Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Oh there's casting news ALL OVER the damn place now-- so here we go!! It's going to be an interesting few weeks, people.

This is Patrick J Gibbons, famous for his role as Sam (I loved him) on OLTL. I thought maybe Aiden but?? 

SORA'd CAMERON! I finally finally got my wish!! Here he is Cade Brady McWatt (quite an actor name, no?)  Read more on Soap Opera News. 

Here's another one! This one is...Elizabeth's childhood friend from before she even came to Port Charles! HOW special is that??!! ANOTHER backstory about another person...we don't know!!  Bonus--the is Terry who by all accounts is transgender.  Actor's name: Cassandra James.  She's is a transgender actress who has her own You Tub Channel (click for link). 

1 comment:

  1. She's beautiful but ugh another newbie! At least Cam is recast older. I wonder OLTL Sam is being recast as, maybe Aiden?


Horses and Beers

  It's only Tuesday!! Let's see if anything happens today on GH. If you haven't see, be sure to check out the post below this an...