Tuesday, January 18, 2022

It's just a BOREDAY

 Epiphany and Marshall are out to dinner at the PC Grille. They talk about the past.. her wanting to be a doctor, yada yada. 

Curtis throws some guys out of The Savoy who were exchanging coke. Drew comes in. They talk about Marshall. 

Brando and TJ are at the gym. Brando thanks him for saying he was sorry about the baby. Brando thinks Sasha is acting weird. 

Gladys and Sasha are at Yoga... Gladys thinks Sasha's not grieving. 

Brook and Chase move into Jax's old place. No rent because he knows Lois. Finn is is helping them move in, so is Dante. Finn leaves for his date. Dante talks to Chase about Brook Lynn. She overhears Chase dissing her. 

Felicia and Maxie at Yoga. KW looks spectacular. She tells Maxie that Peter taunted her with being a bad mother. Maxie doesn't wanna go back to the cabin where she went into labor. 

Liz, Terry and Portia are at the nurses' station. Liz is ready to go out with Finn, she's afraid something bad is going to happen. She can't figure out how her ring got in her locker. She leaves. Portia sets up a dating app for Terry. 

NOTE: Jax left his surf board 


Marshall is having a heart-attack at the Grille 

Terry has  a match on her app already

Brook is mad at Chase. 

Portia calls Curtis to come to GH 


  1. Boring. Either Marshall was poisoned or having heart attack. I still wonder if he is back to see Curtis because he's dying.

    1. And they wouldn't call an ambulance Three health care professionals don't call an ambulance. WTF

    2. With the wait times it was probably quicker to take him themselves.

    3. they CARRIED HIM IN?? and made him WALK?????? lol!! IT WAS ABSURD

  2. Blazer Lynn and Chase's new place: HEY! JAX'S OLD PLACE! YAY! :) This place is perfect for them.. Don't forget to disinfect. :)

    Blazer Lynn, Chase, Finchy, and Dante: Moving day moving day moving day yay! :) Heavy box there Finchy? It's only a box of makeup! ROFL! Oh yes Finchy you gotta go on on your date, but first take a shower.. :) I'm sure you are Mr. Stinky!

    Chase and Dante: Oh Chase you are full of it! You have feelings for Blazer Lynn and you can trust her. You are helping her help Maxie with the baby! Give me a break.

    Blazer Lynn and Chase: Oh Blazer Lynn I can't believe you are believing what Chase said to Dante!!!

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Fiz: Wow Finchy! You took a shower really quickly. You clean up good. :) She didn't want to drink wine until he brought up Liz's parents OOPS!

    Piffy and Mr. Hat guy: LOVE THEM! :) More Piffy doctor talk. I wonder if she is going to become a doctor. Stupid Guidance counselor! Piffy join his band!!!! :) You have a great voice!!! Oh oh! Heart attack!!!! Is he going to die? Or is this going to make Curtis get close to him?

    The hospital:

    Portia and Terry: Oh I hope that dating site pairs Terry with Naketa (sp) the bartender. :) However you say and spell her name hahaha! :) So what kind of dating website you don't need a picture and you don't need a bio!? OH! Mr. Hat guy is there.. I hope he is gonna be okay.. When Liz was at the hospital before, she said she has a bad feeling about her date.. Is this why?!!?! And about that wedding ring, didn't she talk to her boys about it? Why was there no scene about it? All off screen? But she didn't tell the ladies about her talking to her boys..

    Exercise room:

    Felicia and Maxie: Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: If we acknowledge Gladys we'll never get rid of her.

    ROFL! Felicia looks great! Man is Kristina Wagner so skinny! Great scene! Come on Maxie tell your mother what is happening!!!

    Gladys and Sasha: Gladys is trying with Sasha.. Poor Sasha just doesn't want to talk about baby Liam! :( Gladys is right though.

    Sasha and Maxie: Maxie is so great with her!! Sasha listen to Maxie!!


    TJ and Brando: Besties!!! :) Brando wants to talk about Liam, and Sasha doesn't want to.. How is this going to work out then? TJ should be a therapist..

    Brando: If you ever become a psychiatrist, I'm your first patient.

    That's what I'm saying!!!! :)


    Drug dealers and Curtis: YEAH CURTIS YEAH! GET THOSE DRUG PEOPLE OUT!!! That was sexy. :)

    Curtis and Drew: Great scene. Great conversation! Oh I'm glad Portia called Curtis about his dad!

    Sidenote: I wonder what happened to Sonny's meds after he threw it across the room.. Did he throw it out? Did it get up and walk away? Did it go visit with the Tribbles?

    Sonny's meds: Sonny just threw me across the room. My back hurts. *Cry cry*

    Tribbles: Awww don't cry. You can stay with me for now. You don't have to live there anymore.

    Sonny's meds: Oh thank you!!!

    1. Ya. I was concerned that Avery or Donna would get access to the meds and take them thinking they are candy. Donna anyway.

    2. "lindie says, Ya. I was concerned that Avery or Donna would get access to the meds and take them thinking they are candy. Donna anyway."

      Yeah I don't want Avery or Donna to pick it up!!!! Avery's already got Sonny's phone!

    3. Well I cracked up when Wubbys said Jax left his surfboard, then I cracked up again about disinfecting! Yup, were bad, and I totally get your sense of humor, especially about the missing Tribbles, lol!

      I liked the interactions between everyone yesterday. Piph/Hat Guy, TJ/Brando, Liz/Finn, Gladys/Sasha and Flea and Maxie. But please Maxie needs to tell Flea or Anna the truth. This is dragging out way too long!

    4. "Julie H says, Well I cracked up when Wubbys said Jax left his surfboard, then I cracked up again about disinfecting!"

      Hahaha. I'm glad we could make you laugh. :)

      "I totally get your sense of humor, especially about the missing Tribbles, lol!"

      ROFL! Well, they are at Sam's place now. :) They are enjoying life there. :) They don't have to hear Carson yelling anymore! ROFL!

      "I liked the interactions between everyone yesterday. Piph/Hat Guy, TJ/Brando, Liz/Finn, Gladys/Sasha and Flea and Maxie."

      Me too!!! :)

      "But please Maxie needs to tell Flea or Anna the truth. This is dragging out way too long!"

      YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AGREE!

  3. Love the disinfect comment ☺

    1. I liked the disinfectant comment too. We are so bad. Lol

    2. "Linda says, Love the disinfect comment ☺

      lindie says,

      I liked the disinfectant comment too. We are so bad. Lol"

      Thanks. :) Oh oh I hope I didn't offend anybody. Maybe I shouldn't of said that. If I offend someone I'm sorry it's just a joke.

    3. I literally laughed out loud on the disinfect comment

    4. We're quite used to your humor. Lol I laughed at it too.

    5. Why would the apt. need to be disinfected? Ingo didn't have Covid (as far as I know) - it was just those that had been vaccinated who were infected.

    6. "lindie says, Didn't offend me sonya!!!"

      I know. :)

      "Johnny 265120 I literally laughed out loud on the disinfect comment"

      ROFL! :)

      "Di says, We're quite used to your humor. Lol I laughed at it too."

      Hahaha. I am used to your humor too! :)

  4. No rent because he knows Lois? What does that mean? Isn't Lois BrookLynn's mom? Other than that...yawn.

    1. Jax and Lois were great friends in the day. Lois is BLQ's Mom.

    2. I'd be willing to bet that the writers don't even know Lois is her mother.

  5. Absolutely loving this fantastic POV storyline for Liz!! SAID NO ONE EVER SINCE FRANK HAS BEEN IN CHARGE.


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...