Monday, February 18, 2019

Passing Out

Hello! Went to Urgent Care today (so much easier than doctor's office). Have a sinus infection and a sty in one eye and a sore in the other, on the bottom lid. WTF!! My eyes are a MESS. So happy this is my VACATION for FS. ugh. So, I am going to blog a bit (I'm out Wed and Friday). but not sure how long I will last. 
I had a viral cold for 15 days, then it started to go into this ish. 



Willow and Chase. She keeps looking at Brad. Chase wants to know why. She dodges the question. He thinks she's brave to have given her baby up for adoption. Then he gives her a prezzie and they are nice gloves because her hands are so cold all the time. They kiss. 

Brucas.  Out on a Date. Brad talks to Julian about The BayBay 

Kim and Drew and Alexis is there. She says she and Diane were going out since Max was busy. Kim talks to her about being "cool" with each other.

Neil, Alexis' doctor walks in as she's walking out. (see below)

Michael is there too, waiting for a date. Geesh, who would that be? Oh MY GOD. Some chick named ZOE who he met on something like Tinder. She looks like a Davis girl...or Willow. Nothing DIFFERENT THAN EVERY OTHER CLONE on this show. Same body type, straight long hair. YAWN. She could have had really short purple hair or something and be of normal weight. But.. zzzzzzz. Zoe lied on her profile... she doesn't really teach migrant kids english, she likes to scroll through IG on her free time. Michael is not happy.  Zoe is on the phone the entire time. Then she tells Michael that he's her third date that evening-- and she has another one. 

On the way out, she sees Neil with Alexis and says "Neil"?? He doesn't know her. She said "oh you messaged me a few times, but you look way younger in your photo"!! ahahha. Neil goes to get a drink. Julian asks Alexis if they are 'seeing each other'. Alexi says yes. 


Laura gets stopped by the orderly. She says she's there on an unannounced visit as the mayor. 

Ryan goes into Kevin's (who's still blind) and says: HEY BRO, YOU LIED TO ME! Ryan is pissed off and tells Kevin he forced his hand with Laura but first he's going to deal with him.  Kevin says the prenup is real, it's in his safe behind his credentials in the office. Ryan doesn't believe him.
Laura is still skulking around.  Ryan leaves, locks the door. Laura looks in the window and sees the back of Kevin's head. Then he turns around!! She sees him!! She says "MY GOD".. They are going "Kevin..Laura"!! And she sinks to the floor. Ryan gave her the needle!@ SHE'S OUT LIKE A LIGHT!!!!!AHAAAAAA 


Nina and Char jump out to surprise her. She almost loses it. Spencer sees that Charlotte is there and wants to go, he said he called a car. Lulu tells him to cancel it.  NB is getting older, just turned 14 and he could be on the show again fuller time. Joss and the rest are 16, so he could be the Freshman to their Juniors.  I love his Cassadine Vibe.  Curtis finds out Nina is marrying Valentin again. 

Charlotte trolls Spence about his tampering with the election. 
Lulu's mad Nina's getting remarried to Val--so is Curtis. Nina says she thinks she got Franco wrong.


Jordan wants Franco to plead guilty so that the real killer will come out because they are jealous. Although come on --she didn't take into account the killer MAY be framing him for a reason?  The evidence was planted so....

ugh, they need Dr. Maddox who was a forensic profiler for the WSB. 
Franco is freaking out and says he won't do it. She keeps saying he has to. He wants to talk to Liz about it but Jordan says NO WAY.  God, I hope he gets something in writing. 
She tells him if he DOESN'T DO IT, he'll go to jail for the rest of his life!! The HELL!! OMG! He'd better get his lawyer in on this. This is bullshit LOL


I think Willow's baby daddy is SHANK

New girl is white, bland..she doesn't even have interesting hair. 

RUMOR has it that Neil is a Cassadine. (he was reading a book on Russian history)


  1. Jordan's plan is so stupid. If Franco pleads guilty then Kevin will probably wait before killing again or hide the results. The heat will be off him.Why would he start again? That's so stupid. A better plan would be to pretend that Franco has escaped and have him under police guard somewhere so that Kevin feels free to kill again and Franco would have an alibi. Of course Jordan is so dumb she'd probably tell Kevin about it.

    I was waiting for someone to slam a door at Lulu's place and have her start reciting her prepared "Franco did it" speech again. That would be awesome, and it would become obvious that she'd been brainwashed.

    I also think that Nina is even more stupid than I realized to jump out and scream at someone who'd just been attacked by a seriel killer. dum da dum dum DUM!

    1. Di I thought the same! You just don't scare someone like that. I had an incident in my 20s and ever since I have had anxiety issues. So yeh that was pretty stupid, however sweet.

  2. OH MY GO.....watching now, it's like Laura is in slo-mo and then stupid commercials. LOL!! Just get there. Refresh my old brain, what's up with Spencer and Char? Oh and date of Michael's, fast away Michael.

    1. Please tell me that Zoey (I think that was her name) was a day-player. Zzzzz.

  3. of course ryan gave laura a needle. why? because this story will NEVER END! OMG eveyr single twist and turn and they are dragging this story out. Acting or no acting, end this. NOW.

    Its like the writers have absolutely nothing else to work on and no other stories so they will stick with this one forever. forever I tell you.

    1. I know right! Just when you think, oh it's over, oh wait, nope no it's not....never ending.

    2. Why would you want a really good story to end? Jon L. is such a good actor.

    3. Oh he is, but I miss Kevin. Just ready to see Ava's face when she realizes she's been sleeping with her daughters killer. Juicy.

    4. Now that everyone is waking up - so to speak - I think this Kevin/Ryan story will end this or next week. Sadly, I'm not interested in any other SL.

  4. I could see Shank being baby daddy.
    When I saw Zoie I thought at first it was Kristina. Total loser, laughed hard when she saw shrink guy. FINALLY Laura found Kevin! ❤❤ But of course Ryan.....
    I think Franco should still tell Liz, screw Jordan. I think Curtis, like Jordan is gonna get a clue about Ryan. Possibly Nina too, but she already knows he couldn't do that.

  5. I think Jordan has been hypnotized by Ryan too. Friz fans are riding a rollercoaster of insanity.

  6. Hope you feel better Karen, how the heck do you get a sore in your eye? All that crappy cold weather got you down. Feel better!

  7. Neil the new shrink stole Scotty's hair!

  8. I'm loving the Ryan storyline. Hell has definitely frozen over with me actually liking a storyline on this train wreck show. Ohhhh and I like the Neil guy with Alexis...but if he's a Cassadine, there goes wasting good chemistry. I also think Alexis and Sam have great chemistry with SHank and how soapy good that could play out.....but we can't have nice things.

    1. I like the Ryan sl, ok love it but I don't want a good thing beat to death and I just really can't wait to see Avas stupid face when she realizes who she's been bedding mostly.

  9. Jordan should not be making deals with Franco, alone, when he is represented by an attorney. She shouldn’t even speak to him at all without his attorney...

    1. That is very true! I forgot about that. Jordan at least let's to at least let Scott in on it!

  10. Almost finished watching today. Everyone's right--the Franco thing makes NO sense. Ryan will be happy if someone else takes the fall for him. And HOW can Franco plead guilty and then say, "Oh, I didn't mean it, it was all a ruse." He would not be able to prove that, he would have lied under oath. How can he trust Jordan,this all could just be a plan to get him to confess, she could always deny that she set him up. Plus, HOW could he put all his loved ones through this charade? And how could Jordan KNOW that this will flush out the serial killer? Make NO sense on soooo many levels . . .

    1. Oh AntJoan you have a good point, about it all being just a plan to get him to confess. Hmmm.

    2. I agree. Couldn't Jordan just leave Franco in jail and try to catch the real killer--or if Ryan kills again then they know it was not Franco--geesh.

  11. You know I thought it was a good plan but AntJoan what you've said makes sense. I don't want her messing with my Franco.😡

    1. Yeah Michelle I don't want her messing with him either!!!!

  12. Oh no Karen!!! Feel better soon!!!! :(

    Lante home: WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL?!!?!? Who the hell would surprise someone who just got stabbed!?!!!?!??! That is so dumb! Awful scene!

    Lulu, Curtis, and Nina: Yeah Nina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You tell Lulu!!!!!! :) BobTodd is innocent!!!!!

    Charlie and Spencer: Oh Charlie you think you can bully Spencer? HA! He can handle you! So don't even try it. He will eat you up and spit you out.


    Ryan and Doc: Ryan is so pissed!!!! ROFL! What is Doc up to? Hmmmm.

    Laura and Doc: HOLY CRAP LAURA! Yes keep walking to the door! Yes yes yes!!!!! Oh dammit Doc is laying down and not facing her!!!! OH OH OH OH OH!! He is turning!!! He is turning!!!! I was saying, Yes yes yes!!!! OH HE HAS TURNED ALL THE WAY YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Oh oh Laura? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! RYAN SHOT HER WITH A NEEDLE!!!! The look on Ryan's face when he is looking at Doc!!! CREEPY AS ALL HELL!!!!! :)

    BobTodd's jail:

    BobTodd and Jordan: OH! Great plan! YES DO IT BOBTODD!!! :) Oh but he can't keep it a secret from Liz!!! No way!!! BobTodd you can tell Liz. Jordan can't stop you.

    The floating rib:

    Chillow: Awww another date. And awwww he got her gloves.. Her hands are always cold! :) Mine are too!!! :)

    Michael and Zoe: When I first saw her, I'm thinking who the hell is she? Oh he has a date. She is so rude!!!! What happened to Francesa? They would be so great together! I mean he isn't going to be with Maxie, so he should go find Francesca again and ask her out.

    Alexis, Dr. Burn, and Zoe: Oh geez. At first I thought Dr. Burn was Zoe's next date!!!

    Alexis and CarlyKim: Uh are they going to be besties now?

    1. Sonya, Dr. Burn WAS Zoe's next date!! Creepy as hell, I know he showed a younger pic of himself, but he saw that SHE was too young for HIM. Plus, Zoey had TWO dates at the same place? There is such a thing as speed-dating, but that is done at a special venue, this beatch was just rude!

  13. "Karen says I think Willow's baby daddy is SHANK"

    Yeah soap hub thinks so too! :) I get soap hub in my email.

  14. There is supposed to be some "special connection" coming with DA lady, and I saw a Dawn of Day book in her bag, so that is the connection, but, of course, we don't know the specifics. . .

  15. feel better soon many days before we see Laura again


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...