Monday, January 21, 2019

This 'N That

Fancy a Fosters? 

I'm stuck in there all day and it's either I do my progress reports for work OR WASTE TIME with Tillie sleeping on my and visit you guys. Guess which I picked? Hey, Robert's back-- I guess I 'll be ok with Anna's one day blindness and virus story if it got him in PC!!  

The teens are gonna get stuck in the Catacombs which I really hope is both hilarious and gruesome. Bodies, Bones...maybe an instant rave or two? HOUSE PARTY! Maybe Oscar gets really sick down there and spends his last days under Port Charles lol. Oh, that's mean. 

I had a great idea for Griffin. Since Ryan's probably going to get caught soonish, Griffin needs to go all Dark Ex-Priest Ritualistic Killer to avenge God.  Why? I need my soaps to be murderous and I think Griffin could be a perfect character for this. He could even raise Caleb--who we know shape shifted into Finn.  Just think: A priest that knows rituals who's also a surgeon (good for cutting up the bodies) AND A UNDEAD Vampire walking around. Lordy! Lordy! I also think they never really sussed out what happened to Jake on Cassadine Island so throw him in the evil mix too. 

Anyone watch Marie Kondo on Netflix with the Tidying Up stuff?  It's a little weird at first but it does help you take ownership of possessions and THINK about them. I've gotten many a donation box ready! 

We are looking into cutting the cable. Right now either Hulu Live or You Tube Pay look the best. They'll stream anywhere, have some local channels and are $40 a month. We would add Netflix and Prime/Acorn to it as well.  When we started researching this we found there are tons of platforms now.  I really only want ABC, TLC and ID Channel. ID is only really available (live) on PlayStation VUE!! What the hell is that!!? Discovery Network needs to get it's act together for live shows.  It's been exhausting. 

Well, I should be here for the show today because let's face it--with 17" of snow, temp at zero and windchill at around MINUS 22 I'm not going far.  We would def have a snow day if it wasn't for MLK Day.  Hope you are warm and happy. See ya later! 

1 comment:

LATE Day Again!!

  I have my yearly check up today (I have to get one for work...ugh) and it's at 2pm. Will I make it back for the end of the show? Not s...