Saturday, February 23, 2019

Nothing is in Our Way!

FRIDAY'S SHOW!! I had people text me and say to WATCH IT!! SO I'm doing it on a Saturday to catch up. 

SHank and Sam. He's leading her to Brook Lake... Lake Ontario mention!! That tower is SO Shutter Island...remember that??  Jason's following her. 

Ok, Robert and Sonny aren't bugging me. ITS' TURKEY so you can't just GO IN THERE.  Well, maybe Brick Can!! OMG Sonny's going!!? Seriously?? 

Ava..all happy to go to dinner and BOOM!! Ryan's like BYE GIRL, gotta go get a signature LOL 
Ryan goes to See KevLar to get her signature. Laura says no..I'm not going to let you hurt you like me. He says he'll start slicing and dicing soon. 

Dr. Craven or whoever. Memory transfers!! Who's who on this show?? LOL!!!  Maybe Drew is Jason--- Anna is Alex and... we can keep going! LOL Ryan is Kevin!!? Oh, maybe Peter isn't Anna's??? 

Like Terry and Liz. Nice friendship. Kim would have been ok too but she's prob on vacation. Love she calls her Biz. 

Curtis is all "Well it's not the whole story" to Drew. Geesh, he's not the vault!! 

OMG! The end!! WOW... both Jason and Drew at the same time!! AND DREW HITS JORDAN!! She's the only one that knows about Franco, right?! Oh man. EEK. 


  1. Yes, it is CRAZY that only Jordan knows about this, makes no sense . . . Wouldn't he at least have had to tell his own lawyer? And WHY wouldn't Jordan tell others at the PCPD? She just concocted a plan that probably isn't legal, and ran it by NO ONE?

    And Sonny going to Turkey when Carly needs to have NO STRESS? I would be plenty stressed if my husband went there to hunt down a spy who went rogue, wouldn't you?

  2. Jordan didn't even tell Curtis? She seems to be telling him a lot of police business lately so that doesn't make sense

    1. I have a feeling she told him. He's a PI, her hub and am pretty sure he knows how to keep his mouth shut. I bet he did, I HOPE he did. 😊

    2. Michelle, he said he didn't know what was going on, but he had an idea. I think that Jordan did not tell him.

  3. WTH is Robert even in the same room with Sonny? Back in the day, he went after all the mafia-types with no mercy. Unreal unless Robin told him of her friendship with Sonny and so Robert gives him grace for that.

  4. Who is this guy Brick that Sonny and Carly speak about? Is he new? What happened to Max and Milo?

    1. This is actually pretty cool. He's Stephen Smith from ESPN. He watched GH everyday with his sisters. He's been on randomly for a few years. Sonny's surveillance guy with a crush on Carly. It's odd when he is on because it comes out of nowhere, but he's a cool addition.

    2. I like Brick and love how he flirts with Carly hahaha!

  5. "FRIDAY'S SHOW!! I had people text me and say to WATCH IT!!"

    Hahaha. Uh hmmm. YEAH YOU SHOULD!!! :)

    "OMG! The end!! WOW... both Jason and Drew at the same time!! AND DREW HITS JORDAN!! She's the only one that knows about Franco, right?! Oh man. EEK."

    I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

    "Love she calls her Biz."

    Oh is that what she called her? I kept thinking it's Liz!

    "Lake Ontario mention!!"

    OOPS!!! I was so caught up with the scene with Drew and Jordan I forgot about the Lake Ontario mention!!

    "Curtis is all "Well it's not the whole story" to Drew. Geesh, he's not the vault!!"

    They are BFF's! Why wouldn't Drew be the vault? :)

  6. Franco has a burner phone, programmed to only dial Jordan. Isn’t that proof he’s working with her?

    1. Not really. Anyone could have bought that and put her number in.

    2. In the real world, they keep track of visitors in those places.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...