Friday, August 6, 2021

Let's Box


Ok, so... here we go! IT's Friday. 

Ava and Shawn.. he was in jail for six years. Oh she's making zexy eyes at him. APPROVED! Oh damn, she just wants him as a bodyguard. He says no, he already has s job. 

Spa Jail with Alexis, Nikolas and Sam. They talk about Ryan. She says he can communicate with his eyes. Maybe behind the stalker. Then Sam sees Harmony. Has little reaction. Nikolas asks her if she is helping Ryan with the stalking. She says no... Ryan has written letters but most are returned. She can't show them to everyone, it's right to privacy. Sam leaves. Then, Harmony walks by and drops Ryan's folder "I hope I don't misplace this for 20 minutes". She IS helping them. 

Laura is talking to Dante about Lulu. OMG THEY HAVE HER IN A GIANT WINTER COAT !! WTF!! OMG!! Anyway, Lulu's news isn't good. She's not responding to any treatment. Laura says she doesn't expect Dante to wait for Lulu. 

Dr. Obrect confronts Jason in the gym. I wish she'd kick his ass. He says he knows he let Britt down. They just talk. Anna comes in... spots Lesil on the punching bag. Then Anna punches. 

Kelly's.. Liz, Finn and Violet having milkshakes after baseball. Violet's grandma walks in..Hayden's mother. Violet asks her where her mommy is.  Finn finally tells her to leave. She gives him her number and goes. 

Jax and Carly argue about Lulu's safety. She tells him she has a bodyguard. Jax is like OH GREAT!! 

Jason confronts Joey Novak at Kelly's. Tells him to stay away from Joss. Grrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrr. 


Alexis finds a letter written to Spencer from Ryan. 


  1. LOVED Leisl today. She needs to be on more. She and Anna have some great scenes. LOVED how she layed into Jason. Surprise ending people. WHY no VAnna scenes this week?

    1. Also, great that Anna understood Leisl's German

  2. Guess the ending isn't a surprise.

    I think Sean and Ava would be hot together. Really hot. Ava looked great. Anna and Leisl looked great and all gym like. Genie always looks so great, but why the winter coats????? Likes Carly's dress, but was a friend she'd lose a "friend" or 2 with a wardrobe malfunction. Actually didn't mind Jax at all today laying into Carly. He KNOWS they married for business; well Jason anyway. lol

  3. Who would Joey Novak be working with? Jason thinks he's working with someone because he's all acting cocky.

    1. Maybe Charles Shawneggest(sp) or as I say Shane Donovan from Days. Still think Ryan is nice-Drew. Obviously this wasn’t a Friday show!

  4. Anyone else notice that Carly seemed to have a lightbulb moment when she and Jax were talking about Joss going to college with her friends and thenCcarly mentioned the guard who looked young enough to be a student? I had a flash of her maybe hiring someone to pretend to be a student while guarding her. Could add some nice drama for a while.

    Was that the letter to Spencer that they discovered at the end ot that scene?

  5. has anyone else noticed that GH centers around 4 teenagers and a bunch of over 40 crowd nothing in the middle. I still want love in the afternoon. tired of the mob. lets go back to the hospital. we have liz, portia,britt,terri, leisel, felix and monica all who can act.

    1. A lot of them are only acting in twos with the same people. Limiting exposure I guess. Until things improve in California this may be the status quo for a while. I read that Emme and her family are moving out of California.

    2. We did have quite a group at Wiley’s party!

    3. Is that a different Wiley? Or maybe he got a haircut! Hahaha!

    4. Probably the other twin. He did look a little different but definitely same little actor.

    5. They had a chance to ditch the whole mob scene, which is just a bunch of talking until there's a shoot out, when Sonny "died". Carly always hated the business. It might have been great if the 'godfather' came back to no family business. Just coffee. And this Joe Novak...seems like a drunken bum to me. Creepy.

  6. Gym:

    Dr. O and Jason: I wonder how many takes the actress had to do to get through the ropes!! Hahahaha. Dr. O in mama bear mode! YEAHHHHHHHHHH! Love her sticking up for her daughter.

    Dr. O and Anna: Man Dr. O can't hit very well! ROFL! Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: I don't I just like to hit things.



    Anna and little V: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Finchy, little V, and Naomi: Is Naomi a southern bell all of a sudden? Little V is so adorable!!! Yeah do you know where RayRay is Naomi?

    Joey Novak, his three henchman, and Jason: HAHAHAAHAHHAA. Joey doesn't give a crap what you say Jason! :) Hey Joey Novak what did you do with the Tribbles?!!

    "Karen says Jason confronts Joey Novak at Kelly's. Tells him to stay away from Joss. Grrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrr."

    Hmmm is the grrrrr for Joey or for Jason? :)

    Carly's office:

    Jax, Carly, and her side bread: Carly you are making me go on Jax's side, and I don't want to be on Jax's side. Carly's side bread is not happy with Jax either! Jax what are you going to do? Get a young bodyguard to watch Joss?

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Shaun and Ava: Hmmmmm. Shaun you should be Ava's bodyguard and then end up in bed together.. Oops wait what am I saying? :)

    River Ridge: Oh damn forgot the name of the place.

    Sam,, Nik, and Alexis: Well I'm glad Sam realized that is telling the truth. Oh Nik shut up and go away!, Nik, and Alexis: Ohhhhhhhhhhh! decided to help! YAY! :)


    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1999* Carly, Jason, and Sonny. Jason sticking up for Carly.

    1. Oops forgot to mention,

      Dante and Laura: Awwww sad scene!!! :( Poor Lulu!!! :(

    2. Makes me mad they fired Emme to bring on all these random stupid characters. I wasn't a huge fan of Emme as Lulu but she was better than most of these stupid characters. Now Dante realizes how much he loves her.

    3. PS. Loved the Dante and Laura scene. Except Genie's winter coat was making me so hot. There I was watching in my summer shorts and tshirt.

    4. "lindie says, Except Genie's winter coat was making me so hot. There I was watching in my summer shorts and tshirt."

      Yeah doesn't she feel hot? I mean she was wearing black!! They are in California right? So why would she wear something like that!

    5. I love Genie to pieces. I wonder if she has a self confidence/ body image thing. I hope not. She is a very beautiful woman who looks like most of the women in the world body shape wise.

  7. Laura’s wardrobe person should be fired. Her wardrobe is appalling and inappropriate for summer, as is Brooklyn’s. Granted they aren’t as slim as other cast members but there are still flattering clothes out there for these two lovely women.

    1. Agreed. They are 2 of the most attractive women that look way more like us than kemo. geez at least put them in summer blazers!

    2. these 2 women are not as big as Oprah, and oprah always looked beautiful. laura and brooklynn look frumpy

    3. Agreed. They make beautiful clothes for all women these days. NO REASON they need to put those 2 actresses in such horrible clothing.

    4. ABSOLUTELY--- at first (weeks ago) I thought it was because she was the mayor but now in the summer it is ridiculous and an insult to Genie Frances.

  8. Anna & Leisl should be the next Thelma & Louise (or BFF'S). I wish we could see Diane visiting Alexis as well as Jax. Lord give him something to do please!

    Ava blew me away again as Maura has chemistry with the drink she's sipping.

    1. "Maura has chemistry with the drink she's sipping." LOL Love that, and agree. She is my favorite actress on the show. The screen sparkles whenever she is on.

    2. I didn't used to be an Ava (or Maura) fan at ALL. She has grown on me so much, and she was just ooooozing with sex appeal in the scene with her drink and Sean. Seemed like they might have been flirting too.

  9. Some news about what our Pfiffy has been doing ....

    1. I hope we don't completely lose Sonya Eddy. She is such a good character and great actress

    2. me too. I love her character...and her.

  10. I saw on another site that Emme moved from california

    1. Where did her and her family go?

    2. Witch...I wrote that here yesterday right under your post above.

      Sonya: They're moving to S. Louis. She says she'll trvael for work.

    3. "Di says, Sonya: They're moving to S. Louis. She says she'll trvael for work."

      Oh okay!!! Thanks Di! :)

  11. There is a campaign on Twitter asking that Tristan Rogers return soon as Robert. Fans allege the actor is being punished by the producers for speaking out against the Peter August storyline a few months ago. I hope that's not true.

    Also, some rumor sites say Harmony will be killed by Ryan in retaliation for helping Nikolas and Alexis.

    1. That better not be true about Tristan Roger's. He is one of my utmost favorite characters of all of General Hospital

    2. I have asked him several times on Twitter and he never answers.......miss him and it makes NO sense that he isn't around with PETER's investigation.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...