Friday, March 27, 2020

Today is a Good Day ..(for Me)

Yesterday was just TOO MUCH for me... this whole thing is throwing me for a loop. If you can't tell I'm QUITE the people person and love my job. So... eesh. 

I did watch yesterday's show and Sam is going to get thrown under the bus Sunday. She leaves Alexis IN A BAR? While she's so upset? UGH I hate her. I hate her outfit. I hate her perioD. 
Also, I thought Nelle was bringing up some valid points and if people weren't so quick to be vicious to her she may have listened. 
Like Kevin and Neil together. 


CarSon at the hospital. Watch out Nelle! Oh they are there to see Mike who fell. 

Nelle and Michael...on the roof, she's trying to call someone. He pleads with her to sign. She says no. Her operation left her with lifelong pain. He says he'll talk to Diane. 

Ava and Nikolas.. he's in the room where Franco is going to paint her. Franco comes in and Nikolas won't leave. Kinky! Nikolas finally goes. 

Cameron is at GH to see Dr. Neil for therapy. He's not happy about it. But he goes in anyway and Neil tells him to tell him what happened in the shootout. 


Alexis takes another drink. BUT she doesn't drink it. She tries to Call Hammy Finn..goes to voicemail. Same with Molly.. she tries Neil next. OMG SHE CALLS JULIAN! HE comes to get her and drives her home!! She tells him about the fight with Sam. He figures out it's about Neil. Its' a great scene. She talks about her choices.. she said calling him to drive her home was better than having a knife to her throat @@~!! He takes her to a meeting. 

Finn and Anna order purple stuff for Violet's Bday. He leaves for GH .... Anna goes too. She sees Britt at the hospital. She's startled. Britt says her mom deserves to be locked up. She says she and Peter kept in touch all these years. Hmmm.

At GH Portia introduces Britt to Dr. Neil. Britt thinks he looks familiar. 

Portia is Mike's doctor.. he broke his wrist. He hasn't spoken since he was brought in. No one knows what happened to him. 
Later: Sonny goes in to see Mike..Carly sees MICHAEL and finds out about Wiley. Carly stomps up to see Nelle on the roof!! OH NO!! NELLE might take a header!!  Carly tells her to sign, if she doesn't she tips her hand if Wiley dies. Nelle says that Carly would be happy if he died then she'd have no hold on Michael. Carly balks. They argue. "Rotten people can have good children" She says to Nelle ahahahaa. 

Sonny sees Michael, finds out about Nelle. Wants to go on the roof but Michael says Carly's taking care of it. 

Liz and Nikolas talks and she says that he's going to be lost and broken if he doesn't get this out. Like she was after her rape. "He's been through 2 traumas in the past few months" ...meanwhile Ava and Franco are talking about her being a mom, Kiki and Trina. 

After dropping off Alexis to a meeting, Britt gets in the car! LOL Julian called her for a booty call!! AHAHH JUST SEX PLEASE!

Carly ends up locking Nelle up on the roof! Nelle's cell phone is out of juice. I think Carly might forge her signature!! 

Cam likes the Session with Dr. Neil. 

Outside scenes on Monday. 

GOOD SHOW... great dialog


  1. I agree. I'm sure Carly forges her signature. It's a better solution than the one I was the the roof... off the roof.

    Hmmm Sorry. I'm a very social person too and I live alone now. This is the end of week 2 at home....alone. Phone calls and Skype just aren't cutting it any more and since it's snowed the last 3 days I haven't even been out for a walk.Both sons are working in essential jobs in other provinces and my brother here is also working as he's a supervisor at a seniors complex. Hope everyone is staying safe.

  2. So Liz ends up having to pay for her son's therapy? Neil works at the hospital and doesn't take Liz's insurance? Makes no sense.

  3. The hospital:

    Anna-bot, Finchy, and Britch: DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!!?! Anna-bot didn't recognize Britch!!!!! Come on writers let us in that she is Alex!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

    Anna-bot and Finchy:

    Anna-bot: The Britch is back.

    Come on! Anna has more class than that!!!! She would never say that! This is Alex!!!

    Sonny, Carly, and Portia: Mike!!! :(

    Liz and Cam: Awwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Liz and Nik: Dammit Liz stop talking to Nik about the past!! Stop breaking my heart. :( He needs to go find RayRay!!!

    Dr. Neil and Cam: No Cam!!! You did the right thing!!! You weren't being a coward!!! You tried saving her with Jason! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU REMEMBER! :) You had a breakthrough!!!! :)

    BobTodd's art room:

    Nik, Ava, and BobTodd: Oh I guess Ava isn't going to paid nude! Hahahaha!

    Ava and BobTodd: Hmmm is Ava starting to have feelings for BobTodd?

    Hospital roof:

    Michael and Nelle: Well they both have made good points. I can see why Nelle wouldn't want Wiley to have surgery. They really should compromise and find another alternative.

    Carly and Nelle: Carly vs Nelle. LOVE IT! :) I thought Carly was going to push Nelle off the roof hahahha! Nelle wins the line of the day!

    Carly: I guess that's it then.

    Nelle: Yup!

    ROFL! The way she said it hahahaha! OH NO! Carly locking Nelle in hahahha. It's okay Nelle! You can find a way out. You are very crafty. Speaking of that, I miss her wish board.

    The bar:

    Bartender and Alexis: Oh my! Can they have a little fling? Just for 1 night.... Doesn't have to be serious. Just 1 night. :)

    Julian's car:

    Alexis and Julian: Great scene!!!! Love that she called him. Love that Julian listened. Love that Alexis trusted him enough to talk to him.

    Britch and Julian: HEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :)

    Carson kitchen:

    Joss, Trina, and the tribbles: Hey you two! While you two are talking, the tribbles are being ignored.. Talk to them!!!!!! Oh hi Mama Portia.. :)

    1. I went back and watched the scene again when Britt showed at Finn's door. It really did look like Anna had no idea who Britt was, and she didn't call her by name or anything until AFTER Finn said hello Dr. Westborne. HMMMMMMM. I would so hope this is Alex instead of a stupid Anna.

    2. "lindie says, I went back and watched the scene again when Britt showed at Finn's door. It really did look like Anna had no idea who Britt was, and she didn't call her by name or anything until AFTER Finn said hello Dr. Westborne. HMMMMMMM. I would so hope this is Alex instead of a stupid Anna."

      I'm glad you went back to see it!!! Ut;s very interesting.

  4. Sneak peak of Trina and Ava scene

    Great scene!! :)

    1. This link is only for the U.S. Pfftt

    2. Oh shoot! Maybe it's on youtube?

    3. Not yet but I'm sure it will be. I'll keep an eye out and post if I find it.

    4. Ok. Found it and I didn't have to leave the country. You can send your soldiers back home now. lol

    5. "Di says, Ok. Found it and I didn't have to leave the country. You can send your soldiers back home now. lol"

      ROFL! Oh good!!! The soldiers are safe now! :)

  5. I know that this sounds evil, but I hope that Wiley has the surgery and Carly tells Nelle that he died during it. Although, he really didn't. Give Nelle a taste of her own medicine, by thinking her son has died.

  6. I was just thinking; Finola Hughes usually goes on her vacation from May to October. Wonder how that will play out with COVID19.

    1. I wonder how GH will play out with Covid-19. I had read that they have enough shows through April 10. I already am thinking how sad I will feel after that, and when GH will come back.

    2. "Ant says, I wonder how GH will play out with Covid-19. I had read that they have enough shows through April 10. I already am thinking how sad I will feel after that, and when GH will come back."

      Yeah I wonder that too!!!

  7. Oh! Soaps in Quarantine part 2! They talked about the Tribbles! Maurice Bernard wants to know why people like the kitchen so much! HAHAHHAHA! He says he hates the MOSS! ROFL! Poor Tribbles. :(

    1. So I guess he'd love to see Sonny lose his temperature and throw the tribbles against the wall too. hahahaha

    2. "Di says, So I guess he'd love to see Sonny lose his temperature and throw the tribbles against the wall too. hahahaha"

      Oh Di!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Too? Are you talking about yourself or Jason? :)


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...