Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Last Rites

capitis cucurbita

Well... I moved my kid in the pouring rain-- got really SORE and felt tired for 3 damn days. OLD I AM!!! Oy!! Anyway, it's done--his place is great and yes, I'm glad we hoarded old furniture in the basement for years. 

GH this week was mostly on the up for me. Britch was back and made everything fun again and Thursday's show gave us a great bang for our buck. Whoo HOO!!! 

Eat up your left over Halloween candy and let's dig in...(PS that's fancy Latin up there for you to google) 

COMEBACK OF THE WEEK:  I'm starting out with a giant KUDOS because I loved having Britt back!! Kelly really did it up and owned those scenes. Every. Single. One!

 Lulu dumping Margs on her head was also fun. She's got a great banter going with Finn!! This week she sees Brad--so I'm hoping for more happy stuff. I could have had way more "Margarita Day" at The Rib-- just have everyone stop by. 

RYAN ON A RAMPAGE:  Oh nice hook you have there!! Jon L is having the time of his life and I LOVE his Ryan!! He's just so perfect and not cartoonish or over the top at all. Just perfect serial killer creepy!! 

Teaming up Laura and Carly was a good idea. I know CarSon is in every damn story on the planet but I did like that Laura went to investigate and because Carly was the one that heard "SOS Man" she went too. Nice set up for the murder to come as well.  Carly needs more scenes with women where she's not bitching at them!! I so hope it's Laura that figures this all out. I'm afraid Carly's going to get done for the murder and SaSon are going to save the day. 

Who cries better than Genie?? NO ONE!! She's been "my go to crier" since 1978!! When "Kevin" left her, she just sobbed on the docks. Here's hoping that Webber-Spencer spine comes out and she fights to find the truth! Lulu can be in on it too because she's working on the whole Ryan Retrospect. 

THE SASHA SAGA: Ok, listen up  people. THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!! Now, we all knew it was 'too easy' that Sasha was just Nina's daughter right away. BUT!! The writers didn't give it away all at once. They even had Valentin have Curtis suggest another DNA test-- and agree to it. He also had private talks with Sasha that did NOT indicate they were working together.  Remember when Maxie was listening in at the Metro?? It was set up so that she would tell Nina what a great guy he is--and it fooled me. I thought for sure if they were showing a "private" convo it would have spilled the beans. NOPE. So, when Sasha finally said "I'm not Nina's daughter" I was semi-surprised.  I'm also loving how she is trying to get Griffin because well, he's hot! lol. 

STILL NOT IN BED YET:  This week JaSam went through old love letters to discover that Mrs. Marino basically asked Joe Scully to have her hubs killed. Ergo, if Margogo had Sonny prosecuted for the hit, she'd drag her mama down with him. Not a bad set up. Now I'm still wondering if she'll be Scully's daughter after all?? 

YOUNG CANCER STORY: I like them way more than JossCar. YEP.  Cam better keep his devious edge tho..I don't want another goodie-two shoes teen. Get us a Tad Martin--stat! 

Just a note: Thanks for the MacDaddy airtime--but he has to know something's up with "Kevin". Oh, and did you notice he just borrowed a flannel shirt from Jules?? LOL

SCENE AND PROP OF THE WEEK:  All smooshed into one glorious barrel of apples!! Who doesn't love a good head floating up to the surface!!???  Nice job on the props department because that was a mask--not her real head (I thought maybe she was in the barrel and they made her face up and such).  My only wish was that she had her eyes open and was staring right AT Carly. Heh. Of course, the body showing up at Ava's was perfection. She has blond hairs in her hand, and you KNOW they'll be Carly's!! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Becky does make some good face-- I swear, she's got the most expressions going! 

WEIRD CAMERA STARE OF THE WEEK: I got this off twitter-- so that's why the weird caption is on there but this is when Sam (and then Jason) STARED into the camera, breaking the 4th wall-- and pretending to talk to each other. CREEPY AND I did NOT like it!!

STOP THIS OF THE WEEK:  Bajeebus NO. Although Maxie is adorable in this photo....just..please. Peter is another one of those: Is he good? Bad? Evil? Ok? A bit "vexed"?? We don't need that. Nope.  The cake was cute--but Michael could have should have brought it. 

So... all in all I enjoyed the week because of Laura--- Ryan's murdering ways, seeing Scotty and Ava together and THE BRITCH.  Again, Sasha can leave...the Marino story can die a fast death and for all that's holy, just have JaSam move in together and get it over with. Creepy banter isn't cutting it. Laura better win the Mayor's race because she's at least on screen more than Ned.  

BONUS PHOTO:  James Patrick Stewart posted this photo on Twitter--GH gang went to North Haven CT on one of the GH Fantasy tour stops! 


  1. I miss Vinessa as Jordan. This new one has one expression all the time.

    I am glad Laura is running for mayor, but have they had Ned around at all?

    Genie is the best cryer. Great actress.

    Loving the "Ryan" scenes this week. Mac needs to be on more, and questioning why "Kevin" is acting "off".

    Ryan didn't wear gloves. He put the hook back and threw a bloody towel. How is he going to keep his prints off everything?????? And, how did he get ahold of Carly's hair (or someone's blond hair)? Maybe I missed something.

  2. Thanks Karen for the Sunday Surgery. I am so busy now with school and work that I don't get to really watch.

    Have a good one

  3. Thanks so much for another great Surgery,Karen.

  4. Yes, Ned was on for about 2 min that fake out day that Ryan "Stabbed" Laura. He suggested (Ryan) she run again...

  5. "Doc" is so not acting like himself, why hasn't someone bought a clue yet? The thing with Mac and Flea talking about having Kevin and Mac make up their alter egos (LOL) and his reaction was obviously off. Poor Laura. Glad I missed Britch, never a fan. When Ava found the body in her office, I jumped hahha!!

  6. Laura’s return brought me back and I’ve not been disappointed. I have never been a big Carly fan precisely because Jason and Sonny always save the day for her. I REALLY REALLY want Laura to figure this out and I don’t even mind if she and Carly team up to do it. They work well together. For once let the women do this with super hero Jason and Sonny.🙄
    My heart broke for Laura. Ryan is the perfect level of creepy for sure. Please NO CONTACT with Laura and Scotty ever again.
    LOVE Britt being back!

  7. You forgot to mention - so I will - WILLOW - and how we ALL know she will be Jonah/Wiley mom - and what will happen with this storyline...

    sigh------it DOES look like this will drag out until 2019 - GH - PLEASE don't do this cause it's a little baby - let's wrap this up and give Lucas and Brad a heavy break-up storyline......

  8. Yes, PLEASE, I want Laura and other women to solve the murder(s), not just solve them, but actually take Ryan down! I want to see strong, angry vengeful women!!

  9. Karen,

    You had a lot of "of the week" awards in your surgery. I would like to add "blog of the week" and give it to your loving, heartfelt tribute to our beloved Mary Pat. She was such a diverse and truly original character (seriously - you cant make this stuff up!), and your fond memories of her did not do her justice. She is someone we will truly miss in Port Charles. (And apparently we have missed for over 60 years).

    Thank you, Karen for your beautiful words and comforting us in our time of sorrow.

  10. When Ryan thinks it's getting too hot, he's going to go back to Ferncliff and let Kevin go and take the heat for him.

  11. Blogger AntJoan said...

    Yes, PLEASE, I want Laura and other women to solve the murder(s), not just solve them, but actually take Ryan down! I want to see strong, angry vengeful women!!

    DITTO!!!!!!! I agree. Let Laura, Felicia, Ava whoever take down Ryan. Would be the best thing ever to happen on GH

  12. That murder of Mary Pat was really grisly, they usually don't get that gross on daytime TV. But I thought it was brilliant, because they made us hate Mary Pat so much, and it WAS Halloween, so I thought that it worked.

  13. "capitis cucurbita PS that's fancy Latin up there for you to google)"

    Okay I googled! Pumpkin gourd! ROFL!

    "COMEBACK OF THE WEEK: I'm starting out with a giant KUDOS because I loved having Britt back!! Kelly really did it up and owned those scenes. Every. Single. One!"

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! She is so much fun!!!! :)

    "Who cries better than Genie?? NO ONE!! She's been "my go to crier" since 1978!"

    YES I so agree!!!!!!!!! She is awesome!!!!

    "THE SASHA SAGA: Ok, listen up people. THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!! Now, we all knew it was 'too easy' that Sasha was just Nina's daughter right away. BUT!! The writers didn't give it away all at once."

    YES!! THAT IS THE WAY TO DO IT! :) Although I'm very disappointed cus I love ValeNina! :(

    "YOUNG CANCER STORY: I like them way more than JossCar. YEP."

    Yeah so do I!!!! They have so much fun together!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE! Love Jam! :)

    "My only wish was that she had her eyes open and was staring right AT Carly. Heh."


    "STOP THIS OF THE WEEK: Bajeebus NO. Although Maxie is adorable in this photo....just..please. Peter is another one of those: Is he good? Bad? Evil? Ok? A bit "vexed"?? We don't need that. Nope. The cake was cute--but Michael could have should have brought it."

    I agree! It should have been Maxie and Michael! GRRRRRR!

  14. GREAT SS, Karen! I agree - last week was a definite improvement. I'd rather see Sonny be the main suspect for Mary Pat's murder. Carly just dealt with the Ferncliff thing, and I'd much prefer her and Laura to keep up the detective work. Also agree that Britt is so much fun! IMO, this was Genie's best week back so far. TPTB should never let her go again. She's gold! As bad as I felt for Laura that 'Kevin' dumped her. Laura is way too smart to not catch on to this. Especially after the 'we should invite Steve and Audrey to dinner soon' comment. HA!

  15. Yes, WE all know that almost everyone in PC comes back from the dead, but, as I have said before, I think the characters are not supposed to know it. If they did, they instantly would think that Ryan came back from the dead as soon as Kevin started acting strangely.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...