Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Late, The Great....

FAITH ROSCO! Yep... watch it.. I miss her and loved her !! Her Gram was the Titanic LADY! LOL Watch her flashback-- and Look at Young Nedly!!!

Guys, I have so much to do today...sorry that I can't make the show. Enjoy!!


  1. Today was good. Loved the class visits and I'm glad we're finally seeing what's wrong with Aiden. That's the route I was hoping they were going. I won't say anything else yet until everyone watches.

  2. I watched, but still don't have a clue what's wrong with Aiden. However, I didn't realize that Charlotte is such a horrible little brat! She is being spoiled rotten by her sociopath father, though, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised . . .

    1. Yeh it's definitely his fault AntJoan. Kids learn hate from their parents. It's sad....

  3. AntJoan said...
    I watched, but still don't have a clue what's wrong with Aiden. However, I didn't realize that Charlotte is such a horrible little brat! She is being spoiled rotten by her sociopath father, though, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised . . .

    I'd say Aiden is obviously being bullied. If she talks to him like that with the teacher there you can image what she says when she's not. That must be why he hates going ouside at recess.

  4. Friz home:

    Aidan and Friz: Felt so REAL!!!!! I love it! :) You are late Aidan hurry up!!!! Loved the scene.

    Scotty and BobTodd: Great scene!!!!! Scotty everything you mentioned, Friz has done!!! So yes I guess all you can do is worry a lot! :)

    The hospital:

    Anna and Finchy: Finchy is nervous? Over career day? With little kids? Seriously? Come on!!! Oh an Emma mention! :) In real life the actress is 12 years old. She will be 13 on April 27th.. So if they wait until then to show her, she could hang out with Spencer, Cam and Joss! :)

    School/Willow's class:

    Finchy and BobTodd: HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! BobTodd wins the line of the day!!!

    Finchy: Do you know where Miss Tate's room is?

    BobTodd: I do I do. It's right down there. It's all the way down the hallway you take a right. Then there is the gymnasium, go right through the gymnasium. Right through the double doors.

    BAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHA! That cracked me up hard!!!! And then when Finchy realizes it was wrong, he comes running into the room! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA!


    Michael: Michael got a lot of scenes showing experiments! Why were they showing him a lot? So that we could watch Willow swoon over Michael? :)

    Chase: CHASE GOT A DOGGIE!!! YAY!!!! :) Aidan wasn't smiling at all, until he saw the doggy. :)

    Finchy: Finchy all jelly over people's props! ROFL! His turn to go up!! Wait a damn minute!!! What is with Charlie being rude to Finchy AND Aiden?!?!!?!?!?! WHAT IN THE HELL?!!?!?!?!?! Is this what is going on with Aidan? Is this why he doesn't want to be in school? Because of bully Charlie!!? Oh this needs to be nipped in the bud!!!! NOW!

    Chase and Willow: Ohhh finally he asks for her number and asks her out! :) Geez Willow are you playing hard to get?!?!?!! Just say yes or no!!! GEEZ! Oh she gives him her number!!! YAY! Chillow!!!! :)


    Curtis and Nina: Awww YAY! :) Hmmm Nina aren't you cold in your peek a boob dress? It's not summer anymore!

    V.C. and Nina: GRRRRRRRRRRR! Get away from her you scum!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:


    Hiney and Maxie: Zzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital part 2:

    Liz and Laura: Great scene, but uh Laura? She shouldn't be calling Lucky!!! You even admit that he isn't there for Aidan at all!!!! So why should Liz call him?!!?

    Liz: No Liz!!! Don't call Lucky!!! Wait why is Willow calling Liz? She should be calling V.C., and Nina, and Lulu!!! Maybe she already did?

    Finchy and Curtis:

    Curtis: This came in the mail yesterday. It's from Hayden.


  5. sonya said...Liz: No Liz!!! Don't call Lucky!!! Wait why is Willow calling Liz?

    *** Maybe she's calling Liz because she's just realized what Aiden's problem is too.

  6. I thought yesterday's show was really good, including the career day scenes. That really is good, to inspire children to dream about interesting ways to make a living, and, for once, they actually showed a lot of the presentations, which were very well done. Of course, they all were done through Finchy's eyes, who was having severe anxiety. Some would say he has the most prestigious job of all, but that doesn't mean he is comfortable giving presentations to children. He is not used to doing this, and not used to being with children. I think that showing he has some aspect of social anxiety was an interesting choice.

    I also loved the scenes with Scotty and Franco, and thought it was funny to show Finchy and Franco together.

  7. I really enjoyed yesterday's episode, too. Loved career day, and Finchy was a hoot, poor man! Charlie is an obnoxious little thing and so rude to Finchy (and nasty to Aiden) that Miss Willow better be calling her parents in. Valentin's spawn is a little snot. But let's face it, Lulu & Nina can both be a pain in the butt, so how else is Charlotte supposed to act? She sure acts all sugary sweet around the adults, though.

    I miss Lucky and don't like him being a missing-in-action dad. They Friscoed him which makes me sad.

    No, no, no to Hayden. Yack!

    And Sonya...."peek-a-boob dress", BWHAAAAAAHAHAHA! Thanks for that!

  8. "AntJoan said...I think that showing he has some aspect of social anxiety was an interesting choice."

    I forgot he has social anxiety!! Of course he has social anxiety! That's why he has Roxie!!! The writers don't show him have social anxiety, so that is why I forgot.

    "Julie H says I miss Lucky and don't like him being a missing-in-action dad."

    I don't like it either. :( Wish he would come back!

    "They Friscoed him which makes me sad."

    They did!!!! :(

    "And Sonya...."peek-a-boob dress", BWHAAAAAAHAHAHA! Thanks for that!"

    Hahahaha you're welcome! :) It's a summer peek a boob dress! BRRRRRR!!!

  9. Wow Charlotte is a brat and yay a Hayden mention!! Interesting....loved BobTodd and Finn in the school hallway. I love Finn but I wish they didn't make him so....wimpy?

  10. Loved the peek-a-boob dress Sonya! I thought the show yesterday was great-creative, funny and (sorry AntJoan) no Sonny or Carly. Peter and Maxie still look awkward and mismatched though. I wish Lucky would come back to help his kid.

  11. I remember watching this episode but damn if I can remember the storyline. All the murders involving CarSon have all blurred together and the details are forever lost in the ether.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...