Friday, August 13, 2021

Bye Lenny


OPERATION RAGER!!!!!!!! The kids are in the front room. Will we see ANY other part of the party? Hmmmm...The girls get ready in a bedroom. Cameron and Spencer talking about the party without actually BEING AT THE PARTY .. it's unbelievable. So, Joss tells Trina about Spencer's past and how rich he is... yada yada. 

Fake Sonny thing and Carly. She basically wants Sonny to "Bless" their mess. IT's SO NOT NEEDED. he's not DEAD!!!!!! SO there's nothing to feel with this! UGH

Nixon Falls: MikeSon wants to take a Fishing Trip! ahahahhaa. Oh Lenny dies watching the sunset on the porch. Oh he dies. BLoop!! Sonny goes to tell Phyllis and Nina. Phyllis drops her glass. Phyllis says a sad goodbye to him. 

Jax, Britt Jason..Jax "Do the right thing Jason". Jax argues then says he's done coparenting. Then he goes to talk to Dante about the situation. Dante's like Whatever, can't really help. 

Jason and Britt talk about their angst. 

SAM HAS ON THE MOST WEIRD-ASS SKIRT EVER! AHAHAHHA. I mean, I wore oversized denim in the 80s but damn that's UBER HUGE. 

Someone is in Wyndemere stalking the kids. 

PS. Boring show today


  1. Wow. They killed Lenny off super quickly didn't they? Stupid

    1. Maybe we'll finally get Sonny back home soon.

  2. Genie Francis has the summer off

    1. Which means she’s been off cause it is August! I don’t think she just left?

    2. She probably been off awhile. We have only seen her once or twice lately

  3. I had to laugh when Britt told Jason that she doesn't actively wish ill will to Jason. I thinking that a lot of people do that for you Britt.

  4. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Phyllis and Lenny: As soon as Phyllis walked away, I had a feeling Lenny was going to die! :(

    Mike and Lenny: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :'( WHY?!!?!?! I LOVE LENNY!!!! :(

    Mike, Phyllis, and Nina: GAH SAD! :(

    Mike and Nina: So sad! :(

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Sam, Sam's bread, and Dante:

    Well lookie here.. Sam and Dante are flirting. He must really love Sam's bread. I have no idea what she is wearing. ROFL!

    Jax and Britch: Oh Jax stop your whining you big whiny baby!

    Jax and Jason: Stop your whining Jax!

    Jason and Britch: :(

    Dante and Jax: More of Jax's whining.

    Carson kitchen:

    Carly and Ghost Sonny: Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: We haven't decided on anything.

    WHAT?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She must really want to sleep with Jason very badly, that she is feeling really guilty about it! :) Oh I see.. So this manifestation of Sonny is because she wants his permission! BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! That it's okay to sleep with Jason.



    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 14th 1996* Bobbie catches Tony and Carly in bed!

  5. About Sam...wth was she wearing??? Loaves way out with a decades old skirt. Folded over waistline. I'm sure I had one. Not to mention NuSpencer's odd fashion choices for Joss/Trina/Cam. Why would they even partake?
    When Carly finds out Sonny is alive won't she wonder how she spent time with his ghost? Of course not.
    Another good guy death. Funny how the bad dead people often return. But not the good ones.

    1. Sam looked like she was wearing a nude colored body top under her shirt. You could see a light neckline"loaves" look like spongy material when she moves sideways. If she needs that kind of help she should just COVER UP. That chest is not inpressing anyone.

      Joss's dress was awful. I think my mom had a housedress in that print. lol

    2. "Di says, Joss's dress was awful."

      I thought it was adorable for an 18 year old. She looked cute.

      "I think my mom had a housedress in that print. lol"


  6. So Steve Burton posted he tested positive for Covid so their tour is postponed. But he feels find. Laura Wright posted she’s off Twitter- too much negativity. I think she grew weary of all JaCarly comments and the 8 months of Nixon Falls?

    1. And, the negativity about her BF I am sure

    2. "mufasa says, So Steve Burton posted he tested positive for Covid so their tour is postponed."

      What?! Oh no! :(

      "But he feels find."

      Oh good. Whew! :)

  7. I just don't understand WHY Frank and writers can't THINK and see what works ---- Lenny and Phyllis were fantastic additions: bring back to Port Charles and they could have run Kelly's....or Charlie's....I guess Lenny's death is SUPPOSED to help "Mike" remember but we want an explosive revelation of Nina being caught.....
    Jax, Sam, Willow, and Chase are around but Lenny is gone? What a shame....
    This better lead to Phyllis finding Stella *her sister? or something... Please stop this Nixon Falls storyline.....ready for fireworks with Carly and Nina......if Ava takes Spencer's side, I'm gonna scream........

    1. I'll say it again, why kill off Lenny? I love Lenny and Phyllis TOGETHER. Get rid of some of the other characters that are so horrible. Everyone loves Lenny and Phyllis.

  8. Sam looked ridiculous- wardrobe must hate her. I did like Dante giving her the eye as she walked away.

  9. I agree about Joss's dress. No 18-year-old girl would wear that grandma/Little Hose on the Prairie look. Does the GH costumer hate women? Just about all of the GH ladies are dressed terribly.

    Steve Burton said he was exposed to COVID at work. I wonder if others actors or crew will also be affected.

    1. I thought Little House on the Prairie too. Sam looked like she was wearing a sack for a skirt. The show is so ridiculous. Crimson operates by itself and no one goes to the Tano. There are so many other inconsistencies.

  10. That must be why Nancy was tweeting about the conditions there.

  11. The scene between Carly and the Sonny apparition was beyond bad. We know Sonny is alive, so it's clearly not his "soap opera ghost" paying a visit (ala Stone, Emily, Zander, etc.), it was just Carly's imagination. So, what was the point?

    It is beyond time to wrap up Nixon Falls. Have Nina feel guilty and bring "Mike" back to Port Charles. The have Carly flip out.

    In real life, Steve Burton's diagnosis has GOT to complicate the storylines. I bet the wedding gets pushed back. Many employers are requiring the vaccine, so I wonder why ABC/Disney hasn't? Bite the bullet and do it. Maybe Ingo will leave the show and that will be the silver lining. Also, Tristan Rogers had better reappear soon.

    Overall, "GH" is maddening right now. There will be an episode here and there that's great, then days of meh.

    1. "Kevin says, it was just Carly's imagination. So, what was the point?"

      To lesson her guilt about marrying Jason. It's only been 8 months since Sonny's "death" And she even said they haven't talked about having sex after they get married.

    2. And so that the main couple get their alloted time on screen even if they have no storline for them. They can rehash the old feelings over and over again and they don't even have to be in the same room, I bet.

    3. Did Carly say that about having sex after they get married? WTF. I thought this was a marriage of convenience?????

    4. "lindie says, Did Carly say that about having sex after they get married? WTF. I thought this was a marriage of convenience?????"

      Ghost Sonny said, unless you decide to stay platonic and not have a real marriage. That is when Carly said, we haven't decided on anything!!!!!

    5. Kevin: "Maybe Ingo will leave the show and that will be the silver lining." I second the motion. All in favor?

    6. Ya, I used to like Jax back in the day. Not anymore

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sam's skirt had potential, but some designer screwed up a bit. And, oh dear about that tank top and her bread. Yikes.

  14. So, eventually Smike will return. Smike will be in love with Nina, Carly will be in love with Jason, and Jason will be in love with Britt. Nina with Mike. Some such scenario.

  15. The other day NuSpencer told Cam that he, Joss and Trina were real friends and he wanted them at the party with his other 'friends' to show them what real friends are. When they arrive for the party he makes them all change their clothes to look more like he thinks they should look. Are the writers drunk, or just don't care? Or both.

    1. I bet Spencer was making them change to be a jerk. IDK

    2. Agree. It's showing that Spencer lacks self-awareness and empathy.

    3. Another clue that he may be a sociopath.

    4. Aren't all Cassadines? Except Alexis

  16. It's kinda weird and sad that the backstage antics at "GH" are more dramatic than what's happening on-screen these days.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...