Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Back To Back Watching


Tuned in for yesterday's show before watching today's show. Curtis and Portia zexy zex. Luke dies in a cable car crash? How Swiss! LOL .. Shawn looks so spiffy as the Intruder owner. Laura and Bobbie were excellent. And Luke killed by a Cassadine? Hmm.. who would have thunk it. I do think he's dead-dead by the way. Just my opinion. 


Peter wants to hire Martin Gray to prove he didn't kill Franco Baldwin? WHAT THE FK? come on. Oh and Martin takes the case!! WOW..okay? That's just stupid. 

Valentin and Victor at the Metro. Victor heard he "lost his daughter'. Val says he will never see Charlotte. Victor says that he could help get revenge on Brook Lyn with him. 

Tracy knows Brook Lynn isn't Bailey's mother because she told her when she called her for help. She also knows it's not Chase. "Don't tell me you were stupid enough to steal a baby". Tracy wants to know what's going on and why Chase agreed to this whole mess. 

Millow--just boring stuff in the breakfast nook. zzzzzzzzz. Harmony comes in with a pressie for Wiley. BLOCK TRAIN LOL. Weird. ANYWAY-- Michael leaves with Wiley and Willow tells her mama about the Nina trial. Michael comes in and says it's not Harmony's business what they do. 

Felicia and Anna talking about Maxie and her lack of upset over the baby being kidnapped. Maxie comes in... then Robert to tell them about Luke.  All gasp. Felicia and Maxie go to the Qs to see Tracy. Tracy finds out from Felicia that Maxie's baby is missing AND she's 7 months old. Totally figures it all out. 

Robert and Anna cry. They are glad each other are there. They talk about the old days. 

Shawn wants Alexis to work at The Intruder. Sam thinks it's a good idea. Shawn says she's a warrior and he needs help. He says think about it. Sam tries to talk Alexis into it.

Austin talks to Britt about going in to see Peter and doesn't think she should.  She goes in anyway. Peter ask her why she's angry with him. JASON you know, JASON. She just lays into him. Tells him if she had poisoned him, he'd be dead. Also asks about the baby: is she dead? Oh she's good. 

Brook tells Maxie about telling Tracy the truth. Maxie freaks out and realizes Tracy probably will  figure it out. 


Valentin wants Victor to help him. 

Alexis is going to take the job

Austin wants to be Britt's wing man. 

Tracy knows the baby Bailey is Louise. 


  1. Britt definitely wins the line of the day "The shooting caused the cave to collapse DUMBASS"!
    Kelly killed in those scenes.. Please give her more stories writers. This girl has it all.

    1. Hahahahahaha. She sure did win the line of the day! :) That was priceless and perfect. :)

    2. I loved it when she called him DUMBASS.

    3. I love Britt and I am all in for either a Britt/Austin romance or a close friendship.

  2. I see no reason at all for the sl with Martin defending Peter unless it's to give a reason why Peter has to be transported to a court in PC so that he can escape. They can't do flashbacks. Someone else has Franco's face now and Jason is dead.

    Gawd Tracy looks good.And she definitely hasn't lost her edge.

    1. I think Valentin should fire Marty for defending Peter. Also what they hellis Valentin thinking working with Victor. Plus no DNA test. Just taking Victor at his word.

  3. I don't think Luke's dead/dead. Just like Holly wasn't dead/dead. These writers like their tricks, so we'll see.

    1. Have you noticed that most characters haven't used the word "dead" or "died" yet, in reference to Luke? It's always "Luke is gone."

  4. "Luke dies in a cable car crash? How Swiss! LOL .."


    "I do think he's dead-dead by the way. Just my opinion."

    Oh no! :(

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Britch:

    Pawtucket Holtster: Watcha doin?

    Hahahaha. He would have won the line of the day, but Britch wins it. Hmmm he wants to be her wing man? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I know where this is going! ROFL!

    Marty Tad and Hiney: WHAT?!?!! Taking him as a client?!?!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO! I hope you are going to set him up or something! Prove that you did NOT kill BobTodd? Are you a magician Hiney? Or are you just going to fake all the receipts? Hmmm has anybody noticed that the P is silent? Why bother with putting a p in there? This conversation is a lot more interesting than talking about Hiney. ROFL!

    Britch and Hiney: Britch wins the line of the day.

    Britch: You dumb ass.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Victor and V.C.: Oh Victor! Forget Blazer Lynn!!! Focus on Hiney! Kill Hiney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is in the hospital! Go get him!

    Victor and Marty Tad: Okay you are desperate for money, but still! DON'T BE HINEY'S LAWYER!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Where is Phyllis?

    Anna, Maxie, and Felicia: Oh yes Maxie.. Time to find your baby. Oh where oh where is she? Or where oh where can she be?!

    Robert, Maxie, Anna, and Felicia: Oh come on Robert!!! You thought Luke died before remember?! And now you think he is dead. Oy! I will just pretend that Felicia and Luke were friends and friends ONLY! Cus thinking anything else, well, *Grabs a bag to puke in*

    Robert and Anna: Awwww thinking about the past.. They are all sad. :( Come on you two give each other a loving hug. :)

    Q breakfast nook:

    Wiley, Mildew, and OH! A present for Wiley yay!!! Gee Mildew you are not going to say to Wiley, what do you say? Geez. Rude. Oh now that he has opened his present up NOW Willow says what do you say? OY!

    Willow and Oh great conversation! :)


    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Shaun, and Sam: Okay I'm so confused. She goes to college and takes a class, but oh she is told that she should be a professor and there will be a background check. Oh but now she can work in the invader. What is going on with the writers? Are these just options, or do they not know what to give to Alexis? Make up your mind!!!

    Alexis and Sam: Oh okay. So Alexis will work in the invader.. But what about being a professor?!

    Q Mansion:

    Tracy and Blazer Lynn: Did you notice that Tracy changed her whole demeanor when talking with Blazer Lynn? She isn't a mourning widow anymore.. She seems happy. Hmmmm. :)

    Maxie, Blazer Lynn, Felicia, and Tracy: Tracy is smart as a whip and she is figuring out about Bailey!!! :) 7 months old?! Man she is small for a 7 month old.

    Baby Bailey and Tracy: HA! SHE FIGURED IT OUT!!!! :) You can't con a con! :)

    1. I would have preferred Alexis at the university too.

    2. Tracy doesn't seem to be all that upset about Luke IMO. Not even a tear. No flashbacks?

    3. "Di says, I would have preferred Alexis at the university too."

      Yeah! What's wrong with her working at the university?!

      "lindie says, Tracy doesn't seem to be all that upset about Luke IMO."

      Oh you noticed that too?! ROFL!

      "Not even a tear."


      "No flashbacks?"

      Not even that!!! Well, Tracy said she wasn't there, so she wouldn't have any memories of it happening.

    4. I mean flashbacks of when Anna first met Luke. Stuff Robert and Anna were talking about

    5. Robert Freaking Scorpio was back in the house! I was so happy to see him. :)
      Tracy is the bee's knees and of course she figured out Bailey is Louise. I expected nothing less.
      Felicia still knows how to cry on cue and she was great at Charlie's. Like the rest of you I just prefer to think of her and Luke as just friends. The truth is barf worthy.
      Britta's scenes with "he who will not die" was so cathartic. She was fantastic as was her line of the day. Michael is a dumbass too. I loved the looks Willow was throwing his way. Thanks for getting a haircut, but shut up and sit down now Mikey. Ass.

  5. Anna had a short thing with Luke too remember? He called her "slim".

    1. Yeah I remember. :) They had some chemistry, but he and Felicia didn't. Yuck!

    2. I so agree Sonya, the pairing was very off putting IMO

  6. so obviously Luke isn't dead/dead......set-up for Victor and Helena...
    makes NO sense that Valentin told Martin he couldn't be his lawyer AND be with Lucy Coe but Marty can defend Peter???? SCREAM!!!!!! unless he double-crosses him AND he did kill Franco - what about the charges against Phyllis and Nina?
    to repeat myself - September 17th - September 17th - September 17th - Jason and Carly married and Sonny returned - and a BOMB blew up and it's January 5th and NO mention of it..PLUS Sonny telling Dante "I was gonna tell Carly but Jason died" - in freakin NOVEMBER!

  7. No snarly made today nice for me.

    1. I only had to ffwd. Mildew with no Snarly. Loved the Scorpio/Felicia/Anna scenes. I like Harmony - the actress is so interesting to look at and she can act. Britt was phenomenal. I was hoping someone put a pillow over Peter's smirking face and put an end to it for us.

  8. I do not care for alexis or shawn.

    1. I love Alexis when she's being the strong and capable mom, friend, lawyer. It's the writers who are to blame for ruining the character. Hoping to see her back strong than ever. She has ties to so many which apparently they forgot (Diane, Sonny, Ned, Finn). Just one scene with Sonny since he came come isn't enough. Love those 2 as friends! As for Shawn I am hoping to see a spark with him and someone new.

    2. love Shawn but not Alexis - I feel the writers make up stuff to give her a storyline---let her be a mom-----let her practice law again------but I don't like the last 2 years of her...
      Diane (Carolyn Hennessy) said on SOM with Maurice what we ALL thought - WHY didn't Diane have a welcome back scene with Sonny???

  9. Shawn is out to get Nicholas. He wants to hire Allexis to help get Nicholas. That is MO anyway

    1. I want Alexis to teach law at PCU too. Would be better. They have destroyed her IMHO

    2. Me too, Lindie. Alexis would be great as a prof and I was looking forward to that.

    3. I love how they are writing her like a more 'real' person and it's giving NLG good stuff. I like the paper idea; very different

    4. I don't think it's really good stuff ---- to have her almost drink on NYE was ridiculous ----- she is supposed to be strong........

    5. Being an alcoholic is for life. Its realistic.


    1. Well it actually says we shouldn't see interruption. Hmmmm.

    2. Oh! Thanks lindie!!! Yeah there won't be interruption. Part of me wishes there would be interruption so that we can see old episodes.. But wait, if they did do that, they probably would go back to show the Sonny episodes again.

  11. i say luke's not dead is being held with holly and jason by victor cassidine

    1. Wsb. You are probably right. He must have a huge jail somewhere. Lol

    2. #Agree... all three will return in 2023.

  12. I enjoyed Wednesday's show. I absolutely *love* how Tracy figured everything out in no time flat. She could teach Brook Lynn a thing or two about how to scheme and deceive effectively.

    Also, it looks like the writers are trying to make up for Felicia's absence in Maxie's storyline by having her get involved with tracking down Louise. I hope Felicia and Anna figure things out, too, and they and Tracy agree to keep it on the QT until Peter is murdered.

    Michael and Willow are a snooze, but I kinda like Harmony. If I was writing this show, I would get rid of Willow and have Michael turn to the dark side.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

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