Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Who's Your Daddy?


Not a bad week on the show! It was fun filled, angst ridden and even had a scary Halloween masks. The dialog has been superb lately. 

This is my last SS for a week so enjoy if you can!!! 

CASSADINE MOMENT OF THE WEEK: So many people hated on this and yes, it was a bit lame with the whole "Halloween Mask" thing BUT..Damn, Nikolas came into his sadistic self!! You know he enjoyed putting that knife to Spencer's neck. You know he didn't care when his mother was telling him off. Nope. He was just calm as can be. Almost smiling. That was so Stavros and Helena. Now, whether or not you think Nikolas should be any combo of those two is another matter. Me? I love a good evil Cassadine. Even Stefan could be a nasty B in his time. More please. Sorry!! (not really) 

SEMI-SHOCK OF THE WEEK: Well, welcome to Esme!! Spencer's girlfriend who took it upon herself to set Ava's car on fire. Spencer is all upset but she did save your butt!! Now the casting for this chick is off, imo. A Paris Hilton type was really needed. IG influencer who has on too much designer gear. I am happy to see he's a player though and the Trina romance will have to be on a slow-burn. 

TENDER TREASURE MOMENT: For those of you that like your Hallmark soaps, you got it with Brando's unabashed delight at seeing his baby on an ultrasound. Giant baby to have been conceived in April but hey, who's counting? 

MOBULAR MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Oh Jax!! You tried it on Carly by putting your phone upside down on the counter instead of say... wearing a wire. You could have learned a thing or two from Brenda!! Anyway, while Jax is busy trying to save Josslyn, Carly's justifying her mobular lifestyle by saying it's 'protecting' everyone. I was so happy when Jax brought up Morgan. She sent him to live with Jax, put him in a boarding school to keep him away. He comes back to PC and gets blown up. LOL-- yeah, he DOES have a point!! I just wish Jax would take off on the next jumbo jet to Australia. That's my take. 

MOBULAR MOMENT OF THE WEEK TWO:  Five Families. All I want to say about this is that Ms. Wu seems to be the only person to stand up to St. Jaysus. She even got him to set a wedding date! Please be Brad's grandma or Aunty! 

FLAMES OF THE WEEK:  Ava! Your Car!! Actually the biggest thing to happen was that Kiki's ID ended up there. If Spencer didn't know about the fire, how did Esme get the ID? Oh, I'm hearing shades of Ryan coming!! You know he got to Esme somehow!! 

FRIENDS OF THE WEEK: Aw, it's Portia and Ava. They had a great talk and really bonded. Good to see these kinds of scenes. Maura of course killed it in the drama about Kiki department. 

NOT DEAD OF THE WEEK:  Oh, it's Drew. No one is shocked. Not even Sam...who played that phone call so non-chalant that it was painful to watch. PAINFUL. Come on, show a little life. PLEASE. Drew is in some prison somewhere with Cam Mathison's face.  They made a false Scout flashback with him. That's all you need to know. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  LOVED all the girls out for a drink at Savoy!! Their conversation was really true to life and they sure dragged Britt. Seeing Epiphany again is always a treat. Nice surprise to have them all together--even Bobbie!!  Pic thx to @BuyingAir 

LOOK OF THE WEEK: Oh, Liz was just stunning at the Nurses table!! photo thx to 


Jarly set the date: Sept 17th. Get your gowns on!

Esme, Nikolas' girlfriend set the fire in Ava's car and left Kiki's ID 

Drew Cain is alive and well and being held in a cinder block prison somewhere 

Laura lays into Nikolas for terrorizing Spencer and being a Cassadine

Jax tries and fails to record Carly incriminating herself 

Spencer is angry with father at trying to "kill" him 

The Nurses go out with COS Terry and leave Britt in the dust 

Maxie's home! 

SPOILERS:  So, Obrect goes missing, Joss cooks for her dad, Carly asks Brando for help and Finn and Elizabeth go camping together. Prediction: She gets sauce from Trina, Jax eats it and has a flashback to seeing Sonny in Nixon Falls? hmmmmm.. ?

That's a wrap! I'm off all next week...going to the land of Lobsters! Hope Henri stays south of us!!  Dave will take over as usual and we've cooked up some fun posts for you. Here's hoping nothing MAJOR happens next week?? 


  1. Are you going to Maine? That's near my neck of the woods. Have fun. Wonder if you'll see Genie Francis and family

    1. PS. I was very confused waking up to Sunday surgery on Saturday. Lol. I thought it was Sunday for a minute. Ahhhhh

    2. lol Glad it wasn't only me. Had to double check the date.

      Thanks for the SS, kd.

  2. "Five Families. All I want to say about this is that Ms. Wu seems to be the only person to stand up to St. Jaysus. She even got him to set a wedding date! Please be Brad's grandma or Aunty!"

    Actually... that triggered a memory. A looooong time ago, when Brad first started dating Lucas and I think Ellie was on the show, Brad mentioned that he had an unusual family background and it was implied they were criminals. It was a plotline that got dropped.

    1. I think he was supposed to be related to someone from the Asian Quarter story line for the 80s. Not sure though. I may be way off.

    2. I remember that too. But either way I loved Mrs. Wu's scenes.

  3. Saturday / Sunday - working from home ALL THE TIME - who even knows what day it is anymore!! Enjoy your vacation K!

    My whirl of comments all strung together: I'm wondering how long it will be before Esme goes after Trina - you know she will not like that Spencer actually has feelings for her!
    I hope they DO tie in Mrs. Wu and Brad and The Asian Quarter. WRITERS - PLEASE USE HISTORY AND REMEMBER THAT EXISTS. Sam's reaction was so flat....I just don't get it. I normally love KM as Sam but she needs to get some spark back SOON. I'm hoping she has chem with Cameron Mathison because I'm still grossed out about her and Dante. Let's speed up Vanna...I need to see them together....Valentin is going to be heartbroken when he finds out Bailey is Maxie's and he's going to need Anna!! Jason and Carly wedding is just so weird. They are best friends, they HAVE to do it to keep everyone safe. JUST DO IT - shouldn't be that hard...There are worse things than being married to your best friend! Also - Nixon Falls...can we just have that be one of the storylines that just stops and in a few years we all say "oh - I forgot about that trainwreck of a story...."

    1. I want VANNA to speed up too. At least a little. We never see them. That is part of the problem. Was 6 weeks with them not on

  4. Everyone seems concerned about Kiki's badge. You'd only need someone else's ID, some computer skills and an online pic of Kiki wearing her badge to replicate that. Counterfeit ID people do it all the time. And Esme probably knows her way around a computer.

  5. I think Marty was genuinely flirting with Anna, but I think mostly he was "feeling her out" to see if she was interested in Valentin. Who knows? Those scenes were well done with the 3 of them. I noticed too that Marty was limping as he was walking out of the room.

  6. Hey Karen what part of Maine? Navy brat here...I lived in Maine ad a little as a little girl. Kittery and York. ❤
    Safe travels!

  7. Thanks for another great SS! Especially since I probably won't have power/internet tomorrow. Henri is headed right for my area.
    I am just not thrilled with GH at this time. Some fun stuff but mostly blah. Adding new characters and stories but rarely ending any. They can do better.
    Maine is my favorite state. Have a great time.

    1. I'm not thrilled at all with GH right now. Only ones I really like are Anna, Valentin, Brooklyn and Laura. Not really into any of the other stuff. I was actually liking Britt and liking her with Jason, but I won't care anymore about them 2 years from now. Oh, I do like Leisl and Scott, but we don't see them much. And, Robert who we never see anymore. And Mac and Felicia who we never see.

  8. I think Marty finds out that Cyrus escaped prison and Laura goes to be with Lulu to protect her and that is how Genie goes on her summer vacation. These scenes were probably filmed in like June?????

    1. I think that is probably right. Good deduction!

  9. Karen, have a great vacation in Maine. Don't forget to say hi to Genie and family. Their summer home is in Belfast I believe !!!!!!!

  10. I think what's going to happen is that Maxie will find out that Sonny is in Nixon Falls and Nina is keeping it from Carly. Maxie will HAVE to keep it quiet because Nina knows Maxie's secret and Maxie is afraid Nina will blab if she does. So I think Nixon Falls will be around for much longer folks. :( Hate it.

    1. Ugh, I hadn't thought of that. You're probably right. This Nixon Falls storyline is going to go on FOREVER.

  11. I don't think Cyrus has escaped but I do think he's done something related to Lulu----maybe paying something like a bill----whatever-----that DOES make Laura go off-campus....
    if he escaped, Jordan would know.

  12. I'm wondering if Esme could turn out to be Ryan's daughter?
    Maura West is a fantastic actress - every single scene.
    I really hope that when Sonny gets his memory back, he turns his back on Carly and Jason and the whole mob thing. What a shake up to the never ending mob story line that would be.

  13. I don’t agree that the casting is off for Esme. I thought the actress did a good job. I like how she came out of nowhere. I am interested in an Anna, Val, and Marty triangle.

  14. BJ and Stone were great storylines. I was really impacted by the "deaths" of Scorpio and Anna on the boat with Faison too, as Scorpio had been my favorite character since the Ice Princess storyline....Waltzing Matilda at the funeral! Alan's death was just awful, since it was so random and meaningless and Stuart D was such a part of the history of the show.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...