Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Sasha and Brando at the OBGYNs...they don't want to know the sex. It's only 10pm at night but ..let's get an ultrasound!! Baby looks good. 

Ava talking to Portia  in GH...weird stalker nurse watching. They end up talking about Kiki and how lucky Portia is. 

Ava leaves, Nurse Creep smiles. Ava's car is on fire down in the parking garage. They find a gas can and an ID. OMG it's Kiki's! 

Jason on the docks... Five Family meeting tomorrow. Yada yada...I have no clue why they are showing this. 

Jax and Carly--Cripes I wish they'd just fall in wub and FLY OFF TO THE OUTBACK TOGETHER.  They argue. Jax makes points, Carly bitches. Jason walks back in. Carly tells him what Jax did. They yell, Jax leaves and CARLY NEVER ERASED that PHONE CALL!! AHAHHAAHAA. Jason calls Spinelli after Jax leaves and Spinelli wipes his phone and his Cloud. 

Carly goes to the island instead of the Five Family meeting. 

Sam gets a call from Drew. She takes that call with all the surprise as asking what time it is. Tells Dante. He's going to try to trace it at the PCPD. They try to figure out if Drew is really dead-dead :EYEROLL: 

Parapet...Trina and Spencer watching fireworks... mask guy with a knife. They go in.. then Trina leaves. The Mask guy grabs Spencer and chokes him. Runs out. Trina finds Spencer. He's shaken and terrified. 

Inside..Cam figures out that it has to be someone in the house doing all this. Laura and Kevin walk in. 

THEN... Laura talks to a trembling Spencer about being attacked and Nikolas walks in and takes off the mask..everyone gasps. Laura screams at Nikolas. So does Kevin. Nikolas is like: Meh. Too bad, he needed to be taught a lesson.  They yell.. then Ava calls and tells Nikolas about the car.  He thinks it couldn't be him because he was at Wyndemere. I hope he thinks he could have hired someone. 


We see Drew in some prison


  1. I've never seen so much rewriting - NEVER have seen this nurse and NOW we do? Maybe Morgan is back from the dead! I think it's Ryan doing it - separate from Spencer...now Ava won't go back to Nicholas, yada, yada, yada.....sigh...
    stupid that Laura is mad at Nicholas - what happened to Tough Love? I guess Laura goes to see Lulu for months to get away from Nicholas......Carly not going to the Five Families meeting is huge - I think something happens that Jason won't tell her.....as in he is totally in charge....
    Characters to go away: Jax, Sam, Brando, Sasha, Willow, Harmony, Dante, Chase...

    1. I like Dante but he shouldn't be with Sam.

    2. Add Jordan and Nina to the list of people who can go

    3. OR is Carlos dead? He tried to kill her once....or her sister? Olivia Jerome?

    4. Oooo. Now Carlos or Olivia that was be fun if they did it right. Ava must have lots of old enemies.

    5. "Mufasa says OR is Carlos dead? He tried to kill her once.."

      Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos!!! I miss him. :( The actor was on Y&R for a bit, but not anymore. :(

    6. Interesting! I could see Olivia Jerome tormenting Ava, blaming her for the death of their brother. That would be fun.

    7. first ones to go need to be Michael and Willow..........

  2. Sounds exciting. I don't know. I don't think Nicholas did something to Ava's car but who knows

    1. Probably it is Ryan now. Who cares? Boring

    2. Be one of the 5 families trying to threaten Carly in some way since they were trying to pretend to be a solid family a while back.

  3. New Drew looks old enough to be Jason's father not his twin.

    1. Both actors are 51. Same age.

    2. Steve has actually aged quite a bit. For a man its a good thing of course.
      I think they look around the same age when clean shaven. They are actually both 51 in real life!

    3. You beat me to it Lindie ☺

    4. We must have been looking it up at the same time. It's the scruffy beard that makes him look older

  4. The hospital: Okay as Ava is leaving, why is that stalker spy nurse grinning like a Cheshire cat at Ava?

    Brasha appointment:

    Brasha and doctor: Awwwwwwwww. :) They are so adorable!!!!! :) Great appointment! They are way too happy, which means DOOM is headed their way, by the name of Gladys.

    Parking garage: Oh oh! Ava's car is on fire!!! Well, time for her to call Lyft. Oh did that stalker spy lady torch her car?!?!!?!

    Nurses station:

    Portia and Ava: Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: It's not every day that someone sets your car on fire.

    ROFL! Hmmm that spy nurse stalker lady is grinning like a Chesire cat again. Did she put Kiwi's ID on the ground on purpose? Who is she working for? Ryan?!!?! Or is she related to Kiwi and she wants revenge?

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Sam and Drew: Oh now I hear Cameron Mathison's voice clear. Yesterday it sounded like Spinelli!!

    Dante and Sam: Sam!! You ARE a PI! Or you were? Well whatever the case, time to use your PI skills to find out if Drew is alive!!!

    Wyndemere: Awwww party is over so the invisible people are going home. :( I don't want the invisible boy who has that cute hat on to go home. I like him. Chad gets "stabbed" and wow this actor is fantastic! :) Oh look the masked man is NIK! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN! I love how angry Doc and Laura were.. Hmmmm I think I believe Chad when he said he didn't stalk Ava. I mean he was at Wyndemere when Ava's car was on fire. Unless Chad payed someone to do it.. Hmmmm. Nah it's that spy nurse lady!

    Carson kitchen:

    Jax and Carly: Wow! Jax blackmailed Michael and now Carly! Jax who the hell are you?!!?! I don't like Jax anymore!!! Unless he does something to redeem himself like save someone's life, then he is dead to me! Tribbles throw something at him!!

    Jason and Carly: Don't worry Carly. Jason will go to the meeting of the 5 families and the Tribbles will go with him.


    1. we already know Spencer did those things before the burning of the car - that's not debatable UNLESS the writers rewrite AGAIN>>>>>>>>>>

    2. "mufasa says, we already know Spencer did those things before the burning of the car - that's not debatable UNLESS the writers rewrite AGAIN>>>>>>>>>>"

      Yeah maybe they will rewite it!!! UGH!

    3. I hope they don't let Spencer off the hook for what he did. When Nicholas told him that now he knew what it felt like to be terrorized, he did seem to absorb that fact. And when Nick was going on about threatening Ava's little girl, Trina looked horrified. that seemed to affect him too. I hope he owns up to exactly what he did.

    4. "Di says, I hope they don't let Spencer off the hook for what he did. When Nicholas told him that now he knew what it felt like to be terrorized, he did seem to absorb that fact. And when Nick was going on about threatening Ava's little girl, Trina looked horrified. that seemed to affect him too. I hope he owns up to exactly what he did."

      Yeah I hope he owns up to what he did too! He didn't do the burning of the car. At least I don't think so. Maybe this spy nurse is doing this on her own.

    5. Absolutely, Spencer needs to confess to his part. The little weasel! I understood why Laura was so po'd at Nik, but she doesn't know what we know. I enjoyed Spencer the actor, though!
      Unlike others, I'm pro Jax on this debacle. Snarly is a delusional, hypocritical shrew.
      Just loved Ava and Portia! They've really softened Ava up, but I'm liking it. Rando nurse needs to be explained soon.
      I am now calling Mumbles the Drew Whisperer. Could she have been anymore lifeless in her scenes? The only reason Dante kept leaning towards her wasn't for intimacy, but because he couldn't hear a dang thing she was saying! And for the love of all that is holy, get that tarp off of her!

    6. And I meant to add that OBGYN doc looks like Julianna Margulies's little sister! :)

    7. "The only reason Dante kept leaning towards her wasn't for intimacy, but because he couldn't hear a dang thing she was saying!"

      LOL, so true.

    8. And he was also getting a closer look at her overhanging boobage. She is one of the most expressionless actresses I have ever seen.

  5. Little Jophielle Love is going to be starring in a movie. AND she lost a front tooth. Hope we don't lose this little cutie pie. She is one of the only reasons I watch. Little ray of sunshine.

  6. Also forgot to mention that Carly and sonny talking last week was so obviously filmed separately- then edited together. That’s fine. Don’t care. But NINE months of mike in Nixon Falls is ridiculous. Let Mike come to PC and Nina caught. And even have Mike not interact with characters or do what they did with the Moss scene.

  7. "Mufasa says or do what they did with the Moss scene."

    What Moss scene? :)

  8. How many days in a row do we have to see Sam in a tiny tank top that's two sizes too small and a skirt that looks like a tent from the old M*A*S*H* series? Ugh.

    1. Couldn't agree more! Hideous outfit.

    2. AND why would Sam wear the same outfit on a date that she wore all day. Women don't usually do that do they?

    3. When they zoomed in on just the drab colored bottom dragging on the ground as she sat, it looked like a homeless person's blanket.

    4. She took her large phone out of the large pocket too. Lol

    5. She never carries a handbag, so at least she had some big pocket. I guess she doesn't need to carry house keys, car keys (must walk everywhere) or a wallet.

    6. WILLOW is the ONLY woman who ever has a purse - drives me nuts!

    7. Back in the day I think they all carried a purse. Except Laura, she either had none or that huge Hobo bag. Lol

  9. I think Jax has every right to be concerned about Joss and I just wanted to smack Carly in the face. Spencer needed a shot of reality, but he has that psychopath look about him which is disturbing. And also disturbing is seeing Peter still in the opening credits.

    1. 100% agree with all of your statements! But I also saw Maxie yesterday in the opening credits, too. That's a plus!

    2. I think I read that Kirsten Storms was back filming now.

  10. I think that GH has always tried to normalize the mob. None of us would put up with an ex who put her children in danger. I just hope that Jax doesn't get killed because of this. Sam's skirt looked like a feed bag. Maybe a Jean like jacket in the same material would have made it look a bit better.

    1. Haha, feed bag! Regardless of the awful style, it was overwhelming for someone so small. And who wears five inch heels to a pool? Like I said before, someone in wardrobe hates Kemo.

    2. Does look like a feed bag or feed sack

    3. I think they dress her like that and read this blog and laugh. Nothing better to do

  11. ok, spencer has to be behind the stalking.......remember the shoes he dumped......i wonder when they will show up, I guess they don't pick up the trash for months around there. I don't like the actor who plays Spencer, he's below the league of Trina, Cam and Joss. I think creepy nurse works for him.


Another Day another Dollar!

  I've heard I should watch the last 10 min of yesterday's show and that's about it! LOL.. I'll watch Friday on Hulu and cat...