Friday, June 15, 2018

This is a friday?

FAnna go "public" in GH hand in hand. Seems weird to have them all wubby-dubby. They go for coffee. It's Peter's birthday> Anna thought about him EVERY YEAR on his birthday. UGH Later, Finn gets her a waffle (BELGIUM!) to celebrate his big day. UGh

Oscar talks to Drew. They are so boring they don't even have food in front of them ahhahaa. (they are in Jake's) . Oh now they have iced tea! And Oscar tells Drew he argues with his mom over what a vegetable is... is "jalapeno poppers a vegetable"?
Good god. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Kim and Jules are in a tent. DEER TICKS PEOPLE!! They banter, play that there's a snake in the sleeping bag, yada yada.  

Rochester Mention..Mike drove around in a parking lot when they went there

Peter has an infection. Hopefully it's MRSA.  :) heh  Lesil gets antibiotics.  She runs into Kim and Julian. Makes up an excuse. Then, a RATTLE SNAKE is on his bed LMAO!! ahahha. He's screaming. And Jules and Kimmy hear him.
I think Rattlers CAN be around here but.. come on

Mike stole the body in Croton to help Sonny out. 

Carly talking to Kevin.. Kevin is finding out that Carly's on way too many meds.  

Lesil runs into Kimmy and Jules.  They hear Peter Screaming his head off. 


  1. Thank you for posting this. Now I won't watch this episode. I hate snakes. Only good snake is a dead snake,

  2. Sounds like a stupid episode. Glad I skipped it now

  3. Why would a grown couple go camping without kids?????????

  4. I fast forwarded most of the show. So dull.

  5. What a horrible show today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The cabin: I am done talking about this.

    The mental facility: I am done talking about this.

    The hospital:

    Anna and Finchy: This is so stupid! They had sex, and they are still acting strange and goofy!!! So now that they are a couple, will RayRay show up with their baby in toe? I hope!!!

    The floating rib:

    Drew and Oscar: Why do they keep talking about the same thing over and over again?!!?!?! Stupid forgotten memories! UGH!


    Kimlian: Okay I love this scene!!!!! :) Finally something good!!! They are so adorable!!!! :)

    Kimlian and Dr. O: Dr O wins the line of the day!

    Dr. O: I was minding my own business when this ruffian accosted me.

    ROFL! Wait so Hiney is so close that Kimlian can hear him screaming?!!?! Oh come on!!!! Are Kimlian camping so close to the cabin? GIVE ME A BREAK!

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Mike: Ohhhh great scene!!!!! Yes I love that Mike is giving us more information about how much he knows about Cronut!!

    "Karen says Rochester Mention."

    Yes but is it Rochester N.Y. or Rochester Minnesota they are talking about? :)

  6. "lindie said... Why would a grown couple go camping without kids?????????"

    You don't always have to go camping with kids. :)

  7. screamingeagle, I will not watch the show either. I'm petrified of snakes.
    I LOVE camping, with or without the kids. Anywhere is good to escape the kids once in a blue moon :)
    Sonya, I totally agree, the cabin and mental facility have GOT to hit the road.

  8. "KT4GH said..Sonya, I totally agree, the cabin and mental facility have GOT to hit the road."

    Yeah it's too much!!! Once they are both free, I will talk about it.

  9. Is there a good place to go to view a missed show? It did not record today(?) and I didn't get to see my favorite couple, Anna and Finn. LOVE this pairing and really looked forward to seeing them. So is there an internet place that will allow you to see a whole missed show the same day? Sorry to be so naive but I seldom have trouble recording.

    I didn't expect to be interested in Carly's lockup, but it is kinda interesting.

    I was sad to hear we are losing Dom--what a good actor, but we seldom got to see him do anything challenging. Pity. Hope he gets a good job quickly as he is much too good to just do nothing. Maybe they can use this as a way to bring back Genie back, as Lulu will need her mom. Maybe this could trigger a real story for her. Especially if Dante goes missing mysteriously. Just some musing....

    1. You could try hulu or bummer that dom is leaving, I agree.

  10. Today's show was so boring when you expect a great Friday cliffhanger!!

  11. I did not think that it was boring, but apparently many here did, but I DO agree--enough with the cabin and the mental hospital! It would be nice if summer at GH brought some lighter fare--some humor, some romance--and LOTS of SLs with teens and kids. Waiting for scenes at Lila's Kids camp, so they can trot out all the kids they have been keeping in the storage closet all winter!

    1. Yeh I enjoyed Fridays episode as well AntJoan, better than Thurs. Only thing about Thurs I liked was Friz.

  12. Also, Dom, please don't leave, and PLEASE bring back Genie and Spencer!

  13. "AntJoan said...Also, Dom, please don't leave,"

    Yes! Don't leave!!!! :(

    "and PLEASE bring back Genie and Spencer!"

    YES PLEASE!!!!

  14. Don't mind the Anna/Finn pairing but I wish he was still playing McBain.
    Dom is a decent actor but I always found the character extraneous.

    1. I agree, I miss McBain too. I also like their pairing.

  15. Is that realistically Kevin with Carly? Kim and Leisl(sp) both work at GH. No recognition of even the name? When GH is good, it's great. When it's bad, it's ridiculous.

    1. Wasn't Leisel technically fired or whatever from all her crap she did? This was before Kim came along, so I can see them not recognizing each other. Not to mention it's a big hospital, and lastly GH......

  16. Love your page , Thank you for continuing writing this page!

  17. Does anyone else feel Kevin acted WEIRD around Carly? I wasn't even sure he wasn't a hallucination for maybe two scenes. Is he REALLY good or has he joined the bad side and he is just there. Somehow for Nell? Is she black mailing him also? Hate the mental hospial.

  18. GH does public service announcements about mental health and encourages everyone to get help. THEN They go and portray the mental hospital as evil, pill pushing and terrifying. SCARY and unnecessary in light of recentl current events.

    1. I was thinkinking the same but Carly is in Max lock up @ a hospital for the crimanaly insane not a hospital someone would willingly go to to seek help so I wasn't too unwilling to overlook it.

  19. I say Nelle is going to pretend she has a dead baby cfor attention and NELL's baby is TGE ONE. BRAD AND LUCAS ADOPT. They made a big deal out of not knowing or meeting the birth mother and Nell will use this for a long time.

  20. I still like my idea better--that Nelle and Hiney fall in love and run away together.

    1. Me too. Two birds, one stone. Haha! Right AntJoan 😁


Horses and Beers

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