Wednesday, August 18, 2021

You are your Father

 Drew's guard guy is Australian sounding... Drew tries to bribe him to get him out but the guy says nope. He has a fake flashback to talking to Scout. 

Sam tells Curtis about "Drew" Calling. He's not sure. She says she has to find out "for Scout" (who??????? AHAHAHAH) 

They realize Spencer couldn't have set Ava's car on fire because he's at the mansion. Laura lays into him. Spencer does a GREAT job with acting hurt and everything with Nikolas. Great job for a new kid. Carly is on Spoon Island with Joss and Cam, reconning the whole story. CARLY SHOULD BE AT THE FIVE FAMILY MEETING!! DAMN IT.  Spencer goes off with Trina to the parpet to think.. CARLY BARGES IN AND YELLS AT SPENCER!! WTF!! GOD I hate her. "I had something important to do and had to come here for my daughter"!! She stomps out. 

Parapet: Trina and Spencer ...she talks to him about his Dad. She doesn't think Nikolas hates him, just wants him to learn something. He says he's innocent of everything. They almost kiss but Cam comes out. Wants to know if Trina wants to leave. She says no. 

Five Family meeting: Carly is with THE KIDS and Ms WU wants to know where she is. Jason's like; Busy. Of course Carly isn't there. They are pissed. Jason is like: Deal with IT. He tries to say he and Carly are a united front. This is just a wasted scene without the two of them together, imo. Oh, Ms. WU is really not happy with this. 

Liesl talks to Jax at The Savoy. Wow, he really doesn't have any friends. He's wondering why his phone is messed up. LOL Can't figure out Spinelli wiped it clean. 


THE FIVE Families walk out when Carly shows up. I think Jason had to set a date for the wedding. 

Trina and Spencer almost kiss

Laura says Nik is a lot like Stavros

Drew gets a pen off the guard to jimmy off his cuffs 


  1. So truly no one believes Spencer did ANYTHING? Come on....and after years, Drew suddenly jumped a guard? (I KNOW it's TV but still - at least in a coma for years would explain it.)
    No Nixon Falls again today - hmmm...
    heard the Nurses Ball is in November - but that can't be right I don't think....

    1. Not feeling this Drew returning thing. When was VANNA on last? Hope they don't rewrite the Spencer thing

    2. The thing is, this is a new Drew. Why would we care about him?

    3. Unless you are a huge Cameron Mathison fan this Drew return is a waste. Give airtime to people like Robert, Mac, Felicia, Ephinany etc. People we care about

    4. I think we're going to see Ephinany tomorrow.

    5. And lindie, I'm not a huge Billy Miller fan so I'm willing to give this new fella a chance. So far so good, for me.

    6. Robert, Mac, Felicia, Epiphany? Who are they?? **Dripping with sarcasm comment there....**

    7. I will give Cameron a chance, but I prefer Billy at least thus far. We will see later once he has scenes with pivotal folks on canvas

    8. Yep, pretty much no one wants Drew back.....we want Robert and Mac and Felicia back....

    9. We saw Spencer at the gallery with the 'blood' clicker in his hand. Are the writers 'unwriting' that whole story?
      Don't care about Drew at all.

  2. Any chance you are thinking the Australian accent might mean Jerry Jax instead of a Cassadine?

    1. Jerry Jax. Super great bad guy. Don't think he'll ever come back though. :(

    2. I am on board for a Jerry Jax return! One of the best for sure.

    3. I thought the same thing about Jerry Jax. I also wonder if he is holding Hayden Barnes, for some reason.

  3. You mean two "show" days after we find out Drew's alive - he miraculously gets a pen from a guard so he can escape? After all this time. Mmm hmmm...

    1. It's a magical pen! It can help you escape!!! :)

  4. Am I the only the one annoyed that anything Carly does is rectified or in this case erased?
    Not a fan of Jax much lately but I am on his side on this

    1. Your not the only one. I used to like Carly way back when. Not anymore.

  5. The Savoy:

    Jax and Dr. O: Dr. O don't even spend your time with him. He is dead to me until he gets redeemed.

    Sam and Curtis:

    Sam: DREW!!

    Curtis: No he is dead.

    Sam: DREW!

    Sam's bread: I'm hungry.

    The kidnapped room: Boy I am so glad Cameron Mathison does not bug his eyes out anymore! What a relief!!!

    Bad Australian guy and Nu Drew: Poor Drew! All he wants is to see his daughter and see Sam's bread!!! Leave him alone bad guy!


    Carly and Jam: I love how Joss was explaining to her mother what happened while she is holding her wrist! :)

    Cam: He didn't actually get stabbed.

    HAHAHAHAHA. He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Trina and Chad: Damn will you kiss already!!!! You are so close talking!!! Trina wins the line of the day.

    Trina: I am not Yoda.


    Nik, Chad, Doc, Laura, and Trina: Nik did a Cassadine move!!!! Man great scene with this new actor Nicholas Alexander Chavez!!! He is fantastic! BRAVO!!! :)

    The 5 family meeting: Jason should just tell them that Carly is with her daughter..

    Ms Wu: The only way to solve this problem is to eliminate Mrs Corinthos.

    WOW! She is so bad ass! :) She would have won the line of the day if Trina didn't win it. Oh hello Carly! OH DID YOU SEE THE LOOK ON MS WU'S FACE WHEN SHE SMILED AT CARLY!?!?! BAD ASS! :)

    1. sonya said..."Boy I am so glad Cameron Mathison does not bug his eyes out anymore! What a relief!!!"

      *** Maybe he can tell Chase how he managed to kick the habit.

      I've been impressed with Nicholas Alexander Chavez's acting lately too.

      I don't see any chemistry between him and Trina though. I do like that she's supporting him as a friend.

    2. "Di says, Maybe he can tell Chase how he managed to kick the habit."

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DEAD* You win! :)

      "I've been impressed with Nicholas Alexander Chavez's acting lately too."

      Yeah!!!!! *Cheers for him*

      "I don't see any chemistry between him and Trina though. I do like that she's supporting him as a friend."

      Really? You didn't see any any sparks flying when they were close together today? I saw it! :) Yes I like that she is supporting him as a friend just like he has done when she was sad because of her mother.

    3. lol Sonya. If they put 2 mannequins head to head you'd see sparks.

    4. "Di says, lol Sonya. If they put 2 mannequins head to head you'd see sparks."


    5. Sam's bread needs to go to the day old bakery aisle.
      I am not Yoda....hahahahahah! Trina is the best! lying louse. You're gonna get caught. I hope sooner rather than later.
      Stone Cold had a big old vein sticking out on his arm, gotta say it was distracting. Yeah, I'm weird.
      I really don't care about Drew coming back. And now I have to keep an eye out for bugged out eyes. Thanks for that! :)

    6. "Julie H says, Sam's bread needs to go to the day old bakery aisle."


      "I am not Yoda....hahahahahah! Trina is the best!"

      Hahahaha. She IS the best! :)

      " lying louse. You're gonna get caught. I hope sooner rather than later."

      Yes hopefully very soon!!!

      "Stone Cold had a big old vein sticking out on his arm, gotta say it was distracting. Yeah, I'm weird."

      ROFL! I didn't notice that!

      "I really don't care about Drew coming back. And now I have to keep an eye out for bugged out eyes. Thanks for that! :)"

      ROFL! I guess you didn't watch AMC back then when he did that. He never used to, but then he left the show for a year, and then when he came back, bugged eyes showed up too! :) It's like where the hell did that come from? ROFL!

  6. carly needs a bullet to the head and a long stay in the hospital. can not stand her character. and the new kid can act. do not care for new drew.

    1. I gave Mrs. Wu a round of applause when he suggested taking Carly out. lol

    2. oops....when "she" suggested taki8ng carly out.

    3. Me too Di, about Mrs. Wu. I think we need to have a chat with this fabulous woman, lol!

    4. Yes we do need to have a chat with her! :)

    5. Maybe we need to set up a Go Fund me page for her too. lol

  7. There are at least 8 story lines on GH. Too many. And we know Hiney will be back.
    Best thing today by far...Mrs. Wu. I like her.
    Leisel helping Jax? Just no. That came from nowhere.
    Not even will mention Sam/Curtis ridiculous conversation about phone call.

    1. leisel use to have the hots for jax

    2. But this is Jason revenge. What happened to her and Scotty's trip anyway.

    3. That's right; weren't Leisl and Scotty going to St Lucia or somewhere? That was dropped I guess.

    4. "lindie says, That's right; weren't Leisl and Scotty going to St Lucia or somewhere? That was dropped I guess."

      She said she was going, but she didn't say when.

  8. Mrs. Wu was awesome and I liked the scene because we finally had someone putting Jason (and by extension, Carly) in their place.

    OK, here is my official prediction: Charles Shaughnessy will be playing DR. JEFF WEBBER. And he eventually will get involved again with Monica Quartermaine, his ex-wife. (I hope I am right. I like this idea.)

    1. Charles is 10 years younger than Leslie Charleson but that hasn't stopped Monica before. Lol

    2. He may not be young enough for Monica! #Ned #Pierce #Couger #MuchRespect

  9. Ya'll think this is true?

    1. Probably. Not too much to like on GH right now. Adding this and Drew does not help. IMO.

    2. Celebrity dirty laundry is not reliable. I wouldn't trust it.

    3. I don't believe anything I read on that site. They don't print spoilers; they print speculation. You know how we make guesses about what we think is going to happen? they do that and then call it a spoiler. A spoiler is something you've found out is going to happen, and you leak it.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...