Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sunday Surgery: You're Welcome


The card Ava got at the end of Thursday's show is about the ONE noteworthy thing that happened this week! 

Because I'm short on time and not a lot happened, let's go with a more fun blog this Sunday!! Grab a nice expresso and here we GO! 

Mr. Cody, I'm traumatized!

It's ok Buddy, I'm here now

My sister and mom keep crying!! 

I know, I know... we'll get this mess cleaned up... 

IT's so SCARY!

Desk assembly can take years off your life, James--you'll learn that soon enough. 

Come on Laura, I need to know!! 

If you think I'm telling you... I mean, it's a secret!!

It's going to come out anyway, let Port Charles in!!

OK! OK! I got it at Dress Barn! OK!? The blazer is from.. Dress Barn! 

Molly, what do you say we go out to dinner tonight?? 

TJ, I'm busy looking for our new baby mama...

I'm really not ready yet. She only lost the baby 2 days ago, soap time

It's like shopping! You just get another one asap!! Leave it to me! 

Um, I really don't... 

SEE YA!! I'm going to meet with a... um... client yeah. Client, that's it. 

I mouthed off to a Russian Mob wife? So what? Who in their lifetime hasn't!? Especially while playing Bingo at the Orthodox Church?? And a giant thanks to Brook Lyn for loaning me her blazer. I really enjoyed wearing it. 

Finn, it will be all right, I promise you... just BREATHE!!

But it was a TAPE WORM!! A TAPE-WORM!!!!!! A flat little bugger of a TAPE WORM! 

Honey, the Tape Worm had cancer... not your fault. Just... breathe 

Ok, what's up with you two? 


Yeah... Nothin....

Come on, I can tell... 

Ok, she won't tell me where she bought her blazer! Willow would look great in that color! 

Chase! What the hell!!! 

Brook Lyn, it's Friday and they've got nothin...

But.. I mean... do you even have a ring? 

Hell no, I didn't even know I'd do this until 10 minutes ago!! 

So..I shows shows Sonny  all the money and he said no! 

Well, put a shrimp on the Barbie and call me when you know I'm Pikeman. 

Hey, this apartment is great... when did you get it? 

Oh, MOLLY... I've lived here 4 years!

OMG I've never been here! 

No one has, it's a secret. Anyway, let me carry your baby, it makes for a better story

Even though we fought about it for weeks and weeks and week? 

Here, have more wine. You'll see I'm right. 


Ava burned the evidence 

Cody puts a desk together, Maxie worries about her credit card debt

Martin, Dee DEE CLARK, Finn and Liz talk way too much about tape worms

Carly feeds a homeless guy, feeds him 

Michael hates Nina

Sonny gets offered money, says no

Some Pikeman guy (maybe) tries Carly's burger

Chase likes Lois' nails

Lois likes Chases' wine

We learn that Yuri gave trombone lessons to the Russian Mafia guy's nephew

Gloria goes on the bus

Sprina make love

Molly decides to look for a surrogate behind TJ's back

Kristina has a new apartment...or an old one. Anyway, we've never seen it

Ava gets a polaroid of Dead Austin 

Nina finds out all about the Austin and Nikolas Saga 

THAT'S ABOUT IT!! Sprina made love... then went to Trina's for Turkey. The whole show felt so off it was wild. I'm thinking this HAS to be transition time from the strike writers to the real-team. Chris/Dan will be in the credits as soon as their stuff airs so, we shall see. I'm hoping it's soon. I did like having Gloria on because 'visits' from family make sense during the holidays. I'm still pissed that Liesl isn't on...or the Wu Clan. Can't get everything. Yuri had a nice little showcase with the Russian Mob. I think it's hysterical Krissy's apartment looks so swank and Molly, TJ's, Brook and Chases' are tiny brick nothings. LOL. She must be gearing up for her BLAZE of GLORY story (ahaha, get it?)  
BTW, notice no follow up on Adam. It wouldn't have taken much to insert a thing about him not going home because he's frantic about school. This is just a quick example of how dropping things and restarting weeks later make us NOT CARE.  I mean, cut one or two of the "Finn Explains Muldoon's Tape Worm" scenes and there ya go! 

Hope you had a good week. We got snow--then rain. It's December in WNY!  Liz' dress at the City Grille was so inappropriate ...but at least she didn't have a blazer over it! 


  1. "But it was a TAPE WORM!! A TAPE-WORM!!!!!! A flat little bugger of a TAPE WORM!

    Honey, the Tape Worm had cancer... not your fault. Just... breathe

    I mean, cut one or two of the "Finn Explains Muldoon's Tape Worm"

    That poor tape worm!!! It's just misunderstood! It just needs some love and understanding!!!!

    "Chase! What the hell!!!

    Brook Lyn, it's Friday and they've got nothin...

    But.. I mean... do you even have a ring?

    Hell no, I didn't even know I'd do this until 10 minutes ago!!"


    "Here, have more wine. You'll see I'm right."

    Oh sure! Get her drunk and then she will see you are right! *Snicker*

    "The card Ava got at the end of Thursday's show is about the ONE noteworthy thing that happened this week!"

    Hell yeah!!!! :D Well and Felicia having a light bulb moment about Cowboy Cody. :) Investigate Felicia!!!! Do it do it do it!!!

    1. Yes Felicia. DO IT! And do it this year.

      And kd, I loved the humor this week. thanks.

  2. Thanks for the very entertaining SS! Blazer, blazer...who's got a blazer!
    Love the new "Pikeman" guy. Especially if he's a certain someone with plastic surgery. Anything goes on this crazy romp.
    The dreaded surrogate story begins again. Just NO.
    Is Chase still a cop?
    There was a large earthworm on my patio this morning. But no tapeworm.

    1. "Zazu says, There was a large earthworm on my patio this morning. But no tapeworm."

      Hmmm the earthworm and tapeworm must be related. :)

  3. I enjoyed little James this week. What a cutie pie. Ava of course stole the show as she almost always does. I liked the Davis sisters and hope that they make sure the story is done right. Love the new new new new Molly. Oh but Pouty Michael the grinch and boring Lizz/Finn. At least show us all the kids to make us warm and fuzzy. These 2 alone, sadly dull.

  4. I feel like there was a separate time warp story unnecessary with Gloria and Russian Mob UNLESS Yuri has a big storyline ------------- if not why did we go through all that?
    -----same feeling about malpractice ------------ it must be Finn loses his license or why go through all this OR the family knows Finn didn't do anything wrong -------we still have yet to see this family
    -------Krissy all being a surrogate and then she's gonna change her mind when she and Blaze get together (still think Blaze is trouble)
    ------other sites say Brennen IS Pikeman - which surprised me - unless he has a connection to others???? Would Anna know him or Valentin? I LIKE him alot ---------and homeless guy means something
    ------Maura can even save the most ridiculous storyline of the week when she told Nina everything-----------and not SONNY!!
    ----hoping Austin DID leave Maxie money
    ------GH to me is like the collection of short stories in one volume of books = they don't connect and they come outta nowhere.....
    ----Daytime Emmys coming up - I had to google to see who was even nominated! Finola better win.

    1. I think that the homeless guy might be an undercover something following Brennan-Pikeman

    2. I was a little suspicious of the homeless guy too. Looked awfully healthy looking to be homeless and hungry. I thought maybe he was working for Pikeman too since Pikeman sent some money out to him; but undercover for the Feds is even more believable.

    3. I know he, scraggy guy, looks nothing like him but the first name that went through my mind was Luke. I do not know why. He must tie in with something. Or not.

  5. That Aussie is so handsome. He had more chemistry with Carly than Drew any day. Hopeful that things will start to get better.

  6. Can Ryan come back from the dead to have offed Austin for Ava, the love of his life? Please?

  7. Wubs, your blog was a hoot! Dress Barn....hahahahah! Thanks so much! :)
    The Aussie (Pikeman?) was sooooo handsome and a decent actor. Thank you casting department. I love the idea of the homeless man being undercover. You all are so clever!


Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas

  Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...