Friday, January 25, 2019

Rose Garden

"I love you too, Sam"...JaSam after glo being shown. Whatevs. Jason makes breakfast. 

Friz kitchen. Jake is going to play on Switch with Aiden and make sure he stays offline so no one bullies him. 

Laura and Lulu. She tells Lulu the doctors did their job, now it's hers to open her eyes. 
Sonny comes in and they hug. 

Anna and Peter are at the PCPD. Maxie walks in. Jordan is going to question Peter. He has on the shoes that made the prints in the blood! Damn, I wish Ryan had set him up to take the fall. BUT alas, the video footage shows him where he said he was so he's off the hook.

Robert's back! WOOT!! I love him so much. 

AND.......POTUS made a Rose Garden Speech. -___-  

Robert tells FAnna that Collins worked with that person on interest (Cabot?) They are looking at. 

END: Lulu starts to wake up...Ryan is over her "Hello Lulu" 


  1. It seems like they are going to have Sam go through the same "Fear of Losing Jason" that she went through when with Drew (when he was Jason). She blamed Sonny and tried to kill him.

  2. Lulu being stabbed must be really emotion for her mother, the Mayor. Out of sheer curiosity, has there been a mention of Luke, Lucky or Ethan receiving a phone call from Laura?

  3. Haven't watched yet, but are you saying that there were NO cops stationed outside Lulu's door???? Also, it is really sad that they didn't have Laura call Luke, Lucky, et al., it would mean so much to the fans if they at least pretended that the characters still exist. And, speaking of characters that exist, whatever happened to Liz's wedding, and her contact with her family?

    1. you would think that since Lulu is now the daughter of the mayor she would have SOME protection.

  4. no cops at the hospital.had to think why sonny was there, father in law. at least have bobbie and olivia at the hospital. so not believable.

    1. And Sonny didn't have anyone there watching her either.

  5. Yes, neither Sonny's men nor the cops watching her. C'MON, everyone knows that it was the serial killer, and that, when she wakes up she can ID him, so OF COURSE he will come after her . . . Makes no sense.

  6. OK, so WHERE are Sam's children? And, wow, she wakes up from a night of making love with her lipstick on! The actress is so gorgeous, I'm sure they could have shown her without lipstick . . .

  7. I think sam's kids live at monica's. drew lives there also.

  8. the jasam lovestory also not believable. sam was in love with 3 men in 5 yrs. silas, patrick and drew

  9. Wouldn't it make a great front page picture - The new Mayor hugging Port Chuck's major crime boss.Maybe Sonny is down on his luck and can't afford to have a man outside Lulu's room.

  10. I agree all of this didn’t make sense but Genie has just been phenomenal. And our beloved Robert is back! Kelly and Stevie B actually acted like they were a couple in love. The FrancoWebber family are wonderful, especially those kids. Looking forward to Monday’s show.

    1. I have to say I actually liked jasam yesterday....wait, did I just that? Haha!Stonecold was less, and he smiled and was....brighter, light. Definitely different. A real couple. Ryan was freaky. Loved Friz and the kids. Hey writers, are you listening, more of this please.

  11. Wow. This is the first time I can see the comments right on the blog. Well, I did at one time, long ago, but have had to create new page to add a comment for a long time now.

  12. Good episode Friday. Two things. Why wouldn't they have guards outside Lulu room? Why wouldn't Lulu SCREAM? She obviously woke up knowing this was "Kevin" and she looked very scared.
    Now that Robert is on the case (YAY: Love that man) hopefully it will get solved now. Sad that Robert is the only one who can solve cases. I wanted this to be one that Laura solved and got revenge on.

  13. P.S. Yes, Genie is fabulous as always.

  14. Hope I don't offend anyone, but I'd much rather have Genie than Tony Geary any day. I was a Luke and Laura fan back in the day, but stopped liking Luke at a certain point.

    1. Me too. I was always a L&L fan then Tony became a jerk and Luke became Fluke and it went downhill...

    2. I agree. For quite a few years before he left, I didn't like him. Never missed him at all when he took his extended vacations every year.

  15. Sam's home:

    Jasam: Oh good morning you two! Oh another round of magical sex where he isn't hurt! Hmmm no morning breath? ROFL! Why does she keep putting her sweater jacket on and off? How odd. Why did she even take it off to eat breakfast? I love how nervous she is when he is about to leave! :) So REAL!!!! :) I love how he asked if she wanted him to text her when he gets there. Awwwww. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jarly: Hahahaha. I love how she figured out that Jasam had sex. :)

    The hospital:

    Robert and Finchy: ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: I understand you two have shacked up.


    Robert, Anna, and Finchy: What are you doing here?!?!!?! Come on Anna you have been trying to reach him! Don't be such a bitch to Robert! DAMN!

    Ryan's room:

    Ava and Griffin: Uh is she flirting with him? He cut himself shaving? Uh yeah okay riiiiiight.

    Rava and Griffin: Ryan can see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick blindness!!

    Lulu's room:

    Ryan and Lulu: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ryan is so creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Friz home:

    Friz: When are you two going to get married already?

    Police station:

    Jordan, Hiney, and Anna:

    Anna: Don't answer that.

    Oh I'm sorry Anna, are you a lawyer now?

    Hiney and Maxie: UGH! I want Maxie and Michael together!!!! I could call them M&M! :) The M&M's team!!!! :) *sigh* Only a dream.

  16. I'd rather have Maxie and Michael too. And why hasn't the entire town noticed Peter in love with Maxie. He gets all goo goo eye when she enters the room.

  17. Why haven't they gotten Robert and Anna back together? I guess because he never stays long enough. So sad. He always lights up the screen when he arrives


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...