Thursday, January 20, 2022



Francos' art studio burned down, ARSON! I hope Elizabeth did it and has an alter heh. Dante asks about keys. She has them and the building super. Her keys are still in the box. Liz puts a ring in her pocket.  Dante questions Cameron. Liz says he was home because of his head injury and she woke him up on and off all night. Cam thinks it was Peter because the studio was the scene of the crime. Thinks Peter could have hired someone. Liz still looks weird. She wonders if anything can be saved. Dante says between the fire, smoke, Liz looks at Franco's ring in her pocket. Cam makes tea. Says it's weird about the ring and the fire. Liz says he listens to too many paranormal podcasts. 

Valentin and Anna out for nosh. He says he loved NYE. They flashback to kissing. She asks about Victor. He says Laura asked him to keep and eye out. Anna isn't happy Valentin is seeking revenge against Brook. Anna says that's not them anymore. Val says oh yes, that's still me, I though you knew that. 

Felicia meets Austin, wants to talk about Maxie. She gets Austin to agree to go to the cabin but he's like no way in hell I'm asking Maxie to go lol. She says "I like you" because he's looking out for Maxie. Maxie comes up later, accuses them of talking about her. Says no way she'll go back. 

Peter is saying his back hurts and has to talk to Finn "It feels like someone threw me down a flight of stairs"... He's trying to get Finn to let him stay at GH and not be transferred. Finn: NOPE, try again sucker!! Marty his lawyer comes in after and Peter wants Finn charged with attempted murder. Martin says No..there's no proof, there's nothing. 

Later in his office, Finn and Chase talk about Peter. Finn slips and starts telling him about the roof. Chase is like: WHAT? (we get flashbacks). OMG!!!!!! wow.. he TELLS CHASE! Tells him he pushed him down the stairs and he thought he was dead. Leaves Liz out tho. Tells him about the freezer. Chase says he doesn't blame him at all. Hates Peter. 

Brook and Chase tell Maxie Tracy figured out Bailey is Maxie's daughter.  Ned comes in and wants to talk to Brook alone. He wonders what Tracy is going on about with Brook being "in trouble".  She says they moved because they wanted privacy. He think she's falling for Chase. She says no, just trying to be good parents to Bailey. 

Peter says he has an ace up his sleeve..the person that helped him escape GH long ago. 


  1. I enjoyed today's show. It held my interest and had me looking forward to tomorrow's episode. Since they're filming in small groups of 2 or 3 at this time, I'm glad they mixed it up a bit and I liked the groups they showed. Cam and Liz are always great together, as are Anna and Valentine.

    Also besides just dealing with the past they showed some forward motion on several fronts. Felicia, Maxie and Austin going to Pawtucket. Peter being unable to move forward with trying to charge Finn as it will implicate him in Chase's poisoning and he's not charged with that.

    Now we get to see who's working with Peter tomorrow. I wonder if it's Austin?

  2. WR's acting is horrendous. A 'whodunnit' should build right at GH, in his little bed. Dead.
    Would even an alter of Liz destroy Franco's work? Maybe Franco is alive and pretending to be a doctor. LOL
    BLQ and Chase make a good looking couple.

    1. My God I hate PLP more and more each time. Dear God. Get rid of him already. Ahhhhhhh

  3. I hate that the writers keep burning down memorable sets that we have fond memories of.
    The house Jason bought Liz burned down, too years back.

    So many of us can stand the face of Peter. We did have a little movement today, thank goodness. Let's get going on some of the others now esp baby Louise/Peter's demise.

    I agree that chase & Brookie look great together.

  4. Felicia decides now after 30yrs she wants to be a mother to maxie is strange. never liked her character. and her voice is like nails on a chalk board. and valentine better watch his step or anna will dump him.

    1. She does have a distinct voice, which can be annoying but I adore the actress and the character. Loved her & Frisco back in the day. I would listen to her voice any day over snarly yelling!

    2. Ditto Linda. Would take Felicia anyway over many of the other characters.

  5. I like Felicia and I realize she was out cause of COVID, but I agree, NOW it's overdone...give her another storyline besides Maxie
    --so I DO think Elizabeth is gonna have a split personality but NOW I am not happy cause she has 3 boys to raise..............whose dads are either dead or Lucky.....LOL.....but if Finn moves in with Violet to help take care, I will allow..........I can't think of any other person who would be doing these things to Liz and Franco's studio.
    IF Peter has an accomplice that is a WOW factor, then it will be interesting, but it's probably Victor----
    HOW CAN PETER STILL BE IN THE HOSPITAL??????????? and ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It seems more logical that Peter had someone burn it down to destroy any evidence that disputes his version of events with Franco.

    2. I feel like Peter burned down the studio. Who knows?

    3. Hospitals don't keep you for weeks if you are well. So stupid

  6. Why are they destroying Anna and Valentin now? Is Valentin testing Anna? Trying to push her away? Makes no sense.

    1. Anna Devane has a thing for bad boys: Dr. David Heyward on AMC, a fascination with Faison, a fling with Luke, a fling with Eli Love (the Noah Drake look-alike), mobster Duke Lavery, and now Valentin. This perfectly aligns with the type of guy that she likes. Also, obviously she and Robert Scorpio were romantically involved but even he could be a scoundrel from time to time.

    2. "Anon says, a fling with Eli Love (the Noah Drake look-alike)"

      That was horrible!!! The way she was fan girling when she first saw him! COME ON! Anna Devane does not fan girl! UGH!

  7. Did Felicia ever hang out with Jimmy Lee Holt? I am getting my 80's timeline all mixed up. I think they had some overlap? Maybe?

  8. Blazer Lynn and Chase's home:

    Blazer Lynn, Chase, and Maxie: Blah blah blah. Can we just get on with this please? Oh hi Ned! :)

    Blazer Lynn and Ned: Awww Ned is being a good daddy. :) He is right. Chase could still be on the rebound.. Good thing the writers are building Brase slowly! :) Ned is right. Brase could happen. :) Ned wins the line of the day.

    Ned: You know, Some men just don't get over that.




    Anna and Dante: Oh boy! Dante warning Anna about V.C.? That's sweet, but he won't hurt Anna! He has wanted her for millions of years! I'm glad V.C. heard Dante.

    Vanna part 2: Hmmm. Are the writers going to break them up? :(

    The hospital:

    Flea and Pawtucket Holtster: Great scene! I like that Flea likes him! :)

    Flea and Pawtucket Holtster, and Maxie: Flea don't you think it was strange that Maxie did a turn around? Let's see what Pawtucket Holtster remembers or finds in the woods. :)

    Finchy and Chase: FLASHBACK FLASHBACK FLASHBACK! :) I was hoping they show the push of Hiney down the stairs, and they did! YAY! I was laughing. :) Glad Finchy told Chase the truth. Now Chase your turn!!!

    Hiney and Marty: Did Marty get a haircut? I still hope that Marty is playing him.

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Cam, and Dante: Someone torched Bobtodd's art room? My first thought was Hiney, but then someone on twitter talked about Liz and her multiple personalities and the other personality named Beth! :) YES YES YES! That was my thought when she saw her wedding ring in her locker at work! Oh please let her have a personality disorder!!!! :) And I want to call her other personality Beth! :) Man during the whole scene Liz was looking very strange. Liz had BobTodd's wedding ring!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1994* Damian wants to be with Bobbie. :) Hmmm. Bobbian.. :)

    1. I definitely don't want Liz to have another personality. I just want her to have a decent storyline. have someone stalking her. Maybe there's somone who doesn't want her with finn? Any suggestions? ( besides me. lol)

    2. No one commented that BLQ had on a blue, light weight blazer, a light blue shirt and navy pants. She looked fab! Baby steps away from the all black, bulky blazer look! Dang say that fast 5 times, lol!

      I'm really torn about Liz having multiple personalities. She could handle it as she is a great actress and needs to be front and center, but you just know they would drag it out for years and all of PC would end up hating her for some contrived reason or another. Like she was the one who helped Peter escape GH, he blabs, and the whole town loses their collective minds.

      I'm with Lindie and Linda above. PLP.....kill him NOW! My goodness, I'm exhausted by his appearance.

    3. I liked Brroklyn's "navy" look better yesterday too. I think Brooklyn and Chase are extremely cute together. Don't know if that cuteness will get old or not, but I like them together.

    4. I liked her look yesterday too. Much lighter , more fashionable jacket.

    5. "Di says, I definitely don't want Liz to have another personality."

      Oh poo! You are no fun! ROFL!

      "I just want her to have a decent storyline. have someone stalking her. Maybe there's somone who doesn't want her with finn? Any suggestions? ( besides me. lol)"

      ROFL! The only person who wouldn't want Liz to be with him, is Hayden aka RayRay. Hmmm. Is she supposed to come back? I hope!!! :)

    6. Hayden is a good choice, even though her name hasn't been dropped a zillion times lately. What about son #2...Jake. Lost 2 fathers.

    7. Sonya....That's not true. I'm lots of fun. lol

      DID isn't a cold. It doesn't just go away when you're finished with the storyline. Liz is one of the few female rocks left in our show and I don't want them smashing her to pieces for the sake of drawing out the show for another few weeks. Leave her alone writers!

  9. I don't want Liz to have an alter but if only she and the landlord have keys that is a bit suspicious. IDK. Drew? I am sure he's still "activated" but why? For Peter?

    1. Good thinking about Drew that would make sense

    2. I want to move beyond this mind control nonsense once and for all, so I hope it’s not Drew.

  10. I always enjoyed vicki lord personality disorder story on oltl. and rebecca herbst can pull it off.

  11. Wonder if this is the day we see Helena. At Luke's "funeral"?? Hmmmm

    1. Yes, and it was a good show. I'm still laughing at one scene. I hope people stick to what they like about it as it had so many great moments.

    2. No flashbacks. Was barely about Luke and understandably as he has had nothing to do with GH for decades. I did like the urn.
      Everyone looked nice.

    3. And there were 2 suprises that no one saw coming. Watch it people.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...