Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Death of a (Fill In the Blank)


Well, I have a lot to say this Sunday and while some of it is good, a lot of it is just plain bitching. I don't understand how the show was structured this week and I think the editing was shoddy. Settle in for some good ol' Wubsy criticism!

I left the title up to the reader because we all think of Luke as something different. Anti-Hero, Romantic Lead, Rapist, Narcissist, Good Guy, Bad Guy, Icon.. it's all up to your own memory. 

I guess we can toast Luke with some beverages and ribs. 

Let's get the big stuff out of the way first--mainly, Lucas Lorenzo Spencer falling to his death in the Austrian Alps. For me it was time and it didn't really even phase me that much. Meh. "LUKE" died for me long ago with my wayward youth.  The bigger than live idea of Luke was long gone. 

Then, GH seemed to mess the whole timeline of his death up. Wed/Thursday shows should have been edited for a Friday bang-up with fallout on Monday. But that's me. Having "Luke is Gone" a thing for a day and 1/4 then...nothing? Truly baffling.

DEAD MAN OF THE WEEK: SO, SURPRISE! Tracy comes in and lets Laura know Luke is dead. He went in a gondola accident in Austria. Plausible? I guess? She and Genie shared good scenes. Laura then called Bobbie and they were also powerful. No flashbacks yet though. No real rush to tell people except through phone calls. Hm... oh and we find out it was Victor that ordered the whole thing. Luke was killed by a Cassadine!! Ding Dong. Do I think he's really dead? As long as this management/writing team is around? Yes. Plus, I think Geary is done. Done. Done. Done. 

NO MOVEMENT OF THE WEEK: Holy Heck! One of the most HUGEST of all legacy characters (ok, you know what I mean) DIES this week and... and...??? What is with GH? Seriously? WHO edited the last 2 days? Tracy comes home, a handful of people react and then it's 2 days of the Nina/Sonny/Bailey stories. Bizarre. Just bizarre. Why wouldn't they have Jackie Z go right to Carly's house to tell her? Bobbie is her mother. Why doesn't Liz know?? Wouldn't Lucky have called her? FFS, Brook and Maxie--two of the biggest mouths in town DON'T TELL LUCY? Lucy who was involved with Luke for how long? Alexis reacts by a shoulder shrug and has Tracy arrested. Delicious yes but.. a little incongruous to everything happening. Felicia, Robert, Maxie and Anna sit at Charlie's and cry. Anyone telling Mac? If anything that news needed to be on everyone's twitter feed and a chain text go out through the town. Olivia talks to Carly for ages and...says "That's Bobbie's news to tell" .. like she wouldn't be blabbing all over the place. Dante doesn't know (he's a cop, you'd think the cops would have gotten word). Sonny doesn't know. It's just the strangest thing I've seen in a long time on soaps and yep, I'm harping on it. Ruined the whole 'shock value'. 

Photo thx to @GHSnarky 

FICKLE FINGER OF FATE OF THE WEEK: If you know that reference, you are old so welcome to the party. Anyway, the one we all HOPED would die moved his finger and then WOKE UP. Not only did he wake up, he talked and hired Martin Gray to "defend" him against the murder of Franco. Never in the history of ever was I so ready to have a character gone. Wu and Brad killed him off and it would have been glorious. BUT NOPE!! Because why? I guess WA's contract got extended and since we never finished the Bailey/Louise story that has to play out. Pssssssst: here's a secret: no one would have cared if you just had Petra die and Maxie reclaim Louise. NO. ONE. 

DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE WEEK: WHY did you take Peter's defense? Is it just the money? Because come on...we were loving you and unless you have your own plan to stop him, it's just WRONG. You faked us out once before so do it again! 


SMART PERSON IN THE ROOM OF THE WEEK:  Welp! Tracy is home for 1/2 day and figures out that not only Bailey isn't Brook Lynn's...she also realizes she's Maxie's! Where you been!!?? Just throw money at Jane Elliot. She's perfection. 

ADMISSION OF THE WEEK: All roads led to this moment; Carly asks Sonny if he still has feelings for Nina. Oh, yes...yes he does!! All the screaming and crying was reduced to a quiet whisper. I'm living for the CarSon angst and fallout. They were boring and same ol' same ol'. Sonny is at least layered now. His Penthouse is a swank bach pad too! LOL 

CHEM TEST OF THE WEEK: If you didn't get this drift, you were probably where Lulu is; in a coma. I love both RH and KTh so I'm willing to see where this goes. Both are masters of dialog. It would put him in Obrect's orbit too.  I didn't think he and Maxie fit at all, ergo, let's go go. 

OBSESSION OF THE WEEK: Good Lord, just get Esme to that damn cabin. She's got it hard for it so something good and or evil is bound to happen.  By the way, Esme told some tale about her family and them divorcing and hating people that break up families. Oh! And she sported a total Kylie K smoky eye look! 

NOSE OF THE WEEK:   Even though you gave us a fake-out of the lipstick, 99% of us know Sasha did a line in that bathroom. 

WTF OF THE WEEK: Ok, what's going on? Who would want to do this? Who would have found the ring and left it in the locker?  One of her kids? Um.. don't think so. Herself? Is she going a little 'off'?? Maybe stupid Peter but how would he even have known it was in there? WHY DO THIS?  Lord help me. I'm only into it if Elizabeth is going to have an alter because Becky would slay that. 

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Lord I love this picture. I've sent it to A LOT of people. The framing? Perfection. thx to @CanLyn for the cappie 

SET OF THE WEEK: Just kills me. :giggle: I DID expect one of those busts to be of St. Jaysus however!! 

BE STILL MY HEART OF THE WEEK: Oh lordy, that Bailey was just a doll. BUT..why would Chase introduce her all over knowing what he knows??! I guess to create more angst. 

LINE OF THE WEEK: Britt calls Peter a DUMBASS :) You know it's true. 

COMING UP: Celebrity Death Match 2022


Peter wakes up; hires Martin to defend him

Maxie and Brook panic because Peter's awake and Tracy knows the truth

Sasha is ready to work; or is it chemically enhanced?

Crimson prepares to go public 

Alexis takes Shawn's job offer to work on the Intruder 

Tracy comes to town to tell Laura that Luke is dead 

Alexis and Sam have Tracy arrested for false statements on Alexis' DUI

Joss agrees to get the cabin for the weekend

Sonny is banished to his old Penhouse; decor by 1980

Sonny admits he has feelings for Nina 

Spencer has to work in the Art Gallery for restitution 

Portia and Curtis have zex and declare their love 

Drew and Carly talk on St. Jaysus bridge about his miraculous life 

Olivia and Ned re-pledge their love 

Valentin throws in with Victor to get revenge on Brook Lynn 

Carly goes to confront Nina

Liz finds her wedding ring in her locker at GH 

NEWS AND NOTES: Eden McCoy (Josslyn) signed a new 3 year contract !! 

SPOILERS: Well, Luke's Memorial isn't until January 21st so.. I guess settle in. Liz, Portia and Terry have a gab fest about life and love, Dante gets suspicious and Carly confronts Nina. The teens prepare for their "big weekend" and Victor comes up with a plan for Brook Lynn. 

So, what did you think of this? Nice ...but remember Portia's whole "Not Trina's Daddy to Jordan"?? Well, if Taggert isn't around, who cares?  And that brings me to the end of this week's blog. The whole Luke thing spoiled most of it because I felt like it was just so jumbled up.  We should have had: Tracy finds out...reactions... memorial. THEN proceed with the Bailey/Louise and CarSon messes!! Ok, done. FIN. 

I am back to work and traveling all over the place during the day. You know I'll try to keep up with blogging as much as possible. Cheers and have a great rest of your Sunday!! 

What did YOU Use to fill in the blank for Luke's death??! I'm dying to know! 


  1. Death of a Legend! Maybe not a good one always, but one of the biggest characters ever on GH, and a really great actor. Wasn’t it a cable car accident? Agree that it was a weird week. Loved seeing Snarly get the virtual smack in the face. Don’t want Britt with Austin. He has yet to really develop as a likable or even real character. Great SS!

    1. Yes, cable car. Isn't that one of the ones on the street? IDK.

    2. I looked it up. I guess cable car in Austria would be like a big gondola. Reminds me of when Sean and Robert fought in one. Remember that? Some really great scenes. That one was small though.

    3. "LSV422 says Death of a Legend!"

      Yup. I pick that too. Death of a Legend! :)

      "lindie says, Reminds me of when Sean and Robert fought in one. Remember that?"

      Yeah it reminds me of that too. :)

    4. Yes, I also was thinking "legend."

  2. Thank you so much for this Sunday Surgery. I don't have anything nice to say about the show right now though at this moment. It is entirely a big freaking mess that makes no sense to it. None of it makes sense. They better fix it by February sweeps. One thing I am happy about is seeing Felicia, Mac, and Robert. Even though Mac and Robert are only on for 5 minutes and they should be lead actors instead of most of the others. It was funny that Portia and Curtis were in bed for like 5 days, and some were working on New Year's Day. lol

  3. Also, agree about your Luke comment. I don't want Britt with Austin either. They make good friends though I guess.

  4. Also, Valentin working with Victor makes no sense either. Valentin doesn't need Victor

  5. still do not like sam or alexis. I like austin and britt, both can act.

    1. 100% - they should either leave the show or just be on there now and then - it's like the writers don't know what to do with Alexis - she is all over the place.
      LOVE Austin and Britt today - only person I see "Austin" has chemistry with.

  6. Another great SS. Thank you!
    If they keep up with all the bad editing and too long stories that we tire of, including the idiot Hiney, I would say "Death of a soap opera". Something I do not want to happen.
    This week was off. They just don't pay attention. But we do.
    OT: Please be safe out there. My neighbor died from Covid this week. She had underlying health problems but was fully vaccinated and boosted. A very active woman. Wear a mask.

    1. Thanks for that zazu and sorry about your neighbor. I am a nurse and can attest to being careful and wearing a mask. Most in the hospital are unvaccinated but quite a few are fully vaccinated. I wear my mask to protect the vulnerable but also for my husband who is prone to pneumonia and my elderly parents. Be safe.

    2. Oh Zazu I'm so sorry! :( Yes everyone please be safe. :(

    3. Zazu, sorry about your neighbor. I'm retired and I have medical issues, I have been lucky enough to be able stay home since the pandemic started. My medical issues put me in the high-risk category; I have been vaccinated and have gotten my booster but still not risking it. My trips out are to go to the Dr. and the grocery store. Haven't even been out to get my hair cut. Thank goodness for the internet and my Kindle to keep me from going stir crazy.

    4. So sorry Zazu! At least the majority of us who are fully vaccinated and have no real health issues would only get a mild case. Mask is necessary!

    5. zazu, so very sorry about your neighbor. I agree with everyone above, get vaxed, get boosted, wear a mask. Again, my sympathies.

  7. "Then, GH seemed to mess the whole timeline of his death up. Wed/Thursday shows should have been edited for a Friday bang-up with fallout on Monday. But that's me. Having "Luke is Gone" a thing for a day and 1/4 then...nothing? Truly baffling."

    Yeah that was very strange. I hate when they do that..

    "FICKLE FINGER OF FATE OF THE WEEK: If you know that reference, you are old so welcome to the party."

    I haven't heard that reference.. Guess I will have to google it. :)

    "DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE WEEK: WHY did you take Peter's defense? Is it just the money? Because come on...we were loving you and unless you have your own plan to stop him, it's just WRONG. You faked us out once before so do it again!"

    Yeah I hope Marty is playing Hiney!!!! PLEASE!!!

    "I didn't think he and Maxie fit at all"

    I got used to them together in their scenes, and I like them together. So if he is a couple with Maxie or Britch, I'll be happy. :)

    "Good Lord, just get Esme to that damn cabin. She's got it hard for it"

    ROFL! Yeah she is really badly thirsty for something. :)

    "NOSE OF THE WEEK: Even though you gave us a fake-out of the lipstick, 99% of us know Sasha did a line in that bathroom."

    YES SHE DID I AGREE!!!!!!! :)

    "Lord help me. I'm only into it if Elizabeth is going to have an alter because Becky would slay that."

    Yeah she would! She would slay it big time!

    "PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Lord I love this picture. I've sent it to A LOT of people. The framing? Perfection."

    Oh no no no!! I hated it. Bad scene.. Horrible.

    "LINE OF THE WEEK: Britt calls Peter a DUMBASS :) You know it's true."

    Hell yeah it's true. :)

    "COMING UP: Celebrity Death Match 2022"

    HELL YEAH BABY! LET'S GO! :) I have been waiting for a Carly and Nina fight match show down!!! Let's get to it!!!!

    "Well, Luke's Memorial isn't until January 21st so."

    WHAT?! WHY?!?!?!! That's close to the end of the month. UGH!

    1. Sonya, I'm old enough to know exactly where Karen got that quote. 😄 That show was funny as all get out. Here is a sample of who got the Fickle Finger of Fate -

    2. I think that was a little before my time.

    3. lindie it was the mid to late 60s. I was a kid then, so the adult humor went over my head, but I still loved it.

    4. "Laugh-in" was such a funny show for it's time. Even the title sounds weird now. But it was funny.

    5. "Gary says, Sonya, I'm old enough to know exactly where Karen got that quote. 😄 That show was funny as all get out. Here is a sample of who got the Fickle Finger of Fate -"

      OH!!! LAUGH IN! :) I forgot it was on laugh in. Thank you! :) Laugh in was before I was born, but I watched it on repeats. :)

    6. Too young..... interesting..... lol

    7. Laugh-In was a hoot, and yes I was just a kid, but my folks never missed it. Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann still cracks me up and I used to do a pretty good imitation of her, lol!

      Great SS and I like both death of a legend and death of a soap. Last week was a mess in editing, but it was SO great to see Flea and Robert!

      I also agree that Frank hates us.

    8. Julie, I loved her Edith Ann, but I also loved her Ernestine the phone operator. Sometimes I still go "one ringy dingy, two ringy dingy".

      I'm going to have to watch some episodes on Laugh-In now.

  8. I still think 'wind of change a comin' has to do with Helena - who filmed one episode I read....Valentin agreeing to work with Victor made me actually say aloud, "Oh come on - how stupid!"
    Esme throwing shade to divorce is gonna be about Ryan....
    Kristina Wagner is drop-dead gorgeous.......
    and repeating myself ----- we just dropped the mob part of Sonny's life so we can have scenes with Carly and Nina fighting????? read the spoilers that Brick has a warning-----Carly and Sonny are supposed to be 'united'.....
    the ONLY good part of this week was ALL THE VETERANS!!!!!!!!!! WoOHOO!
    and Frank hates us all-------he doesn't care that we want Peter gone.

    1. mufasa sai; "and Frank hates us all"

      *** Well the majority of fans of this show are probably older woman, and judging by how they write for some of the femle characters on the show, I'd say that's a given.

    2. Yup, only good part was the Vets!!!!! Laura, Anna, Felicia, Lucy, Tracy, Robert, Mac and Bobbie. Not sure who else. Oh, Monica

    3. Yup, so Frank hates women; especially older women. lol

  9. I read about CT filming one episode as Helena also. Can't wait to see her.

  10. I am sick of talking about “the cabin”. Sheesh, let’s move the story along. I would be fine with Austin with Maxie or Britt. But someone, please. Let’s move it along. I also really hope that Marty has some other motive than money to take Peters case or he sabotages it or something. Let’s not ruin Marty, please! Why would they extend W’s contract? Why?? The whole Peter storyline has been a disaster from day 1. I personally think it is not only the character, but the actor. I know, I know, he’s classically trained and all that. But he is not enjoyable to watch and his screen presence does not resonate with me and a lot of other viewers. So I shake my head when people say to bring Wes back as another character. Just no! There are a lot of unemployed actors out there to choose from.

    1. I know it's not nice to say bit I don't want Hiney or WR either.

    2. I want Hiney/WR gone for good! Can't stand to even look at him. And if his GF LW quits, all the better!

  11. Characters that I’d like to return: Luke,Holly, Haden, Lucky, Lulu, Ethan, and Dillon. Characters I need a break from: Michael, Willow, Carly, Finn, and PETER. Characters I don’t care to see again are Jason, Jax, And Brick.

    1. What?!! Brick?! Why don't you like Brick Jake?

    2. I don't mind brick but I sure can't stand this guy on ESPN. Temperamental and full of himself.

  12. For the love of all that is holy, GH needs to BRING LUCKY BACK. We don’t have to have JJ- how are we talking about Luke dying and none of his children are around??? Lucky would instantly connect to so many stories right now.
    Peter needs to DIE and I never need to see WR’s face on GH again.

    1. Yes Jonathan Jackson had been replaced before. I only like JJ but wouldn't mind someone maybe just for a funeral. I guess he will have no kids at his funeral? And no funeral for Jason?

    2. While JJ was the best Lucky, I liked Greg Vaughan in the role too.

  13. Considering that Luke is clearly not dead, why waste time on reactions that would be very different if the character were truly gone?

  14. Anthony Geary's Luke is the sole reason I began watching "GH" decades ago. I would use the terms "anti-hero" and "legend."

    I completely agree with the criticism of the sloppy editing, but "GH" has had editing issues for awhile now. I wish they would get their act together.

    I really hope Monday's Carly/Nina confrontation is good, and the producers let Nina hold her own.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...