Monday, August 16, 2021

Party Pranks

 Monday again!

Laura is in GH going to dinner with Kevin but until he gets here, she's going to talk to Liz. Wonders if Liz is going to tell her Dad about Naomi. Liz isn't sure. Laura says she can email him. Liz really wants to find and tell Hayden. 

Ava's at GH and thinking about Ryan pretending to be Kevin. But she sees Kevin and he says Ryan can't move. They talk about Spencer possibly being the stalker. Laura comes in later and Ava tells her the details about Nikolas' plan. Some rando young nurse is listening outside the room. 

The party: OF COURSE we don't see anyone else. Even the photo booth was just the 4. I did predict that on twitter. NO WAY they'd pop for a real party.  Joss' bodyguard Tony is kinda hot. it's SO SO bad. Spencer got a mechanical bull (off camera) and the kids just talk inside as usual. Costas says the launch is missing. Cam and Joss go up to the parapet. The bodyguards freak because they can't get in touch with the drivers. Spencer gets a call from "Ryan"..(it's Nikolas) All the kids freak. Lights go out. Dayglo on the rug says: It Ends Tonight. The bodyguards tell them to lock themselves in the room. BUT Spencer and Trina go off to get the cell phone booster thingy to work. 

Jax tapes Carly while they talk about Josslyn. He gets her to talk about the 5 Families. He brings up Morgan and how he helped raise him. They sent him to school to keep him safe and when he came home, he died LOL!! pffffffffft. Carly bitches. He gets her on tape saying she's head of the organization. Carly's suspicious of Jax's questions. She realizes he's taping her. 

Oh yeah, Sam and Dante are at the pool. BAFk ... I mean, really boring. She does have on that terrible skirt tho. They kiss, they are going to date. 

DREW calls Sam!

A mask-wearing knife guy stands on the parapet where Trina and Cam are


  1. Tragedy probably will happen for real . It's that parapet I tell you

  2. Was Jax going to get Carly thrown in jail to SAVE Joss? Hmmm

    1. It definitely sounded like he wanted to get her to admit to committing a crime.

    2. I think he was going to blackmail Carly -- "Convince Joss to come to Australia with me or I will turn the recording over to the cops."

  3. Mechanical bull?? Is that a joke? Not Spencer's taste.

  4. I can't stress this enough - ya'll need to be reading WUBSY's Twitter as she watches! it's SO good!!
    random nurse = must be working also for Ryan/Harmony (although I think she dies soon)---- so she also must set Ava's car on fire - SOOOOOOOO tired of Ryan coming back --- same-o, same-o
    so Laura and Kevin think they can stop Nicholas because why exactly? Punk deserves it...
    and speaking of hot bodyguards - whatever happened to Trent????

    1. I second the motion to bring Trent back.

    2. But seriously who is this random girl? Spencer is behind it so I don't see Harmony or even Ryan doing this?

    3. I was completely baffled by that random girl too. Never saw her before. She was really creepy.
      Of course, given some of the scenes I've seen lately, we may never see her again either. lol

    4. Wasn't that random girl the one who was involved in something evil a few years ago. She was a nurse. Maybe in the sex cult thing. I'm probably wrong but she looked familiar to me.

    5. I don't belong to Twitter, but I can read comments on a pc, which I do. And I do read Wubsy tweets. She is hilarious!!

  5. Watching now@3pm here in NYC; we'll probably get interrupted @3:45 for Biden's press conference.

    1. Biden came on@4pm, so GH was seen in its entirety from 3-4pm here in NYC.

  6. Sam and Dante are painful to watch. Anyone remember last time we saw or heard about her kids?
    There are always extras at the pool. Why not use them for party.
    I really wanted the tribbles to jump up and slap the crap out of Jax. Another character changed for the not better.

    1. They have destroyed Jax. Used to love him back in the day. He needs to go too. They don't know what to do with him either. Have Robert or Mac on instead.

    2. You are SO right - he blackmailed Michael and we dropped that - he has no purpose anymore - he needs to go - has no chemistry with anyone!!!

    3. "Zazu says, I really wanted the tribbles to jump up and slap the crap out of Jax."

      ROFL! I would love to see that!! :)

  7. it IS funny that there are more comments about Jax, carly, Nicholas, etc. and not Drew - who like came BACK FROM THE DEAD! #causewedontcareaboutdreworsam

    1. Not into the Drew coming back thing.

    2. When Drew called Sam, I thought it was Spinelli at first! :)

    3. hahahahah! Love the hashtag!!! So true.

  8. Carson home:

    Carly, Jax, and Tribbles: Wow I'm surprised that Jax didn't hide his phone in the Tribbles.. They probably would have threw his phone out.

    Carly: I don't know what magical words you want. To hear.

    Yeah. Carly just figured it out! Jax you are a dummy!!! I was waiting for Carly to notice how he kept looking at his phone!

    The hospital:

    Doc and Ava:

    Doc: Spencer is still a young man. The brain isn't fully formed until the age of 25.

    ROFL! Hey that's true!!!! The writers did their homework! :)

    Laura, Ava, Doc, and Spy lady: Yeah time to go to Wyndemere!!! Oh and that spy lady, it must be her first day on the job. She looked surprised at what they were talking about hahahaha. I was thinking, who the hell is that?

    Metrocout rooftop pool:


    Dante: Is this a date?

    Sam: This is not a date.

    Dante: Kind of feels like that though.

    Oh what is this?!!?! Are they in high school now?

    *Sante kiss*

    Much better! :) Yes just shut up and kiss..

    Sam's bread: Oh hey wait a minute. I want to be touched too!!!

    Wyndemere: Oh look. It's a party with invisible people! How fun!!! :) That invisible boy with a hat, yeah I want to talk to him! Joss's bodyguard is hot! :) Chad wins the line of the day.

    Bodyguard: There's a problem.

    Chad: With the mechanical bull?


    Chad: I love the scene with the two bodyguards worrying and working. Great scene! Wow Chad is all yelly and scared!! Great actor!!! He is a great find! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. sonya said..."Doc: Spencer is still a young man. The brain isn't fully formed until the age of 25.

      ROFL! Hey that's true!!!! The writers did their homework! :)"

      *** Is it very naughty if I ask if any of the writers are under 25? lol

    3. "Di says, Is it very naughty if I ask if any of the writers are under 25? lol"

      DI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stop that! :)

    4. I think they all are under 25.

    5. Line of the day was hilarious! That tent Mumbles was wearing on her nether regions was horrendous and has got to go. Good Lord, what a mess!! Seriously though it was kind of painful to watch her and Dante, Yuck.

      I just love Ava and Laura together, and could watch them all day. It was a bonus that Doc was there! Rando nurse came out of nowhere. WTH??

      And lastly,'re killing me, lol!

    6. "Julie H says, Line of the day was hilarious!"

      Hahaha. It just came out of nowhere. :)

      "That tent Mumbles was wearing on her nether regions was horrendous and has got to go. Good Lord, what a mess!!"

      ROFL! It doesn't even go with her shirt!

      "Rando nurse came out of nowhere. WTH??"

      She looks like nurse rachet!!! Are they related?

      "And lastly,'re killing me, lol!"

      ROFL! She's a comedian I tell ya! She should have her own show and take her act on the road! :)

    7. As my dad used to say...far down the road! LOL!

    8. "Julie H says, As my dad used to say...far down the road! LOL!"

      Hahahaha. It's a very long road!!! :)

  9. Does anyone know if Finola is on vacation too.

  10. I couldn't understand half of what Mumbles was saying but she sure looked like she was enjoying flirting with Dante. If someone "dead" called me I would probably faint, not react like that.

    1. And he's been "dead" a long time. I'd faint too. Not be like "oh I think that was Drew". La-di-da


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...