Friday, June 22, 2018

I Hear Your Screams

So I haven't watched in 3 days...I have no clue what's been going on but I don't think I missed THAT much. 

St. Janitorial Jaysus sees Mary Mother of Morgan through the window while he's mopping up. They "touch" UGH. Rupert comes in with dinner. Carly spills it so Jason can come clean it up.  They talk about how she's supposed to act, yada yada. 

Body Snatcher Mike thinks he remembers the guy "Charlie" (old bar owner) when he sees his picture on the wall. WHO WALKS IN?'s the NEWBIE DA!! Sonny locks eyes with her-- there's mood lighting and LIQUOR! RUN RUN FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL, SISTER!! they argue about how BAD he is.... "no ones ever taken me down yet"!!! "You haven't me me"!!!  

Val tuned Nina's office into Morocco. You know--because they have all that old Pier One stuff in the props room so....whynot?  They have the SAME convo I've heard 77 million times. OY VEY

Sam and Curtis go to search Peter's room. Bet they find the flash drive?  Nope, the room is now occupied by the new DA and she catches them!! LOL 

Julian and Alexis in therapy. All you need to know is that Nancy and Will act the HELL out of it. I may hate the whole thing but they were really good. 

SO, who's in that room in the mental institution? I'm saying: RYAN CHAMBERLAIN 

MY STORY IDEA:  Lucas was trying to get money to put the down payment on that condo he and Brad wanted to buy. To make some quick $$ he decided to donate to the PC sperm bank. Doctor's swimmers go for big bucks. Anyway, Nelle just happened to be in the parking lot that day because she was planning on bamboozling Michael into thinking she was preggo with his kid and had to go get some help in actually GETTING pregnant. 
She sees Lucas coming out of the building...a devious plan forms in her head. She finds out his donor number and "picks" him from the field. SO the baby is actually Lucas' baby :) That way she knew if her plan failed, she had a back up. A doctor who also wanted a baby and would give her child support. 



  1. hmmm....Do you think maybe Ryan got the upper hand and switched places with Kevin, because he has been acting funny lately, and this is one of the few old stories they haven't rewritten yet.

    1. How is he acting? I guess I'm missing something.

  2. Jason's devotion to Carly is nothing new, we know but since the reunion with Sam isn't happening, yet, I can't help wonder if TPTB could ever consider a current Carly/Jason pairing?

  3. I LOVE your story idea about Nelle and Lucas! Damn! Why can`t the writers come up with stuff like this?

  4. The missing dead body is probably buried under Charlie's pub and new construction will unearth it. Cue new DA trying to convict Sonny, Mike takes the blame, Sonny has has hate sex with new DA and gets her pregnant with his supersperm.
    If Carly is on supermax where is Heather?! I keep waiting for her to pop up but apparently the writers forgot she was supposed to be there. Screaming man probably is Ryan or Kevin. Or their long lost identical triplet Marvin who's been escaping and impersonating both of them for years.
    I've been behind on my episodes due to short staffing and having to pull double shifts twice this week. I missed the drama but I'm so very glad that the blog is reinstated. I have no one I know who watches GH and I need somewhere to vent and push the snark out of my mouth so it doesn't escape at work. As a nurse I have dealt with all types, homeless, undocumented, gay, straight, HIV +, addicts, elderly and children, we are all human and we deserve respect regardless. Life is short, precious and not promised.

  5. Oh Karen!!!! Hahahaha. You are so funny!

    The hospital:

    Doc's office:

    Julian and Alexis: I agree Karen! They sure did act the hell out of it! I agree with Julian! Felt more like a witch hunt than closure!!!

    Children ward:

    Brucus: BRUCUS!!! YAY! I can't believe they are showing them together!!!! :) Brad wins the line of the day!

    Brad: Excuse me sir but you finished your rounds over an hour ago. Do I have to call security to remove you?

    ROFL! They are so adorable!!!! :) Oh man they are so skeered that the mother is going to change her mind about the baybay! Which means it's forshadowing, which means something bad is going to happen. :(

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Mike and Sonny: Awww Mike. :( Poor Mike is all confused now. Man I want to know more about that guy in the picture. Is he dead? Did Sonny kill him and didn't know it? And then buried him in Cronut?

    New DA and Sonny: Oh oh! The new DA is pissing Sonny off!!! Which means they will be having HOT hate sex in like a month or two. :) I can't wait for that! :)


    Valenina: Awwww Nina!!! Forgive V.C.!! He loves you!!!! He is so damn charming! :) Let him help you!!!! Great scene by both of them!

    Hiney's hotel room:

    Sam and Curtis: Hiney Hiney Hiney. blah blah blah.. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh wait it's the new DA's room now!!!!

    Crazy town:

    Okay.. You guys said that Doc has been acting strangely, but I didn't notice anything, until today!!!! When Jason told Doc that someone is screaming, Doc gave a strange look... Hmmmm.

  6. "Di said...hmmm....Do you think maybe Ryan got the upper hand and switched places with Kevin,"

    Oh great theory!!! And maybe Doc is the one who is screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But when did Ryan get the upper hand?

    "Alicia said...The missing dead body is probably buried under Charlie's pub and new construction will unearth it."

    Oh!!! Interesting!!! Could be!!

    "Cue new DA trying to convict Sonny, Mike takes the blame, Sonny has has hate sex with new DA and gets her pregnant with his supersperm."

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! You won! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And yes his supersperm knows no bounds! :)

  7. Everyone's forgotten that Heather was moved to Miscavage (named after the Scientology head) because she had escaped Ferncliffe so many times.

  8. Ryan Chamberlain (Kevin's twin brother) crashed Felicia and Mac Scorpio's wedding with a bomb, but is sent to an asylum. After escaping with the help of his counselor Connie Cooper, he kills her, kidnaps Georgie Jones and dies in a funhouse explosion after a face-to-face with his brother Kevin.We all know no one on the Soaps really dies. So it could be Kevin's brother screaming in a room near Caroline's. Kevin's brother was a Dr also.

  9. Today is Deb Kramsky's birthday.. :(

  10. "Michelle Latta said.. Who is that?"

    Oh she used to be on here. Then she passed away a few years ago.

    1. Oh I'm sorry. 😢 I guess that was before my time. Sad to hear.

  11. "Michelle Latta said...Oh I'm sorry. 😢 I guess that was before my time. Sad to hear."

    Oh! I thought you here when she was here.. When did you start coming on here?

    1. It's been a couple yrs, not sure exactly. I maybe was still new or just forgot. Bad memory with seizures.

  12. I saw something online that said Bryan Craig was coming back. Might be a rumor

    1. He was joking. He is going to be in a show called Grand Hotel in the fall.

  13. "Michelle Latta said..Bad memory with seizures."

    Aww honey. :( So sorry. :(

    1. Thanks Sonya, I was diagnosed in 2003, so it's just one of those things I've gotten used to.

  14. "Michelle Latta said... Thanks Sonya, I was diagnosed in 2003, so it's just one of those things I've gotten used to."

    :( Can't you take any medications for the seizures?


Horses and Beers

  It's only Tuesday!! Let's see if anything happens today on GH. If you haven't see, be sure to check out the post below this an...