Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tracy mention

 Naomi is dead--strangled. Shawn and Sam find her. Sam calls Dante. Dante comes. Finn trails along. They all figure out she was probably murdered. 

Willow is student nursing with Liz. Monica wonders why she didn't take Chases' last name. Willow said she changed it back from Quartermaine and didn't want to bother. Monica gets a text to go home. 

FELIX and Willow talk Nurse talk. Epiphany is in CABO! They laugh at how "green" Willow is. 

Finn comes back and tells Liz that Naomi was killed. 

Brook and Michael talk about deceiving people. Michael sound noble. (or tries to). Ned calls a Family meeting about Tracey. Monica arrives. He tells her to sit down.  IT seems Tracy knew Edward was going to change his will to put Jimmy lee in and she intercepted letters to him. She does think that Edward left records though. They panic. They discuss, argue and finally decide to offer Austin one lump sum to get him to leave. 

Austin is trying to talk Chase into being mean to Mildew. He tells him he should get revenge. Chase tries to defend Willow. Austin goes for him hating Micheal. Wants him to find the records that Edward kept about putting Jimmy Lee back in the will. He says the Qs are cheaters and they should work together. Chase is like How does this HELP ME? Chase ends up leaving without committing. Oh then he sees Willow, flashes back and then looks like Chase is going to help Austin. 

Nik confronts Spencer about Ryan's letter. Spencer is all cocky. (Kid does that scene really well). Spencer finally blurts out that he knows it wasn't Ryan Chamberlain doing the things to Ava. But he talks himself out of it and Nikolas ends up apologizing to Spencer? HUH? Maybe he was bluffing? Oh yes, he figures out that Spencer returned that letter before they even got the cockroach.. and Spencer said he got it AFTER. Nikolas says that he's going to leave the country for awhile and Spencer will have Wyndemere to himself. I think he'll hide in the tunnels and try to catch him LOL Spencer says: PARTY To Trina. Yep, Nikolas is checking into a hotel in PC. 


  1. Guess Nic doesn't trust Spencer?

  2. I think Nicholas is going to terrorize Spencer and his friendsat the party and show him just how unfunny it is. I didn't get every word at the end that's the impression I got.I assume he'll be in the tunnels too. It could make for a very interesting night. lol

    1. Maybe we'll get some fun. Hope its a costume party.

  3. Naomi's room:

    Sam, her bread, Dead Niomi, Shaun, Dante, and Finchy: Man Niomi on the floor looks like Gladys!! Why does she have to be dead with her eyes open?! Yuck come on! :( Okay Sam's bread. Did you kill Niomi? Was it you and the Tribbles? Awww Finchy! :( Little V lost her grandmother. :(

    The hospital:

    Felix, Liz, and Willow: Awwww friendship. :) Love how Felix and Liz acknowledged how green they were when they first started being a nurse. :)

    Monica and Willow: Oh come on! Your last name was Quartermaine, and now that you married Chase, why bother changing it to Chase? UGH! I hate this!

    Felix and Liz: I love that they were talking about the mistakes you make and how you learn from them!!! :)

    Finhy, Felix, and Liz: It's awful that Finchy had to tell them what happened to Niomi! :(

    Chase and Pautucket Holtster: Great scene! Oh come on Chase! Help him! Mildew don't deserve your protection!

    Chase: She doesn't deserve the anger than I'm feeling.

    WHAT?! No Chase!!!! She does deserve it!!! Don't blame yourself!!!!!

    Chillow: You see Chase? No hug, no kiss, just a quick touch on the arm!!! She deserves everything you dish out to her! Mildew deserves it too! Get them!!!

    Metrocout rooftop pool:

    Nik and Chad: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Chad you screwed up boy! Nik will get to the truth. :)

    Chad and Trina: They are so adorable together! Come on Trina you were going to tell him about the kick me sign! Tell him. Then you two can laugh together! :)

    The Q mansion:

    Monica wins the line of the day.

    Monica: How big, how embarrassing, and how much is it going to cost us to get out of it.


  4. So, I didn't even know who Naomi was. I could care less that she was murdered. Why would anyone care about a character who wasn't even really on the show?

    1. gotta be setting up Hayden's return and WHOEVER this man is - still thinking it's her ex-husband -----------not Peter..............

  5. "lindie says, Why would anyone care about a character who wasn't even really on the show?"

    Oh she was on the show before.


    1. I looked up the pic of old Naomi. She looks familiar. I didn't watch much then

    2. The old Naomi played on B&B.

  6. So on tristan’s zoom a fan commented that she was mad at GH for what they have done to him. He replied that he couldn’t comment on it. But he will be back at GH. But he doesn’t know when. That kinda makes me think it hasn’t been his choice not to be on screen. Oh and he said with Alister coming maybe holly stiryline coming - maybe it has to Do with Naomi. Or drew.

    1. Sounds like not Tristan choice. I have no nice words to say so won't say what ai am thinking. Love Tristan Roger's. Not fair.

  7. Gosh give us some fun summer stories! Who cares about Willow/Michael/Chase at this point?
    (heck I can't remember ever caring). As much at it kills me Carly & Jason should just do the elaborate wedding thing and have Lucy plan it.

    There's a pool... there are teens.. summer love or SOMETHING! I love Cam and Joss but they immediately make them so dull.

    Vanna where are you when we need you? Give us more, please. If not I would settle for an hour full of Violet.

    1. One quick note. I love Trina but I don't see sparks with her and Nu Spencer.

    2. I want more Vanna too. It's been a month. What the heck. Yes and hour of Violet would be great. She is little ray of sunshine.

    3. I don't either, Linda. NuSpencer is too in love with himself.

    4. I agree and I think Trina is a bit immature and young for Spencer. Did anyone else notice that there were lights on at the pool? We know it's indoors but it is supposed to be outdoors.

  8. Surely Fiona isn’t gonna take her two month vacation this year. Horrible timing if so

    1. I think MAYBE travel issues with COVID. I think she goes back to England. IDK what restrictions there are currently.

  9. I was never a Franco or RH fan, but they killed him off for such an unlikable, weird ( and weird looking) character Austin? At least Franco could be relatively pleasant, especially with Liz and family, but this guy is not. And we never had an answer to why he had hidden cameras in his house.

    1. Did someone say once that someone gets paid to introduce new characters? Thought I heard something like that. Otherwise WHY get rid of Franco.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...