Tuesday, November 20, 2018

No Escape

The Escape Rooms!! ahahaaha OMG!! Ok, so the pre-wedding partiers are in escape rooms: One group is in "Serial Killer Room" and the other are on "Cassadine Island"!! They have an hour to escape-- 
There are cut outs of the people (Helena, Stavros-- Ryan etc) in the rooms. Hysterical. 
Cassadine Room: Valerie (yeah!) Krissy, Molly, Alexis-- Jordan... Lulu and Maxie.

Serial Killer Room: (With Text Message killer Diego Franco, Heather Webber and Faison): Anna...Curtis Sam, Peter, Nina, NuTJ and Chase Ford, Finn.

A lot of fun stuff happens in the rooms--just watch it!! I can't explain it all but Alexis "talks" to Helena at one point! "Giggle".

They all want out because they have trauma with the "people" in the rooms but the kid falls asleep at the desk and can't hear them so they have to unlock the doors within the hour or be trapped all night.  You'll have to see if they make it! 

Laura tells Kevin she's releasing a press thing to tell everyone about their divorce (because of her mayor race). He's like SEE YA! PEACE OUT! Laura still doesn't get how he can be so cold.

Carly throws Ava out of the Metro, just "Because"... Ava goes to Kelly's. Talks to Ryan, says she's going to "sleep like a baby"!! 

Kiki sees Griffin who jumps out of bed naked. She runs. he runs after her. Sasha wakes up and just falls back to sleep! LOL They go into the bar where Kiki's doing shots. He wants her to feel the bump on the back of his head. They go back up to Sasha's room and he checks her out and realizes she's been drugged. Kiki says "I bet I know who did it".  Kiki goes to Kelly's, sees Ava and accuses her of doing it. Ryan just smiles.
Kiki tells her she was a permissive mom and she always thought she was so cool... but "you never wanted to BE a Mom".  They fight, Kiki storms off. 

Carly and Laura stand with their mouths open to watch them. Then Laura cries because her marriage is breaking up. Carly hugs her. They talk at the bar.  Talk about the patient in the room--and how weird "Kevin's" been acting. 
Spinelli calls Carly on the phone and tells her the name of the patient is "Wilson" (which was Ryan's alias in Texas when he was first on the show).
In Kelly's Stella talks with Marcus about Tommy-- and him getting killed in the war. He says it's hard not to try to blame it on someone. Nice scenes.

NOTE: NuTJ seems good


More Disney FUN! 


  1. I'm glad they didn't drag out the frame job and that Ava was found out almost immediately. Franco is going to be so pissed off when he finds out Ava used him to hurt Kiki.

    New TJ is cute but looks old to be Jordan's son. I hope we get to see him and Molly more often.

    1. Di I'm glad they didn't drag it out either. I like TJ, starting to like this Jordan.

  2. Ooooo, can't wait to watch, sounds like a great show! So glad also that I found out here that Ava was found out immediately, I really didn't need the suspense of it all!

  3. Karen, I was NOT being sarcastic, I really was sooo relieved to find out that Ava was found out.

  4. lol to your last remark, AntJoan. So was I. I couldn't deal with dragged out storyline.

  5. I was actually laughing out loud when I saw Sam& Nina talking to Finn aka Silas Clay without any sign of recognition. I know that they are not supposed to notice.

  6. Okay, so this might seem mean, but . . . almost immediately after they got married, Laura left the country for 9 months, and if I'm remembering correctly, it was only noted that Kevin had visited her once (when Carly first ended up getting put into Ferncliffe). If that is the case, you couldn't really blame Kevin (if it actually was Kevin and not Ryan) for wanting a separation from Laura. They've been apart longer almost as long as they've been together!

  7. Billikers - you are SO right - I thought the same thing - if Ryan wasn't playing Kevin, I DO think that would have been a realistic storyline........

  8. Except for that Kevin was ... Kevin when he visited Laura in Paris, and they've mentioned that they FaceTimed daily, so I do think Laura has reason to question why he seemingly changed completely overnight.

    But Fun show! Agree with everyone about Ava being caught right away. I hope Griffin and Sasha do press charges. Although Sasha may be reluctant since she's not who she claims to be.

  9. I really enjoyed today! Alexis with Hells was funny! I like the NuTJ. I liked the escape room thing. I have a feeling Carly and hopefully Laura will figure out who "Todd Wilson" is and that Kevin is really Ryan. SOOOO glad that Kiki believed Griffin.

  10. pink is soooooo not heather's color.

  11. does anyone else think that Sam should have been in the Cassadine room?

    1. Probably not, cause wasn't Franco's photo in the other? I guess it could have gone either way. Man why can't GH be this good every day?!?!?!

  12. Sasha's hotel room:

    Sasha, Griffin, and Kiwi: The look on Kiwi's face! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Griffin was completely nekkid!!! The look on Griffin's face! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Carly: Delicious!!! :) Carly knows something is up with her, cus Ava is too happy! ROFL!

    Kiwi and Griffin: Kiwi wins the line of the day!

    Kiwi: Things get really crazy in bed?


    Laura and Carly: Oh Laura!!!! Don't cry! You are better off!!! Great Laura and Carly scene!!!

    The escape room: Okay.. What? Just... What?!?!?! This was dumb and horrible! Pretty boring. Really all they did was just stand there at first. They couldn't even get out! How scary! The only things that were good, was Alexis talking to Jerry, and the ladies, figuring out the password was the ice princess (which made me really excited that it was the password) Alexis talking to Jerry would have made her won the line of the day, but then Kiwi said her line and won. :) The new TJ was pretty good. Love Valerie's hair!!!


    Marcus and Stella: Marcus has some great advice! Is this going to make Stella change her mind about going to the wedding?

    Ryan and Laura: If they get a divorced, it won't be legal because he isn't Doc!!!

    Ryan and Ava: Great scene! :)

    Kiwi and Ava: Oh give me a break Kiwi!!! You are a broken record!! She even tried to make peace with you so shut up! Remember you tried to drug Michael? Shut up. Ryan is Kiwi next? Please let her be next!!

    Sasha's hotel room part 2: Gee Griffin.. If Sasha drinks too much water, she will have to pee a lot.

    1. Sonya did you miss Alexis when she talked to Hells. It was funny. It was about the watch. I was surprised at how much I liked yesterday. I loved the escape room.
      Haha! Sasha needs to drink alot of water to flush the drug out of her system. Glad they didn't drag that out!

  13. "delcodave said...pink is soooooo not heather's color."


  14. OK, Sonya, usually ITA w/everything you say, but I respectfully have to disagree w/you twice today LOL!! First, I LOVED the escape room, c'mon, it was different, and creative and FUN, plus, SO MANY characters in the scenes together, rare these days!! And I LIKE Kiwi, the character has come VERY far from her early days of poker scamming--she now is in med school!! And w/a crazy mother like Ava, she turned out really well, she is a moral and honest person.

    1. OMG AntJoan we rarely agree but yeh I totally agree with you. Kiki has turned out really well considering who her mother is. I miss Kristen Aldersen in the role but Haley has totally made the role her own.

  15. A poster on another site said the new TJ looks thirty years old!What?
    They really had no one address him as TJ& no interaction with his mom or Molly to clarify who he was.If I hadn't learned prior re this recast,it would be a guessing game who he was.But,I thought he was fine.
    Molly is so underused, but assume there are too many players to pay attention to her;she's a good little actress.
    It was spooky,but fun,seeing the villains from the past,such as Helena,Jerry & even Diego.

    1. I agree. I like this new TJ and think he did fine. Probably helps since we never saw the other one.

  16. "AntJoan said..OK, Sonya, usually ITA w/everything you say, but I respectfully have to disagree w/you twice today LOL!!"

    Um YAY? :) ROFL!

    "First, I LOVED the escape room, c'mon, it was different, and creative and FUN, plus, SO MANY characters in the scenes together, rare these days!!"

    Yeah so many characters in one scene was great. :) I also loved Alexis talking to Helena! :) There were some things I loved, but other things were meh. Watching them stand around was boring. I just don't get why there had to be a fun house full of killers. Yuck.

    "And I LIKE Kiwi, the character has come VERY far from her early days of poker scamming--she now is in med school!! And w/a crazy mother like Ava, she turned out really well, she is a moral and honest person."

    Yeah I agree that Kiwi has come a long way, but she isn't a moral and honest person. :) I am glad she is in med school though. I am glad she didn't graduate quickly.

    "Shelley D says It was spooky,but fun,seeing the villains from the past,such as Helena,Jerry & even Diego."

    I didn't even recognize Diego at first!

  17. I loved yesterday's show! Someone actually had a great idea for this show and with so many cast members involved. So funny when Alexis showed her bracelet to "Helena"! It would have been nice to hear the "Now playing the role of TJ...). NuJordan has really come alive and I like her a lot now. In fact, I hate to say it but she seems a better match for Curtis than the other one. Glad Ava got caught! Poor Laura - I think if she had any idea that her real husband was unhappy with their situation she would have returned. Of course, her absence was because Genie was banished for awhile. I like her friendship with Carly. Kiki doesn't bother me but she immediately hits the bottle when in crisis.

    1. I just realized yesterday when Laura and Carly were talking that they were related by marriage, so it's cool that Laura has someone to talk to. Laura is Carlys Aunt and also they are related thru Spencer since Carly is his Aunt and Laura is his grandmother. Hope they bond thru this "Kevin" thing.
      As for the drinking, truth be told alot of people do hit the bottle when upset.

  18. LindaV said... Kiki doesn't bother me but she immediately hits the bottle when in crisis.

    *** Well considering her role model that's not surprising.

  19. Michelle Latta said...As for the drinking, truth be told alot of people do hit the bottle when upset.

    *** On GH we have many characters hitting the bottle at every opportunity. Ava starts in the morning and sips through the day.

    1. LOL Di! I hate the way Ava drinks, like she's trying to be sexy or something. Haha!!

  20. NuTJ did say "Uncle Curtis," so I guess that was the tip-off, plus I had read the recap before I saw the show--otherwise, it was confusing.

    Michelle, WHAT DO YOU MEAN we rarely agree, don't you love Sonny LOL??

    1. LOL AntJoan.....no I can't stand Dimples. Back in the day I did like him but when the show became Sonny Hospital I stopped.

  21. Ava has a case of arrested development. She's like a teenager or younger that doesn't realize she's doing wrong;the guilt feeling doesn't present itself (just sometimes).She acts first& thinks of the consequences later(or not).
    That added to her lack of self confidence makes for one sick puppy.It would be really sad if she wasn't so hateful.

  22. "Michelle Latta said..Sonya did you miss Alexis when she talked to Hells. It was funny."

    No I didn't miss it! I loved that part! :)

    "Haha! Sasha needs to drink alot of water to flush the drug out of her system. Glad they didn't drag that out!"

    Yeah but she will have to pee a lot!!!

    "AntJoan said...Michelle, WHAT DO YOU MEAN we rarely agree, don't you love Sonny LOL??"


  23. I loved the escape room scenes! Very creative and a great use of history. However, how does the daughter of Luke " I can't stop the weather machine!" Spencer NOT know that the password had to be Ice Princess???? That was my only complaint.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...