Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Double Vision

My Life.... The World... My Daughter's Shirt.... 

Here we are! I'm day 16 of  Stay Home-- and it's getting really taxing. I have far far more than some people and I'm starting to freak a bit. Hope you are doing well yourself. If you're from a state that has been insulated from this for the most part--rejoice. Do all the things ..because we sure can't! 

How was the show? That also depended on my mood for the day. I did end on a positive note Friday for me as I really enjoyed the stories and dialog. Small steps! 

I have enough to eat for everyone this Sunday. I mean, like EVERY-THING ..I'm really going to need bigger pants soon. 

Let's just get through some of this quickly, shall we? 


I've been writing to Peter for years! He's sooooooooo cool!!!!
Yes, he is rather charming 
I'm trying not to throw up in my mouth right now.. 



Oh Mom... why would I think of my kids first? I mean, look at you, you're pathetic and basically just give up on men. Especially those that try to kill you. Hey, whatever... I'll just leave you here in this bar filled with the vodka I know you love so much. Later, bye.. my shirt? 



Note: Yes, I'm ragging on Sam's shirt. Why? It's for THE CLUB that's why. Its' not for daily wear go meet your Parole Officer at a diner type thing. Good gravy. Yes, it was THAT distracting. Plus she's being a total ass about all this parole stuff.    photo: kennedy_annaf and @SoapJenn


@Anyas_Cafe did this on twitter and It's perfection. Moss was featured in so many shots, you knew the director was like, they want it big? I'll give it to them BIG!! 



Anyone else think Ava should be nude for these paintings? AND should Franco be using company property for private work? Don't they need a little studio somewhere?? :wink:  photo: SoapTweetsGH 



Well, here we are again...
Yep... just enough to tease our base...
Or piss off the other base..
Which base is which? 
Does it even matter anymore? 


Note: After dropping Alexis off, Jules calls Britt for a good old fashioned booty call. 


So, are you telling me Nelle DIDN'T SIGN the consent form for Wiley to get the operation??

I'm sorry to say Mommy Dearest, she didn't
Well!! DON'T YOU WORRY, I'll take care of this for you baby!! 
I was counting on that 


FEW THOUGHTS ON NELLE SITUATION: Ok, Nelle is a total sociopath that basically didn't give a minutes thought to Wiley... HOWEVER... the way she's treated by everyone else regarding a life and death decision was pretty raw, imo. For the first time, I did see Nelle have some empathy and pathos. She does have a history where her stupid father sold her own kidney so, yeah, I can see a fear of operations. I also wish they didn't act like they had to have that operation THAT SECOND or he'd die. That's not the case. Monica even said so. Give her a minute! Let her consult with other doctors! But--NOPE. Cannonball Carly gets her face in there and we all know where that's going. So, Nelle's locked on the roof and Carly's going to forge her signature. Dan on twitter suggested it would be fitting if Wiley died on the operating table and Carly get charged with murder. I'd love to see that played out. Won't happen but I'd love it. And to everyone that wants Nelle gone, think about having to watch Sasha, Willow and Michael without her. Boring The House. 


SCENE OF THE WEEK: Britt and Nikolas. Just plain HOT. Plus the fight with Liz after was a great scene too. Britt just puts the sparkle into her scenes. I really want her to see Sasha and do a double-take lol. 

PROP OF THE WEEK: On the left is of course, MOSS.. with a starring shot during the Sonny/Laura scene. On the right is a new edition, Miss Thorne aka Ms Thistle. She's on the kitchen table and ready to pounce! 



Violet's birthday is coming...Anna invites..Hayden?
Ava is trying to get Nik to sleep with Liz
Nik is trying to get Ava to sleep with Franco
Cam sees Dr. Neil and likes the session
Wiley is sick and Nelle won't sign consent
Carly locks Nelle on the roof of GH 
Alexis takes a drink after Sam is a bitch to her
Jordan finally tells other people about TJ, only after they figure it out for themselves
Spinelli gets himself caught while stalking Dolores and her mister 
Trina feels guilty for kissing Cameron
Mike fell, broke his wrist, is getting worse
Nina is going to give Nelle a job and stab her in the back, much to Carly's delight. 
Three New GH Staffers this week: Britt (new/old), Portia and Neil 

And that's all I have!!  I think for some of you the week was choppy because of local press briefings in your area. I escaped all that. We've had a week of neighborhood kids drawing on their driveways with chalk and having an "art show" for walkers to see! That was delightful. Some are putting up Christmas lights. Dogs are joyful. Again, I hope you and yours are doing well.  

BTW: Next Week's spoilers can be found on DIAGNOSISDAYTIME.COM 


  1. Good SS as usual. Thank you... I would love to see a scene with Sasha and Britt and someone making a comment about how much they look alike. Still can't believe that the actress was hired with no story connecting her to either Faison or Dr O. Hope Britt stays around for a long time and helps take down Peter in the end.

  2. Thanks Karen. Sounds like your neighborhood is keeping busy. I know our dog loves this. Every day around noon she is ready for her walk. The whole family tries to go if we are not in the middle of work or school stuff. I imagine dogs everywhere are getting plenty of walks these days.

    I have never been a Britt fan, probably in the minority, but it is nice to have something different.

    Is Tad Martin Gray done with his stint on the show? Or did I miss him?

    Give poor Alexis a different story line and keep her sober. I know people IRL struggle but I want to see something different right now.

    Give Robert a real story line instead of just popping in once in awhile to add extra cuteness to Finn and Violet.

    I know this is all for the drama, but I would like to see them actually sitting in doctor's offices and talking about Wiley's heart condition. There are many types of heart conditions. If Wiley has a "hole in his heart" then a more non invasive procedure may be available. I should know because my son had a catheter procedure 15 YEARS ago for atrial septal defect and his hole was large. He was almost 3 years old. I am very upset with the show for not discussing this. Yes, he did have to go under anesthesia, but he didn't need to have his chest cut open. I am so disappointed in the writer's for misleading fans about this. Sorry to bring my personal life into this but I feel strongly that shows shouldn't misrepresent things even though they are fiction.

    I want to see more of Laura and Robert working together on this Cyrus thing. I LOVED when they were all on the island together back in the day. I was so glued to my t.v. set. Took a break from swimming all day just to watch.

    Thank you Karen for all you do for this blog. It is very much appreciated.

    Everyone be safe and heed the warnings of the professionals. Some of my family members are not taking this seriously and that is so frustrating. I like many others have elderly parents.

    Be well everyone and keep watching GH until we have no more episodes left.

    1. He had obligations to do before coming on more 'full time" I believe. I hope he comes back.

  3. speaking about the moss, there is a bowl of moss on Young and Restless. it sits on nick newman's coffee table. moss must be popular.

    1. Yes. I have seen it! :) The Moss Tribbles have a lot of cousins! :)

  4. also GH needs to kill off half the cast starting with sam, peter,michael ,sasha and nelle.I am sure there is more.

  5. FANtastic SS! Thank you. We do need this.
    If they make Sam a hooker, as per her attire, she might be interesting.
    Julian drops Alexis at meeting and booty calls Britt. That was a waste. I like Britt but so far all she's done is screw Julian and get her job back. She should be rallying for her best bud Brad and/or her mother.
    Rainy day in CT. Stay home. Stay safe.

  6. "My Life.... The World... My Daughter's Shirt...."

    My daughter's shirt! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!

    "@Anyas_Cafe did this on twitter and It's perfection. Moss was featured in so many shots, you knew the director was like, they want it big? I'll give it to them BIG!!



    "Anyone else think Ava should be nude for these paintings?"

    YES!!!! :)

    "PROP OF THE WEEK: On the left is of course, MOSS.. with a starring shot during the Sonny/Laura scene. On the right is a new edition, Miss Thorne aka Ms Thistle. She's on the kitchen table and ready to pounce! "

    I didn't even notice Miss Thorne aka Ms. Thistle!!! Well, welcome to the Carson home! I bet Maurice Bernard hates you too! ROFL!

  7. Hey check this out! On twitter.

    "Some primetime shows are going to start airing classic episodes. If your favorite soaps were going to rebroadcast episodes from the past, what are some the episodes you'd most want to see? #AMC #ATWT #BoldandBeautiful #DAYS #GH #OLTL #YR #GL"

    I hope they do that!!!

  8. Thanks as always for the SS. Well the moss has taken over the show. Jason's irritated reaction earlier in the week was hysterical, I just loved it!

    Mumbles is dead to me, actually she was before, but now I really mean it. Her treatment of Alexis was awful, as is her entire attitude. I've never liked the character at all, but it sure seems like the writers are going out of their way to make her even more offensive.

    I may be the only one but I don't see the resemblance between Britt and Sasha.

    I really enjoyed Nik's chat with Liz about Cam. I need my prince redeemed. :)

    1. I agree about Sam. She is character that has no story line and therefore no purpose in the show. Her leaving would create no void at all.

    2. I also agree about the character of Sam. useless

  9. It's sad about Sam. I used to like her a lot

  10. Poor Felix. Didn't even garner a mention.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...