Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Have Some Ribs...or Not

Carly's in the OBGYN's office. And yep, according to the blood work,  Kim tells Carly she's pregnant.
Kim SHOULD be pregnant. Having a baby, losing her other kid. Dramaz right there.  A WTD with Drew and Julian. She has the baby and then she leaves with one of them. YEP. BUT it's Carly.  Carly should have been going through menopause and she's freaking out and Bobbie helps her thru it. 

Carly sees the baby as 'a gift'. She and Sonny hug. 

Kim is looking through old photos of Oscar, which she shows Drew. I think she wants a baby too. She wonders what it would have been like if they both raised Oscar. 

Jason and Drew talk about Shank on the Pier. 

Michael and Krissy at Kelly's. She's all smiling. Wants to talk to him about THE DAWN OF DAY.  Krissy SHOULD be trying to get Molly, TJ, AMY, That other nurse --or anyone else young in town to get in this cult. 
Krissy wants to borrow money from Michael to do her next level course with The Cult Club.  He says he'll lend it to her. 

Sam and Shank are at The Rib. blah, blah... didn't hear much. He wants her to 'go away with him"

Maxie is meeting Sasha at the mani-pedi place to find out about her. She had to say goodbye to Peter first.  She grabs a tissue to get Sasha's DNA test. 

Lulu is at home and DA lady comes in and wants to go over Franco's arraignment. Lulu freaks out. DA lady leaves. Peter comes in with flowers.  He also gives her back her laptop.  Maxie comes by after seeing Sasha. 

Stella runs into Marcus at Kelly's... he's got the Valentine's Day Blues. They hold hands, talk. 

SO, I guess the DA chick has been to Dawn of Day's workshops on grief. Wants to go to more. She tells Shank they are helping her with doing something to a friend. Explains that she has a friend's 'past" or something. His lightbulb goes off and you can see he thinks it's Drew. OMG she tells him they were on a FLASH DRIVE and actual memories!! AHAHAHAAA. And she gave them to the "friend" to keep. SO DA lady is SO STUPID she not only joins a CULT she tells the leader all this shit?? AHAHAHHAA 

SO, at Kelly's and The Rib..no one ate and only DA lady had water LOL!! 


  1. It's always so funny when they go to restaurants and no one eats. Or they are drinking coffee and it is so obvious that nothing is in the cup. LOL

  2. What a dip DA lady is!! I knew what was going thru Shanks mind. Oh and friend, really Margeaux? Slaps her hard. Haha!! Michael is an idiot to give Krissy money, can I slap him too? Hoped to see Laura and Ryan scenes but oh well.

    1. The preview tomorrow, shows Laura, Doc, and Ryan!!!! YAY!!!!! :)

    2. I'm thinking we will have some fun dialogue between Margeaux and Franco while he's in the jailhouse.

    3. Slap away Michelle, I'll back you up. Lol!

  3. The hospital:

    Carson and CarlyKim: Carly got the preggers!!!! Damn Sonny's sperm is still so potent!!

    Carson: When are you two going to talk about Sonny and his potent sperm? That should be a name of his book. :)

    Drew and CarlyKim: CarlyKim's vagina is exploding Drew!! Give her a baby ASAP!!! :)

    The floating rib:

    Shanky and Margoo: Oh Margoo you peaked Shanky's interest when you talked about your "friend" and his memories!! See his ears perk up?

    Samsky: Awwwww he wants to take her somewhere and show her something.. :) Does he want her to meet Harmony.com? Or marry Sam? Or show her that he sacrafices virgins?


    Maxie and Hiney: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Marcus and Stella: Are they going to be a couple soon or what?!?!?!! Maybe during the nurses ball. :)

    Krissy and Michael: Krissy is so happy happy happy!!!:) Cult happy! :) OH!! She wants some money from Michael! And so it begins!!!


    Sasha and Maxie: Maxie so badly wants to know the truth about Sasha, and wants her DNA, but yet she was late?!?!?!!??!! That is so dumb. Oh look Maxie got fingernails! :) She didn't want to get a piece of Sasha's hair?

    Lante home:

    Margoo and Lulu: I am surprised Margoo didn't talk about Sonny.. She usually talks about Sonny 24/7! Hmmm I wonder what will happen when she meets Jax. :) Talk about Jax 24/7? :)

    Hiney and Lulu: YAY! A scene with them!!! :)

    "Karen says He also gives her back her laptop."

    Actually it's a new one. The cops still have her old laptop. Hiney got her a new one. :)

    So, Hiney wins the line of the day.

    Hiney: I wanted to come visit you and the hospital, but apparently you had to be family, or Maxie.

    ROFL! Maxie isn't family, so it was dumb for her to be able to visit Lulu.

    Hiney and Maxie: Oh come on!!!! Showing him Sasha's fingernails in Lulu's home?!!?! Seriously? You couldn't wait until you get home Maxie?

    The pier:

    The twins:

    Drew: Shanky Shanky Shanky Shanky.

    Jason: Shanky Shanky Shanky Shanky.

    Drew: Shanky Shanky Shanky Shanky.

    Jason: Shanky Shanky Shanky Shanky.

    Jasam: Oh I don't think it's a good idea for you two to be kissing!!!!! Someone could see you! Maybe Shanky has spies everywhere!!

    1. Great recap Sonya! But don't even suggest that our boy Jax goes anywhere near stoopid Magoo. Blech!!

      Thanks to everyone for the past week or so, recaps and stuff. Unexpected death in the family so I didn't watch GH. But I did have time to check the blog everyday! :)

    2. Julie, so sorry for your loss.

    3. "Great recap Sonya! But don't even suggest that our boy Jax goes anywhere near stoopid Magoo. Blech!!"

      Hahahahahaha! Well, it would be interesting to see Jax and Margoo in a scene together. He is so tall and she is teeny tiny! :) Oh and thanks. :)

      "Thanks to everyone for the past week or so, recaps and stuff. Unexpected death in the family so I didn't watch GH. But I did have time to check the blog everyday! :)"

      Oh no Julie I'm so sorry. :(

    4. Thank you both, it's much appreciated.

  4. Yet again the show doesn't get the family connection right. Shiloh was Sam's step son not her son in law. Such simple things they can't get right just kills me. Do they have idiots writing for the show.

  5. I DID hear that they said stepson, maybe I heard wrong?

    1. I just rewatched it at abc.com with closed caption on and he said son in law.


Light A Wubsy Candle

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