Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Don't Touch Ya Face

Stop that Chase!

It was a tough decision on whether or not to get this out today. Mostly because in my area things are pretty bleak and doing a fun blog just seems wrong. I know that we all need levity in times like these however and even though GH was interrupted a lot this week, I have enough to talk about so let's just DO IT!! 

Just think, no masks or gloves required for this... just your coffee or tea and your eyeballs!! 

I'd say eat something but I've been eating ALL THE THINGS and need a break lol 

Steve Burton put this on Twitter Saturday.. he's running to keep his bod in Jason-Shape !!

This week is a jumble in my head because of all the stress I faced and the constant news interruptions that happened. Also hard to pay attention when so much is happening. I'll do my best though! 


SMOOTCH OF THE WEEK: Aw..Cam and Trina bond over their shared kidnapping and shoot-out! Teen Dramaz!! They talk and end up kissing on the balcony at Sonny's. Awkward yes but cute too.. Joss comes out and they get all weird. Remember Joss told Trina she likes Cam now. Oh boy. 


FIGHT OF THE WEEK: Welp. Lulu and Brook Lynn threw down at the Metro Court. "How basic and I now, bitch"?? LOL People forget that Brook Lynn drugged Dante and waited for Lulu to find them 'together". So..yeah, she's bad. Lulu was on my last nerve though and I liked Brook just laying into her. "Dante took a bullet to be away from you"!! LOL... Oh and Valentin filmed it all for the general population's enjoyment! Brook Lynn ended up hitting Chase by accident again and ended up in the pokey. Lulu didn't get even a slap on the wrist! 
photo credit: DaytimeConfidential 


PLOT OF THE WEEK:  If at first you can't marry one, get the other. Will Chase "let" Willow marry Michael? Will Willow say yes?? Will they have to have a big wedding to fool the courts? Will they eventually... FALL IN WUB??
I'm saying Yep, Yep..YEP! I have a feeling Sasha will go to Italy for Deception.. and Brook and Chase getting um.. 'Closer' heh. 


SMARTIE OF THE WEEK: Can we just give it up for Robert? :clapping: 


NEW BFFs OF THE WEEK:  "You're a good person that can do bad things"... Carly to Sasha. Oh she finds an friend in this one! Sasha spills her plan about Willow and Carly lights up like a Christmas tree. Interesting, this could be.  Yoda and Young Yoda?


WORKING GIRL OF THE WEEK: Remember how Tess outsmarted her boss in that movie? Why couldn't that have been Maxie? She gets an offer from Lucy, quits..then Lucy tells her it was NOT a job... then she really wants to hire her because Nina doesn't want to work with Deception anymore and Valentin is sponsoring them now. GOT THAT? Did you say it in one breath?? That all happened in ONE day. Yep. So.. I guess Maxie is working for Lucy but doesn't know it's really for Val. 


STUPID OF THE WEEK (again): HI Jordan! YEP! That's you!! WTF... you don't even tell CURTIS about TJ? Or.. um... Sonny? Because that would make more sense than doing what you're doing. :eyeroll: Harmony? What? You think this will end well if you just do what that pony-tailed guy tells you? Spinelli tracked TJ once-- they could do it again. Or HEY! Here's a thought.. you have the WSB at your disposal. They are spies, remember? Think they could help? Plus, you sent Stella home so I hate you even more. 


LIGHTBULB OF THE WEEK:  Hmmm... see, I didn't really buy into the fact that Anna was Alex for a long time because that was just done to death. Anna was playing it at first, like a mom concerned for her kid. Then..things started getting weird. First she was acting all manic and happy when Dr. O was caught. She had a little cray glint in her eye. Then this obsession with trying to change Jason's mind and talking in circles for about 3 days regarding evidence and having "empathy for her". Then came the kicker: Friday's show. After being at the gym with Jason she goes home to where Willow is watching Violet. If you haven't seen it, please watch it and comment your thoughts below. Maybe I'm reading too much into things??? 
First of all...she comes in the house and immediadtely goes and pours herself a big ol' drink. and asked Willow if she wanted one. Listen to the pitch of her voice. Maybe she's just hella tired but that doesn't sound like Anna. Next, she sits on the couch and talks to Willow and Willow wants to get to know her better. Anna's like ...nah, take a hike. Kind of cold. I'm thinking 'huh.. well, Willow doesn't KNOW Anna so if she's Alex she could let her guard down, right"?? Then she mentions "They should just close some WSB files"...
It was eerie. 
Like I said, Maybe I'm reading too much into it. What do you think?
Questions to ponder: (from readers on Twitter)

If she IS Alex... why wouldn't Emma have known? She knew immediately last time
If she came BACK as Alex-- wouldn't Robert have picked up on it? 
Or...and here's a mind bender:
It's Anna but since she has Alex's memories implanted in her brain, she's got a 'glitch' and is acting like Alex. Knows Peter is "her" son.. ?? OR she's Alex and has Anna moments?? Enough to fool everyone? 

LOL.. but Friday's show made me think enough to explore it all. Hmmmmm.... It's better than thinking OUR ANNA is doing all of this for the sake of stupid Peter. 


THE RINGER:  Bran-DOH. First I think he's working for Cyrus, now I think he's a Fed...and either way? Don't care. Not even when he has his shirt off. He's SO the new Dante. Think Sonny will end up shooting him too? 


LOOK OF THE WEEK: I just love Laura...and Genie looked awesome this week. Hair, make up..wardrobe... yeah!


FACE OF THE WEEK: Yes, Spin, I hate him too.

I probably missed some  things and for that I'm sorry.. It's just been a damn week, you know?? Hope you and yours are doing really well and not on lock down as badly as we are here. NYC is just a scary mess and I know our hospitals are even asking private people for donations of masks, gloves and safety glasses! Crazy. I've watched so much ID TV I'm set for a long while. I clean a lot. Tillie has been walking a million times a day and is happier than heck. Hubs is working from home. We are all healthy so far.
Take care and see you tomorrow. 

One last thing: Big Business is on Disney Plus..with Bette and's so fun and the 80's styles? AWESOME!! 


  1. I am not enjoying GH at all. the writing is terrible. I was hoping with the mob war they would kill off half the cast. and the writers totally ruined ANNA.

  2. Thanks for doing this Karen. Yup, we are staying home too and already have cabin fever and family is fighting. My poor 18 year old son wants to visit a friend today and had to tell him no. Daughter is home online schooling from college rest of semester and has to somehow do a 4 HOUR online hands on lab every week. Should be a trick.

    I personally still wonder if Brando is a fed. He is awfully nosy. LOVE Robert and am so pissed that Anna is acting so dumb. PLEASE let it be Alex. Hope they do a "good" love triangle with Joss, Trina and Cam. I love Laura too. Always have and always will. Love her as tough mayor. I like Spinelli being back. No one believes Obrecht not even her daughter.

    Thank you again Karen.

    1. Love Spinny being back and Georgie is so cute! So what about Ellie? Are they recasting or something? Haven't seen her or did I blink and miss her? Hate Peter pumpkin Eater! Go away already....Glad Spin interrupted his time with Georgie. Karen I meant to say I loved your headline with Chase touching his face! Oh and eating...yes! I'm eating ALOT and drinking....well, adult beverage shall be had. 😊 in moderation, of course. GH hasn't really been holding my interest, in fact I realized today that I hadn't watched Friday's episode.🙄

  3. P.S. What are they going to do with Peter when he is found out? Let him run around ruining people like Nelle I guess.

  4. Before SS and the show...I'm sick to death of this Corona Virus...omg! Sorry...I'm healthy but I work at pharmacy, up front, not in the pharmacy and it's just crazy. Out of everything because of hoarders thinking it's a hurricane. I can't even grocery shop because there is nothing to shop for. 😓 if one more person ask me if we have toilet paper or hand go to show stopped production which is old new as has GH but it also might be canceled....go to show...not GH. Sorry. Ok. Ok...back to GH and SS. ❤❤❤
    So Lulu the biggest idiot??
    Valentin taking video of her and Brooks cat fight, she could lose custody of Char. Can we say stupid. 🙄
    As for Maxie...I don't care, Nina should have stood up to Jax and given Maxie her raise.
    As for Willow and Michael...I hope they get married..I love Willow and Chase, but I like Willow and Michael friendship and if this helps him get custody bring it.
    Is it true Chloe Lanier has the virus??

    1. I think Brook Lynn is an even bigger idiot than Lulu.No one can be that stupid. And like you said kd, she's bad. She's also spoiled , entitled and bordering on narcissist. Why would anyone wish her on poor Chase.

  5. Thanks so much for doing the SS. Life is crazy. We need all humor and lightness we can get.
    Anna has just been so odd anything is possible. The writers may have changed her up in the middle of everything. Who knows. But yes, the scene with Willow was totally weird.
    I did see Chloe Lanier's twitter that she went to ER with symptoms but they wouldn't test her because her symptoms were mild and she is young and 'healthy'. I'm not too sure that even a soap opera could come up with this stuff.
    The Jordan/Harmony/Cyrus crap is back to ridiculousness. Pathetic.
    Here in CT it is a beautiful day. I hope you all can get outside for a bit and enjoy some fresh air. The whole world is in this together. It will pass. Again I want to thank kd for providing us with some laughs and the rest of you for your comments. Stay safe.

    1. Chloe went to the ER with flu symptoms and was sent home.

  6. Off topic but informative.

  7. Thanks for sharing. What a great message he shares. "How dirty are you down there?". lol

  8. Thanks for SS, always happy to read it and the comments. I'm glad that everyone is well. All good with me, and working from home now 3 days a week, I work at a hospital but in an off site building and have my own office. Grocery stores here still have plenty, but we will not mention TP or hand sanitizer, Lordy!

    I've been enjoying GH, but agree with everyone's pet peeves. I hope Brando is a fed, I don't want Michael to marry Willow, PP has got to go, (I say that almost every day!) and Anna-bot is absolutely killing me! And I so need Dr. O exonerated. Robert freaking Scorpio has got to do this soon! The cat fight was a hoot and a thoroughly enjoyed it!

    Stay well all!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...