around him either get injured or die. Why in the world would they give him custody of Avery? Ava should absolutely have the upper-hand in that custody situation.

  11. Great scenes with Nina/Carly and Laura/Sonny today. Soapy good.
    Already bored with Liz's ring and the relationship that isn't.
    The 'hat' man and Curtis is just ridiculous. Why are they dragging it out. Maybe Curtis would accept him if he just told the truth. Stupid.

    1. The "hat" man thing is just stupid and boring. At this point no one cares what the man did. Probably was in the mob or something????? But, who cares?

      Laura is so awesome. She just tells it like it is, and asks those tough questions.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...