Monday, November 19, 2018

The Black Bra

GH CAST on their way to Disneyworld!! --Twitter GH account today

Kiki tells Franco that she threw Sasha out of her apartment over the whole incident. He said that was mature.  She said she trusts Griffin and her life is getting better. (says much the same to Michael) 

Sasha is passed out "Sweet Dreams, Princess" Ava says! Sasha is in her bathrobe on the bed.  She tucks her in, arranges her bra and panties on the bed. Puts her lipstick on the champagne glass and then texts Griffin wither her phone. I guess Sasha doesn't have a password?? 
So, Griffin comes over. Sasha's door is open..he goes in--sees her naked in bed and AVA comes up behind him and HITS HIM HARD with the bottle!! WHAM!!! ahahahahahaa. He goes down!! 
I hope she erases the security footage. 
She gets Griffin in bed, texts Kiki from Sasha's phone "To true love" she says. Then she goes to GH and tells Franco she's looking for Kiki and wants to make up. She saw Griffin with another woman!!  She thinks Kiki should see for herself. Franco says He'll go. She runs too fast. (she finds them tomorrow). 

Drew and Kim blah blah..Oscar.. blah whatever--can we stop him? Should we? I'm stopping him..I"m saving his life. She'll take him out of the country and get the treatment.
Drew sits down when Kim leaves, Sam comes along to soothe him. He says he needs a magic wand.

Kim runs to Julian and asks if he's still got illegal connections. She wants papers and passports "help me kidnap Oscar". He says no but she begs.  He finally says ok. 

Monica gave Oscar a tour of PC and the Q legacy. She says he's part of that now.  He asks her what the cancer will do to him. She explains. Does a good job going through the stages. This is what Kim should have been doing all along!!  Good scenes. Oscar leaves and Monica says she'll be there for whatever he needs. 

Sam's at Charlie's drinking? Um..Why? Ah, she was meeting Krissy there. 

Jordan and Curtis' wedding tomorrow. She gives him cufflinks, he gives her a bracelet. Looks like a shower tomorrow for Jordan? 

Stella and Mike at Kelly's..Marcus comes in, he knew her before. His wife is at PC getting treatment. She's all giggly. He was on BREAKING BAD PEOPLE!! 


  1. I’m catching up with Margoo and Sonny and Margoo’s Mom... I see Margoo more like a daughter to Sonny- please writers! Don’t go there with them having them sleep together. Leave Sonny and Carly alone and focus on other things and people/couples!!!! I do think the chem test with Drew and Margoo failed. I don’t see her with anyone. Hit the road Margoo!

  2. Ava must be a pretty strong woman to be able to lift a large man who is most likely dead weight.

  3. Ava and the pills. Come on Ava, surely you can do better.

  4. If this storyline leads to Kiki's death, I'm all for it - not her fault as a person - I just don't like the character...

    and I want to suffer for what she did.........

  5. screamingeagle said...
    Ava must be a pretty strong woman to be able to lift a large man who is most likely dead weight.

    *** a large naked man which is no mean feat. I hope she gets found out (He will have a cracked head) and is charged with sexual assault. Rendering people unconscious and stripping them naked is sexual assault.

  6. And maybe if Kiki dies TJ can take over her spot at the hospital. It should have been his in the first place.

  7. The hospital:

    Kiwi and BobTodd: Kiwi seriously?!?!! You are talking about Sasha and boundaries?!?!!? SHUT UP you hypocrite! BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Just so you know, rice is out. apparently, it's bad for birds.

    ROFL! Bread is bad for birds too!

    Kiwi and Michael: Oh look! Kiwi is so happy happy happy!!!! Ryan where are you?

    BobTodd and Ava: Ava manipulating BobTodd! ROFL!

    BobTodd and Kiwi: Pissed off Kiwi ain't happy anymore!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jurtis: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. There must be a bad smell at the metrocourt too!!! Jordan has a very sensitive nose.

    Q home:

    Monica and Oscar:

    "Karen says Monica gave Oscar a tour of PC and the Q legacy."

    Oh is that what she did? I thought it was a tour of the Q mansion. I was really confused, cus I thought he already had one. :) Anyway great scene! :)


    Drew and Carlykim: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Paint and Wall: Damn why is she so close to him?!!?! I thought they were gonna kiss.

    Marcus and Stella: WOW! So he isn't Marcus Taggart!! How disappointing.. Hmm he is married damn! Stella is disappointed too! What is his wife sick from?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sam and Julian: Oh Sam knock it off!!!! I don't like how you treat him! He isn't doing anything to you! You came into the restaurant all on your own!!

    CarlyKim and Julian: Oh come on!!! Now you want him to help you kidnap Oscar? This is so ridiculous!!!

    Sasha's hotel room: Great scene!!! I was wondering if Ava was going to hit Griffin over the head!!!! :) YESSSSSSSSS! :) Great scene!!! Since you didn't wear gloves Ava, I hope you wiped everything. I don't ever want you to get caught. Can't wait to see Kiwi's face tomorrow! Well we saw in previews, but I want to see more! :)

  8. Sonya, Ava doesn`t have fingerprints. She burned them off when she became "Denise." I always remember that because it lets Ava get away with everything. If (when) the writers forget that, I will not be pleased.

  9. "Zak said...Sonya, Ava doesn`t have fingerprints. She burned them off when she became "Denise." I always remember that because it lets Ava get away with everything. If (when) the writers forget that, I will not be pleased."

    OH! I forgot all about that!!!! THANK YOU!!!! :)

  10. Ummmmm, isn’t November supposed to be “sweeps month”?
    Just askin’

  11. Man I wanna punch Ava!! Loved Franco/Kiki and Oscar/Monica scenes.

    1. Oh me too in the worst way!! I'm hoping Ryan has some sick fantasy in store for her!

  12. So Griffin isn't going to remember being hit over the head? Or is Ava banking on KiKi not believing his story? And wouldn't he have a pretty nasty bump? And just wondering why Ryan gave her the pills. Was it to do what she did or was he hoping she'd take them and he could sneak into her apt some night? Just some things that make me go hmmmm! Have a blessed night!

    1. I figured she'd take the pills and he'd bank on that and kill her?

  13. gracegirl said...
    And just wondering why Ryan gave her the pills. Was it to do what she did or was he hoping she'd take them and he could sneak into her apt some night?

    *** I'm hoping he sneaks in to kill her and she wakes up, startles the life out of him and mayhem ensues. lol

  14. "gracegirl said...So Griffin isn't going to remember being hit over the head? Or is Ava banking on KiKi not believing his story? And wouldn't he have a pretty nasty bump?"

    Maybe Kiwi is just going to think he got the nasty bump on his head, from rough sex! ROFL!

    1. LOL Sonya!! Yeh maybe Griffin likes it rough haha!!

  15. "Michelle Latta said..LOL Sonya!! Yeh maybe Griffin likes it rough haha!!"

    ROFL! Yeah maybe!!! :)

  16. This fan is worried about Griffin. He is one of my favorites (gorgeous, passionate!) and I'm afraid Ava killed him. If Kiki dies that works because the actress is leaving anyway (I like her though). We can easily loose Sasha--maybe the pills killed her--we heard Ryan warn Ava about taking too many.

    We need to lose some of the newbies, anyway. Like Margo and Sasha. I like that Stella can have a bit of story of her own.

    And Sonya, I think I heard Oscar say how impressed he was with the Botanical Gardens, etc. around PC, like he and Monica had just walked in after a tour. I'm not happy with Oscar not being able to see how he is hurting the mother he was so close to all his life. Someone needs to remind that kid he didn't grow up in a vacuum or with abusive parents. His mother sacrificed for him, raising him alone. It isn't easy.

    I wish we could see more of Anna and Finn, my favorite couple, but they seldom seem to be on much.

  17. Oh Ava was so very naughty! I'm such a hypocrite though, I loved everything she did! And you just know she'll caught. She always gets caught! However, I totally forgot she has no fingerprints, so maybe no one but Doc will catch on. :)

    Kim has lost her marbles, kidnapping Oscar? Sheesh! Oscar of course might be changing his mind, but he's still a tool. The Krissie Whisperer and Drew were in mumble mode again, and I agree with Sonya, why is she wrapped all around him?? Boundries, girl!

    And come on Doc, I'm still waiting, hurry up with your murdering mayhem plans, time's a wasting!

  18. "Julie H says The Krissie Whisperer and Drew were in mumble mode again,"

    The Krissie Whisperer!! ROFL!

    "and I agree with Sonya, why is she wrapped all around him?? Boundries, girl!"

    YES!!! Boundaries!! What if Jason would have shown up? He would have been jelly!!!

  19. I guess we are supposed to suspend reality & assume that of course everything worked out perfectly for Ava in her plan to discredit Sasha& Griffin. And,she will get away with it all,w/o consequences.

  20. Now, I could be down with Kiki getting murdered if Ryan does it and frames Ava, and he doesn't end up getting caught for it, but she ends up getting sent away to Pentonville or somewhere else, to suffer and never be heard from again.

  21. "Shelley D. said...I guess we are supposed to suspend reality & assume that of course everything worked out perfectly for Ava in her plan to discredit Sasha& Griffin."

    And she did this all by herself. ROFL! She would need someone to help her pick up Griffin!!! She is strong like bull!!!

  22. This is the most boring serial killer story ever. 20 days into sweeps month and a second body still hasn't dropped. How do they expect to hold an audience.

  23. I don't think that Ryan will frame Ava, I think he really likes her. And Ava, of course, will justify everything to herself, telling herself that it was the only way to get her daughter back. I wonder what her friend Franco will think when he finds out what she did, and that she used him to do it?



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...