Wednesday, March 25, 2020

One TJ for One Cyrus

Nellle got the job at Crimson. I swear she worked with Nina long ago..right? They went to India together?  YES, Carly said "I can't believe you'd make the same mistake twice" 
Nelle leaves-- Carly just BLABS BLABS AND BLABS to Nina ABOUT how BAD NELLE is but Nina has a plan to 'turn the tables' ...She said that she will testify against her at the hearing LOL  They talk about getting Nelle. Nina shows Carly the necklace she has-- (I'm sure Carly will see it somewhere). 

Jordan tells the gang about TJ. Sonny says to set Cyrus free so he can "Be taken care of". Curtis is on board. Jordan doesn't think so. Of course she has to say that. Jordan is like no, I'll go to jail. Curtis says there has to be a way to find TJ.  Jason has a plan to have Jordan "find out" about the set up of evidence against Cyrus and tell the feds her team (not her, the dead guys) framed him. She can say she was totally unaware. Jordan doesn't want to tarnish their memories. Sonny says that's what Taggert would want her to do. 


Sam meets with Dolores. Spinelli follows her when she leaves. Then, Molly comes in all upset about TJ. She's all  upset. You know. Sam traces TJ's phone again and it's at Jordan's apartment complex. 

Monica welcomes Portia to GH who was at Mercy. 

Wiley is sick. Monica is like "chill..lets get him in for tests". Michael is worried.  The hole in Wiley's heart didn't close on it's own. He has to have an operation. Michael is worried. Monica tells him he had his operation when he was younger than Wiley and he's ok. Michael is worried. Because it's an elective surgery Nelle has to sign off too!! 

Molly saw SaSon leaving Jordan's apartment.. She's going huh? 

Spinelli got caught following the Council guy and parole lady heh
Nelle refuses to sign the surgery consent. Wants a non-invasive procedure. 

Trina is at the Gallery ..lord she skipped school for this! The school called Portia! Portia comes in "what are you doing here'!! ?? She's mad..and angry at Ava for not knowing it's the middle of the day. Ava's, can we communicate? Portia says her daughter was just kidnapped the other day and her father was murdered. 

Spinelli follows Dolores to The Rib... she's with a city councilman !!  Ohhhhhhhh, interesting. 


  1. why is sam dressed like a hooker?

    1. Totally...a high end hooker. Weird.

    2. That was a terrible outfit. Long sleezy, low cut maxi dress with black leather jacket. what? So terrible to see your parole officer (or anywhere for that matter)

    3. OMG I tweeted up a storm about this!! WTF!! It's horrible. I'm like it's KELLY'S NOT DA CLUB!! LOL and she's kinda OLD now to be wearing that just going around town. Sorry not sorry.

    4. Couldn't agree more. I was yelling at my TV for Sam to put the girl's away! I'm sure my neighbors thought I was nuts! (it was warm yesterday, I opened a window, lol!)

  2. also why does it have to be jasonny the heros of GH? so sick of these 2 and their mob molls

    1. Exactly witch. Where are Robert and Mac (and Anna)? Would be much better use of those 3 characters.

    2. "lindie says, Where are Robert and Mac (and Anna)?"

      Anna-bot is too busy trying to convince people that Hiney is a good sweet honest man who wouldn't hurt a fly!

    3. Same... Robert and Mac should be helping Jordan

  3. I think someone mentioned Lucy and Valentin. Hmmmm. That could be hot.

    1. "lindie says, I think someone mentioned Lucy and Valentin."

      Hahaha. I did! :)

      "Hmmmm. That could be hot."

      I think so too!!! Team Lucentin for the win!!! :)

  4. I have to agree with Nelle on the non invasive procedure but how would she know about this, she is not medical. My son had atrial septal defect; a large hole in his heart. He had a catheter procedure 15 years ago. It is much better than open heart surgery. Depends on the size of the hole, but my son's hole was very large. Anyway... Would be a nice story line to talk about the 2 procedures and have them decide which one to do. Just a thought.

  5. What the hell was Carly wearing and when will she ever shut up? Ugh! Sam looked inappropriately dressed for sure.

  6. Crimson/Nina's office:

    Nina and Carly: Oh Carly shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let Nina speak!!!! Nina stop looking at your damn half heart necklace!!! Careful is Nelle listening in? She could be listening and going to manipulate you. Maybe pretend she is your daughter. She can replicate that necklace!! Oh Nelle isn't there. Whew! :) Well anyway love Nina's plan! :)


    Sam and Dolores: Hmmmm Sam is a robotic hooker today.

    Sam and Molly: So while Sam is a robotic hooker, Molly drank too much coffee! Meanwhile Spinny is following Dolores. That isn't suspicious at all Spinny! *sarcasm*

    Jurtis home:

    Jurtis and Sason: Jordan and her teeth don't want to follow the plan! Uh the men are dead Jordan!!! How long is this conversation going to last? It's been what 2 days? Oh it's over! Good! Oh hi Molly! Did you hear what Sason said?

    The floating rib: Dolores is with the city councilman? SERIOUSLY?!?!! Oh goodie that means Jasam can blackmail her to let them see each other! UGH!!! WHY WRITERS WHY?!!?!?! And now Spinny is caught!!! WHY WRITERS WHY?!!?!

    Ava's gallery:

    Trina and Portia: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene!!!! Ava you thinking about Kiwi? :(

    The hospital:

    Michael, Wiley, Sasha, and Monica: Oh yes Michael I can really tell that Wiley can't breath and he is very sick. ROFL! I mean he was calm and not crying at all!!! Strong little boy he is ROFL! Awww poor little thing needs surgery! :(

    Michael, Sasha, and Nelle: Oh Nelle isn't going to want to sign the paperwork! AH HA! I was right!!! :) Nelle wins the line of the day.

    Nelle: Of course she recommends surgery Michael. SHE'S A SURGEON!

    HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Damn I love you so much Nelle!!!! :)

    1. Sonya you cracked me up multiple times with this recap!
      "Jordan and her teeth" ahahahaha! So mean yet so true, thanks so much!

      I was wanting Carly and Molly to both shut up. My ears were ringing! The art gallery scenes were wonderful! :)

    2. "Julie H says, Sonya you cracked me up multiple times with this recap!
      "Jordan and her teeth" ahahahaha!"


      "So mean yet so true, thanks so much!"

      Oh wait! I'm not trying to be mean! I'm sorry if I sounded mean. I was just joking around. I mean her facial expressions look very strange. I don't know what she is doing.

    3. Oh Sonya, you really weren't mean. How about snarky? 👍😁

    4. "Julie H says, Oh Sonya, you really weren't mean. How about snarky? 👍😁"

      Hehe better. :)

  7. I read a couple of months back that Sam's wardrobe was changing because she has a friend who is just getting into fashion design and Sam is wearing the designer's clothes on GH as a personal favor. It started when Sam began wearing those wide flowey pants and added the color red to her closet. Don't know how true it is, but makes sense since she no longer is wearing tank tops and jeans.

  8. What kind of clothing is it, Modern Hooker?

  9. I love it when Jordan spouts her holier than thou speeches about her dead partners.This is coming from a woman who is alive because of a stolen kidney. She seems to say she would give up order to do the "right" thing.

    1. I think she is saying she would do the right thing in order to get TJ back, that it is the only way. What is funny to me is her confessing her falsified evidence to criminals, and the criminals basically saying that they are going to kill him.

    2. Exactly. I don't think Curtis is beyond killing him either. lol

  10. Just watched Thursday's show. Wow, so surprised about Alexis. Really shocked me. I am starting to think that Sam is a character that serves no purpose anymore.

    1. I just knew she would pick up that glass and drink. Sam would make anyone drink. Her character is getting more annoying by the day. Definitely serves no purpose. And yet Jason has come alive. He talks, he moves, he gives advice and even gets angry(tribbles).

    2. Alexis picking up that drink is just about the last straw for me. Were the writers trying to show that the venom Sam spurted was true. She should have just turned to Sam after her condescending speech and said Go pi** off and grow up!!

    3. I agree! Just not sure why it came up now. Alexis had weathered so many storms where she could have drank. She doesn't take risks because she knows her health is important to her daughters and grandchildren.

    4. Alexis has been setting herself up for a drink for a while. The sneaking and lying with Neil isn't healthy for anyone but especially not for an alcoholic trying to stay sober. She hasn't got more than what,2 yrs? Relationships are tricky for people in recovery. And this one with Neil hasn't been a healthy, honest one.

  11. the character of sam has over stayed her welcome. sam is a middle aged woman still acting like 21. jason is better without her. does sam still have fans?

    1. She isn't my fan anymore!

    2. Even though I didn't see Sam's performance today I agree about the way she's been acting. It's sad,sad,sad! I agree Sonya, I'm not either!!

    3. "gracegirl says, Even though I didn't see Sam's performance today I agree about the way she's been acting. It's sad,sad,sad! I agree Sonya, I'm not either!!"

      OH! You should really see it. How have you been feeling? Have you been in the hospital lately?

    4. Thank you for asking Sonya. I was actually doing ok for a while and had a surgery scheduled for the 18th but got sepsis again! I was hospitalized the Saturday before the surgery and just came home yesterday. It's crazy! But,the good news is they did a CAT scan while I was there and it hasn't spread! Praise God! So,they took out the stent because that kidney isn't functioning anymore so I doesn't need it and they're thinking it's been the source of the infections. They mega dosed me with IV antibiotics. I don't have a new date and,whith what's going on now I probably won't know for a while. My surgeon canceled alot of his other surgeries too.I really love coming here. Each one of us brings our own little something to the conversation and we always respect each other. It's great. Thank you all! Keeping you all and your families in my prayers. Be safe! Good night & God bless! ❤��

    5. Keep well gracegirl!

    6. Oh gracegirl! Thank God it hasn't spread!!! Well if the stent is no good for you, then I'm glad it's out! *BEARHUGS*

    7. Good news gracegirl, very happy for you!

  12. sam talking to her mother ,sounded like a spoiled horny teenager

  13. Sam's rationale that Danny and Scout won't see their father or father figure is so unfounded. They see Jason. Such bad writing.

  14. Sam was just beyond awful and nasty. She's a miserable excuse for a daughter and mother. Shame on her. I felt horrible for Alexis, and so disappointed she drank.

  15. The hospital:

    Nelle, Monica, Michael, and Sasha:

    Nelle: I don't know about that, Michael seems willing to let our son be operated on like he's a frog in a high school biology lab.

    HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nelle would have won the line of the day, but Spinny wins it.

    Neil and Alexis: I'm not really sure what is going on here. Same conversation.

    Neil and Doc: For a second I thought Neil was going to tell Doc that he and Alexis slept together. Glad he didn't.

    Rice park:

    Chillow: Chase still has that nose bandage! Hahahahahhahaha. They are supposed to go skating with their besties!!!

    Jason and Willow: Jason warned Willow that her mommy is hiding something!!!

    Carson kitchen:

    Laura, Jason, and Sonny: The camera was zoomed in on the Tribbles! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Oh Frank! :) I'm surprised Laura or Jason didn't mention them! Are they afraid of Jason now? :)

    The bar:

    Alexis, Delorus, Spinny, and Sam: Oh come on!!!! Sam is so damn smug!!! She is acting like a teenager!!! I am glad it's all over and that Sam didn't get her way. Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: The light was too low. The automobile in question was rocking back and forth in such a pace that any image captured was blurred beyond clarity.


    Alexis and Sam: Oh this is horrible!!!! Sam stop being so mean to your mother!!!! It's like Sam is reverting back to her old self! How she was back in the day with Liz!!! When she let Liz's son get kidnapped and didn't say anything. I hated her back then, and I hate Sam now! I don't like how she is acting now! Why are the writers writing her this way?!!?! No no this is not right!!! Sure Sam apologized and wanted forgiveness, but then she walked out of the bar when Alexis was in tears!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sam get out of my face!!!!

    Alexis: Oh no!!!! She drank some alcohol!!!!! :(

    1. Sam should not have left Alexis alone at a bar after being upset, how stupid is she?

    2. "AntJoan says Sam should not have left Alexis alone at a bar after being upset, how stupid is she?"

      Very stupid!!!! A complete idiot!

    3. Yes, I agree that Sam shouldn't have left Alexis but why would an alcoholic frequent a bar. I would think that would be complete torture.

    4. Sam called her to come help when Spinelli was caught spying on her parole officer.

  16. I can't believe the writers wrote a relapse for Alexis. Although,she really hasn't been working her program. Especially all the lying and sneaking she's been doing with Neil. Honesty is huge in recovery. And Neil being a therapist should've known too that all that could put her sobriety at risk. She only has what,a yr? Even at 2 yrs. She'd be on a slippery slope. And even with Sam's shit Alexis was the one who chose to drink. We're all responsible for our own recovery. I hope she gets to a mtg and not another bar.

  17. It looks like that bowl of moss just got uploaded from recurring to regular status.It had its best close-up today.I wonder if it will get stuck in the kitchen or moved from room to room? Jason seemed a little jealous.

    1. "Regular status" hahahahahah! They have been front and center lately which is hilarious!

    2. "Julie H says, Regular status" hahahahahah! They have been front and center lately which is hilarious!"

      Hahahaha! And it's growing so much!!!!! :)

    3. I think I've been isolated too long. lol I keep hoping Sonny will lose his cool and throw that bowl out of his way (in place of barware.)muyhaha

    4. "Di says, I think I've been isolated too long. lol I keep hoping Sonny will lose his cool and throw that bowl out of his way (in place of barware.)muyhaha"



Uncut Filler

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