Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday Blues

Yeah, can't do the Blog today--maybe tomorrow, def not Wed. Too much going on. My last week of work before SUMMER starts.

Hope that Snake goes nuts. 


  1. WHO is Shondra??

    please we gotta stop the fake torturing of Peter - let's move on, writers!

    1. Probably either Curtis mom or an ex that Aunt Stella wants to bring to PC to cause trouble.

  2. and I DID rewatch the ending with Alexis in that weird pose looking in the mirror with a far-away look in her eye
    so I DO think she's gonna turn in to her mom - or go crazy or something

    1. Ugh....snooze fest. About to tune out. Don't want to see her go bat shit crazy.

  3. Replies
    1. No Leisel got something and threw it out of the cabin.

  4. Camp ground:

    Dr O and Kimlian: Dr. O wins the line of the day.



    Kimlian: I just love them together!!!! :) Some fun sex, and he doesn't know about smores? ROFL!

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Mike: OH CRAP! So close for Mike to tell where the body is buried!! Literally!!! Damn why did Dante have to show up at that exact moment!! No Mike SHHHHHHH!

    Mike and Dante: Awwww Mike loves his grandpa!!! :)

    Sonny and Mike: Now back to the body. Oh crap! Mike doesn't remember. :(

    The hospital:

    Maxie and James Jr: Awww great scene!!!!!! :) They didn't show his wittle face!!! Maybe cus it was a doll. :)

    Maxie and Lulu: Not besties yet! You heard her Lulu! Give her time!!

    Lulu and Amy: Hmmm. Amy did Dr. Scum did something to you too? Or maybe you understand cus someone else did something to you? Hmmmmm.

    The metrocourt:

    Stella and Jurtis: Oh man!! Do you really want Stella part of your wedding?!!?!?!?! Not a good idea!

    Stella and Jordan: Awww come on Stella! Forgive Jordan! Stella on the phone.. Damn! She will be a bad girl and break the wedding up! Isn't she? Stella now that is not a very good Christian thing to do!!!!! Hmmm Stella found keys!!! Who's keys I wonder? OH WOW!!!! Hello flash drive in the lost and found box!!! Can you breath in there? How the hell did you get in there?!

    The floating rib:

    Drew and Nina: Come on Nina!! Tell Drew about the flash drive!! GAH!

    Drew and Curtis: Awwww Curtis!! Best man Drew for the wedding! So sweet. :) Love my Durtis!!

    1. I wonder how many yrs it'll take to find it in the lost and found???

  5. "Michelle Latta said...No Leisel got something and threw it out of the cabin."

    She will probably decide to keep it for a pet, and name it Faison! ROFL!

  6. "Michelle Latta said...Haha! No doubt!"


    "Michelle Latta said...I wonder how many yrs it'll take to find it in the lost and found???"

    Hmmmm 20 years! :)

    1. I was thinking when Nellies child is legal drinking age, so we were pretty close. LOL!!!!

  7. "Michelle Latta said...I was thinking when Nellies child is legal drinking age, so we were pretty close. LOL!!!!"

    Hahahahha! Yeah I say we were. :)

  8. As someone who has been camping I can tell you that nothing looks more stupid than people with a screened tent lying outside or in the doorway, complaining about the flies. I compare it to people standing ion the water and complaining that their feet are wet.

    Michelle Latta said...
    I wonder how many yrs it'll take to find it in the lost and found???

    *** I was thinking that maybe they were Drew or Nina's keys and they'll go check Lost and Found. Then when they see the flash drive they'll clue in.

  9. Dr. O having scream therapy in the woods? I need to go too!
    Julian whining about bug bites but keeps taking his shirt off? Have the writers been camping ever? Even once? Smores? You never heard of smores and you own a restaurant? Whatever.
    Nina needs to figure out what she's doing? She's all over the place. Like asking Jordan about flash drives wasn't super obvious or anything. Just fess up about Peter in the woods and get this mess over. Who's keys did Stella put in the lost and found? Hopefully Drew's.
    Sonny must've said "he's a cop" like sixteen times while trying not to let Mike spill the beans to Dante but then of course by the time he left he lost his train of thought for another couple of months until they bring it up again. Who cares about a thirty year old murder?
    Come on Amy! You could have come up with something better than whining about being dismissed. Maybe being sexually harassed and then being dismissed because "no one would harass YOU because you're plus sized" at least that would've been believable and noteworthy. I was expecting better.

  10. I am still laughing because Kim and Julian are having sex in the woods with mosquitos, ticks and black flies, with the tent wide open. Also, they just saw Leisl in the woods for some "therapy group". Wouldn't they want a little privacy.

    A rattlesnake in New York and in a cabin???? More likely there'd be mice.

  11. Dumb show for a Monday. Or, any day for that matter.

  12. Lindie said "Dumb show for a Monday. Or, any day for that matter." It's true, the pacing of the show is sluggish at best.I wish the snake had ended Peter so that story would be over- it is so unbelievable even for a soap.I would rather see "Caroline" in the nuthouse I would not like an Aunt Stella in my family tree. Most every time I see her on screen I'd like to slap that woman.

  13. I guess Aunt Stella is calling one of Curtis's old girlfriends? Either that, or she knows Shonda Rhimes, LOL

  14. "AntJoan said...I guess Aunt Stella is calling one of Curtis's old girlfriends? Either that, or she knows Shonda Rhimes, LOL"

    That's exactly what I was going to say to Barbara!!! It's Shonda Rhimes! ROFL!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...