Monday, January 3, 2022

Ding Dong, Sadness Calling


FKING PETER'S FINGER MOVED!! damn it.  Austin was checking him. Victor is talking to Britta. DAMN IT.. PETER GRABS AUSTIN! UGH Stop it. HE IS AWAKE! NOooooooooo and he wants to talk to Victor.  Victor goes in. Peter says "you betrayed me" . Victor says he's the only one that can help him now. He needs something from Drew Cain. 

Maxie and Anna make up at The Savoy party. Hugs all around. Felicia is HERE! She wants to team up with Anna to find Maxie's baby! Felicia and Anna make up. Team up to get the baby back. 

Laura and Kevin talk to Mac about Cyrus but Laura is more worried about Victor. She is going to have lunch with Valentin because Victor is his father. Maybe she can use that. 

Nina and Sonny.. Where is he? Not sure where that place is. Sure has a lotta gay art in it!! He's drunk, drunk.  It's Sonny's old PENTHOUSE!!! He says he bought it in 1994-- for Stone and lived there and couldn't get rid of it. Aww, Stone. Nina goes to leave. Sonny tells her not to. He chugs more booze. He is going to tell her what Carly said to him. BUT! He can't even tell Nina what Carly said because he's loyal to Carly. Nina says not even the booze can change that. They talk about Nixon Falls. 

Carly and Drew on the bridge..ugh. Don't care really...get him away from her.  Blabbing about Jason. It's just boring. Drew is telling her about Jason' being chained to the wall. :eyeroll: He wants to help Carly. :Eyeroll: 

Alexis and Harmony. I love them, they are fun. Alexis is kinda having a pity party. Why isn't Krissy bartending. They say they don't have any friends but each other. 

LAURA and Kevin go home... the door bell rings... Tracy tells Laura that Luke is dead. 


  1. Alexis has friends, not the least of whom is Diane. What are the writers thinking?

    1. Alexis has lots of friends. I don't like Harmony. I want her gone

    2. I don't either. It's like they're pushing her since Willow is shoved in our face too.
      Maybe Ryan or Esme will Off her

  2. WHY are they killing off Luke when none of his kids are on the canvas right now? What possible payoff could there be? NONE.

    1. Yes, ITA, it is HORRIBLE. . . Haven't we had enough pain and sadness? Is it just to bring Tracy back? If so, couldn't they have found a better way?

    2. This is so stupid to kill off Luke. Just have Jason's funeral and Tracy comes for Monica's sake

    3. Happy New Year. Ding Dong Luke is dead. Ridiculous.

    4. i can NEVER forgive Frank for killing Luke - comes out of nowhere---no kids around ---- and Peter is still around---I am screaming......WHY does Victor want Drew again? I thought he was going to ask where Hayden's clear Frank and the writers hate the fans.......

    5. I agree mufasa. Frank kills Luke off and NOT Peter. They must want to lose viewers to go off the air.

    6. Bright side: We get Laura/Bobbie scenes tomorrow!!!

    7. "Paul773 says, Bright side: We get Laura/Bobbie scenes tomorrow!!!"

      Yes and Bobbie will be devastated!!!!!!! :'(

    8. I guess I just don’t see the big deal of killing off a character that has not been on in years, played by an actor who has no desire to return.

    9. "Kathy M says, I guess I just don’t see the big deal of killing off a character that has not been on in years, played by an actor who has no desire to return."

      Hmmm. You don't like Luke huh? :) Well imagine a character that you really really like, and then that character isn't on GH anymore, but you still like the character, then the writers decide out of nowhere to kill that character off.

  3. really don't care about Luke. hate carly with Drew, zero chemistry. there was chemistry with britt and austin.

  4. Valentin had to go home. WTF

    Did love Felicia outfit. Think it's pants/ jumper. So so good to have Felicia and Mac. Needed Robert

  5. I think Luke’s “death” has something to do with Victor and Luke isn’t likely dead but maybe kept in the same place as Holly (remember they never resolved that). GH’s 60th anniversary is looming in 2023 and maybe this is the start of a long arc that will build up to the anniversary a year from now.
    Let’s see what Tracy says. Her hair reminded me of the same swept up do she wore when she came on the show in the late 70s.
    Alexis and Harmony…hmmm, anyone detecting they may be pursuing something more than friendship here? The actress who plays Harmony is on contract so she’s not a day player.

    1. I like your idea Diana Taylor about Luke and the Victor thing. I don't see it happening though because Tony Geary would have to be on the show????

      Yes, I thought Tracy's hair looked long like it used to back in the day too.

      I don't want them to go that direction with Alexis and Harmony.
      1) It is coming way out of left field.
      2) I don't like Harmony
      3) I want Alexis in a good relationship. I don't see Alexis carrying on with someone who got her daughter involved in a cult that lured in women to be raped by Shiloh. Harmony reminds me of Ghilaine Maxwell. I know, it's a soap and Harmony has all redeemed herself. If they were going that direction with Alexis I'd really want it to be with someone else and someone without a bad past. JMHO

    2. Her hair is short. Really short.
      No, I see a possible friendship. Although anything can happen.
      A long arc on GH? Silly you. LOL

    3. I so hope you are right, DT.

    4. Diana Taylor I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great theory!!!!!

    5. your hunch sounds right. I do see alexis and harmony going there. alexis and men do not work out

    6. I like the Luke theory, too. Killing him off for all the reasons written here today, is just so stupid. (Especially since PLP LIVES!) Loving the fact that Tracy is back, though. :)

  6. The featured photo, which is very nice, is an odd assortment of characters.
    Anything with Hiney is so ridiculous. He will not make it to Pentonville. They will never kill him.
    The Luke thing is as ridiculous. It is clear that they don't care how the fans feel as long as there are fans. I love JE and hope Tracy is back to stay. But I know better. Can the writers be so bad that they would have this news delivered and then just drop it after everyone hears? There must be something else coming.
    True about Alexis having friends. Seems as if the writers forget about Diane way too often.

  7. Charlie's pub and restaurant: Where is Krissy? Where is Phyllis?

    Alexis and Awww great scene. :) Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: This is really helpful. I'm so engaged in your problems right now, that I have forgotten how much I might enjoy that cocktail.

    ROFL! This is great! There needs to be more scenes with these two. :) Maybe get closer.. Maybe be besties.. Maybe have a kiss.. :) Sorry! They have chemistry. :)

    The Savoy:

    Maxie and Anna: Awwww I'm glad there is forgiveness and peace. :) Hmmm. V.C. had to leave because of his daughter. Yeah I can see that.. He is a very good father. He don't want his daughter alone with someone else.. A boy right? Well, his daughter comes first as she should. :)

    KevLar and Flea and Mac: FELICIA!!!!!!!!!!! MAC!!!!!!!!!!! :) Damn forgot what their couple name is. Love the hug from Felicia and Laura awwwww. :)

    Anna, Maxie, and Flea: Anna and Felicia didn't hug? Ohhhhh! I completely forgot that Flea was mad at Anna. Yes Maxie glad there is peace between them.

    Laura and Mac: So great seeing Mac! :) Mac you and Felicia have to stay!!! :) We need to see more of you and Felicia!

    Jason's bridge:

    Carly and Drew:

    Carly: Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason.

    Drew: Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason.

    Carly: Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason.

    Drew: Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason.

    GAHHHHHHHHHHH! They need to kiss and shut the hell up. Do something just stop talking about Jason.

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Hiney: Finger moving?! Grabbing arm? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SON OF A!!!!

    Victor and Hiney: did you see the look on Victor's face when he was leaving and looking at Hiney?! It's like Victor is saying, I am glad we understand each other.. *Facepalm* KILL HIM VICTOR!

    Sonny's old penthouse: WHOA! The old penthouse, but it looks different.. The door is on the wrong side of the penthouse! Are they going to see Sam? The Tribbles?

    Sonny and Nina: Awww Sonny. :( Geez no kisses? No zex? Then what was the point of their scenes? When he told her he didn't want he to go I thought we would get some action. :)

    Kevlar and Tracy: Tracy had the same hairdo she had when she withheld her father's medication way back in the day! :) Luke dead? Okay what is the point?!!?! There has got to be a reason for this.. A secret exposed? Lies exposed? SOMETHING! Otherwise why bother? He isn't there anymore. His kids are no longer in Port Chuckles either. Hmmm. Is this all a lie, so that Lulu can hear it and get out of her coma?

    1. Makes zero sense. He been gone a long long time. The absence or Robert is a glaring omission. Why can't the writers understand that the viewers are not stupid.

    2. n says, Makes zero sense. He been gone a long long time. The absence or Robert is a glaring omission. Why can't the writers understand that the viewers are not stupid.

      Yes yes I agree 100& with you.. And yes where is Robert?

    3. Sonya, you have Carly and Drew’s conversation summed up perfectly. I’m so sick of Carly and her obsession with Jason. They need to move the character forward.

    4. I so agree with everything you said Sonya, especially the Drew/Carly conversation. She had RSF (resting Snarly face) the entire time and I cannot muster up any sympathy for her at all!

      Felicia looked fabulous but we need Robert back, like now.
      PLP woke up. Kill me now.
      And I was yelling at the TV.....that is NOT Sonny's old PH. Like you said, the door is on the wrong side. And sniveling Nina and personality switching Sonny are officially on my nerves, lol!

    5. I agree about the resting Snarly face. She was mean to Drew too in the end. Everyone just forgives her for being so mean. I am not a huge Willow fan, but it's not ok to just bite Willow's head off then say sorry and want to hold her hand so you can chew her out again the next day.

  8. If that really is supposed to be Sonny's old penthouse (whose previous tenants included Sean Donely, Tiffany Hill and Tracy Quartermaine), then I hope they remember that Sam lives right across the hallway. Are she and Dante going to drop by for a cup of sugar?

    1. That so isn't Sonny's old Penthouse! Like Sonya said, the door is on the wrong side. And I love that you remembered all the old tenants! And there was a hidden room where Sean and Robert did all of their WSB stuff. Honestly, the writers think we're stupid! :)

    2. I find the Q's house the worst redo that has ever taken place on that show (and I've been watching when the Q's were still living in the penthouse. I remember how the changed most of the sets right before Gloria Monty's return and then the earthquake happened and the sets were returned to their previous layouts.

  9. Sonny said it was a place he bought for Stone. Doesn't look like a teenagers place. Guess Sonny redecorated?? With old alcohol and everything

  10. Old alcohol....hahahahaah! Thanks for that Lindie!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...