Monday, January 31, 2022

Pick Your Poison


Much going on this week and I'll be in and out. For today... you can be the one to choose how Peter goes! We all WANT him to go...but how? Hail of gunfire? Bus? I personally am hoping I can see his demise and it's FOR REAL AND FOREVER!! He'd better not: Fall off the Parapet (at Bell, Stefan..bunch of other people_ , Fall off the Bridge Ava, Sonny), or blow up  (Robin/Anna/Robert all came back from that). Even with organs donated (Jake) we can't be sure. Maybe dissolving in a vat of acid --or is that too mean? 

Let me know in the comments!! 


  1. I just want him GONE FOREVER. Don't really care how. Maybe all the women he hurt can severely torture him; pluck his eyes out, get rid of the horrible grin. Horror movie style. lol None of that will happen :(

    Just GONE FOREVER is good for me.

    1. And take that British Accent with you!

    2. British accent that made no sense for one day. Lol

    3. I want him poisoned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      "lindie says, British accent that made no sense for one day. Lol"

      AND at one point he sounded like Scooby Doo! Hahahahaha!

  2. Unfortunately I would presume that he will still not meet his demise. Thanks a lot for posting that photo as I was eating my breakfast. His acting has gotten even worse if possible. Hoping that you know something we don't and that the end of our misery is near.

    1. Yes...WR's acting has gotten worse. Much worse.

  3. If given the choice, I would prefer Anna, Valentin, Robert or an actual Cop do the deed. Mac would be an excellent choice as well. Like Lindie I don't care how it happens just make it as final as it can be on a soap please! Do not bring back any twin of his. We are too fed up to ever consider that an option.

  4. Read that the Taggart recast is coming back again. Hope Real isn't having health issues.

    1. although Real did say stay tuned-----I took that to mean he was coming back.
      okay - so yep, Willow can't find a record of her being born - I STILL think she is Nina's daughter - not Harmony' like a soap to care about passport when it serves a purpose....
      We don't CARE about Marshall anymore - we KNEW he wasn't in the Witness Protection but Stella knows? I swear the writers have NO clue what they are doing and make up as they go.....
      so the door shutting on Liz - that wasn't a person - let's hurry up and do something with this storyline----have NO clue how this is going to pan out.....
      sidebar-----on the previews WHO is Terry going to be paired with? it says someone we don't expect???????
      February sweeps - no nothing day.
      WHY is PEE-TAH still here????????????

  5. The hospital:

    Sonny, Temp recast? Leo, and Ned: A new Leo? The voiceover didn't say anything!!! Young uncle Leo was telling Sonny not to drink from the water fountain.. Very germy.. Smart boy! :)

    Sonny and Ned: They were talking about grand gestures for the wives, and Ned learned a lot from that.. He was just telling Sonny not to do that. Sonny decides to do that for Carly.

    Sonny on the phone with Carly: Sonny says I'm giving you space, but give me an hour on Friday.. Oh boy. What is he going to do?!

    BobTodd's art gallery:

    Fiz: Liz is putting away BobTodd's paintings and she and Finchy made plans for another date. This time alone! :)

    Liz: OH MY OH MY! The door closed on itself, and then when Liz tried to open the door IT WOULDN'T OPEN!!!! Oh okay it opened whew. :) ALERT ALERT MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER! :) Or someone is doing this. Hmmmmm.. This is very interesting.. Will the Tribbles be involved? :)

    Lenny's bar and restaurant: PHYLLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Phyllis and Stella:

    Phyllis: I'm sorry do we know each other? You look familiar.

    Hmmmmm. CoughcoughSISTERScoughcough.

    Stella and Curtis: I guess Curtis is just going to let everything go and be all cuddly and lovey dovey with his daddy.

    Hat man and Stella: Hey! We got the OG actor playing Hat man again! YAY! :) Stella don't like Curtis thinking that Mr. Hat man was in the witness protection program. Cus I guess it wasn't true. Just give us clues or something geez!!!

    Sonny's cabin: Wait I thought this was the next day and in the morning. I guess not.. Man this day is long. ROFL!

    Jam: Joss can hear Trina moving around, but she is giving her space. Man Jam had zex twice Friday. I wonder how many times they actually had zex! :D

    Jam and Trina: Oh there is Trina. She is okay!! :) They are talking about Vampira and what she did. Trina don't really remember much of what happened.

    Car service:

    Vampira, Chad, and the driver: Uh wait I'm confused. Friday Chad was driving and he wasn't paying attention to the road much and kept looking at Vampira. Today, there is a driver. I'm so confused. Well Chad and his "muscle" apologizes to Vampira and she forgives him, and his "muscle" is happy.

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: Oh lookie here. Michael is taking Willow to Paris.. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew and Carly: Oh Calry is happy that Michael is taking Willow to Paris. Oh but wait, she doesn't have a passport. Oh that's okay she just needs to find her birth certificate.

    Carly and Michael: Carly all whiny about Sonny and his wuv for Nina. Oh Willow came down because she can't find her birth certificate. Hmmmm. stole it?

    Mildew: Uhhhh Willow can't print out another birth certificate on the website, because her birth certificate is not there. It's like she doesn't exist. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... what did you do? :) You don't want her to know the truth about you adopting her and that Nina is her bio mama? :) Nina had twins?! :) Like I have been saying all along! :)

    Sidenote part 1: I have been meaning to talk about what Laura said to Jennifer Smith about her kidnapping Lucky. Uh Laura? Jennifer Smith never kidnapped Lucky. Your memory is faulting.

    Sidenote part 2: I have Roku and last night I was watching spin city, and guess who I saw? Cynthia Watros. :) She played a stripper and the episode was called strip tease. She was young!! :) I recognized her by her voice at first.

  6. Mostly boring today. Somehow Phyllis knows Stella. Hat man maybe was a mob boss or something?? Who knows? Hmmm. Guess Willow doesn't exist. And Esme is oh so manipulating Spencer.

  7. Hope they didn't recast Leo. That other Leo is great.

  8. Can't even be a vat of acid...Hope feel into one on Days and she came back. LOL!

  9. When Esme took her seat belt off I was hoping that mean they were going to run off the road and she would be thrown out of the car. If she ended up unconscious in the hospital with that prescription on her the hospital would ask Kevin about it. But, alas, no such luck.

    Looks like they sora'd Leo again. He certainly doesn't look like he's want a playdate with an 8 year old now. (Leo is supposed to be 7)

    sonya said: "OH MY OH MY! The door closed on itself, and then when Liz tried to open the door IT WOULDN'T OPEN!!!! Oh okay it opened whew. :) ALERT ALERT MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER! "

    *** Unless one of the personalities is an alien who can move doors with its mind and then lock them, I don't think it's Liz.

    I guess they're finally going to change Willow's parentage. Probably nina but in this town who knows.

    Spencer was never driving. Esme ordered a car and they're in the back.

    1. "Di says, Unless one of the personalities is an alien who can move doors with its mind and then lock them, I don't think it's Liz."

      ROFL! Sounds fun. :) Anyway who would do that? One of the boys? Heather Webber?

      "I guess they're finally going to change Willow's parentage."

      Yup looks like that to me!

      P"robably nina but in this town who knows."

      I say Nina. :)

      "Looks like they sora'd Leo again."

      Damn. :( He looks more like Sonny. :)

      "He certainly doesn't look like he's want a playdate with an 8 year old now. (Leo is supposed to be 7)"

      Yeah it's gonna look strange.

    2. I say Nina too, but seriously who knows. Hoping new Leo is just a temp. I loved the original.

      Spencer is an idiot, and a pansy. When he apologized to Esme I was screeching at my TV, lol! He deserves time just for that bone-headed move.

      I don't care how PLP dies. Just die. Like now. And forever!

  10. Hard to know what the writers are doing with LiZ. Could be DID and could be someone. I'd like it to be Finn. Lol.

    1. Maybe Peter has paid someone to do it to get back at her and Finn.

    2. Di, that is a distinct possibility of Peter hiring someone to do this to Liz. Random people are being let into his room after all. Case in point; Victor

    3. ugh - bet it is......but not sure how the person got in her house and knew about the ring...

  11. Hey did anybody see Chad Duell's response about his and Courtney Hope's break up? It was a very strange response.

    “We didn’t actually sign anything,” he continued. “We weren’t really, like, you know, married or anything, really. It was amicable"

    HUH?! What? People are thinking this was a publicity stunt.. Yeah I wonder.

    1. I did read that. Very weird. A wedding with no official marriage?? What??

    2. yep - also he did State of Mind with Maurice and said he couldn't talk about it.

    3. "lindie says, A wedding with no official marriage?? What??"

      Yeah I don't get it!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A new Leo for whatever reason. And Willow...she acted and looked like a whole new person today. All bubbly and animated.
    Any way Hiney goes away permanently is fine with me. But as I said before...they will never kill Hiney.
    I like Liz. I like Finn. But let's move on already. This is not a relationship that is meant to be.
    Always love Ned.

  13. Why was our adorable Leo recast today? And how did Sonny get his hair dyed at the hospital yet in tomorrow’s preview his hair is gray again?

  14. Maybe Franco's ghost is visiting Liz... or maybe Heather?

    1. Heather would be exciting. I wish. I don't think the actress will be coming back; forget her name

  15. Leo recast temporary thank goodness!

    1. ohh thanks LindaV! The temp did well, but I like original Leo.!

  16. All for Peter's death by chandelier.

  17. Okkk Much to discuss today. Where is everyone?

  18. I'm ready - ya'll ready????? Let's go!

    1. Yeah I'm ready!!! I just put my comments up! :)

  19. Ok. So what is Sonny's gesture that has Carly crying. Weird timeline as this is Friday on the show. Where is Anna, Valentin and Victor? Did Anna get Valentin voice-mail yet? Why is Carly and Sonny on EVERY day. The ice princess thing must have to do with Victor. He must have stole the original and set Tracy up for fraud.

    1. Is Harmony going to discuss what she did with Alexis or is she going to use Alexis for something. Don't like or trust

    2. Good grief. She was only on for a few minutes. And they were calm minutes.Same with Sonny and they are the headliners.

  20. I thought it boring except----
    _WHY would Tracy need money just to go to Amsterdam????? WHY would she need the Ice Princess? That is stupid.......SO Luke never owned it? Victor hired people to arrest her? Fake people? Remember that was done before???????
    Lisa (Olivia) is simply breath-taking............................gorgeous.
    WHY would Carly agree to a meeting and then decide nope, not at the Savoy...
    supposedly Mac is shot this week while Peter is being transported to Pentonville----and he escapes------------and I will continue to scream WHY IS PEE-TAH still around?

    1. If they kill Mac then I am completely done with GH. If it's to FINALLY give Mac a story line that is different but he and Robert are NEVER on

    2. mufasa...Tracy said she took part of the Princess for a business venture. That's why she was going back to Amsterdam

      I thought the wedding was lovely too. We needed a calming scene like that. Everyone looked lovely and I'm so glad it went off without any drama.At least they waited till it was over for the arrest.

      Hopefully Mac will be fine and at least we'll get to see him. Peter on the loose makes him easier to kill and everyone will be on the alert and hopefully armed.

      Carly said no to whatever big surpprise Sonny had planned at the savoy. She just wants to talk and then she wants some space.

      Soinny must have something major planned if the previews are anything to go by.

    3. Hadn't thought of this until now, but maybe Victor will stash Tracy where everyone else kidnapped are located. lol

    4. Of course he escapes. They will never kill Hiney. Bet he gets to kidnap Bailey/Louise. We all know how loosely guarded the Q house is. LOL
      Olivia looked fabulous. Monica looked equally fabulous. She has some fantastic wigs.
      Nedly made me cry.

  21. oh TWO years ago we were ALL correct - Harmony ain't Willow's mom -----and Nina is....

    1. How do we know its Nina though? Just a guess?

    2. Would give Nina something to focus on besides Smike

    3. guessing but the writers went that way a couple of years ago and dropped it.....

    4. It makes no sense about the birth certificate since Willow said she just had it for her marriage. Why would Harmony take it now? Hope Harmony doesn't want Alexis to help fake something.

    5. I would say that Harmony had a forged birth certificate and it was a copy of that which she gave to Willow. Now if she doesn't have one she's got a problem because heaven knows where she got Willow. She could have adopted her illegally or Shilou could have gotten ahold of her illegally and Harmony was raising and grooming her.

    6. Makes a lot of sense Di. In which case Harmony would go back to prison for this illegal baby thing.


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...