Friday, August 27, 2021

In Memoriam

(Friday's Blog)

I found this on youtube a little while ago. I am sure many of you has seen it as well. Someone put together a really moving tribute to those we have lost along the way. I had no idea many of these performers were on the show (Milton Berle, Sammy Davis Jr.). And, of course, it was a blessing to see so many familiar faces and bring back memories. 

The package is put together in chronological order. It ends in 2019 with Jed Allen. There are other versions, so it appears that someone updates this every few years. If you have never seen this, do yourself a favor and spend a few minutes reminiscing. If you have seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it again. 

Of course, comments are wonderful for a blog like this. 


  1. Can't watch until tonight. Thank you for doing these blogs this week. I love Anna Lee

  2. sonya, I will be taking a break from GH. I will check back here for your announcement that PLP is dead. Cannot deal with WR. Bad enough with MB and LW.

    1. I am sorry to hear that witch but perfectly understand

    2. Don’t blame you. I can’t stand him either. I mean, really can’t stand the character and don’t find the actor appealing either.

    3. "witch says, sonya, I will be taking a break from GH."

      Yeah I don't blame you..

      "I will check back here for your announcement that PLP is dead."

      Oh! So you won't be reading my comments or Karen's? Just the comment that PLP is dead? Yeah I can't wait until I make that announcement! :)

    4. Witch honey Hell will have frozen over. We will miss you. I'm throwing daggers st him...missing but it's OK. Maybe Leisel won't. I've grown to like her. ❤ Come back soon ok. 🙂

  3. I’m truly thinking about it too. The character and the fact that it’s all because he’s LW boyfriend. Anyone else would be gone

  4. You need to watch today's episode. We're getting much closer girls and there's definitely a few unexpected twists.

  5. Covid Controversy Checks In To ABC’s ‘General Hospital’ When Cast Clash Over Vax Mandate

    1. Actually there are quite a few A list actors who are not vaxxed (via insider newsletter circulated yesterday) and studios are keeping this info confidential as they don’t want to lose their stars.

      Fact: Covid can spread from vaxxed individuals. Plenty of documented articles about this in the last week.

      Fact: We have no idea how long these vaccines offer protection from the variants.

      Fact: There are effective inexpensive treatments for covid out there that have been proven to work via recent clinical trials.

      Fact: If you have been exposed to covid you already possess antibodies that are more protective than anything these vaccines can do.

      All of this will become more obvious in the coming 6 months and eventually the narrative will change when the CDC begins recommending boosters every 3 months for every variant that pops up. Eventually folks will get tired of this narrative when the virus burns itself out and becomes as threatening as the common cold.

      Do your own research and turn off the news – it’s harmful to your health.

    2. "Fact: If you have been exposed to covid you already possess antibodies"

      Yes you do, but we don't know how long we have them, so it's good to get the vaccine.

    3. I'm well aware of the facts, I just put the article up as I thought it gave some valuable information as to why we might be seeing Jax in a storyline that sees him off screen for a while or in some not so great SLs.

      Everyone has the right to refuse the vaccine. Some have to for health reasons. But the people who have to work with them also have the right to refuse to , if it puts them at risk.

    4. I love the facts posted AND the fact that everyone should do their own research and decide.....never do I want to be told to do something.....people need to do research and not just read Twitter LOL

    5. I am a nurse. Most of these FACTS are not true.You have to do your research from reputable sites. NOT Facebook Twitter etc etc

    6. You are correct Lindie. Two of my three sisters are nurses. These are the kind of posts that explain why we are where we are at now.

    7. very well said Di "Everyone has the right to refuse the vaccine. Some have to for health reasons. But the people who have to work with them also have the right to refuse to , if it puts them at risk."

      That post from :googlesux should have a warning with FACTS (wonder if it's INGO?)

    8. "lindie says, I am a nurse. Most of these FACTS are not true.You have to do your research from reputable sites. NOT Facebook Twitter etc etc"

      Thank you!!!!

    9. Paul preach...LOL!! and I used to love Ingo/Jax..

  6. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Hiney and Nina: Oh boy! More threats.... Get him Nina! Shoot him between the eyes!!!

    Nina on the phone with Dr. O: I think Dr. O will kill Hiney! Dr. O wants Nina to tell Hiney to go to that island that Dr.O and Scotty are going to.

    Mike and Hiney with a splash of Phyllis: Mike does not trust Hiney and thinks Nina hates him! HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are right Mike! :) Oh oh Phyllis shows up to defend Hiney!

    Port Chuckles:

    River ridge: Oh shoot I keep forgetting the name of the place.. Hmmm does nobody go in a jail cell?

    Alexis, Chad, and Vampire girl: Awwww Chad and Vampire girl go visit Alexis. Oh my look! Ryan gets wheeled in.

    *Vampire girl turns her head to see Ryan*

    Vampire girl's thoughts: DADDY!!!!

    Wait Vampire girl knows all about locked in syndrome because she saw it in a movie?!?! YEAH RIGHT!!!

    Alexis and Chad: Vampire girl went to go get snacks in the vending machine. Alexis what are you telling Chad? To forgive and forget what his father did to him?! COME ON ALEXIS!


    Vampire girl,, and Ryan: Uhhhhhhhhhhh. What the hell? Oh yeah she is definitely his daughter. I mean why else would she be outside wanting to talk to Ryan! She tells that she never heard of locked in syndrome before. She says she is thinking of working there. Ryan was being Mr. Blinky and knows exactly what he is saying.. He is saying go go go go go go!!! Go where? Back to Vampire village?

    Back inside: Okay time for Vampire girl and Chad to go!

    Vampire girl and Ryan: She waves him goodbye?!?!?!?!! OH BOY! and Alexis: warns Alexis about Vampire girl and that Chad should stay away from her! OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vampire girl didn't bite and didn't change her into a vampire! Anybody who is nice to Vampire girl, that means they were bitten by her and changed.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Jax: Jax is still all whiny!

    Carly, Jax, 1 of the 5 families, and Jason: Awwwww. 1 of the five families was invited to the Jarly wedding and wanted Carly to know he is going. How sweet! Jax hates it.

    Maxie and Jax: Why are they letting Ingo very close to Kirsten?!! Since he is unvaccinated and she just had brain surgery? Anyway they talk about Nina and her new man.

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: He just wanted to see how she is doing now that she is back. He is so nice to her. :)

    Pawtucket Holster and Scotty: Scotty is talking about the island that he is going with Dr. O! Oh so I guess they are still going huh? Good! Will we see it or will it be off camera?

    Scotty and Dr. O: Awwwwwwwwww. :) They are talking about their trip! She was changing her mind about it, but then thought about it and the trip is still on!

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Jarly: Jason made the roof all romantic. She wants to know when he did this. They talk about Jax. Jason wins the line of the day.

    Jason: It was this, or I was going to punch him in the face.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway they talk about Jake's.

    Carly: Jake's was paradise.

    She says because of all the lying, and manipulating she did, she would go to Jake's and see Jason. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Oh she wants to dance, so he asks her to dance. They dance awwwww. :) OH MY THEY ALMOST KISSED UNTIL SHE STOPPED IT! She is so nervous!!!! :) She leaves!!!!! DAMMIT!!!! An almost Jarly kiss. :)

    Kiwi's grave: Ava talking to Kiwi..

    Nava: Nik whining about Spencer. Well Nik, if you haven't stabbed him, then he would still be talking to you. Nik tried to talk to Spencer through social media? BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1983* Stavros attacks Luke and Laura. And Stavros's "death"

    1. sonya said..." she is definitely his daughter. I mean why else would she be outside wanting to talk to Ryan! "

      *** It definitely doesn't mean she's his daughter. She's probably a fan. She's a psychopath and he's a very famous one. I'm sure she's thrilled to be this close to him. And from the look on Ryan's face at the end he knows how evil and dangerous she is. He didn't look like he wanted her anywhere near him.

    2. "Di says, It definitely doesn't mean she's his daughter. She's probably a fan."

      A fan? Maybe.. Is it THAT simple? All I know is, it was a strange but interesting scene.

      "And from the look on Ryan's face at the end he knows how evil and dangerous she is. He didn't look like he wanted her anywhere near him."

      Hahahhahaaha! Yeah he looked uncomfortable and suspicious! :)

    3. Di, I figure Vampire Girl is a Ryan groupie too. But I'm curious as to why Ryan wouldn't want her near him. I would have thought he would want her close by so he could use her.

    4. "Gary says, But I'm curious as to why Ryan wouldn't want her near him. I would have thought he would want her close by so he could use her."

      Hmmmm yes. Very good point!

    5. Maybe because he knows you can't trust a psychopath. He's vunerable. She'll use him and then she won't need him anymore...and he's helpless. Nothing worse for a man like him.

  7. Esme is so acting like Chloe - wasn’t one enough? Too much Carly for me. Glad Nina called Liesl and I hope we get the end of Peter. That actor is so damn bad. And it does appear that SB got infected from Mr. No-Vaccine Ingo.

    1. Wait, who is Chloe again? I saw somewhere where the actress is so appreciative of this opportunity. I’m willing to give her a chance.

    2. I believe she was the original nurse hired to take care of Maxie's baby. Then Peter had her replaced with an imposter who terrorized Maxie and ended up passing.

    3. "Linda says, I believe she was the original nurse hired to take care of Maxie's baby."

      Oh oops! I thought Linda was talking about Chloe Lanier.. The actress who played Nelle! Hahahaha!

    4. I think maybe LindaV means Esme is acting like Chloe Lanier ( The actress who played Nell.) I agree. She's definitely a little sociopath. In fact, Ryan looks a little scared of her so she maybe all the way to psychopth already.

      The character Chloe is the nurse Maxie originally hired and who is now in prison with Drew.

    5. Sorry, I did mean Chloe Lanier- Nelle. Duh!

  8. I hope they make it worth it and have someone kill Peter that should... Anna, Valentine,
    or a cop. NOT St Jasus, Carly, or Sonny (Mike would be ok lol)

    Sorry to those that think Carly & Jason belong together, but I am still nauseated.
    Kind of wondering if they are going to kill off Jax (maybe by a 5 family member) and have Joss hate Carly.

    1. Maybe Jax will try to go see Nina and Peter will kill him. (If they want him gone.)

    2. NO to Carly and Jason. Yuck

  9. Peter ain't dying ---- Jax really doesn't have a great reason right now to stay on the show as we have said for weeks/no storyline and they have changed his character - maybe he will shoot Peter and leave town thinking he's dead....
    I just don't think Frank and the writers bring him back just to really kill him....

    1. We are stuck with Peter forever or until he and LW break up

  10. Who do you think is in cell 3? Holly? Hayden? Not dead Alex?

    1. I hope its Holly. Like Emma Sam's. Hope she's feeling better .

    2. I'm with Paul, it's Hayden. I love Emma but I love Rebecca too!! Violet needs her mommy!! ❤❤❤

  11. Ok bare with me...or bear with me...either way...that almost kiss! Sooooo I see this happening, Jason and Carly talking about Jake's and old times, they are gonna fall in the loves. Then Sonny comes back, and she realizes she doesn't want Sonny babes, she want Jason. Who's with me here??? I mean he's been gone more than 8 months

    1. You may be right.. as much as it kills me. After all they haven't been showing Jason & Britt and Angst like I thought they would (or should)

  12. Peter's voice is sooooooo annoying. He had better be dead by November sweeps at the latest.

    With everything going on with the "GH" cast, I think the days are numbered for Jax. I like the idea posted on here where he is a victim of a mob hit, making Joss turn against Carly. That would make for a fantastic story, but I think the writers and producers are too wimpy to go there.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...