Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Panic at the Disco


Seltzer Bar is OPEN! 

This week's GH kept me mildly engaged. It wasn't a big week for things happening but I did have glimmers of hope in there now and again.  We had two character deaths which is always dramatic. 

I should have saved that title for next week but damn, I loved it. Spencer's "party" was surely something out of the budget bin. I'm having a White Claw because clearly those poor kids can't. 

One step closer to Hayden I think...and I also believe I solved the puzzle that's coming: Victor Cassadine. His suit matches the suit that killed Naomi and he had a mention from Liesl. There are still plenty of happenings I'm not into but we'll be less snarky this week. Maybe. 

Moss agreed to be your Best Man!! 

KITCHEN CHAT OF THE WEEK:  Take your pick: Carly talks to Jason...or... Carly talks to "Sonny". Either way, the MOSS WAS THE REAL STAR!! Oh my, what a mess this has turned into. Carly talks to a (in her mind) dead Sonny about FAKE marrying Jason. Good God woman, it's supposedly a FAKE marriage. Do you and Jason really fear marrying because you know you'll want to hop in bed and be all "my soul mate"?? I mean??? I don't get it. What started out to be a great possibility of so many things has turned into angst and guilt where there didn't need to be any. Just look at the Britt-Jason scenes to note ever MORE angst. You weenies are marrying to create a pretense. Get on with it!! Rejoice in the whole thing. 

Any of that pasta sauce left? 

NEW CUTE OF THE WEEK: Oh my goodness! DONNA! Look at you!! Sonny's genes are just shining through in  your little face!! I thought at first it was scout but nope, it's Donna--she who lives upstairs. She called Jason Daddy--which of course caused major turmoil with Mr. and Mrs. Jarly. Will she ever remember her bio-Dad?? I guess it depends on when Nixon Falls will be over. 

SASSYFRASS OF THE WEEK: Spencer continues to grow into his part as a Cassadine. While he's busy lazing at the pool, staff is getting ready for his "epic party". Oh, "rager" as he's calling it. He continues to have the best chemistry with Britt but we know that's not appropriate in 2021 so stop thinking that!! He's about to get caught by ol' Daddy and I can only hope it's 'epic" in it's own right. 

DEATH OF THE WEEK:  Lenny bit the dust Friday while looking at the sunset on the Tan-O porch. That ended up being quick in GH time didn't it? Of course, the acting was good and it had all the feels. It STILL hasn't gotten us closer to getting out of the Nixon Falls Spin-Off Show but what are you going to do? It's also painfully clear about that bar being empty 24-7. I mean seriously.  Oh and Nina? Yeah, she's still thinking Her MikeSon is going to end up being her "Lenny and Phyllis" Story. :eyeroll:  I want Phyllis to be Stella's sister. It would fit. Notice the segue there!!  

DEATH OF THE WEEK 2:  Naomi ends up dead on the floor of her motel, killed by some guy in a suit (I'm saying Victor Cassadine) before she can tell Shawn and Sam the real story about Hayden. They did get a clue when she mixed up her middle name but it was too little, too late. Now that they know it was murder, the plot thickens. 

FORGIVEN OF THE WEEK: Stella wakes up and everyone is in a forgiving mood. Curtis offers her a place to stay, Portia and Jordan are all being nice and even Trina visits. Aunty still doesn't remember she didn't send the divorce papers but...?? I'm trying to figure out how this is dramatic. If she had a stroke and doesn't remember and everyone has forgiven her for being a busybody, how will her stealing the envelope be anything major? She was going to mail it--doing the right thing. Right? Plus the fact when it's not filed, they'll just refile it--right? It's not going to bring Jordan and Curtis back together, is it? I don't get it. I just don't get it. 

LIGHTBULB MOMENT OF THE WEEK: My Son is My Stalker!! Nikolas finally realizes that Spencer was the one behind the whole thing and what does he do? Talk to him like a normal father? Nah.. he's a Cassadine!! One must fk with ones kids as much as possible!! So.. based on the camera work on Friday, I guess he's 'stalking' the party and wants to do something nefarious during the shindig. Even Ava knows that's a dumb idea.  I would like to give props to the props department on the cancel stamp on that letter. Perfecto! 

LAME OF THE WEEK:  I knew it. I KNEW there wouldn't be an real party-party. This could have been done so well. Maybe I'll be wrong and it will unfold into some really great teen-summer-horror flick next week. So far the budget didn't even pop for some extra catering staff running around. We did hear some piped-in Sirius type 'hits' from the "DJ" but other than that? ZIPPO. Such a let down. It COULD HAVE BEEN ICONIC

CHASE FACTOR OF THE WEEK:  Chase had a choice: Either decide to leave his sham of a marriage or stay and screw with Millow's emotions for awhile. Good ol' Austin talked him into the latter and he's going to not only pretend but I believe he will search for Edward's notes on the Will. At least this gives some hope to this drawn out triangle. Michael and Willow continue to be as hot as an pint of vanilla ice cream. Speaking of Vanilla:

LINE OF THE WEEK:  Leave it to Brook Lyn to call her cousin Michael "Vanilla"!! We all are saying it and someone finally wrote it! The line tho goes to Willow who says: "Michael is anything but vanilla" . Thank you for that giant belly laugh. I died. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Oh...who doesn't love Scotty and Liesl?  They are just adorable and fun and funny and everything summer should be! They are off to "St. Lucia" where it's rumored they are captured. (Victor Cassadine again?). A fun adventure I hope!! 

WHAT THE WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: Ok, if you saw this, you did a double-take I'm sure. I wore oversized denim skirts in the 80s...but this? THIS is... something else. And Kelly is to tiny it just made your head spin.  It's a cargo skirt. A GIANT Cargo Skirt. pic thx to @buyingair 

I smell money 


Felix makes a cameo appearance to reminisce over he and Liz' days as student nurses

Nikolas realizes it's Spencer that's been stalking he and Ava 

Chase takes the lower road and gives us some hope that Millow will pay for being so drippy

Austin wants Edwards notes on his Will and uses Chase to find them.

Naomi is murdered by an unknown person; Shawn and Sam vow to find out why

Liesl and Scotty decide to travel to St. Lucia where she wants to find a cure for Britt

Jason and Britt discuss their angst over not being together

Carly talks to "Sonny' and gets his blessing to marry Jason

Donna calls Jason "Daddy"

Lenny dies at the Tan-O after returning from a biopsy

Spencer gets ready for his party at Wyndemere

Jax isn't happy that Joss is in danger 

SPOILERS:   Jason and Carly set a wedding date, Laura is angry with Nikolas' tactics, Chase "investigates"  and Ava talks to Kevin about Ryan. 

NEWS:  Welp, Steve Burton took to IG to cancel a planned event with Bradford but has tested positive for COVID. He says don't worry: "I feel fine"... but I guess I'm more worried about the people exposed. Burton says he was exposed 'on the set' word by whom and if people are vaccinated or not. Could put a huge wrench in things because he can't come to work for 14 days.

Genie Francis got out just in time I guess! She's taking a bit of a vacation but will be back in the fall.  

August 18th is the date Drew Cain (Cam Mathison) is back on canvas.

And that's it!  I have this week to go before vacation, I'm hoping it's a good one!!  My prediction for the party: Nikolas cuts all power. Sending everyone into darkness. The launches can't land, the DJ can't play and the kids skuttle in the dark. Are you looking forward to NuDrew? I believe he'll be show in a prison somewhere--or a prison type room. Not sure how long it will take him to get back to Port Chuck. 

See ya tomorrow! 


  1. Was Sam wearing BOOTS with oversized cargo skirt and skanky tank? Did I see ankle BOOTS in that picture? No words to describe this fashion faux pas

  2. Oh, and we are to believe that Edward left remnants of a will or some paperwork about Jimmy Lee in the house somewhere and like 30+ years later it's still around and no one in the house has found it????? They are SUPPOSED to have a butler and maid too who I imagine would do thorough cleaning. Oh OK. So now Chase is going to find something

  3. Cassadine parties were epic back in the day and propelled story lines forward with a bang! Here's hoping!

    1. I just remember the party where they killed off Emily =(

    2. Wasn't that the Bacchanalian ball, or something like that? It was EPIC.

    3. AND, the balls were masquerade which added so much intrigue.

  4. Just read that "Lenny" is filming a movie currently called Rattled. Maybe that's why he's done?? Hope it was his choice

  5. 1. After a hideous diagnosis, I think resting in a chair after one last dance, basking in setting sun light, surrounded by spouse and dear friends AND then slipping away is the WAY TO GO.
    2. If some characters didn't wear hideous outfits then there would be much less to chat about.
    3. and what wasn't hideous (or maybe it is from my budget perspective!!!) this week was my dying tv which makes everyone look like a paint by number or Sunday comic strip. Jason and Jax almost looked identical...2 block heads with up hair.

  6. Glad you have a glimmer of hope. My opinion of the writing: they are not looking back, or if they do they change it anyway, nor are they looking forward to what will be. They are just writing. It seems all over the place.
    Sam's skirt is dreadful. So is her appearance in each scene. After all this time she still seems uninterested. She must have quite a contract.
    Sonny's non ghost is just stupid.
    Sonny's "death" could have been a perfect time to oust the mob scene and go towards some adventurous fun. GH seems stuck in a rut.
    Have a great Sunday! Beautiful weather here...hope where you all are too. Stay safe.

  7. My exact thought when I saw Sam's skirt...."GOOD GOD - WHAT IS SHE WEARING??". It was ridiculous. What is wrong with the wardrobe department lately - and not just with her!! Also - "VIP" wristbands so only THEY can get in the house....which saves them from showing any outside actual party activity. I just want to know.....Did Spencer get port-a-potties delivered out out to Spoon Island???. I also think the "stalker" is Nikolas.

  8. I wonder if Genie is really "going on vacation" in the middle of the stalker reveal story or if she's the COVID source. Hmmmmmm.

    1. Speculation. There are probably more than one.

    2. Genie always takes a vacation at this time of year. She goes to her house in Maine and returns in the fall

    3. No, I read online that Genie has taken the summer off. And, I know that she is vaccinated because my husband bought me a video from her for our anniversary. She said she hoped we were vaccinated and she was too.

    4. Yes, Genie spends summer in Belfast Maine with her family. They have a summer home there. She goes with Jonathan Frakes, her husband, and her grown kids I think have summer jobs there this summer (per Frakes interview I read)

  9. I think Laura is going to stay with Lulu or moving her somewhere....course WHO runs the city when she isn't there?
    WHERE is Taggart?
    I feel it's odd Drew is back at the BEGINNING of Dante and Sam's whatever that no one cares about? They shoulda be in a full relationship....NOT HAPPY with the rumor that Austin wants to date Maxie..... finally I know Phyllis will come to PC ---- new rumor is that she is Portia's mom? still wonder if Stella is staying or going to film Bob Hearts Abishola...

    1. Hmmm. How old is Portia supposed to be?

    2. Maybe in her 30's. Age is irrelevant on GH anyway. To this day I do not see Olivia as Dante's mother. Just doesn't work for me.

    3. Lisa Locicero is 51 and Dom Z is 42. Guess she had him when she was 9. lol

    4. One more spoiler I read.Laura gets mad at NICHOLAS for
      Exposing Spencer ?? Makes no sense. Laura is tough and should think threatening Ava is wrong. Maybe this is why she leaves for a while. She Can’t be around Nicholas but it is still rewriting a character.

    5. Maybe it's the way Nicholas goes about it that upsets her.

    6. IRL the actress who plays Phyllis is 66 and Portia is 47. So if Portia is Phyllis daughter the age works.

  10. Off subject but has anyone watched Unforgotten on PBS? Just had the finale last night - absolutely brilliant series. I'm still boohooing over the ending. Each season was fantastic.

    1. What is the show about? Don't give anything away but what is it about? Anyone famous in it?

    2. I shed a few tears over that too. I watched it when it first came out on ITV and I had no one here to weep with. :(

  11. It's British of course, and each season focused on a somewhat cold case, each one really intriguing. Nicola Walker is pretty well known in England and the man who played her father I believe was in Downton Abby.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...