Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Good Afternoon everyone. I couldnt help but notice that Karen hasnt opened a blog for everyone today. And I have NOTHING prepared. So... this is just going to be one of those EMPTY blogs where you can comment on today's show and fill everyone in and let everyone know what is going on. 

Or, talk about another topic. Is anyone in the midwest where the temps are below below zero? If you are, or know someone who is, how are you handling it? 

I hope today was a good show. On with the comments...


  1. Dave, I am in St. Paul, MN, current windchill is -48. Tonight’s low -27, windchill-51. Work gave us the option of using personal holiday time off tomorrow’. I took it!. Glad you asked.☃️

    1. i couldnt even comprehend this. what would happen if the heater broke or power went out? do you have a fireplace? i couldnt live without one in that area. this is why i left jersey for vegas. not that it ever got this bad there, but still... i dont even want to wear a coat.

    2. P.S. as of 9:00pm CST the US Postal service has suspended operations up here. Too freakin cold.

  2. Here in the Great White North - Vancouver Canada, the temperature is 52 deg. F. The Daffodils are starting to bloom and the sun is out.We have similar weather to Seattle.On today's GH they are finally putting a guard at Lulu's door.It looks like Mike is headed to full time at the home. Kristina is increasingly coming under control of the Cult.

  3. Thank you! Meetings and a head cold! You are great Dave— we are at zero with -20 windchill but so far we still have school tomorrow ! How is it where you are?

    1. 64. i know. not rubbing it in. i wore a flannel shirt to work today. Brrrr...

    2. Karen! A lot of schools are closing!!! You mean to tell me that YOUR school is open?!!?!?! :0 Holy crap!

    3. 66--South Florida. I have on 2 sweaters.

  4. Carson home: GAH!!!! It's so sad!!! :( Mike is packing to leave for that old folks home. When Sonny had the tears at the end, I started to cry. :( Griffin was there, but I think it was unnecessary for him to be there.

    Sam's home: So basically,

    Sam: Oh let's pretend that we are broken up, but then privately in your place we can have all the sex. But the plan is, to get close to Shilo by flirting, and having sex.. But then if I get pregnant by him, oops.

    Poor Jason is so very confused of the plan!

    Dawn of day home:

    Shanky and Krissy: So basically,

    Krissy: I don't like this place anymore!!

    *Shanky puts his hand on Krissy's leg*

    Krissy: On second thought I'm staying.

    The hospital:

    Stella and Curtis: Ohhhhh she is so ticked off at Curtis for talking to Marcus!!! ROFL! Don't mess with your aunt Stella Curtis!

    Ava and Julian: OH!!! It's been awhile since they were in a scene along together!!! :) Now kiss. :) Oh I forgot they are siblings. :)

    Julian and Alexis: Oh Alexis! Forget about CarlyKim!!! Get back together. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Stella and Marcus: Great scene! They should get back together.. I can call them Stellcus! :)

    Lulu's room: Wow!!! NOW Laura acts like a mother!! Where was mother bear before Laura? Poor Lulu can't remember who attacked her. Let's see was it Hiney? Nooooo. Was it Robert Scorpio? Noooo. Hmmmmm. Oh boy Lulu can't handle trying to remember! It's too much for her!!!!! Ryan is happy. :)

  5. We had a cold front here in S TX, cold winds blew in, I think it was in the upper 30s or 40s today. I was off and didn't go out so....just too cold. Please hurry SPRING!!!!!!!

  6. I am in Des Moines, Iowa. Currently -9 with wind chill -32. Schools closed tomorrow, some business as well. Postal service suspended mail here tomorrow too. Thanks for the open blog. I read everyday but don't normally post. Feel better soon Karen, and stay warm. -Beth

  7. Buffalo's Northern suburbs. Lake effect snow. Temp below zero. Sustained winds 20 mph gusts up to 40. Schools closed until Friday Wind chill -30's. Already have 6" of snow with another foot expected. Even for Buffalo area this is extreme

  8. Sonya, I don't remember a scene with Ava and Julian . . . did I miss something? Now they are making a giant fuss about guarding Lulu, I think the writers must have realized something . . . When Lulu woke up, she didn't even ask Laura about her injuries or surgery, and no one said anything about them, either. She doesn't remember the incident, doesn't she even want to know why she is in the hospital and what her injuries are/prognosis is?

    The Polar Vortex is coming to Brooklyn this afternoon, they say it will be even colder than the last one that we had. My husband said that if I say "Polar Vortex" one more time I will have to pay him each time that I say it.

    1. Ava and Julian had a brief conversation about leaving town for a vacation. Ava with Ryan, and Julian said it sounded like a good idea and maybe he would do the same thing. Pretty uneventful. I vaguely remember when Lulu first woke up Laura asked her what she remembered, and then told her she had been attacked but that she would be fine. Lulu did ask about her kids, and called Charlotte her good luck charm after Laura told her Charlotte insisted on coming to the hospital. I think all of this was Monday. :)

  9. Ann Arbor Michigan area: this morning -6 degrees, winds 13 mph, -30 wind chill. Supposed to get colder tonight. The governor declared a state of emergency yesterday. Mail and garbage pickup are cancelled for 2 days, the University of Michigan cancelled classes until Friday, first time since 2015 when they closed for 1 day. Unfortunately the hospital is still open and of course that's where I work, lol! Sick people should go home. (Just kidding!)

    I was very happy to see Curtis hired as a bodyguard but we need a mention of Luke and Lucky. Sam's character is being so poorly written that I have absolutely no words. And I always have words!! Ryan was cracking me up, JL is soooo good with this story line.

    Stay warm everybody, even if you're in Vegas!

  10. -20 in Chicago this morning. Brrr. And that isn’t wind chill. Keep warm everyone.

  11. It was a balmy 17 earlier this AM here in northern VA, outside DC. Sun out now and snow melting. Did anyone even ask Lulu how she was feeling? I hate when Sam has to playact-she is so expressionless. Sorry fans of MB, but he always looks like he is trying to act rather than acting. Feel better Karen!

    1. Oh LindaV, where in NOVA? I spent the first 22 years of my life in Reston. I do not miss the snow!

      70 degrees here in San Diego...I wore a sweater AND a pashmina! brrrr.....

    2. CareyN, I am in Great Falls - so near to Reston! So jealous - wish I were there!

  12. As of noon 18" of snow in Kenmore (just north of buffalo) and a blizzard warning for tomorrow morning. And the governor just brought a parade of extra ploughs to try and dig us out so there he is on every network

  13. I usually just read and enjoy all the posts and comments but thought I'd chime in on this one. Had to use a chart to change from celsius to fahrenheit. In Winnipeg, Canada it is currently -33 c which is -27 f. With the wind chill it is -41 (also -41 fahrenheit) which is a warm up from last night's -52 (-61 fahrenheit). It's bright and sunny though. We sent our dogs to doggie daycare today. They're so bored as they can only go outside for a few minutes at a time. There's not even anything to bark at out the window. Everything's open though.

  14. Has the Quartermaine's become a child care center? Rocco, Leo, Scout, and Danny are there. Who watches them? Don't Olivia and Monica work full time. Maybe Ned now that he isn't Mayor. Sam is the most uninvolved mother. I find myself fast forwarding all of her scenes with Jason. It is like their time has come and went. So glad that someone is finally guarding Lulu! Why are so many characters leaving events or places and going home alone at night? Shouldn't the PCPD tell them to travel with others if at all possible? Hope the Weber family is on again soon! Really enjoy their scenes.

    1. The Q's are rich. There is cook etc there. I don't even bother fussing over it cause oh I don't know....it's a soap, not real life. If I wanted reality I'd watch the news, etc. I'm more concerned about things like Jussie Smollett or people being shot. I could care less who is watching who's kids. It's an hr show if they tried to fit in everything everyone wanted we wouldn't get anywhere. LOL! js

    2. "I'm more concerned about things like Jussie Smollett"

      Yeah it's awful!!!!! :( I hope they find the people that did it. I am glad he is going to be okay!

  15. Yes, ITA, when you are the mother of young children, you cannot live the way Sam does,unless you are wealthy and have a full-time nanny. I do think that she is supposed to be wealthy, but never heard any mention of a nanny . . .

    And, yes, everyone should be totally scared to be alone . .

    1. This view of Sam is particularly funny when it plays along side the other stories of how Wiley's parents can't stand being away from him, and Laura talking about Mothers always seeing their children as their babies. Sam doesn't seem to miss her kids at all.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...