Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday NON-Motivation

Sorry... I won't be watching in real-time today--not sure how much I can fit in this week!
Hope you enjoy your day. We've had great weather here for awhile now--which scares me LOL. 

PS. Pay close attention to Aunt Stella when she's on--she may drop some clues. 


  1. It was so boring today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anna's hotel room:

    Anna and Finchy: Oh this is so stupid! UGH! The little chit chat on the phone was so dumb and then they had sex! UGH!

    Q home:

    Nelle and Michael: Zzzzzzzzz.

    The court: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh wait!!! The new DA is working with Nelle!!! That is interesting. :)

    The cabin:

    Nina, Hiney, and Dr. O: Dr. O tormenting Hiney with Three blind mice!! Hahahahahahhahah! Hysterical! :)

    Hiney and Dr. O: Oh Hiney is trying to manipulate you!! Hahahahahaha! Glad it isn't working!! Dr. O is too smart!!

    Maxie's home:

    Chase and Maxie: Kristen Storms! YAY! Welcome back! Well I was right. They have no chemistry and they are boring. Zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh hi Nina! Wow you are so hyper! ROFL!

    1. I guess I'm alone, I enjoyed Finn and Anna. I'm such a huge Michael Easton fan they could pair him with anyone and I'd be happy, case in point, Hayden. I was ticked when he was let go as Silas to bring her on and then brought him back and paired them. Boom, loved it!

  2. What???? Working with? He called her Janelle. I was hoping someone would hear her gloat, like Sonny or Michael...whoever, LOL, but that guy, should be interesting. Can't wait til tomorrow.

  3. Maxie had chemistry with Michael at the child birth class. Is he younger? I forget.

    1. I can't remember, I wanna say she's older.

    2. Maxie is 31 and Michael is 25 so it is only a 6 year age difference which is nothing for a soap.

  4. Oh I forgot to mention about Nelle and Chase!! THEY KNOW EACH OTHER!!!!! :0

    1. Yeh that! My mouth was open wide for like 5 minutes!! LOL!!

  5. "Michelle Latta said... Yeh that! My mouth was open wide for like 5 minutes!! LOL!!"

    Haha! Great twist it was. :)

  6. Anna and Finn are my favorite couple right now. Michelle you are definitely not alone! Michael Easton is one of the best. If Sam leaves the canvas, I will survive. I just dont see anyone Jason would have chemistry with aside from Sam though. When Ava was saving him from the clinic, I thought maybe the two would be good together but I guess not. I like Maxie/Chase combo.

    1. I agree KT. If Ava hadn't gone back to her old ways I could have seen them together as well. If Sam leaves, I say, "bye Felecia." I guess I could get on board with Chase and Maxie, it's just so soon.

  7. I think Anna and Finn are the only couple who have the “sizzle” effect. Julian and Kim, no. Drew and Kim, no. Dante and Lulu, no. Michael and Nelle, heck no. Laura and Kevin had chemistry! GH seems to block chemistry where they can. Chase could’ve stepped into Nathan’s shoes as Nathan recast. Sometimes I think Diane and Kevin would work well. Was there ever any explanation for letting Genie go? That was the biggest upset in GH history in a very long time. Valentin and Nina had the romance and chemistry to a degree. I think Nicholas and Ava “sizzled”. I don’t know. I’m so behind on GH and not excited to catch up unfortunately. I guess we all have our times when we need a GH break. Doesn’t seem to be any love in the afternoon lately! Completely different note, anyone know why Carly thanked Nelle when Nelle came to see her? Was it just for Carly to confirm her own sanity?

  8. Maybe Molly Burnett would be good with Griffin or Dante but not as Maxie. A different character. But cut the cast first. Get rid of Nelle and make Molly the next bad girl! Not a fan of Kiki/Griffin and definitely not fan of Ava/Griffin. These are all good actors/actresses but the existing combos are lacking! I miss Patrick Drake! Now we have Peter, ugh! What is Pete’s purpose??? I love Nina and Maxie together. I do wish Dr. O had a significant other. Would be fun!

  9. I love anna and finn. they have chemistry. no other couple has it. sam can leave never liked her.

  10. I am a huge Michael Easton fan and have been for years--and I adore Anna. I love him with Anna, their sudden discovery of each other, their hesitations, their awkwardness, their passion--oh wow. It does sizzle as KT says. Today was anything but boring for me. The telephone talk was clever and hot...

    Two really big mistakes the show made this year--bumping Genie off the show, and focusing so much on the very uninteresting Peter/Hienrik. Terrible decisions. I loved seeing Laura and Kevin together and now these two marvelous actors are in limbo. Teaming Kevin and Laura would never have occurred to me, but it worked SO well and Genie so deserved a new acting partner of the caliber of Kevin.

    I want Nelle gone so bad. Now HER story I find boring--she is SO obvious with her sneaky smile and big-eyed cons. Made me lose all respect for Michael, though I think he sees her now--but hurry up with it, whatever the plan is to catch her out.

    Valentin has made me like Nina a little bit, which I couldn't before. I like them together.

    1. I agree, I loved Anna and Finns telephone conversation. Glad they finally got it together. Still mad about Genie, wish they'd bring her back. Sick of Nelle, her devilish grin when Carly was sent off, Michael HAD to have seen that. I want a huge pay off for sitting thru this storyline. GH needs to clean house and finish storylines.

  11. Too bad that Alexis and Bensch got nipped in the bud on account of him being creepy. Again, why would GH writers want couples with chemistry? Nina is just a girls girl. I love it. Do Sonny and Michael have a behind the scenes plan to bring Nelle down? Sonny is irritating me with his indifference in court. Makes me want Jason and Carly exploring a relationship. I guess Sarah Brown and Steve Burton had the most chemistry. Lacking with Steve and Laura. He’s the one whose faith in her never waivers. I know that Mike is doing a knock out job with the Alzheimer’s storyline but I do see chemistry with him and Stella.

    1. Sarah and Steve were hot. I don't see that with Laura. Her version of Carly is a grown up. I wonder if Michael has clued Sonny in since he was with Sonny and Jason after Carly was sent off?

  12. I love Finn and Anna - gorgeous couple and sexy! Great pairing! I want someone to smack Nelle in that smirky face of hers. Really sick of Peter taking up screen time. Glad KS is back and I love her scenes with Nina.


Horses and Beers

  It's only Tuesday!! Let's see if anything happens today on GH. If you haven't see, be sure to check out the post below this an...