Thursday, August 12, 2021

Rumor Patrol: The Victor Factor


Victor Cassadine 
So, that's Thaao Penghis .. the Victor Cassadine I remember. When Spencer mentioned him to Liesel bells went off all over twitter that Mr. Sheffield will be playing HIM. I was convinced that he was going to play Holly's cousin (because that's who he played decades ago). But.. the more I think about it the more it makes sense. He ran the lab WSB in 2014 and had Liesel installed as COS at GH. He was the one that had "Jason" on ice in the cryogenic lab. (Who turned out to be Drew Cain... keep up, will ya?) 

A bunch of stuff happens...yada yada... and in the end, it's Lesil that shoots him and he's "dead" before he could set the bomb off at the clinic. BUT I DON'T THINK HE WAS DEAD -DEAD. So, let's see. Victor is behind the whole mind-altering project. I bet he killed Naomi (Look at the suit the guy was wearing; black with white shirt). On top of that bet boots he has Drew locked up, did something with Hayden and soon will take Liesel. Oh, and guess what... PETER AUGUST. I'm just sayin' it. Pray for my sanity everyone. 

Thaao is on Days and now on that Salem spin-off show for Peacock. Ergo, not available for GH. A shame because he started he character in '81. I guess we'll see how Charles Shaughnessy does in the iconic role if this rumor is true. (and I think it's right on the money). 

Get all the skivvy on Victor on The GH Wiki .  It was seven years ago so you may need a refresher course. 


  1. I dont understand, though, the connection of Hayden and Peter and Naomi and Drew to Peter?
    Tristan Rogers on his zoom said Shawn was playing Alister, but the writers always make up storylines..........cause Curtis KNOWS who shot Hayden!!
    but I DID think it weird Victor was mentioned by Spencer after ALL this time ---------and I STILL think there is a reason Dr O and Scott are going to St. Lucia

    1. Has Charles Shaunessey ever played a bad guy? I don't see him as bad guy. I can only picture Thaoo as Victor.

    2. Yup. Makes sense though. Why mention Victor now? IDK.

    3. Alister, Holly's cousin was a bad guy. Their family were con artists and if I remember right he kidnapped Holly.

  2. Sounds plausible after hearing his name mentioned. Maybe he has Nelle and Morgan too! LOL
    GH is a writing free-for-all lately so anything goes.

    1. "GH is a writing free-for-all lately so anything goes." LOL, true.

  3. Victor has all the dead and missing characters from GH. Lol

    Is it me or did it look like Leisl and Scott were not really kissing. Maybe back to COVID kissing???

    1. I thought the same thing about the kiss.

    2. lindie said..." Maybe back to COVID kissing?"

      *** I would hope so given the cases in L.A. Would you be kissing people at work these days?

    3. Nancy L G on Twitter stated that there were cast members who weren't vaccinated and there were some who wouldn't wear masks, so that would be understandable. I want to see Vanna and not Victor.

    4. Wow. Not good. I want to see VANNA too. I don't care if they kiss or not yet. They are hot anyway. Lol

  4. well let's not be hasty - gotta admit - there ARE some fine men on GH that I kiss!!!

  5. Hopefully, he has Holly too and we can get back to that story.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...