Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Rocket Cake

 Chase comes into the Q house, asks where Willow was.  He asks if Michael found her. She says yes he calmed her down. Oh, Chase is going to play cat and mouse with them for a bit. He gives Willow a chance to tell him the truth but she doesn't. 

Chase wants to pack and leaves, Austin talks him out of it. 

Monica talks to Carly alone. She basically says ok and welcome and yada yada. Then Cameron tells Carly he wants to tell her his intensions toward her daughter. He's such a dweeb. Carly says ok but she lays into him about picking up a gun. :EYEROLL: 

Stella is sorry and talks to Curtis. She tells him Trina found out about the affair because of her. She says that she never got another chance with Marcus (that old boyfriend). Curtis leaves. Stella is still crying. 

Trina accuses Portia of breaking up their family. Wants to know why she didn't say anything. Trina says she was selfish not to tell her. Portia tells her she's her mother.. and sometimes she doesn't want to talk about things. Trina thinks Portia might still be in wub with Curtis. 

Laura wonders why Spencer isn't taking his gap year and traveling. He said to make things better between he and his father. Then he takes a dig at Kevin. Weird. Then he calls Ava common LOL. Then Joss and Cam come in. They diss each other. Laura tells them to calm down. 

Harmony is a health aid at the Spa-Jail. She says Ryan can process everything that is said to him but can't move..or speak but he "can" communicate. They do eye blinking stuff. Alexis is thinking Harmony is back to her cult ways and is tending to Ryan for that purpose. Harmony says it's only her job. Alexis tells her she hasn't forgotten her part in the Shiloh mess and Kristina and Sam. 


Ryan is using a communication board to 'write letters' with Harmony's help

Chase is going to stay and fight for his marriage. He makes Willow kiss him in front of Michael

Stella collapses in Kelly's 


  1. They will ruin Chase. He will become a jerk too.

  2. You don't think the writers are gonna REWRITE again and have HARMONY doing Ryan's dirty work? OR Spencer gets caught and confesses and then the threats still come? Now I am thinking maybe Ryan DID do some things..........maybe he and Spencer....
    REWRITE = Spencer LOVED Kevin.....................scream
    I think Stella has a heart attack because she is upset/Portia blames herself and tells Curtis to go back to Jordan and 'we can never be together' 'we would never forgive ourselves' --------- Stella is happy.....and we go YEARS of anguish with Portia and Curtis....SCREAM..
    still think Harmony lied about Willow's mom---------Harmony is psycho but I bet getting lotsa money for being Ryan's 2nd hand person.
    Don't care about Joss or Cam or Willow or Michael or Chase..
    Austin = turning him into a mean character, so he will be gone in a year - why couldn't Roger be a nice character?

    1. I think Austin will stay. look at carly speaking of mean self centered arrogant characters. years later she is still here.

    2. Screaming right along with you mufasa!

  3. I was waiting for Stella to collapse from the minute Curtis mentioned her blood pressure. I wonder if she'll end up in a hospital in N.Y. and meet up with a long lost relative?

    Hopefully Alexis will mention the "letters" to someone and they'll get Ryan a new assistant. He absolutely has been communicating with someone, and if it's Nicholas I shudder at the thought of him being groomed as another psycho.

    1. or she needs a kidney and Phyllis is her sister and a match.....but I think it's setting up Portia and Curtis' guilt...........

    2. Sorry, I meant if it's SPENCER....not Nicholas.

  4. Carly needs to remember that Michael shot someone in the head as a child and Morgan held Sonny at gunpoint when he was working for the Jeromes. Maybe she needs to think about what bher children have done before judging other people.

    1. it's the writers that don't remember anything that Carly, Michael and co did.....they were horrible people at times.

    2. I really wish the writers would do a little research before they write these storylines. First the Hayden shooting and now this.

  5. I forgot - the letter is the divorce papers - wonder who finds that? AND Vernee is in Bob Hearts Abishola (GREAT SHOW), so it's about time for her to go film I think..........maybe she is leaving?

    1. I just hope she doesn't die because the guilt will separate Curtis and Portia for sure.
      And as PO'd as I am at her i don't wish death on anyone.

    2. maybe in rehab facility for a few months - they won't kill her off...

    3. They had better *NOT* kill Stella. Despite her current actions, I still love the character and the actress.

  6. River ridge: It's River ridge right?

    Alexis and Ryan: Blinky 1 blinky 2 blinky 3.

    Alexis, Ryan, and Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: Not dry eyes? He doesn't have any loved ones.


    Alexis: Are you still obsessed with Ava?

    No blinkies.. MUST be dry eye. ROFL!

    Alexis and Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Alexis don't like her! ROFL! But they do have an understanding at the end. I like that.


    Jam, Laura, and Chad: Yeah I like that Laura doesn't like how Chad is acting hahaha.

    Curtis and Stella: Oh oh! I don't want Stella's blood pressure to spike!!! Calm down Stella. I like that you feel really bad, but you need to relax!!

    Cam and Stella: OH OH! Stella down!!! Her blood pressure must be spiking!!!! :( That divorce papers, has spilled coffee on it! Will it be lost somewhere?! Will it be thrown out? Does Kelly's have a lost and found box?

    The hospital:

    Portia and Trina:

    Trina: It makes me wonder if there is still more you guys aren't telling me.


    Portia, Trina, and Curtis: I'm glad Curtis went to see Portia and talked to Trina. Awwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Q mansion:

    Chase, and Mildew: Torment them Chase!!! I don't care how you do it, just do it!!! They aren't victims!!! That kiss is a start, but the kiss should have been bigger! :) I wonder what Willow would say if you tell her you want to make love to her! :)

    Cam and Carly: Awwwww telling Carly of your intentions to Joss.. :) Carly being mama bear. I like that.

    1. Sonya said "coughcoughCURTISISYOURFATHERcoughcougth". HAHAHAHAHAH! You are my line of the day!

      I really liked Alexis/Harmony/Ryan scenes. I seriously forgot about Kristina and the "colt" and was wondering why Alexis was so hostile. Talk about short term memory, lol!

      Yes, let's have Stella keel over so we feel bad and have sympathy for that buttinsky. Not.
      Yes, let's have Chase play cat and mouse with Willow/Michael and drag this out even more. Not.

      I really liked Laura getting snippy with Spencer. That boy needs to be found out! :)

  7. I like Broklynn and valentine together. they have chemistry

  8. It's a miracle. Chase can walk.

  9. Austin is definitely BIG TROUBLE.

    1. I want Chase to get revenge, but him forcing Willow to kiss him is not right.

    2. "lindie says, I want Chase to get revenge, but him forcing Willow to kiss him is not right."

      He didn't force her. They are married. It was her choice to kiss him. It was a quick short kiss anyway. She could have made an excuse not to kiss him.

    3. Right. He put her on the spot but he didn't force her.

    4. Good to know. I didn't watch.

    5. Willow and Michael have ZERO chemistry....I don't get the pairing. They're boring, I don't know why Michael gets so much airtime. Valentin, Austin, should get more time

  10. Tuesday's show was just OK, but Wednesday was a little better.

    I liked Laura trying to keep Cam and Spencer in line. Portia and Trina's talk was also pretty good -- "I am not your best friend. I don't have to tell you everything." Stella had better be OK.

  11. I actually didn't think Austin did anything wrong. He was giving Chase good advice and encouraging him to fight for his marriage, not knowing the history. I don't know if anyone saw the Jordan's actress's husband on CBS Sunday Morning this week but he is an incredibly talented musician/songwriter and seems like a really nice guy. He did music for Bridgerton!

    1. The one week I didn't watch CBS Sunday morning. Who is her husband?

  12. Kris Bowers. And I also want to say that I know Spencer is supposed to be smart and conniving, but this actor makes me feel he is evil.

    1. Wow he is a big deal. Feel like I've seen him in interview or something before. Did music for Green Book. And met Arethra Franklin and doing music for the new movie Respect.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...