Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Head of The WSB

Mr. Brennan  and Hume guy in the Metro Court room. OH! I think Brennan/Pikeman is the WSB Director! He is. He talks about getting rid of Frisco. Then he says he's after both Anna AND Sonny. Brennan says to leave Sonny in place because its' stable for the market. BUT Sonny won't take money so they have to find another way to get him to cooperate. 

Curtis and Sonny in the fake restaurant talking about who might have taken a shot at Sonny. Sonny's going to help him figure it out. They talk about Cyrus . Then that the sniper rifle was taken from a WSB facility in Berlin. They talk about Pikeman and being in bed with the WSB. 

Esme is moving out of Laura's. They have a sappy stupid convo about her leaving and how great she is. 

Laura goes to see Cyrus! He's like: WHY? You don't want me around. She's like "we are family" . They see-saw on Cyrus WAY too much . Now he's yelling about what a great guy he is with his family. 

Anna and Felicia at Maxie's talking about Anna's life. Anna cries about Charlotte. Finola is an EXCELLENT ACTRESS. Then they talk about Forsythe and the trunk and the report on him that's missing. 

Sam and Dante. Dante says he has something to test to find out about Anna's case. It's the key Forsythe had. He thinks going to use it is a trap. He doesn't want to give it to the PCPD because he doesn't want to put Anna in more danger LOL. 

Ava goes to see Cyrus, who's mopping the floor at the PC Grille. Ava asks if he killed Austin. He says he's not going to even tell her if he did. He says he has an alibi and asks Ava if she does. She leaves (because she doesn't LOL) 

Blaze and Krissy--after the kiss. Neither one is uncomfortable with it..they liked it. Blaze wonders if her fans would accept her gay. It's actually her Catholic family she's afraid of. Krissy encourages her to come out to them. Blaze has been looking for an Uncle no one talks about but he's not online. Krissy talks about coming out to her mom and dad. 


Cyrus and Laura make a little peace. He's going to go visit his mother

Dante figures out that the report has another person implicated besides Anna


  1. Blaze's uncle nobody talks about.....hope it's Lorenzo Alcazar!

    1. Oooooooo!!!!!! I like that! :)

    2. She THINKS he's hidden himself because he might be gay...but I hope that isn't it. I hope he's hidden because - Lorenzo. I'm not a huge fan of returns - but I would welcome Lorenzo back in a flash!

  2. okay NOW we are going somewhere - I KNEW there was a reason the head guy at WSB wouldn't see Anna or Robert and they have never seen his face------------but he is also head of Pikeman!!! The WORST thing is that we have to go through at least May sweeps cause the head of WSB isn't gonna be easy to get caught.
    -----Yep Forsythe wanted the papers for leverage which makes me think it's Brennan - and he isn't telling Hume.......so I thought Forsythe killed Austin and his boss killed him but this changes things.....maybe Nik did kill Austin????
    -----Cyrus and Laura = fantastic ---------------Cyrus has a great boss i.e. worked a couple of weeks and get a week's vacation to visit 'Mama" (which I think is a lie)
    ----Blaze was kinda pity party - I want her to be connected to someone and I stand by that LOL
    -----by the way I wish the report WOULD implicate someone we CLEARLY don't expect to be involved......
    ----still funny that I know Curtis is gonna figure all this out when no one for months could figure it out - even Brick......
    ----I think the whole Esme/Laura thing was another clue one day Esme IS gonna return to her old ways but she won't wanna hurt Laura....

    1. My hope is that Blaze is Lilly & Sonny's daughter, but that may be far fetched. I think someone else said she may be trans, and/or Luke & Skye's daughter *which I like) but the trans story should be for Terry in my opinion.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. All the WSB stuff might be good if there is a point. Not sure about that yet. Can't be all about money.
    FH is a great actress but Anna is still having a pity party. Get angry woman.
    Ava is not herself either. Running around hurling accusations. For what?
    Where is Kevin? So many could use his help right now.

    1. agree - Anna is STLL Crying and we are supposed to believe that she hasn't talked to Feliica at all in weeks?

  5. Wow what a boring show today! Also the lips and voices were not in sync 100% and it was driving me crazy!

    Kevlar home:

    Laura and Vampira: Oh good! Vampira is packing up her stuff. Are we going to see Spencer try to stop her again?

    Sante bedroom:

    Sante: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Why are they in bed? They should not be in bed talking! They should be in bed having zex!!!

    Port Chuckles Grille restaurant:

    Laura and Cyrus: I'm confused. Does Laura want him as family? Cyrus all yelly!!!! YAY! :D

    Cyrus and Ava: Oh the old cat and mouse game. Did you kill him? No I didn't kill him did you! I think you did!! No I think you did! What was the point of the scene? ROFL! Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: Would you like to speak with my manager?


    Maxie's home:

    Felicia and Anna: I think Felicia should really be out trying to find the truth that Cowboy Cody is Mac's son. Although I did love Finola's performance!!!! :)

    Metrocourt hotel room:

    Hume and Mr. Brennan: So Mr. Brennan (My new husband) Is the head of the WSB, but not Pikeman? Awwwwwwwwwww! :( Then who the hell is Pikeman? Mr. Brennan wants both Anna and Sonny! Delicious!!! :D

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Curtis: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Blaze: More kissing!!!!!! #Kraze! Oh they are getting to know each other! Hmmm I do wonder if Blaze is up to something hmmmm.

    1. The lips/voices not synching up drove me nuts, too. ;-)

    2. "Paul773 says, The lips/voices not synching up drove me nuts, too. ;-)"

      I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who noticed it!!!!! :D

    3. I didn't have the lips/voice issue, and I'm still cackling over here with Brennan being Sonya's husband! HAHAHAHAHAHHA! He sure is pretty to look at. :)
      Laura's reaction to Cyrus's little rant rubbed me the wrong way. I would have been throwing some stuff right back at him. Low down dirty rat!
      Flea and Anna were great. I agree though that Anna needs to stop crying now and work herself into some righteous rage!

    4. "Julie H says, I didn't have the lips/voice issue,"

      You are lucky! :)

      "and I'm still cackling over here with Brennan being Sonya's husband! HAHAHAHAHAHHA!"


      "He sure is pretty to look at. :)"

      Yes he is!!!! :D

      "Laura's reaction to Cyrus's little rant rubbed me the wrong way. I would have been throwing some stuff right back at him. Low down dirty rat!"

      He wants family and wuv! ROFL!

      "Flea and Anna were great. I agree though that Anna needs to stop crying now and work herself into some righteous rage!"

      YES! Righteous rage!!!!

    5. I had that non-syncing issue, too, and I thought it was my cable. Anna needs to get back in action.

    6. Sonya, do you plan to reform your new husband? Or let him continue his villainous ways in Port Chuck?

    7. "Gary says, Sonya, do you plan to reform your new husband? Or let him continue his villainous ways in Port Chuck?"

      ROFL! I'll just see how it plays out!!! *Snicker*

  6. Pure fan fiction, I need Brennan to be Jerry Jack's with another new face. Jerry as head of wsb isn't any more far fetched than Victor having been head of wsb when he first came back a few yrs ago.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...