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But Auntie Helena came to me in my dreams and TOLD me to say those things, Papa!! |
Geesh, another week I enjoyed!! Even while sick, I managed to get into the show and not be too crabby. I'm liking the Aiden story a lot and it really turned things around for me. Couple that with Ryan and Ava and WIN!! We also had a 'fantasy' show on Monday which centered on Sonny. I'll have a few things to say about that but I wrote most of it when I posted after watching. SONNY DAY
This blog is more of a analysis than anything else. I haven't done one like this in awhile. I had more time to think this week because I was home sick. Sorry-- you may have to just endure and indulge me for a bit!!
Since I've had a cold, let's have chicken soup. Nothing does it up like good old noodles and broth. Sasha will soon find out HER soup isn't so great though!

These stories need fixing and or abandonment:
Oscar's Cancer
Sonny's DA Obsession
The Zip Drive
That's just my two cents. Oscar's cancer is failing because unfortunately, I don't care about him. Just don't care. I'm loving Cam and Joss-- when she finds out about Oscar I can only hope she's already moved on to Cam and goes through the motions. What would have been way better is the whole Cult story, focusing on Krissy. Valerie has to come and intervene. There's potential there.
Sonny's DA Damsel in Distress? I'm not liking this story because it makes the woman look weak and frail (again)-- and makes Sonny the lord and master over her emotions. Couple that with Carly jealousy and hell, we've been here SO MANY TIMES it hurts. Just seeing Margot answer that door sans make up, looking all innocent and Sonny being all menacing. ugh
JaSam..what is this?? I get the need to "wait" when Steve first came back but--come on! It's like Sam, Drew and Jason have become celibate since this whole mind-fiasco!! The whole "Pumpkin Donuts and Parade"-- nope. You either need to get them hot and heavy asap or drop the whole thing.
Memory Stick--Ditto whatever the hell Drew is doing. He's not even going to Curtis' wedding so-- whatevvvsszz..that flash drive is going to corrode before they even get to it!

These stories need to gain speed and remain on the front burner:
Ryan's Devious Plotting/Murders
Aiden/Charlotte Bullying
Possible Cult Connection
On to the best parts ot GH!!

CAREER DAY!! What a fun special showcase. Loved it. LOVED Franco telling Finn that the classroom was all the way at the other end of the building !!

Aiden's Story: Brings in so many pieces. Liz and Laura... Scott and Franco.. Lulu, Val and Nina plus the whole school aspect. I really like all of it so far. Even the school meetings got better with age.
Willow--who I call Winnie because I think her voice could be a bit...more "assertive" grew on me after those parent meetings. I didn't like the Friz one as much as I did the Nina/Val/Lulu-- probably because Nina was such a pill!

Sorry, it was hilarious to watch Valentin and Lulu stare open mouthed as she was defending Charlotte!! Michelle owned those scenes too. Later on twitter she wrote that it was hard for her because she didn't want to be "that parent"!! LOL.. even actors have trouble when they have to say things that they don't believe in. Anyway, I am delighted it's Charlotte being such a brat. Why? Bratty kids are wonderful on soaps. She's a Cassadine, it's in her DNA ...AND... the actress can pull it off. I love all the "Bad Seed" mentions because she sure has the makings for it. Couple that with Aiden's sweet nature and face and it's a great combo. When Lulu talked to Liz at GH and they didn't figure out who was bullying who --that was also great. Lulu's going to have a heart attack when she finds out it's her nephew that Char has been dragging!

Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. Ava, Ava, Ava...*sigh* a match made in.. well.. the "underworld". This part lets both JL and MW shine. Just them being together in a room is chilling--and thrilling. She's feeding off his praise and he's feeding off her..well... darkest impulses. What more could you want? Giving her those pills and having her act so fast to drug Sasha was brilliant. She didn't think twice. That's why her character is so awesome. You just know that side lurks below the surface. I'm not sure how this will play out? We know she sends Sasha to sleep and somehow gets Griffin up there--then what? Hmmm... See? the best part for me is wanting to see how it unfolds. That's good soap.

I'm in FULL SUPPORT of a K-9 on the show!!! This is perfection. I'm not sure if I like Willow with Chase Ford or Michael but-- the dog is winning.

SCENE OF THE WEEK: RoHo, a kid this age...gold.


FACE OF THE WEEK: There were a lot to choose from but I took this one as one of the best. Career Day was a big hit for me! "I NEED PROPS"??

PROP ONE OF THE WEEK: Giant Pumpkin: Michael brought in the most giant pumpkin ever--too bad PETER didn't bring it in!! LOL. Get It?? Maybe JaSam can grow some pumpkins to make donuts for next year.

PROP OF THE CENTURY: Oh well, there's a great PROP if I ever saw one!! You know they put that up JUST FOR THE WUBSY!

UM...??? OF THE WEEK: Ummm? No photo? That's the first thing I thought of!! Not even one of the box car?

WEIRD OF THE WEEK: The Sonny Fantasy Show!! Was a good change of pace for me if only to see the actors do something different. Sonny in a puffy coat, flannel shirt and jeans?? HAHAHAA... worth it.

NEXT WEEK: JaSam watch the parade and eat...PUMPKIN DONUTS!! Don't get all excited!
This seems like a very long blog because this week had a lot going on. I know I'm snarkier and more fun when I'm NOT happy with the show but can't have that all the time! LOL. I hope this week is better for me than last in the health department. GH will be new Monday-Wed. No new shows. Thursday will be a re-air of Sonny and Carly's first Thanksgiving in 2000 and Friday is football.
Is Charlotte a good seed or a bad seed? Let's ask ELQ!! ahahahaa.
Karen, I hope you feel better soon, seems to be the time of year for people to be getting sick . . .
ReplyDeleteI had written that I thought Career Day was brilliant, glad you thought so also!! I just LOVED it! Willow is also growing on me, I guess there will be a triangle with her/Michael/Chase, then when the baby stuff comes into it, it will get all complicated . . .
In the picture you showed, Charlotte looks just like a BAD SEED LOL!! You know, she always is sooo polite with the adults, I think making her evil is kinda brilliant . . . Speaking of evil, VC, who some here think is "charming," is irredeemable, IMO. NO ONE speaks about what happened to Charlotte's mother, didn't he have her killed or disappeared? And I think that, after he heard about Nina's child being alive from Madeleine, he had her killed so that she couldn't mess up his plan to offer up a fake daughter. AND HE KILLED NIK!! C'mon, people, he is EVIL with a capital 'E,' just admit it!
I also loved the Scotty/Franco scenes, brilliant, as usual. When Scotty was going on about how he is so "outgoing" that he can't even relate to the idea that a child of his might be passive or bullied, Franco said something like, "Oh, you are so outgoing, you need to go out!" It seemed like the line was maybe ad libbed.
Hey, A Joan... :) We need pumpkin donuts for next week LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks. A great Sunday Surgery to top of a good week. I agree with you on all points. And Career Day was a definite hit here.
ReplyDeleteSonny Day...
ReplyDeleteSweeping the...
Clouds away...
I am glad you remembered to bring up the flash drive and drew's memories. How long has this story been going on? 2 years? did anyone actually remember this was still a storyline? is drew even still a blip on the radar in this show?
one of your wubbers mentions having nikolas com back with long hair and a beard and being the cult master. i am giving credit where credit is due on that one. i think it would be brilliant. IF written well. thats the key to that one
i hope sonny sleeps with margot and carly finds out. carly is at her best when she is on fire. she is like a toned down version of ava AT TIMES. of course, this just sets up wedding #6. carly is like the liz taylor of port charles.
loved how carly was married to AJ in the sonny episode. and the way alexis was fawning all over sonny in her scenes.
the bullying is too close to home for me so i cant watch it. i only hope there is a realistic ending to it and not so disney-fied. not all bullies and victims patch things up and become friends.
yeah! short week. that means cramming 5 days of work into 3. ugh.
karen... i think that you should do a wub tub time machine of thanksgivings past on GH.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePeter Peter pumpkin....eater. LOL! Loved RoHo and Michael Easton. Charlotte is a cute kid but a bad seed...?
ReplyDelete"But Auntie Helena came to me in my dreams and TOLD me to say those things, Papa!!"
ReplyDeleteROFL! That would be hysterical if she said that! :)
"Since I've had a cold, let's have chicken soup. Nothing does it up like good old noodles and broth."
Make sure YOUR soup was not drugged by Ava! :)
"CAREER DAY!! What a fun special showcase. Loved it. LOVED Franco telling Finn that the classroom was all the way at the other end of the building !!"
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That scene made me laugh hard! :)
"Sorry, it was hilarious to watch Valentin and Lulu stare open mouthed as she was defending Charlotte!! '
They were in shock!!! :) When Nina did that eye finger thing and said I am watching you. I wanted to smack Nina!!
"Michelle owned those scenes too."
Yeah she did!!!! :) She was great in the scene.
"Later on twitter she wrote that it was hard for her because she didn't want to be "that parent"!! LOL.."
Oh really?! ROFL!
"even actors have trouble when they have to say things that they don't believe in."
Yeah I am sure!!
"Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. Ava, Ava, Ava...*sigh* a match made in.. well.. the "underworld". This part lets both JL and MW shine."
Yes! I just love their scenes!!!! I want more Rava scenes!!!
"I'm in FULL SUPPORT of a K-9 on the show!!! The dog is winning."
YESSSSSSSSSSS! Love the dog!!! Want to see him more!
"PROP OF THE CENTURY: Oh well, there's a great PROP if I ever saw one!! You know they put that up JUST FOR THE WUBSY!"
"UM...??? OF THE WEEK: Ummm? No photo? That's the first thing I thought of!! Not even one of the box car?"
I wasn't even thinking about the picture. All I was distracted with, if Liz is going to call him.
"Thursday will be a re-air of Sonny and Carly's first Thanksgiving in 2000"
Yeah I heard about that. COOL!!! I might miss it. If so, I will have to look it up. Or you can put the episode on here. :)
You know, I really liked Oscar and Oscar and Joss as a couple before the brain tumor out of the sky story started. That story needs to go. Agree that the DA story needs to go. Can't stand it. Let's get back to Mike. I like a Chase, Michael, Willow triangle story. The actors work well together. I like a bratty Charlott story too. I wish they would just break up Nina and Val and put her back with Franco and break up Friz. They've grown on me a little, but really love Roho and MS together. And omg, they need to do something with Drew and blank or get off the pot with Jasam. I personally wish they would move them on.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Sunday Surgery, nice recap of the week. I also liked career day, and the Nina confrontation with Willow was good. I don't care for Nina or her portrayer and I was yelling at the TV, which really was a good thing. It means I'm interested in my soap. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI just love little Aiden, and what a sweetie that actor is. I just want to give him a hug.
I could care less about the flash drive, the tumor, and Margoo's daddy. Yeesh, end all of these "stories" right now. And a few days without Parking Lot Pete was a good thing.
Come on Doc, time to kill someone else, it's sweeps for goodness sake!
Happy Thanksgiving fellow GH watchers, I hope you all have a lovely holiday! :)