Thursday, August 26, 2021

Anyone need a good lawyer?


(Thursday's Blog)


Alexis Davis ⧫ Justice Ward ⧫ Ric Lansing ⧫ Paul Hornsby

Robert Scorpio ⧫ John Durant ⧫ Margaux Dawson

Ken Morgan ⧫ Mitch Williams ⧫ Dara Jensen

Scott Baldwin ⧫ Benjamin Lazaro


Diane Miller ⧫ Martin Grey ⧫ Nora Buchanan

Lee Baldwin ⧫ Joe Kelly ⧫ Jake Meyer

Who are you favorites!!?? 

Note: These were pulled from the web. We all know how accurate the web can be. If I missed someone, please just add it in the comments. Thanks. 


  1. I like alot of the lawyers. I would have to say Alexis and Diane. Especially when they are together having fun and talking about shoes and such

    1. I will always love Robert but still see him as the spy.

    2. Thumbs up to both of these, lindie.

    3. Scott, Diane, Alexis and Rick. I agree Robert is more of a spy/agent.

    4. i agree that Robert is not readily thought of as a lawyer. i think we all gave a collective "wth?" when that storyline was revealed. but it gave him some more time and hey... check out the pic of him and Laura. old school

    5. That pic is definitely old school with Robert and Laura. SO much history I remember fondly with those 2. My favorite from way back is them on Cassidine Island. L&L and Robert and Tiffany

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  2. Scotty, Alexis, Dianne and Nora B.

  3. i was always torn between jake meyer and joe kelly. you know, they were 2 characters i always thought would make it on the show and stick around long term.... hmmmm... i smell some fan fiction from Karen coming on! ha ha ha

  4. Sad news...the tribbles are gone. Replaced by floating blossoms.
    My hatred of Hiney is just that. I loved his father Faison. He was a wonderfully evil villain. Loved the actor too. So it's not about that. Listening to Hiney slime whisper while he threatens anyone and everyone is like nails on a chalkboard.

  5. Rick Lansing is my favorite! He is so smarmy and complex...I really miss him.

    1. Ric Lansing. Good actor and he did do smarmy well. And he and Maurice seemed to have chemistry and made good brothers.

  6. Alexis & Diane but also Justus & Dara…I thought they were interesting and had potential to go far but…GH

  7. Showing my age, but Joe Kelly...sigh.

  8. I don't think Cyrus is behind Joey Novak going rogue----wouldn't Jordan have known that when she sent Martin and Laura away? Now I am wondering WHO is behind it?

  9. I love Diane. The way she clips her lines and cocks her head, then turns on her heel and changes the subject. Sigh.

    1. Sorry, Kate, I seem to have joined you in sigh-swooning. ;)

    2. Diane is my current favorite, so I will gladly welcome another to the sigh-swooning club!

  10. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river lanTANO mountain bar:

    Mike, Nina, Phyllis, and Hiney: Mike is suspicious of Hiney, Nina keeps peeing her pants out of fear, Phyllis is still mourning the loss of Lenny, and Hiney likes it there! Oh look that cop again shows up. He just wants to give his condolences to Phyllis. Are you sure? you sure you don't want to arrest Mike?

    Phyllis and Mike: Phyllis wants Mike to tell Nina how he feels about her, because life is too short!

    Port Chuckles:

    Carson kitchen:

    Joss, Jason, and new flowers: Okay what in the hell?!?!!? Where the hell is the Tribbles?!?!?! Were they kidnapped again and was recast/replaced by these stupid white flowers in a bowl of water?!?!!! The camera panned to it. Joss and Jason were talking about her parents, but I was too distracted by these flowers! This scene between Jason and Joss, wasn't that exiting anyway.

    Q mansion:

    Mildew: What the hell is she wearing? Is she going to a party? Apparently she didn't see Michael after dumping Chase because she needed time! UGH!

    Mildew and Brooky: Geez Brooky stop harassing Michael for helping Pawtucket Holtster. Brooky loves Mildew together. Well, Brooky now you have a clear path to Chase. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Maxie: Maxie has ideas for the Jarly wedding! Motorcycle sculptures?!?! Uh and how can you get it to not melt Maxie?

    Dr. O and Britch: Wait, I thought Dr. O and Scotty were going out of town!!! When are they going? Or did they do it off screen?

    Dr. O, Britch, and Maxie: Dr. O don't like that Maxie is helping with the Jarly wedding. Britch wants Maxie to make the Jarly wedding beautiful! Dr.O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: That much generosity I can barely handle.


    Chase's home:

    Chase and Finchy: They were talking about Mildew and Chase is being way too understanding with Mildew. Just be a little bit more angry Chase..

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1983* Luke meets Stavros for the first time.

    1. I so appreciate and love your comments Sonya - and I agree about the tribbles - get rid of Hiney and bring back the tribbles

    2. "Johnny 265120 says,I so appreciate and love your comments Sonya -"

      Thank you! :)

      "and I agree about the tribbles - get rid of Hiney and bring back the tribbles"

      Yeah I don't know what is going on!! Bring back the Tribbles!!! And someone has to get rid of Hiney! Nina or Dr. O!

  11. Joss to Jason: "I don't know why he has a problem with this. I mean, yes, you're in the business but you're a good person."

    Yes, Joss, Jason is a "GOOD" hitman. #SMDH

  12. Sonny reveal....In an effort to protect Nina, Mike will tail Peter (who despite being a wanted person can't resist returning to PC to spy on Maxie). Peter will be creeping around watching the wedding and Mike will be watching Peter....

  13. SO if Nina calls Dr. O to kill Peter, and Dr O and Scott are on their way to Saint Lucia = HOW does she do it and then Dr O disappears - so PETER found out?
    Trying to figure out WHO has Drew and Chloe and maybe Hayden and then Dr O - Is it Victor Cassadine? but he wouldn't care - or Alister Cooke? but these characters who have been kidnapped have NOTHING in common.....I have ZERO faith that Frank and the writers can make this work...................

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He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...